Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


Ultimately, a manager or supervisor within an organization should be responsible for team development. Inevitably, however, differences among team members will arise. Based on the team-building checklist found on page 89 of the textbook, design a PowerPoint presentation that illustrates your understanding of how team-building activities can be utilized to diagnose and solve problems within a team. In addition, provide examples of how these problems can serve as detriments to team success. Also, outline the phases of the team-building cycle and how it can be used to develop activities to improve team performance.
At least two additional resources should be used in addition to your textbook, and each should be cited and referenced properly using APA formatting. The presentation should consist of a title slide, a minimum of eight slides of content, and a reference slide.


THIS HOW MY PROF wants my paper

We all need our inspiration. A way to determine your taste, your interests, color
-Gathering: (make sure to properly record @artist_name) from Instagram, pinterest, hollowware artists, real-life objects
-Analysis: reflect on your choices. Categorize and understand your tastes and the things that speak to you. Is this inspiring you to do some sketching of you own ideas? You can also make your own sketches or collage work to develop a line of work.
-Documentation: Journal? Folder? Photoshop collage or PDF?

From the pdfs you sent, I understand you are working on two ideas. One is masks and the other has designs by Ciga Long. The mask document has 4 links (the fist one doesnt work) showing forged masks and videos on forging steel masks. What you wrote does not really qualify as analysis of the resources , this is defined as detailed examination of the elements or structure of something.” It does describe (it was very confusing) a series of gold, wood and pearl masks for animals with huge glasses? Does this refer to work you have sketched of tried to craft? The second document presents thee designs by Ciga Long. This one is more clear but the quality of the analysis could be further developed. If this is all you have, and this is all you are going to present for this assignment, I really think it is not sufficient.  This is why I wanted for us to agree on a strategy.

To improve on the work that you have so far I need you to do the following:
-improve on your analysis. Ask yourself questions and be more descriptive on the information that you are gathering from each resource. The videos show an impressive amount of technique and work processes. How can you apply this to your work? In the Ciga Long document it would be interesting to find out the types of stones, materials and techniques. It could also be interesting to analyze the pieces in terms of the elements of design (symmetry, color, negative space.)
-develop your ideas further. Define, in a clear and simple way what you want to do. Break it down in steps and present them in an orderly fashion. If the animal gold mask line is an idea you are developing then you need to design animal mask patterns for a mask. You also mentioned pearl and wood, another challenge is to research how to deal with these materials and finding a technique to cold connect them to the metal.
-further documentation. If you have done sketches, cut-out patterns, made some models, document it! Take a photo and arrange it in a document. Please describe what you are showing. It helps me understand what you are thinking better.

Team Building

You have been recently promoted to lead a new division of Company XYZ. This company is known for its team-oriented atmosphere, and your boss has raved about some of your natural leadership qualities. Your first task is to assemble the best team possible from the potential candidates found below. An explanation of the skillsmotivation matrix can be found on p. 39 in your textbook. Read each description, and provide the following information in a minimum three-page double-spaced document (not including the title and references pages):
Classify each team member into one of the four matrix areas.
Discuss the reommended action for each employee depending on his/her classification.
Distinguish if your role as the leader will be a facilitator, coach, or a combination of the two.
Examine which team competencies would benefit from shared leadership.

about expository/ informative essay

There are 3 questions to answer
1. Discuss a situation in which you will write an expository/ informative essay? Explain how expository essays can be beneficial to you as an army leader?
2. Describe some differences between expository and descriptive essays? If given a choice which of these two essays would you prefer to write and why?
3. Which of the essay types covered are you most comfortable and why? What are the three parts of an essay? What does the five paragraph format consist of?

I will upload a document with answers from other people to have an idea how to answer those questions.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Post your Cause/effect paragraph draft to the discussion area for peer review.  To ensure you get feedback you can use, you must include two specific questions to guide your readers, so they can analyze and provide feedback on those questions.  The questions should be specific to your paragraph.  Focus on the skills we are practicing this week in sentence structure, or those you feel you need help with.  For example, I might ask for help with commas if I find those difficult, or for feedback on my topic sentence.
ONLY 9-11 Sentence 
Then, respond to two other students drafts.  Be sure to answer their questions and be on the lookout for the skills we have worked on so far in this class:  Commonly misspelled or confusing words, sentence fragments, and run-on sentences.

select one of the sources you have found through your preliminary research about your research topic. Which source you choose is up to you; however, it should be substantial enough that you will be able to talk about it at length

For this essay, you will select one of the sources you have found through your preliminary research about your research topic. Which source you choose is up to you; however, it should be substantial enough that you will be able to talk about it at length, and intricate enough that it will keep you (and your reader) interested.


The first component of the critical assignment is for students to choose a company (or organization) to examine. Secondly, the students should submit a two page preliminary examination of the chosen organizations Mission , Values, and Vision. Include the MTP if the organization has one.

The company we are writing on is Adidas

This preliminary examination of Mission, Values, and Vision, will build the section of the final paper, which is detailed here:

Using information from Canvas Mission, Vision, Values unit, course Multi-touch textbook (Chapter 2), news articles, company websites, digital library searches, etc. analyze the companys internal environment as it relates to its mission, values, and vision. Please use at least 3 citations.


Essential resources.
We all need our inspiration. A way to determine your taste, your interests, color schemes, things that motivate you to try in your own work in the studio.
-Gathering: (make sure to properly record @artist_name) from Instagram, pinterest, hollowware artists, real-life objects
-Analysis: reflect on your choices. Categorize and understand your tastes and the things that speak to you. Is this inspiring you to do some sketching of you own ideas? You can also make your own sketches or collage work to develop a line of work.
-Documentation: Journal? Folder? Photoshop collage or PDF?

From the pdfs you sent, I understand you are working on two ideas. One is masks and the other has designs by Ciga Long. The mask document has 4 links (the fist one doesnt work) showing forged masks and videos on forging steel masks. What you wrote does not really qualify as analysis of the resources , this is defined as detailed examination of the elements or structure of something.” It does describe (it was very confusing) a series of gold, wood and pearl masks for animals with huge glasses? Does this refer to work you have sketched of tried to craft? The second document presents thee designs by Ciga Long. This one is more clear but the quality of the analysis could be further developed. If this is all you have, and this is all you are going to present for this assignment, I really think it is not sufficient.  This is why I wanted for us to agree on a strategy.

To improve on the work that you have so far I need you to do the following:
-improve on your analysis. Ask yourself questions and be more descriptive on the information that you are gathering from each resource. The videos show an impressive amount of technique and work processes. How can you apply this to your work? In the Ciga Long document it would be interesting to find out the types of stones, materials and techniques. It could also be interesting to analyze the pieces in terms of the elements of design (symmetry, color, negative space.)
-develop your ideas further. Define, in a clear and simple way what you want to do. Break it down in steps and present them in an orderly fashion. If the animal gold mask line is an idea you are developing then you need to design animal mask patterns for a mask. You also mentioned pearl and wood, another challenge is to research how to deal with these materials and finding a technique to cold connect them to the metal.
-further documentation. If you have done sketches, cut-out patterns, made some models, document it! Take a photo and arrange it in a document. Please describe what you are showing. It helps me understand what you are thinking better.


commemorative speech

Question 1 (Chapter 18)

Write a Commemorative Speech one page in length. In this Commemorative Speech, you will pay tribute to one person.

The person to whom you pay tribute is a person you currently know personally or knew personally. This person will not be a famous, historical, or contemporary figure. Because this is a Commemorative Speech, this assignment calls for a less didactic speech than the informative and persuasive speeches. Commemorative Speeches focus particularly on the use of language, so you must use language imaginatively and experiment with the devices for enhancing clarity and vividness.

This one-page Commemorative Speech must exemplify the principles of commemorative speaking discussed in Chapter 18.

Question 2 (Chapter 20)

Think about a group you were part of in this last year.  Identify a relatively important decision you made as a member of that group that affected you negatively.  This means you will think of a decision you made that did not have a successful ending for you. 
Choose a decision for which you did not use the reflective-thinking method. 
Reconstruct how you reached that decision in about 100 words. 
Explain how you would re-make the decision following the reflective-thinking method. Do this in about 200 words, explaining what you would do at each stage of the method.

Cultural Sound Healing

I need these topics to be covered as attached in my Word file.


So the paper has to have masters quality of referencing and research to support the installation that’s being created.