Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Women have served in various contexts and this has changed over time.  Complete research based on the following criteria regarding the historical context of women leaders.

Read Chapter 3 in the textbook by Halee Gray Scott. (Dare Mighty Things)

Write a 3-4 page paper highlighting, comparing, and contrasting 2 women leaders from history serving in different contexts and why they were successful or unsuccessful in their leadership in that context. Ensure the following points are addressed:

Choose two women from any of the following eras.  The two women in your paper must be from different eras:
      A woman leader from ancient Egypt, Greece or Rome
      A woman leader from the Middle Ages to Renaissance
      A woman leader from the 19th and 20th century

Ensure that you use the Paper Writing rubric to guide your efforts and support your work with scholarly academic resources using APA format.

Effects of processed meat on colon cancer

please write a research paper base on the outline attached, and make sure to use the same resources(works cited) in the outline.

INSTRUCTIONS: Title page with your name and abstract
An abstract with 200-300 words (comprehensive summary of the report, not included in overall word count)
Introduction, body with subtitles, discussion, conclusion/summary, bibliography/references
A minimum of 5 professional journal articles (> 50% primary research articles instead of review articles; can not be more than 10 years old; should not from a popular magazine or website)
Format: Font style – Times New Roman or Calibri; Font size – 12, double spaced
Appropriate in-text citations and bibliography (APA reference)

Capsim Report

Strategic Posture
o  Strategic history of the organization (over the 6 rounds)
o  Organizational mission statement and strategic vision
o  Business level strategy
Internal Analysis
o  Financial analysis – A financial analysis of the firm in comparison to the industry.

Marriage/Divorge or Ageism

Choose one of the Following:

Marriage/Divorce: Read about the changing trends in marriage and divorce rates since the 1970s in the United States. Think about and discuss the following: Is the strength or health of families in decline? Should the legal system impose more requirements before getting married or make it more difficult to obtain a divorce? Do we need to incentivize marriages more? What can (or should) the United States government do to better families and marriages in American society and why?

Ageism: Ageism is described as discrimination against older people. Although some people argue ageism can also be targeted toward younger people. Do you believe the United States is ageist? How do we treat and care for our elders compared to other cultures/nations? Should ageism get the same amount of attention as other isms in popular news media? Discuss specific examples youve experienced, witnessed, or read about to support your thoughts.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You will complete a critical analysis of one of the topics we explored this semester in our Women and Media course. We have had some spirited discussions on each of the topics listed below on the inequalities, patriarchal dominance, social and cultural norms and what seems at times, solidified ideologies that have plagued women in America and the greater world and the media’s influence on them. We have explored each topic with different forms of texts from different critics and explored their analysis – texts are defined as: videos, movies, various articles/handouts to support our critical exploration.

You will now take on the role of media critic/theorist and will build an argument that presents your results on one of the topics below. You will explore the cultural and societal norms surrounding women’s images in media in all its forms that help perpetuate, and even in some cases solidify, the ideology of patriarchy. You will also argue that in recent years norms are shifting and even resisting, evolving and create new norms for women in the fight against patriarchal dominance. For the topic you choose, you will present an argument including — historical context, the current state (where things stand now), and what has changed in society and media that has helped with any evolution of norms. Remember, this argument has to be made with references and examples of media text. You will need to research and have stats and examples that do not include the ones I presented to you.  Lastly, I would like your theory and prediction on where you see women’s image in your topic heading, (including social media) trends.


The references are below, some will be attached


“Ethics”  Please respond to the following:
Page 1
The SEC released its final rule to implement a code of ethics under SOX Title 404. The stock exchanges have proposed that each company listed on the exchanges publishes its code of ethics. Discuss whether or not these additional disclosures will both have a positive impact on public confidence and influence investors behavior. Support your position.

Page 2
Evaluate the impact that a company’s code of conduct can have on promoting positive employee behavior, improved decision making, or the willingness to report unethical behavior of coworkers. Recommend at least two ethical policies that might encourage employees to report unethical behavior.

Leadership and Group Collaboration Scoring Guide

Read the Assessment 1 Scenario found in the Resources. Information in your assessment should be based on information from the scenario. 

Develop a professional response to the supervisor using the template provided. The letter will have two main components:

Identify the qualities of a successful leader and compare them to your own leadership characteristics.
Make recommendations on how to lead and foster teamwork.

Your letter should be 34 double-spaced pages in length.
Apply correct APA formatting to all in-text citations and references.
Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.
Express your main points, arguments, and conclusions coherently.
Use correct grammar and mechanics.
Support your claims, arguments, and conclusions with credible evidence from 23 current, scholarly or professional sources.

Create a blog post addressing Internet use and security.

For this Assignment, you will create a blog post addressing Internet use and security.

To complete this Assignment:

Use the search engine of your choice, search for free blog tool.
Select the tool that you feel is most appropriate for the task.
Sign up for a free account. (Note: if you already have a blog account, you may use that.)
Choose an appropriate background or theme.
Give your blog an appropriate name.
Create a post that contains a short paragraph on each of the following topics:

Brief history of the Internet and security issues.
Methods of communication
Social networking
Wikis and blogs
Podcasts and webcasts
Streaming media
E-commerce and m-commerce
Include a relevant image in each of your blog posts. Make sure that the pictures are free to use and share. (Hint: Use Google Advanced Image Search. Under License, choose Free to use and share.)
Provide a direct link for each image you use.

Justice and Constitution

Choose ONE of the topics below to write about:

Few people could live together and not have laws. Why? Consider the concept of pluralism. Does pluralism have any negative aspects? Why have some fought so hard against the concept in the United States? Consider present examples and discussion surrounding the idea of pluralism and how this may or may not be connected to the current discussion on immigration.

Could a country such as the United States function without a federal constitution? Would it be possible for each state to merely abide by its own constitution? Why shouldn’t the US Constitution include an overall criminal code specifying crimes and punishments that could apply [universally] throughout the US? Can you think of current tensions between states’ rights and the federal government (e.g., gun laws, physician assisted suicide, legalization of marijuana, etc.) Discuss.

Should any one court be given the final say? Why or why not? Is there a negative side to appointment for life on the Court? Does this and the inability to lessen a justice’s salary really prevent influencing a Supreme Court justice? Do you think that the Supreme Court is a de facto lawmaker? What about split decisions? Considering many Supreme Court decisions are decided 5 to 4, is it reasonable to have the law of the land determined by 5 people?

As discussed previously, can you think of current tensions between states’ rights and the federal government? Discuss. Do you believe that this influences your daily life? Imagine a system in which the federal government determined all laws across the land. One in which there was no local or state-level jurisdiction fluctuation. What would it look like?

Explain at what point a person is considered “under arrest.” Explain the difference between a stop and an arrest. Why might states authorize probable cause arrests for certain unwitnessed misdemeanors? How much force can be used by an officer when executing an arrest? How is it determined? Can you think of any times when you heard about “excessive use of force” and if so, how do you think the actions of a few influenced the perceptions of many regarding the police?

Considering the USA Patriot Act, do you think Americans could ever sacrifice too many rights in exchange for national security? What does the Patriot Act allow the government to do that might give you pause concerning your privacy? Do you believe that most people know what is in the Patriot Act concerning their individual liberties? If you decided to protest the government anyway, do you think some of these concerns over the Patriot Act’s reach could impact you?

marketing plan

Assignment 2: Part B: Your Marketing Plan

Using the same hypothetical company from Assignment 1 (Assignment 1 is attached), for this assignment, you will focus on the companys branding strategy, primary and secondary target markets, positioning statement, and consumer behavior.

Note: You should create and/or make all the necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.


Create the second part of your marketing plan:

Describe or list the feedback you received on Part 1 of your marketing plan ( this is also attached). Explain how you will use the feedback to improve your plan.

Develop a branding strategy for your product/service that covers the brand name, logo, slogan, and at least one brand extension.

Thoroughly analyze the primary and secondary markets that you want to target.

Thoroughly include the demographic profile (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity, etc.), psychographic profile, professional profile, geographic profile, and any other segmentation variable you deem necessary.

Prepare a positioning statement. Include a perceptual map that shows your company’s position against its competitors. From this map, create a statement that depicts your position.

Examine the relevant consumer behavior for your target market. Explain the main reasons why the brand name, logo, slogan, brand extension, as well as the positioning statement are right for the identified target market.

Use at least 6 academic resources as quantitative marketing research to determine the feasibility of your product/service. These resources should be industry-specific and relate to your chosen product/service.

Note: Wikipedia and other similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Make sure that you cite and reference anything that is not common knowledge or that you are getting from a source.  This paper will be checked with plagiarism checker.