Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

health care

There are several types of waste generated in the health care industry: infectious, pathological, sharps, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, genotoxic, radioactive, and non-hazardous or general waste.

Create an infographic that illustrates each type of waste in the health care industry. Include descriptions of the waste, sources for the waste, how much is generated per year, how it is disposed, and solutions for reducing it.

Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Briefly Explain The Difference Between Certification And Licensure

Begin each writing assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type).
Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e., an introduction, middle paragraphs and conclusion).
Responses must be typed double-spaced, using a standard font (i.e., Times New Roman) and 12 point type size.
Plagiarism All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Put written answers into your own words. Do not simply cut and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook. Be sure to refer to the course syllabus for more details on plagiarism and proper citation styles

World Cinema: polycentric, polymorphic, or polyvalent

As we enter the last stretch before the final, I wanted to give you a guide to how to study for the exam. We’ve covered a lot of ground in the class: theoretical ground and empirical detail. It’s a lot to navigate. Here’s how to make the best use of the last week before the final.

The final exam is a single essay question. It will ask you about the concepts of the polycentric, polymorphic, and polyvalent in world cinema. You should be able to show your understanding of those concepts by coming up with examples from the course.

Do you need a refresher on the polycentric, polymorphic, and polyvalent? Chapter 1 of the textbook is worth reviewing in full. Pages 23-30 deal with these concepts directly. I didn’t assign the book’s introduction because it’s written for scholars and instructors, but if you want further elaboration, you can check out pages 5-11.

Once you have a sense for what those terms mean and why those perspectives are important, look for ways that they can be applied. A starting point might be to check out the index of the textbook, at the top of page 444. From there, you can go to moments in the book where the authors use those concepts to explore other themes. This should strengthen your notion of what these three terms mean and how they can be applied. You should also review the lectures. In addition to consulting with your notes, you can review my PowerPoint slides. I’ve gone ahead and posted all of my slides from Week 1 to Week 15 on the “PowerPoint Slides” section of Blackboard. These slides do not contain audio or video, but at least give you a skeletal way of recalling all of the topics discussed. Don’t just look for the moments where the polycentric, polymorphic, or polyvalent are explicitly mentioned; you should by now be able to apply those terms in describing what’s happening in different contexts.

You should also review the films, though that is not as important as reviewing the readings, lectures, and discussions. I don’t recommend you re-watch all of the films, but if there are any you missed, you might want to watch them now. Of the pre-midterm films, Om Shanti Om and Udaan are on Netflix. Toni Erdmann is available for rent online. Basically, how might the films illustrate polycentric, polymorphic, and polyvalent phenomena? And by “phenomena,” I am referring to the many themes/topics we covered in the class: film festivals, blockbusters, co-productions, audiences, etc.

The exam will be open-book and open-note. That means you can refer to the textbook, any Blackboard slides, or notes you’ve taken in the course. You can re-watch moments in films; you could even take frame grabs if they directly enhance your argument. You just can’t work with anybody else in writing the essay. In your essay, if you do refer to the textbook or other assigned readings, please cite the text appropriately via footnotes, endnotes, or parenthetical citations.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Identify and read two to three articles that discuss how your initiative can reduce waste at the health care setting you selected.

Note: If relevant articles are not found in the University Library, expand your search to outside sources and materials.

Identify best practices you can use in your sustainability initiative.

Write a 90- to 175-word summary for each citation that explains how the article supports the sustainability initiative you are developing in this course.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Name two trends that emerge from the demographic data about age and the impact on health care.

Begin each writing assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type).
Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e., an introduction, middle paragraphs and conclusion).
Responses must be typed double-spaced, using a standard font (i.e., Times New Roman) and 12 point type size.
Plagiarism All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Put written answers into your own words. Do not simply cut and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook. Be sure to refer to the course syllabus for more details on plagiarism and proper citation styles.

Discussion board response

Your response should be at least 150 words and you must provide a logical answer from the chapter readings.

All answers must come from the textbook and you must provide the chapter and page number.

From Discussion board respond the following questions:

4***Define Organizational Behavior and what it strives to understand as stated in the textbook?

5***Explain the difference between leadership and management as stated in the textbook.

6***Explain the nature of stakeholder responsibility and its ethical basis as stated in the textbook.

7***Explain what the utilitarian principle and the distributive justice and golden rules principle suggest as stated in the textbook

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Critically Thinking about Your Products

One of the educational goals at school is to help students become more conscientious citizens who understand the importance of sustainable lifestyle choices. As you have hopefully discovered by now, the concepts of this class should not be limited to the classroom. Critical Thinking is a course designed to help you become better equipped to make reasonable, well-informed decisions in every aspect of your life.

Now is your opportunity to apply the skills learned in this course to something you do almost every day: morning grooming with various grooming, hygiene, or cosmetic products. For many Americans, morning is the time at which they are exposed to the most toxins, and morning is the time at which they consume the most products that may be harmful to other people, animals, and the environment. This assignment is an opportunity for you to learn about one grooming/hygiene/cosmetic product you use while you get ready for your day.

Choose a grooming or hygiene product that you use daily, or almost daily, as you get ready for work or school. It should be a product about which you have little knowledge; it can be anything from your toothpaste to your shampoo to your lipstick. Now do extensive research on that product. Your research should include the following findings:

The specific name/brand of the specific product you are researching
The ingredients of the product,
Any potential harm those ingredients may cause to you, or to the environment (use the skills you acquired in chapters 10 and 11 on generalizations from samples to causal studies to help interpret the findings…actually discuss the studies that “prove” that the ingredient is harmful in some way),
Where the ingredients are acquired and any potential environmental or human damage the acquisition of those ingredients may cause (so feel free to discuss human rights issues that you think are relevant)
Any potential harm the actual manufacturing of the product may cause, from the people who make the product, to the waste products from the factory,
Any other information you find useful for the purposes of this assignment.
The goal of this assignment is for you to become better informed about the impact a small action can have on the world, and be more aware of how you affect the world around you. Your essay should prove why the product is bad or harmful in some way, so you are essentially presenting an argument based on the findings of your research. The skills from chapter 1 about the components of an argument should be employed in your essay; the concepts from chapter 4 about credibility of sources will be relevant here, as you must use sources that are reliable in your essay (and do not forget to cite your sources in MLA format both in text and at the end of your essay); the concepts from chapters 10 and 11 will help you to interpret any studies you may find; and you must avoid the use of rhetorical devices and fallacies in your essay, thus the concepts of chapters 5, 6, and 7 are important in your essay.

Your essay should be a minimum of 1500 words, not including your “Works Cited” section at the end of your essay. Your essay should not exceed 3000 words.
Submit your responses in the text box provided when you click on “submit assignment.”
Do not attach any files to your submission. Any charts or other graphics should be inserted into your essay or included at the end of your essay by using the “insert image” tool.
Your essay will be automatically checked through the “Turn It In” system, so make sure that you are responsibly citing your sources, including quotation marks around quoted material, and using your own words for any summarizing or paraphrasing.


Construct a 2-3 page reaction essay (500-750 words) that includes the following:
Identify the film, its release date, director and major stars.
Provide a 5-sentence synopsis of the story.
Locate a theme or message you find in the film, and explain how it is evoked by citing a scene or two.
Use the textbook to locate a citation connecting to the film, its style, players, or the period in film history when it was made. If the textbook does not have a usable citation, you may select from another research source.
Give a personal reaction to the film based on your readings from the text and other resources you may have used.

Strategic Planning Implementation and Evaluation

Building on the Strategic Plan from Week 3, prepare a 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint with narration of your plan to present to the Executive Committee.

In this assignment, use the healthcare organization you selected for your Strategic Plan from Week 3 (DUKE HEALTH SYSTEM). Determine why you are embarking on this strategic planning process, (securing funding, establishing and focusing on organizational priorities, and so on) by creating a 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint to present to your Executive Committee. In this presentation:

    Establish a clear vision for the strategic planning process.
    Paint a picture of where your organization will be going and your desired outcomes.
    Ensure the picture is reality and not what you or your Executive Committee may “want” to happen.
    Make certain the strategic plan allows employees to know why the organization is changing.

Assignment Format

Your 10-slide PowerPoint should follow this format.

Slide 1: Cover Page

    Include the title of your presentation, your name, the course number and course title, your professor’s name, the university’s name, and the date.

Slide 2: Background / Executive Summary

    The title of this slide should be Executive Summary.
    Describe the details of the situation.
    Use bullets with short phrases.

Slide 3: Thesis Statement

    The title of this slide should be Thesis Statement.
    Identify the focus of your research.

Slides 49: Support

    Support your Thesis Statement following the SESC formula: State, Explain, Support, and Conclude. (Use Sublevel 1 and 2 Headings to provide coherence and organization.) An overview of using the Sublevel 1 and Sublevel 2 headings is provided in the APA Style – Formatting the Title Page, Abstract, and Body video.
    Provide in-text citations using the format in the American Psychological Association (APA) Manual 2010, 6th Edition.
    Slides should be concisebasically no more than seven bullets per slide and no more than seven words per bullet.
    Most information in a PowerPoint presentation should be contained within the notes section.

Slide 10: References

    Locate at least 3 peer reviewed journal articles to support your work. For example, to identify clinical quality that does not compare to other hospitals, see the Hospital Compare site.
    Use APA format for your references.

Starbucks Corp

For this assignment, you will create a communication strategy that fosters change and innovation in an organization. Explain the context in which it occurs and the options that are available. Develop a solution that will solve the organizational issue and meet the needs of the people involved.
Feel free to use the same organization you researched for the Unit VI and Unit VII Assignments. You are not limited to this organization, but it may be easier to complete the assignment since you have already researched it for Unit VI and/or Unit VII. You can use the same sources for all assignments, if applicable.
In the report, you will provide a potential audience analysis, create a purposeful message, and discuss a type of channel that you could use for feedback. Include answers to Neals (2010) communication questions, which are listed below:
What am I trying to achieve?

How will my audience react to what I am trying to achieve?
Will my message be resisted?
What do I know about my audience that will help me tailor my message? (p. 40)
Do not include the question/answers in a bullet or list format. Instead, integrate the responses in your paragraphs.

Use the standard five-paragraph format (introduction/body/conclusion). Include at least two academic sources. APA format should be used. The assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length. Content, organization, and grammar/mechanics will be evaluated.