Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Writing Analyses

You are going to analyze 4 writing sample from a 4-year-old boy; Each sample should have a description of the piece, a name/title, when it was made, where, and why.

Fill in the chart below:
Two Strength: literacy aspect for the age. Aspect of Writing/ 1 Example/ 2nd Example/ and a Reading Citation(s)
Two Weakness: literacy aspect for the age. Aspect of Writing/ 1 Example/ 2nd Example/ and a Reading Citation(s)

The Learning experiences:
The Learning experiences are attached read and you need to make one remember to always  from literacy perspective .  Describe at least 4 learning experiences to further support that childs writing development. Be specific and connect to the data. Incorporate class readings in your discussion of learning experiences.

Within the description of the learning experiences refer to the Common Core State Standards to align the suggested learning experiences to the appropriate writing expectations for the childs grade.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

As a group, identify a research or evidence-based article published within the last 5 years that focuses comprehensively on a specific intervention or new treatment tool for the management of diabetes in adults or children. The article must be relevant to nursing practice.

Create a 2 slide PowerPoint presentation on Summary and Conclusion on the study’s findings and how they can be used by nurses as an intervention. Include speaker notes for each slide and additional slides for the title page and references.

FYI-A thorough summary of the article is presented. The summary accurately presents the main idea for a specific patient population and the clinical findings, and clearly illustrates relevance to diabetes and nursing practice.

performance review

Performance Review assignment
You may choose any play from this website:

Your options are:

Much Ado About Nothing

Present Laughter


The Sound of Music

performance review

Performance Review assignment
You may choose any play from this website:

Your options are:

Much Ado About Nothing

Present Laughter


The Sound of Music

Evaluating Security Breaches DB

Assignment Details

As you have learned, loss prevention is not the responsibility of a single department within an organization. The most effective and efficient loss prevention occurs across the entire organization, infusing itself within the core of the organization’s culture.

In this discussion, you will explore this important organizational characteristic through a conversation on security breaches. However, unlike prior conversations asking you to research a single security breach, you will focus your conversation on the lasting impact of security breaches.

Find a current event related to a significant security breach, and describe how the organization responded to the situation.
Share your opinion on how the organization could have infused loss prevention across the organizational culture.
In conducting your research to share with the class, try to stay within the last 10 years.

Evaluating Security Breaches

Assignment Details

You are a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), and you have graduated from AIU. Since college 4 years ago, you have been working as a fraud investigator for a large retail company, and by now you, are considered to be an expert in fraud investigations. As a fraud investigation expert, you are preparing to give an educational presentation about management fraud at the annual Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) conference, which will be held in Las Vegas. The public is becoming more aware that fraud is a serious problem. Recent financial scandals involving accounting schemes and Ponzi investment schemes have highlighted examples of significant frauds.

Your goal is to make sure that all levels of management understand the effects of fraud on themselves and the corporations that they represent. You must select a component that you feel is critical and prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 46 slides about 1 concept of management fraud. The goal is to provide an accurate and strong message that management fraud is destructive toward good business and should not be tolerated by corporations.

Select 1 concept of management fraud that you feel is critical to a corporations survival, and explain in your presentation how management may best avoid that aspect of fraud.

Assignment Guidelines

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 46 slides. It should have bullet points within the slides that are supported by the notes in the note section below the slides. In addition to the content slides, there needs to be a title slide and a reference slide that shows the references that you used for the presentation in American Psychological Association (APA) format.

Slides should not be smaller than size 24 font, and the type may be in any nonscript-blocked format such as Arial, Times New Roman, Century New, and so forth.

Remember that this presentation is going to be presented to corporate executives, and it should not contain a lot of pictures, clip art, or fancy backgrounds. A simple slide font that contrasts with the background will suffice.

Home isnt a place, its a feeling

I need an essay about this sentence. Starts with an intro, then a body paragraph and a conclusion. The body paragraph consists of 6 paragraphs. 3 cons and 3 pro paragraph. You have to start with a strongest con paragraph and finish the body paragraph with your strongest pro. then in conclusion you have to write about your opinion which has to be agreeing with the strongest  pro body paragraph and elaborate on that.

Is It Science?

Read and refer to the attached document: “RSM702 Materials ExploreIsItScience Pages to post Week 1.pdf” as well as the Pseudoscience Identification checklist from your textbook on page 12 to aid in completion of this assignment.

I will give you the access to the text book once I assign you as the writer.

detailed analysis of a public company

10-page detailed analysis of a company of your choosing, incorporating the following concepts:
External environment of the firm
Internal environment of the firm
Business level strategy
Corporate level strategy

Analyze the modern business general environment
Identify an industry you are interested in and analyze the five forces of the industry

Pick a publicly traded company
Analyze the companys value chain
Analyze the companys strategic resources

also include international strategy if it applies to the company

the attachment is an example of how the paper needs to look and be cited
there needs to be footnotes
double spaced
Company can be of your choosing, what ever one you can find the most information on that is public

Causes of Transnational Criminal Activities

Prepare a 46-page paper that addresses the following questions:

What are some of the ways that organized crime impacts you and a community or city (of your choice) directly? (20%)
What are some of the ways that law enforcement agencies are working to reduce these types of organized crime in the area you chose? Have these efforts been successful? Why or why not? (35%)
Compare your findings to the effects of organized crime in China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, England, France, and Germany on their people. What similarities or differences exist? Explain. (40%)
Please provide APA citation and references where necessary. (5%)