Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Psychology- Gerontology

Ask a question that pertains to Gerontology, then provide an answer using empirical results from professional publications. Peer-reviewed literature from other scientific domains may be used (e.g., developmental psychology, personality/social psychology, health, community, medicine & nursing (palliative
care), public policy).
*Rubric is attached*

American history

Compare and contrast the origins, strategies, and effectiveness of three major social movements in the period 1917-2010, including at least one from before 1963. (Option: one of the movements may be drawn from the pre-1917 period). Explain why each movement ought to be considered major, and what, if anything, their histories suggest about how and why some social movements succeeded in changing American society and/or government while others failed.

Discussion 2

Based on the readings and resources for this week, please discuss the following question: Out of the 5 major behavior change models, which one do you believe is the most effective? Take a position and discuss.
Suggest why you might see things differently
Ask a probing or clarifying question
Offer and support an opinion
Make a suggestion
Expand on a colleagues posting
Always be respectful and collegial

compare and contrast three (3) definitions of strategic leadership from three (3) unique scholarly sources/ annotated bibliography of the 3 articles.

Where are they similar?
Where do they differ?
Would you select one as more correct than the others or would you draw pieces from two or more of them to write your own definition?
How would you explain your chosen definition to others?
How would you apply this definition in a work setting?
As part of this project, prepare an annotated bibliography of the 3 articles.  The bibliography will be structured as follows:
APA formatted reference (minimum 250 words per reference)
followed by summary of key points,
evaluation of the quality of the publication, evaluation of the quality of the author(s),
where this fits into the assignment

compensation strategy

A well-thought-out compensation plan is essential in giving a company an advantage in competitive hiring markets to attract and retain a quality workforce. In this assessment, you will apply your knowledge of total rewards to create an organizational rewards structure. This structure should consider organizational strategy, HR strategy, and the external business environment.

You are the human resources manager of Endothon Company, which helps its clients eliminate paper use by automating their business processes. Endothon is implementing a new software program and faces the challenge of hiring additional staff to help sell and support the program.

The company has been in business for five years and currently has 20 employees working on a variety of software applications for clients. Endothon will likely double in size during the next six months and add even more employees by the end of the year.

The first round of hires will include three new positions: one brand manager and two product sales representatives. Because Endothon is located in a geographic area in California where the job market is ultracompetitive, recruiting quality candidates will be challenging.

Also, the organizations partners feel that the current job-value structure and pay policy as well as the lack of a formal system of variable pay are outdated. You must define the companys compensation strategy to allow Endothon to be competitive in the workplace and to attract and retain a quality workforce.

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Note: You have been provided with the following attachments: Brand Manager Job Description, Current Job-Value Structure, Market Rewards Survey, and Product Sales Representative Job Position. These attachments must be used as you complete this assessment. It is also recommended that you consult the websites provided and integrate any relevant coursework resources into this assessment.

A.  Revise the attached Current Job-Value Structure to enable internal reward equity by doing the following:

  Update the salary information for the 20 current employees, as necessary.

  Add in the three new positions, one brand manager and two product sales representatives, with their anticipated salaries.

Note: You must base your revisions on the attached Brand Manager Job Description, Market Rewards Survey, and Product Sales Representative Job Description.

1.  Justify the salaries and placement of the three new positions, one brand manager and two product sales representatives, within the revised job-value structure.

B.  Create a pay grade and ranges table that addresses the current and new roles by using your revised job-value structure and all other attachments.

1.  Describe a strategy to address the original salaries found in the attached Current Job-Value Structure that might now be outside the proposed ranges.

Note: If the original salaries are not outside the proposed ranges in your pay grade and ranges table, describe a strategy that you would use if they were.

2.  Justify the pay grades and ranges in the table, commenting on attraction and retention strategies.

C.  Recommend one distinct variable pay option to motivate employees in three different pay ranges from part B, including a justification of why each  recommendation would motivate individuals in that particular pay range.

  Note: One distinct variable pay option should be provided for each pay range.

D.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

E.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

How can a biopsychosocial viewpoint of psychopharmacology help us to better understand drug action, abuse and addiction, understand and treat mental disorders, and determine policy for all classes of psychoactive drugs?

    Drug Action
o    Summarize the biological (pharmacological) viewpoint on how drugs work in the brain
o    Are all effects of drugs due solely to their biological MoA within the brain?
o    How can we explain placebo effects?
o    What are psychosocial factors that might influence drug effects, abuse potential, and addiction likelihood?
o    How do these psychosocial factors interact with genetics and biology?
o    Defend your position using SPECIFIC evidence from the textbook, the Cult book, and at least 2 academic peer-reviewed sources from the group talks.

    Psychiatric Medications
o    Summarize how mental disorders are thought of and treated from both the biological viewpoint and the psychosocial viewpoint?
o    Do psychiatric medications do more harm than good? Why or why not?
o    When, if ever, should psychiatric medications be used, and for how long?
o    What are some alternative and non-pharmacological therapies for various disorders, and are they more or less effective than pharmacological therapies?
o    Defend your position using SPECIFIC evidence from the textbook and at least 2 academic peer-reviewed sources from the group talks.

o    Summarize the current scheduling system in the United States, and discuss the history of the War on Drugs.
o    Is our current scheduling system effective and scientifically based?
o    What are the social costs of scheduling drugs?
o    What are the benefits of decriminalization, and do these outweigh the negatives?
o    What policy changes might you recommend in order to help combat addiction, abuse, and overdose?
o    Defend your position using SPECIFIC evidence from the textbook, the Cult book, and at least 2 academic peer-reviewed sources from the group talks.

Economics of Crime

The New Jim Crow provides an insight into mass incarceration. The rationale for assigning this reading is to challenge the assumptions related crime and punishment and determine where the breakdown between assessment of crime and punishment for crime limit the social benefit of punishment. Also, in evaluating the punishment and cycle of crime, it is possible to understand how data itself may assist in perpetuating incarceration and inequities in the treatment of individuals.

You are free to share any points or items that enhanced or affected your perception of the rationale for crime, the “fairness”of punishment, the social impact/cost of crime, the causality of crime and punishment or another related item that affects the assumptions embedded in economic assessment. I have also provided a few prompts below.

Racial indifference rather than overt racism promotes the vicious cycle of incarceration
Social norms affect incarceration, not necessarily crime
There is a racial bias in crime and punishment
Incarceration has many social costs, which include qualitative impacts that affect individual sense of status in a society
Stereotypes of the incarcerated are not necessarily consistent with the reality
This is a short paper assignment. The length should be between 1000 and 1250 words not including in-paper citations and references. APA style is the adopted writing style for this class.

effect of online reviews on brand image the case of marmot hotels

I already write my dissertation and this is my tutor feedback I need you to correct the mistakes and proof reading as well There are a number of issues in your dissertation that require your careful attention – Review each chapter and update according to feedback – There are many incorrect presentations in the analysis section. Please remove the hypothesis and state the issues as point of interest or another form. – The correlation and regression analyses are not done and presented correctly. The correlation shows a weak relationship but you did not address this. The regression is not a good model as it has very low coefficient of determination. You did not address this issue. I have seen the same issue in another student dissertation which is presented in a very similar but incorrect manner. Please take extra care if you are motivated to do it this way because another student has done it. I strictly advised the student to improve the work. Please focus on frequency distribution, descriptive statistical analysis and correlation analysis. – Remove the regression analysis – The discussion section is very brief. Once the qual and quan analysis is completed, you need to bring the results together and discuss in relation to relevant literature. – The entire work requires proof reading and layout improvement.
further comments are on the doc


Responds to 100 or more words to following 3 essays separately on (In the Ewing and Cervero studies, pick one of the four major impacts and explain why you think it is important and what you would do to help or improve that area given the chance
  Responses should be a minimum of 100 words and include direct questions.

1. This weeks assignment was a struggle for me. I read the information twice and was still lost in what I was looking for. Finally, through some of you, I finally was able to understand what I was looking for and then able to expand. The “three D’s” that expand to seven D’s all seem to tie together when coming up with developing an effective travel route (Cervero, Ewing, 2010). The one that stuck in my mind, as I had just arrived home for the day, was destination accessibility. This measures the ease of access to get where one needs to go (Cervero, Ewing, 2010). I live in Crestview, FL and it is know as the “Hub City”. When I look at the lay out I cannot imagine how this is an effective hub. The way that the lights are within the city can cause back ups in both directions of the highway impeding on the flow of traffic to destinations. Adding to the difficulty of mobility in the area is the fact that the local base has purchased most of the uninhabited land so the highways cannot expand to ease the flow of traffic.
What I do see is that the city has access to I-10, highway 85 that goes up to Alabama and down to highway 98 on the beaches, and highway 90 that links to some of the smaller towns across the north panhandle. Acknowledging this makes me understand how when it was first developed how the destination accessibility was ideal routing to many locations in a reasonable amount of time with the amount of traffic at the time.

2. Consistent with prior work, we find that vehicle miles traveled (VMT) is most strongly related to measures of accessibility to destinations and secondarily to street network design variables (Ewing & Cervero, 2010).
In this article, miles traveled is an important factor when comes to transportation.  Either, you are the customer or the service provider.  This affect how people can charge to move from point A to B. It also affects the life of the vehicle, fuel consumption, and maintenance.  Cities around the world use the same factor to build bus stops, metro location and of course based on the density of one area to another. However, in urban areas, miles travelled doesnt affects the fare.  Some cities allow people to purchase a weekly ticket and travel as many times the want based on the expiration date. 
Miles travelled is critical to suburban areas not so much to urban people because of traffic, destination and proximity.  It might take someone in urban areas longer to travel in a car from one street to another than someone that is walking.  Therefore, urban travelers are more concerned about street, roads and buildings connections design than traveled distance.  Buildings and the environment anesthetics, beauty force people to think about the miles traveled when exploring the city.  On another hand suburban area traveler will be affected by the distance traveled because of lack of accessibility.  When land is properly used, mile traveled is just an option from destination to another because of the accessibility factor. The relation to landmark makes travel or movement easier.

3. Deciding which one of the four major impacts in Ewing and Cervero study I felt was a little difficult due to the fact that from my readying they seem to relate to each other, meaning that you cannot consider one impact without taking into account the others.  There is also research done on whether or not the four major impacts influence travel behavior at all.  While most agree that the built environment influences travel, considerable disagreement exists over the likely travel behavior impacts of increased density, diversity, street connectivity, and design variables (Frank 2000; Ewing and Cervero 2010; Schneider 2011)
With that said I would like to talk about density and why I believe understanding the density of an area is important.  Density in this discussion is the population of an area, and how that population affects modes of travel.  From state, county, city, and so forth population amounts vary.  Knowing the density of an area is important for the reason that it gives designers, developers, and builders an idea of what is needed in that location.  If a city is densely populated then planning should consider what people will need to use for transportation.  Walking and running areas will need to me created, mass transit like buses, subways, and trains will also need to be built.  Some argue that density is related to mode choice when traveling to and from work or shopping trips.  However, Ewing and Cervero (2010) found that population density and job density are only weakly associated with travel behavior. 
Improving density when it comes to local population is a difficult thing.  The only way I can think of to improve the situation is to make more travel options available from mass transit to walking and running areas which may help sustainability of travel.

File System

File systems are essential elements of an operating system. Without file systems, it would be impossible to load applications or even to store data files. Whether in the home or in the office, you must understand what it takes to manage storage devices. You should be familiar with what is necessary to prepare devices that enable users to store, manage, and retrieve files. As covered in your material for this unit, there are numerous file systems for each operating system. In other words, each operating system supports several compatible file systems.

Once you have completed your Lab tasks, prepare a document that answers the following questions. The document will be used within your organization as a training document for other information technology (IT) administrative staff:
Outline the steps necessary to prepare a storage device for storing files.
Identify and briefly describe the tools used to prepare a storage device for storing files.
Explain why file systems are critical components of an operating system. What is their purpose?
Choose one operating system of interest and provide your reasons for choosing the operating system.
Specify the file system or file systems that would be available with that operating system.
Describe from an administrator perspective what is necessary to prepare a storage device for access by a user.
List a few ways that a user can utilize a file system.
Prepare a Word document of 3-4 pages. It should be professional in appearance and appropriate as a tutorial for new IT administrative staff within the organization.