Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

ECO 405 FP

paper topic = including either a central question you are planning to investigate, or a central thesis you plan to argue and defend. In order to accommodate our present restrictions, the paper topic needs to center on a current economic issue or question. Our present circumstances are rich with possibilities.

Any topic

    3 different  topics that research can be done on it ( topics can be in the direction of Tourism, economy, finance, year 2020  )
    Select researchable topic with keeping info on Management Problem & Research Problem  in mind in order to be able to find a suitable topic
    5 scientific articles related to your topic and why these 5 scientific articles

So the jobs is to bring 3 different topics and for each topics 5 scientific articles need to be included ( link can be given ) the 3 topics needs to keep info on Management Problem and a Research Problem

If they can be more specific. Maybe thats actual and some specifi research angle

discussion boardd

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the Grenyer & Lewis (2012) Prevalence, Prediction, and Prevention of Psychologist Misconduct article and the APA Services Professional Health and Well-being for Psychologists (Links to an external site.), Tips from Practitioners on Finding Work-Life Balance (Links to an external site.), and Tips for Self-Care (Links to an external site.) online articles.

Select two complaints presented in the Grenyer & Lewis article (see Table 1) and explain the ramifications of these violations applying the APAs Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (Links to an external site.) to each situation. Assess the role of the APA in assisting psychology professionals in the identification of potential areas of misconduct. Describe and recommend a course of action to avoid these areas. Evaluate the contemporary role of psychology professionals and elaborate on the relationship between self-care and the issue of maintaining ethical principles and professional standards. Identify one or two self-care tips, tools, or suggested courses of action provided on the APAs Self-care resources for psychologists (Links to an external site.) website that might address the issues which lead to the chosen complaints.


ECO 405 DBQ & WS



Q1: Congratulations! You have now read two of the most important 20th century economic texts, each of which represents a different pole in economic policy. Now having read both the books, and drawing from your full course of economics study as you like, reflect on the merits of “economic planning” versus “laissez-faire” economic policy, and the strength of Polanyis argument versus Hayeks. Aim for 150-200 words.

WORKSHEET: ECO 405 Worksheet – May 4 and 6, The Road to Serfdom.docx


Q2: In reading Polanyi, Hayek, and Harvey, we see that the stakes of how we define freedom are very high. Assertions about the true meaning of freedom have been central to both neoliberalism’s advance, as well as to opposition to neoliberalism.

For Hayek and other neoliberals, market freedoms underpin political freedoms, and so it is supposedly of utmost importance to free the marketplace from all fetters, as much as possible regulations, taxes, capital controls, etc. Otherwise, Hayek and his allies argue, the slide toward totalitarianism is inevitable.

Polanyi and other social democrats and socialists argue that market freedoms are simply code for the freedom of the rich to dominate society as they see fit. They argue that true freedom requires material freedom from poverty and alienated work, or as Roosevelt put it, freedom from want. Thus, they say that any society claiming to value “freedom” must seek to liberate its people from the bondage of economic desperation.

After hearing both the cases, what is freedom for you? (150-200 words)

WORKSHEET: ECO 405 Worksheet – May 11 and 12 .docx

differences in the presence and types of microbes found on natural polished nails and nail beds and artificial nails at the time of surgery?

Please include link to article used. I will do my reference page.
Follow Grading Rubric for Quantitative Article Critique, Answer questions to follow under Grading Rubric attached.
At least 9 pages of body
Include References APA Format
Use only one article for reference that specific to the PICOT question
Attached is the PICOT question

PICOT question: In OR nurses doing a five minute scrub what are the differences in the presence and types of microbes found on natural polished nails and nail beds and artificial nails  at the time of surgery?

Difference of vaccinated vs. nonvaccinated elderly patients and risk of aquiring pnemonia

Instructions :
Follow Grading Rubric for Quantitative Article Critique, Answer questions to follow under Grading Rubric attached.
At least 9 pages of body
Include References APA Format
Use only one article for reference that specific to the PICOT question
Attached is the PICOT question
PICOT question – For patients 65 years and older, does the use of influenza vaccine reduce the future risk of pneumonia compared with vaccinated and unvaccinated groups?

discussion board

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the Fisher (2009) article, Replacing ‘Who is the Client?’ With a Different Ethical Question and the APAs Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct: Including 2010 Amendments (Links to an external site.) paying special attention to standard 3.11.

Informed consent is an important ethical component of research and practice. It is not, however, always sufficient or appropriate for consulting, program evaluation, job effectiveness assessment, or other psychological services delivered to or through organizations because it does not always address all the necessary elements of a given situation. These facts do not negate our responsibility as psychology professionals to inform clients and those who may be impacted by our services. In the discussion you will address these issues through the following case study.

You are an industrial organizational (I/O) psychologist and have been hired to evaluate a company’s Work From Home policy to see if it has increased company production. In addition to a review of the employee records, the evaluation needs to include interviews with supervisors and employees on the value and limits of the policy. Since informed consent as typically considered in clinical, counseling, and research settings will not be sufficient in this instance, you will need to inform all supervisors and employees about your services.

In your initial post, briefly analyze and define who the client is in this case study. Assess your professional role as the I/O psychologist and your responsibility to the client as defined. Apply the APAs Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (Links to an external site.) to this scenario, specifically addressing what information should be provided to all supervisors and employees. Explain how you would disseminate this information and ensure understanding amongst all stakeholders. Elaborate on how you would establish trust with the employees, protect employee identities, and ensure the results are used in an ethical manner.

here is reading:

please do not write philosphical, write so everyone can understand


Answer the essay questions below and give your reasons and examples.

1. What are some of the most significant health concerns in your community? Are these concerns that are likely to be shared by other communities in your country and in other parts of the world? Could these problems be considered global health issues?

2. Sketch out a causal web for a relatively common disease in your country, adding at least 10 risk factors to the figure. Based on the arrows on your web, what interventions might prevent the disease from occurring?

3. Create a brief disease profile for one of the many infections, diseases, or disabilities introduced in the textbook. What sources provide trusted background information about the symptoms of the disease and ways to prevent and treat it? What sources provide good statistical information about how many people worldwide are affected by the condition? What can academic publications contribute to your profile?

arth 72

4 short essay (1/2 page each, 3 topics was given and the last one you need chose from the definition which in the pdf ) includes the outline and double space.

5 definition form part 1. (detail in the pdf also)
and there are 2 examples of a short essay

ted speech

Watch the TEDx Speech given by Dr. Gavin Yamey  on Achieving a grand convergence in global health by 2035.  And then discuss the following questions:

How has the role of WHO changed in the 21st century? Which factors have contributed most to this change? Give your reasons why countries need cooperate, and identify the sorts of activities they might undertake together.

Dr. Gavin Yameys TEDx talk:

The Global Health 2035 report link for your reference: