Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Food Action Project

Food Action Project,

1)    After reading chapters 9 and 10 in the textbook,(attached) decide on a food action that you could take in your community sometime in the future to address a local food issue. Perhaps you will map local stores and/or restaurants that source their food locally, volunteer at a soup kitchen or community garden; plant bee-attracting flowering plants around your home (Join the Honey Haven project?); begin an assessment of the food security/insecurity of your community; create a plan to eat more seasonally where you live; volunteer at a food bank; learn how gardening is being promoted in your community and how you can get involved; volunteer at a farmers market; start, expand, or plan a food garden of your own; research and make a plan to start composting at your home; volunteer at a local school garden; or what idea do you have? Research your chosen project to create an ACTION. What information do you need? What steps will you need to take to implement your action plan? Visit web sites, contact organizations electronically to learn how you can be involved in food action in your community

2)    Create  a written document to
a) present your detailed ACTION PLAN and
b) explain why your future action could help to address a food issue in your community

Notes : it has to be a specific project in a specific area of LA ( probably downtown Los Angeles ),so you need to do some research about food programs going on in that area to get ideas, the problems that area is facing and why you are choosing to do that. You could use bullets points to name the project steps, but also give and explanation of these steps. 4  pages

Tell a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it.

I had a hard life with my family being divorced
I struggled but I had God with me
I am from New York but live in Texas
My dad was in Jail
But I became better with the situation and learned to use my problems to help people
I became a better person


Using the Internet, research acquisitions that are currently underway and choose one of these acquisitions to discuss. Based on the firms’ characteristics and experiences and the reasons cited to support the acquisition, do you feel it will result in increased strategic competitiveness for the acquiring firm? Why or why not?
Of the problems that affect the success of an acquisition, which one do you believe is the most critical in the global economy? Why? What should firms do to make certain that they do not experience such a problem when they use an acquisition strategy?


Is the GDP Still Accurate in the Digital Age?

GDP is the sum of all income earned in a country during a year. Alternatively, it can be thought of as the value of all production in an economy during a year. But do income and production measure happiness?The way we measure GDP can both overstate and understate peoples happiness and well-being. It understates economic activity and well-being when it does not take into account production that is not exchanged in a market (grandma providing free baby-sitting) and leisure time. It overstates well-being when two otherwise identical activities are measured the same even though one produces more pollution.

Reply to these questions to begin your discussion:

Should we continue to measure GDP as we do now? If you dont think it should be changed, explain your reasoning. If you think it should be changed, what changes would you recommend, and why?

Feeding the World

As Hite and Seitz (2016) show in Chapter 3: Food, there is enough food produced and available to feed the entire world every day. However, for various reasons, millions still go hungry, making food securityhaving consistent access to adequate nutritional fooda persistent global social problem in both developing and developed countries. 

Where do most of the worlds hungry live?

What are two causes of hunger and two problems that result?

What are some potential consequences and benefits to using biotechnologies in developing countries? Based on the research currently available, should developing countries pursue the use of biotechnologies? Why or why not?

Write a short report illustrating an example of a project undertaken by a company, municipality, or non-profit organization demonstrating how this project links to the organization’s mission, vision, and values.

Write a short report illustrating an example of a project undertaken by a company, municipality, or non-profit organization demonstrating how this project links to the organization’s mission, vision, and values. If possible, show the numerical rationale (NPV, IRR, Payback Period) used as a rationale.

Need Help?

If you have any questions or comments regarding this assignment, please contact your facilitator or instructor via the discussion boards or directly via email.
Instructions on how to access and upload assignments are available via the Help link in the left-hand course menu.
NOTE 1: An article from PM Journal, which is case study of a project to harmonize practices for the use of IV pumps at a Canadian healthcare center, is available to you through Library Course Reserves (please follow the instructions to search for the MET AD642 O1 readings list). Although not in the format of Assignment 1, it does contain an example of a project charter, which may be valuable as guidance for your team project, and it does show how the project connects with the overarching mission of the healthcare center.

How this will be graded:

Structure, Organization, Ease of reading, Grammar: 2 Points

Did you write this to be easy to read?  For example, have you avoided huge blocks of text with no headers? Did you use (sparingly but where needed) highlighting (bold, underline, italic text)?
Did you follow the structure of the sample Assignment 1?
Did you follow the advice given in the lectures and From Your Instructor about the format?
Did you follow rules of English grammar, spelling, and syntax?  Did you fix errors pointed out via Words editing capabilities (e.g. squiggly blue or red underlined text)?
Content: 5 Points

Did you find an interesting project?  Did it come across that you yourself seemed interested in the project?
Did you inform the reader about the project so that you could discuss it intelligently with someone else?
Did you link the project to the organizations mission, vision, and values?
Did you make assertions, such as this project was a success, or this project is used as an example a to how NOT to run a project.
Did you provide numbers percentages, monetary amounts, resources used, etc., to make their point?  In particular, did you tie into the course content regarding NPV, IRR, Payback Period as suggested?

References and resources: 1 Point

Did you provide at least 2 references to a business journal or scholarly source to make a connection to the principles of mission, vision, values, benefits realization, charter creation, or other project, program, or portfolio concept?
Other things to consider:

Did you add value from your own professional and/or personal experience
Did you make appropriate use of figures and tables in an appendix?  Don’t substitute quantity for quality here – one good, relevant, and meaningful small table is worth 100 randomly inserted graphs and charts.
Below are example files, not necessarily even the highest-scoring assignments, made available to you so you can see the approximate length, scope and appearance of successful submissions from the recent past. Use them for those purposes only.

There are two example here. I hope my article have the same format with example. Including you need to find pictures, tables, and make Contents


Full credit posts will: (1) address the prompt, (2) incorporate weekly text reading AND supplemental reading/citation, (3) demonstrate original thought and/or conceptualization.

Online participation is worth 30% of the final grade.

Personality. Chapter 11 on Textbook

Define personality. Additionally, list and explain the Big Five personality factors and discuss their stability over time. Secondly, select a popular celebrity icon, movie character, or cartoon character and define their personality according to the Big Five personality factors. Be sure to provide evidence as to your description.

Realizing You Were a PM All Along

Realizing You Were a PM All Along

Many people are actually executing projects – even small ones, like that surprise birthday party for a cousin, or a trip to Uruguay, or the sale of a house, or a political campaign – without knowing they are actually managing a project.

In this class you will find that often you were “doing PM” and even applying specific tools without knowing their names. Discuss some examples of personal or business projects that after looking at the Syllabus and doing some of the preliminary reading defining PM, now appear to you (retrospectively) to be projects.

There are two examples
1.Running a Half Marathon

Starting this course was overwhelming thinking I had no experience at all regarding project management. After reading Richards example and attending our first live classroom, I realized that was far from the truth.

A unique personal project Ive completed was running a half marathon.

Project Management Process

Initiating What do I want to do for a challenge? Id like to complete a half marathon.
Planning How will I go from not running a lot, to being able to complete 13.1 miles? When and where would I like to complete it? I found a training regiment, and chose a warm climate with a scenic view running around Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire.
Executing Beginning to train and increasing mileage along the way to be able to meet my goal of 13.1 miles by a specified date.
Monitoring and Controlling How is training going? Do I need to increase how far Im running? By keeping to my training schedule and hitting milestones along my training, I was able to keep on track. With 2 weeks to go I should be able to run 9 miles.
Closing It was race day, and I was able to complete my goal and cross the finish line.

It definitely wasnt easy, and a few times throughout training, I wondered why I was doing it, but finishing was well worth all the training.
Below is the regiment I used to complete my goal. Has anyone ever run a full marathon?

2.Finding an apartment

Here is an interesting summation by a college student looking to find an apartment. What I like about his analysis is the student goes through the five (5) processes needed for Project Management.

You need to find a new apartment to rent. You have your requirements and you need to meet them in the best way possible. Heres how you can use PM techniques to systemically plan and perform your apartment hunt:

Ask yourself these questions and write down the answers proper documentation is a prerequisite to effective project management.

Project Management Processes

Initiating What exactly are you looking for and what are your expectations? A place to live in an apartment for the upcoming school year September 2019 June 2020.
Planning What are your specific requirements? How much can you spend? Do you want a roommate? What about location? – One bedroom with parking for no more than $1500 a month. Do you have any priorities (must-have and nice-to-have)? It must be accessible to the campus. Do we use a broker and Zillow. or the Internet?. How long are we planning for this take..2-3 months/..Is it realistic?
Executing Search for the apartment. Contact brokers. Browse the internet. Set up visits with landlords.
Monitoring and Controlling How is the search proceeding? Now you find yourself with less money and needing to lower expectations. What will you do? Do we have a contingency plan? Look outside the convenience radius or maybe consider a studio rental. What are our options?.
Closing You have successfully found the apartment (with possibly a reasonable compromise between scope, cost and time). Time to sign a lease and put down a security deposit.
Not easy!

Project management can provide you a framework to take a structured approach to problem solving. PM concepts can be applied to just about anything in our every day life, irrespective of your area of expertise. There are project managers in almost every organization, and knowledge of project management will help you work better dealing with these people and understanding your own work better.

(I need the same format as example, you can find your favorite project)

Degree of Alignment

An organization is typically centered on its mission and vision, but it may not always do as its statement says. Using the provided advanced organizer template, complete the following:

List the information about the company
Analyze the degree of alignment between what the organization is currently doing (actions) and their mission, vision, values, structure, and culture. 

Cite all sources in APA format.

Netflix, Netflix., Netflix

i will upload the template to use






THANK YOU!  Any questions or problems please let me know.