Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Target Market, Market Segment and Message and how research contributes to a specific audience

BBA 2010 Intro to Business Unit IV (4) WEB Assignment

1.    The purpose of this assignment is for you to identify the basic principles of marketing.

2.    You will describe a target market, market segment, and a message, and explain how marketing research contributes to reaching a specific audience.

Use Attached Template for this Assignment so it can be uploaded later by the Student.

No specific resource look up from the Professor. Internet Research pops up many target market, market segment message.

Research Methods

Which aspects of research methods did you find most applicable to your life? Name one or two issues that you would be interested in studying using research methods.

Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (5th ed.) [VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Retrieved from

Combined Solar and Wind Farm

This assignment is designed for graduation. The title is Combined Solar and Wind Farm. The word count is about 13000 words. Currently, the Literature review and plan have been completed. The main structure has not yet been written. There are handbooks and some good example for the thesis. Article revision required. Deadline is 8.23

Combined Solar and Wind Farm

This assignment is designed for graduation. The title is Combined Solar and Wind Farm. The word count is about 13000 words. Currently, the Literature review and plan have been completed. The main structure has not yet been written. There are handbooks and some good example for the thesis. Article revision required. Deadline is 8.23

Combined Solar and Wind Farm

This assignment is designed for graduation. The title is Combined Solar and Wind Farm. The word count is about 13000 words. Currently, the Literature review and plan have been completed. The main structure has not yet been written. There are handbooks and some good example for the thesis. Article revision required. Deadline is 8.23

Kuwait Times

I have attached the essay, and the instructions
and the feedback of the professor is below included.

1. Remove repeated things In the essay
2. Include EVERYTHING the professor wants us to add by her feedback comment.

Her Feedback:
-the presentation did give us some sense of the online contents, you failed to engage with the crucial issue of advertising, even though I kept stressing the importance of this element in newspaper strategies
-the survey results also could’ve been made more engaging if, instead of going through each result that we could see, you had summarised what you were sharing. It was also unclear where the discussion of audiences came from
-more analytical in the paper, using descriptive information to illustrate the points you are making about the newspaper’s digital strategy.
-IMPORTANT: get into details of what you did for the content observations. Make sure to also cover the advertising/business model. Stay focused on strategy, rendering descriptive details to the service of making analytical points about a digital strategy.
You dont have to start over, but make sure the parts come together into a coherent whole.

Community Trauma & Working in the Schools

In social work, or other helping professions, asking “why” questions can be more harmful than helpful to a client.  “Why” questions often convey covert judgment and criticism. Discuss how this applies to working with clients impacted by community trauma.  Explore effective communication tools for working with individuals and groups effected by community trauma (including school trauma).  Use the case study on page 135 to give specific examples of how you employ effective communication tools.(I highlighted the info in my attachment.)

No extra titles needed on the page, no header, works cited can’t count in word count
Book A Practical Approach to Trauma, Empowering Interventions, 2007


This modules content focuses upon the institution of the media, which is crucial to shaping public perceptions of truth. Discuss the way in which stories circulated in the media shape public perceptions of the causes and cures for deviant behavior. Cite and use at least one additional outside source for this paper. [MO3.2, MO3.3]
Your paper must address the following:
Referring specifically to your Module 3 reading material and one outside source, explain why technology has become such an incredibly influential agent of socialization. Give one solid example in your response that demonstrates how technology shapes our identity and behavior.
Focusing upon one major social issue related to deviant behavior in the United States over the last 30 years (drug abuse, crime, prostitution, etc.), explain how this issue was treated differently in the media 30 years ago in comparison to how it is discussed today. For example, is this issue considered less deviant than it was in the past? Or, conversely, is the media treating this issue more severely than it used to?
Describe one media outlet today that typically focuses on issues surrounding deviant behavior in society. (This does not have to be a television network but could be any type of alternative media, including YouTube channels, etc.). In your opinion, does the coverage of deviant topics enhance the popularity of this media outlet? Why or why not?
Finally, referring to the video in this module and after doing your own independent research, provide one example of how a criminal used the media to lie to the public


Please answer the following questions illustrating critical thinking skills. Use detail where appropriate.

The attached files provide information in order to answer the questions in detail.
Please answer the question in detail, with no empty answers. The only source that can be used is the information attached. No outside sources!

The Source being used: Rosen, E. I. (2002). The Globalization of the U.S. Apparel Industry: Making Sweatshops. University of California Press

Why has department store business declined in the US along with department store business in England, Germany, and Italy?

How has the profitability paradox affected this decline in profits?

How has the profitability paradox changed the way retailers do business?

List and describe at least two ways the industry has prevailed during this time
of retail flux (instability)?

Block 2

1.1 and 1.2 – This is very well done. I would recommend that you highlight (by bold font) the words purpose, goals, customer/ consumer and product so that anyone seeing the assignment knows you have addressed all the points.
You need to include one section here about how the goals/ vision is expressed and communicated to the various stakeholders.  I assume it is your website, but you need to state what it is and how effective it is.

1.3 Excellent! SWOT is really well done, however you need to explain the IMPACT of each factor on KACST. So, for example, how do the strength impact it?  What does it help you do/ make use of?

2.1 Well done on the explanation of the structure and adv/ dis adv of this structure to your ministry achieving its goals.

2.2 Very well done. You have described the functions well. For the example, you need to explain which ONE organisational objective are you trying to achieve and what is the role of each function in achieving that goal.  At the moment, it show inter dependencies but the example does not show how they all feed into ONE objective.  Please change this.

2.3 This section needs to be tweaked.  You have used Transformative leadership model which is a change management tool rather than one which can be used for assessing the culture.  Please use and apply one of the CULTURE models like Schein/ Handy or Culture Web and then re-do it showing how the organisation demonstrates that culture.
In the second part, you need to explain the Positive and Negative effect of the culture on the organisation.

3.1 has three good points. Well done.

3.2 This is great answer

Finally, Reference list is very written. do you know what is that mean?