Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

The company Adidas

The first component of the critical assignment is for students to choose a company (or organization) to examine. Secondly, the students should submit a two page preliminary examination of the chosen organizations Mission (Adidas), Values, and Vision. Include the MTP if the organization has one.

This preliminary examination of Mission, Values, and Vision, will build the section of the final paper, which is detailed here:

Using information from Canvas Mission, Vision, Values unit, course Multi-touch textbook (Chapter 2), news articles, company websites, digital library searches, etc. analyze the companys internal environment as it relates to its mission, values, and vision.


For the final, you required to find a peer-reviewed article about exercising and do a write-up.  The write up should be approximately 2 pages in length covering the purpose of the study, the methods, and results as well as your own commentary on the article.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discuss the history or genesis of the ethical dilemma and, if applicable, the values underlying the topic from the perspectives of society, the profession, religion, the agency, the client, and your own.
Present a case in which the social worker is in conflict with the family, agency, colleagues, group, or community over this ethical dilemma. Describe the specific conflict situation.
Present the ethical dilemma in one or two sentences.
Utilizing Mattison’s Model, apply the model to your case. Begin with the background information
Identify any value conflicts that may be present in the ethical dilemma.
Identify ethical principles and theories as they pertain to the ethical dilemma. Cite the NASW Code of Ethics.
Identify possible courses of action and the benefits/costs and possible outcomes of each..
Make the decision/resolution and explain how and why you arrived at that decision.
Discuss how your personal values entered into the decision-making process.
Throughout the paper, cite at least 4-5 relevant sources from literature on the topic and on the value and ethical considerations.
Use APA style consistently.

Diagnosing and Treating PTSD

In the text includes two case studies: Amelia and Kenny.  Each of these case examples experienced a crisis, but their immediate responses are very different.  Compare and contrast risk factors for these two cases.  What immediate services and resources would you secure for Amelia and Kenny?  Justify and discuss your approaches with each of these clients.

I uploaded the entire chapter, but in this chapter is Amelia and Kenny info. Please directly write about that and reference as needed from the chapter.
Book is..A Practical Approach to Trauma, Empowering Interventions, 2007.

No titles and work cited can not be used as word count

Intellectual Property Threats and Mineral Rights

BBA 3210 Business Law Unit III Lesson Assessment

2 Article Review Questions 

In the Unit III Lesson, explore Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution.
The creators of intellectual property have some protection.
Explain what you view as threats to intellectual property in today’s world economy.
What are some examples where intellectual property is threatened?
What are some protections in place to give creators of intellectual property some protection?

1st Review Response should be at least 200 words in length.
Please see US Constitution Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 below.

It is stated real property or “realty” is land and everything permanently attached to it. That seems like a simple concept.
Explain how the idea of mineral rights can impact you as a business person.
Include information from our Unit Lesson and an example of the writers personal experience or view.

2nd Review Response should be at least 200 words in length.

Brumadinho Dam collapse

a.    A minimum 750 word discussion of what failed, and the primary causes. Considering any psychological contributions to the causes of failure, as well as any issues related to operations and maintenance. If “normalization of deviance” played a role, explain that as well. Was complexity a factor? Are there historical factors which may have contributed to this failure?

b.    A brief analysis of how the factors noted in our risk equation played a role in raising the risk of this failure occurring — unless it was truly a “black swan” event — if so, explain why (at least 300 words)

c.    Explain the broader implications of this failure — societal, environmental, economic, etc. Discuss any legal issues as well — is there any sort of government, regulatory or legal follow-up which might help to reduce the likelihood of future failure of this type. (at least 350 words — include any references!!)

d.    Are there ethical issues involved?  Refer to an engineering code of ethics, and also consider the values expressed in the design, deployment or use and maintenance of this technology/system.  There is a chapter on Value Sensitive Design in the Documents folder which might help! (at least 200 words).

Mother Tongue

YOUR GOAL: A reader response essay summarizes the text that you have read and contains your reaction to the text. In your essay, you may explain why you agree or disagree with the ideas in the text, how the ideas in the text relate to something you have experienced, and how the ideas in the text relate to other texts youve read. Your essay may also include an analysis of the author and audience of the text and your evaluation of whether the text persuades its audience of its main point.


FIRST, you will choose one of two assigned readings as the subject of your essay.  Note that activities are assigned each week to help you engage with the readings and practice summarizing and responding to the text.  Your instructor’s feedback will be extremely valuable in developing these skills and ensuring you are on the right track, so be sure to spend time reviewing your feedback.  You will choose one of the following readings as the subject for your essay:

Mother TonguePreview the document” by Amy Tan
The Crane WifePreview the document” by CJ Hauser
THEN,  engage with the readings, activities, and discussion forums assigned each week.  All assignments are purposefully structured to build critical steps into the reading/writing process.  Skills you will learn include:

Step 1: Strategies for understanding a text
Step 2: Strategies for reflecting on a text
Step 3: Strategies for responding to a text
Step 4: Writing essays
FINALLY, write the essay.

ESSAY COMPONENTS (you can find a rubric herePreview the document):

An introduction that identifies the text you are analyzing with brief background information (the author, year published, and important background of the text).
A thesis statement that clearly and directly provides a response position.
Targeted summary or description of the text.
Reactions to the text.
A conclusion that leaves the reader with a lasting impression as to why the essay is impactful.


APA formatting, including a Title Page, page numbers, running heads, 12-point Times New Roman font, and double-spacing. Don’t forget to use the APA Template.Preview the document
A reference page including the essay chosen as the subject of your analysis.  No additional research is required.
Approximately 700 words or 2.5 to 3 pages of content (excluding title and references page).

Globe Theatre

The globe theatre was built in 1599 (421 years ago) by Shakespeare’s playing company. It is located on the western side of London, near the city center. The globe theatre is a large theatre that has been constructed over time, but sadly in 1613 June 29 it got caught up in a fire and the globe theatre burned down. A year later it was rebuilt in 1614. Like all the other theatres in London, the Globe was closed down by the Puritans in 1642.

Cultural Activity Report-Option 2: Create and Curate Your Own Art Museum

Visit a museum or art gallery before the end of Week 9. If you are unable to get to a museum or gallery within your area, then a “create your own museum” assignment can be completed in its place (see Option 2 details, below). The museum or gallery should have content that fits our course well. Here is some information about the museum visit in person:

Create and Curate Your Own Art Museum
For this paper, you will select and curate 510 works of art to include in your own art museum. Use the text and online sources to help you find these works of art. This assignment is an alternative option for visiting a museum or art gallery. After researching, answer the following questions by writing a 23 page report, 750800 words, that describes your experience.
Select 510 works of art from at least five artists from different time periods discussed in the text, the 18th century to modern times.
Provide a brief description of each piece and a picture if possible, explaining why you chose each piece.
Describe where and how you would display each piece, whether individually or grouped together.
Describe your role as museum founder and curator. Give your museum a name and a location.

Discussion 5

Personal protective equipment (PPE), such as respirators, are sometimes used instead of effective engineering controls because of cost. What are some positive and negative aspects of using PPE instead of engineering controls? How might you justify the expense of implementing engineering controls to reduce the use of PPE?