Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) and Post-Traumatic Stress DIsorder (PTSD)

While Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can be evaluated using psychometric tools, it is usually best diagnosed early-on according to client symptoms.  Discuss three symptoms of ASD or PTSD and how these symptoms obstruct daily living and manifest within the lives of survivors.  Give specific examples and characteristics and influencing factors which may impact the symptomatology or diagnosis.

Please let me know BEFORE writing what you are choosing. This needs to be in detail and new information, not old outdated info. Reference can not count in the word count and it needs to be a full page long. No header or title on the page, does not need to take up word count or space on the page.

Times new roman, 12 pt

Women Challenge Their Audience-Sojourner Truths famous 1851 speech Ain’t I a Woman?

In Assignment 2, we ask you to consider the actual words or works of an important spokesperson for their times. After reading that speakers words, you will use the provided template to write a two-page response that shares your thoughts about the work in question, the historical events happening during the time the work was produced, and the relevance of the work in the present day.

Unit V Assignment

Unit V Assignment

For this Assignment, you will complete the Unit V Assignment worksheet. This Assignment will allow you to demonstrate what you have learned in this unit.

Click here to access the template for this Assignment. Save all of your work directly to the template, and submit it in Blackboard for grading.

To assist you with the math required in this Assignment, the CSU Math Center has created an example problem using the necessary formulas.

Click here to access the example for question 2. This example contains a recorded lesson with audio. Click here for a transcript of this lesson.

Contingency Plan and Executive Presentation

Assignment Content

Project plans outline the intended course of events; however, things dont always happen as intended. Organizations need to consider risks and develop a contingency plan. This plan is typically presented to management.

Add the following 2 columns to the project plan table you created in Wk 4 Apply: Project Plan:

Potential Risk Factors
Contingency Plans

Based on your prior research, determine potential risk factors for not meeting each of the project objectives. Develop a contingency plan for each of the potential risks. Add the potential risks and contingency plan to your Wk 4 Apply: Project Plan.

Use Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezi, or another software to create a 12- to 14-slide executive presentationwith appropriate images and diagramsthat summarizes the following information:

The organizations information presented in Wk 1
SWOT analysis and market trend research
Project objectives
How success will be measured
The value this project will bring to the organization
Project metrics
Responsible parties
Potential risk factors
Contingency plans

Include detailed speaker notes within the presentation. Convert the speaker notes to a Microsoft Word document and add it to the citations slide.

Change Management

Description of assignment:

Every student is expected to write a reflective paper exploring the concept of ’employee activism’ and putting forward concrete suggestions on how employees, and in particular middle-managers within an organization, can instigate, impact and/or accelerate change. Students are required to critically reflect on their attitude towards change, and towards managing change, reflecting on how the concepts covered during this module has informed/impacted/shaped/changed their thinking. It is expected that the paper will go beyond a mere description of Kotters 8-steps or any other theoretical model covered, to incorporate a critical reflection on a top-down change management approach.

The paper must be in Word format and meet the 2,000 word (10%) requirement, excluding a minimum of 5 references and cover page. Size 12 font Arial. References should cited and referenced using the latest APA Referencing Version format.

Nike Scouting Promotion Day

Event Description:
The Nike promotional Scouting day will be held at the University of Northwestern Ohio (UNOH).
This will bring kids from ages 10 up to 18 to a soccer sporting event.
this sporting event will have to entail media coverage and how the event is being spread to the community and nation, competition style play, some professional American Soccer players for signing, and what the event is for.

The use of social Media, what will happen during the event.
Use the example event in attached files as a guide to what is needed.


The sport movie will be Invictus, South African rugby team.

Choose a topic from the following:
Cohesion/Group dynamics
Goal setting

In a four- to five-page paper, do the following:
Briefly summarize the movie.
Explain the use of the mental skills in the movie.
Provide an overview of the theoretical development of the mental skill (e.g., from lecture, class notes, book, other research articles).
Present a critique, based on the theoretical development, of how the movie portrayed both appropriate and inappropriate strategies in developing mental skills.
Identify what you would do differently in working with the team, athlete, or individual portrayed in the movie.
Address implications for your own field. For example, how would you apply what you have learned from the movie and through theory to develop this same mental skill (e.g., goal setting) as a fitness leader?
Be sure to use appropriate references and include a reference page at the end of the paper.
1 point
Explanation of mental skills
1 point
Theoretical development of mental skills
4 points
4 points
What you would do differently
1 point
2 points
1 point
Spelling and grammar
1 point

Small Business – Strategy

Applied Research Project  Discussion

Briefly describe the nature of your study and provide an update on your ARP progress.

Please remember the following as you construct your initial post:

Post should be at least 300 words
Post is due by Wednesday, end of day
Post should use APA format for citing in-text and for reference list entries

See below and add to this with academic in text citations to support

My Applied Research Project is a study into small businesses and determining the best strategy for success. I am a partner in our small aviation business (<25 employees) and I have tried to have a set business structure in place for the organization to follow and it seems to be more of a hinderance. I have found that we need to be more nimble and flexible so we have a general plan in place with the ability to change that quickly if we find something that isnt working. Larger businesses and corporations have the ability to have a very set in stone business plan with little deviation. I am currently setting up the structure and outline of the research project. I am also working on a succinct problem statement.

The square of opposition

Describe the Square of Opposition
What is categorical logic?
What is the purpose of the Square of Opposition?
Identify key features of the Square of Opposition.
Explain how the Square of Opposition is used to translate statements into standard-form claims and corresponding standard-form claims including description of the relationships that are depicted within the square.
Identify the components of the A, E, I and O standard-form claims (or propositions).
Using the diagram in your text as a guide, create one original example using an ordinary statement and translating it into standard-form claims (A, E, I and O statements) using the Square of Opposition. Identify the translation and claims in your example using the corresponding letter.
For each corresponding standard-form claim, explain how you identified the translation and corresponding claims and their relationship to one another based on the relationships depicted on the square. In other words, explain why each choice of claim in your example is correct for that particular relationship.
Example provided must be original and not taken from our lecture, textbook readings or online resources.
Required Elements:

Your essay must have an APA style formatted title page and reference list.
Your essay should be 2-3 pages (in additional to a title page and reference list) with an introduction paragraph, body paragraphs that address each required portion of the prompt, and a conclusion.
Your essay must follow APA style formatting throughout (Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, etc.).
Your essay should include research that consistently supports your presented points and ideas.
A minimum of 2 different sources must be utilized and cited properly with in-text citations and in the reference list. Avoid using large amount of quotes. If you summarize or paraphrase information in your own words,      you must cite sources to provide credit for the ideas and concepts.

recommendations regarding the improvement of policies, procedures, and operations across the institution

Assignment Requirements

The body of your document should be at least 1200 words in length.
Quoting should be less than 10% of the entire paper. Paraphrasing is necessary.
You must cite and reference at least four credible sources from the Library.
Visit the Academic Success Center: Writing Center to assist you with meeting APA expectations for written assignments.

Imagine that you are the Director of Health Information for a large hospital. As Director, you sit on various institution-wide committees that govern the organizations policies. In collaboration with interdepartmental committees, you have made recommendations regarding the improvement of policies, procedures, and operations across the institution. The CEO and Board of Directors have approved funding for several initiatives, but have asked you to narrow changes to just a few. Therefore, you will develop an action plan for the hospital.

Please follow the instructions below in completion of this Assignment.




Appraise at least three (3) policies that cover data security (i.e., audits, control data recovery, e-security, data recovery planning, and business continuity planning). Make three (3) recommendations for improvements to the elements included in the design of audit trails and data quality monitoring programs within the hospital.


Critique the systems capabilities to meet regulatory requirements by judging the technologies that relate to electronic signatures, data correction, and audit logs.


Critique at least three (3) human factors and user interface design of health information technologies by making at least (3) recommendations for device selection based on workflow, ergonomics, and human factors.


Evaluate a health information system’s architecture in terms of database design and data warehousing. Critique issues with systems implementation related to systems testing, interface management, and data relationships.


Participate in the development of information management plans that support the organization’s current and future strategy and goals by comparing and contrasting at least three (3) issues related to a corporate strategic plan, operation improvement planning, information management plans, and/or disaster and recovery planning.


Analyze at least three (3) challenges that exist in each phase of the systems development life cycle. Distinguish issues related to EHRs, HIEs, and RECs within your analysis.


Analyze at least three (3) challenges that exist in each phase of the systems development life cycle. Distinguish issues related to EHRs, HIEs, and RECs within your analysis.