Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

SurveyMonkeys CEO on Creating a Culture of Curiosity

An initial response is your unique answer to the discussion topic assigned for the week. You are expected to respond to the assigned discussion question/topic . You must respond to the topic using complete sentences, and in a thorough manner, citing references to validate your response.

chinese philosophy

Write 800-1,000 words answering the following questions based on the article by Reber and Slingerland.

1. What is the paradox that Reber and Slingerland are interested in? What is wuwei?
2. Read through book IV of the Analects. Fun, right? Find three passages that discuss (or hint at) wuwei. What passages are they (just write the numbers)? For each passage, describe the point it is making about wuwei.

3. According to the article, how can we try to not try (in other words, how can we put effort into acting effortlessly)? Give an example of this in your life.
4. According to the article, how can you love what you do not already love? Give an example of this in your life.

5. According to the article, how can you be virtuous without wanting to be virtuous? Give an example of this in your life.

6. What do you think? Is it better for right action to be automatic or effortless (like Aristotle and Confucius)? Or for right action to be intentional and conscious (Like Kant and, in some sense, the Utilitarians)?

7. How is it possible that Confucius, writing over 2,500 years ago, was able to discover truths about human nature and human psychology that modern science is just beginning to understand. What does this tell you about the importance of philosophy?

A topic that relates to the practical nurse outcomes

power point slide presentation about Type 2 diabetes that relates to practical nurse outcomes. Make sure to add the definition of type two diabetes, the nursing assessment plan with a patient with Type two diabetes, how it can be treated and  what can cause it, patient education, diagnostic testing for it, and how insulin works to treat it. If possible use some visual pictures along with slides .Please make sure to use evidence-based resources and provide a reference page in APA format.

Media Ethics

Pick an ethical case of your choice however it should be local in Cairo, Egypt.
Instructions are attached in a file below.

The essay format:
1.An introduction
2.A literature Review
3.Critical Thinking & analysis
4.Conclusion and recommendation

Please follow the requirements in the document. It should not exceed 10 pages!

Cross Cultural Training

Lehman Bros was an American investment bank that, in 2008, collapsed in the wake of the bursting of the housing and the consumer credit bubbles in the USA and was considered to be the tipping point that precipitated the collapse of the worldwide financial system, the after effects of which were still being experienced ten years later. Attempts to sell the bank in extremis  failed for a variety of reasons and subsequent academic and media articles have suggested that the Lehman Bros organisational culture was so toxic that it almost certainly contributed to the establishment of the environment that led to the asset bubbles and that its collapse may well have become inevitable.

Using Proquest and other appropriate online sources, conduct extensive and detailed research into the corporate culture of Lehman Bros and its management in 2007, together with the behaviour of its senior management (especially its CEO, Richard Fuld). Use the data to establish a cultural analysis of the company using the Hofstede and GLOBE dimensions along with a detailed analysis of how the company can be judged against the cultural dilemmas as outlined by Trompenaars (and others). From this, determine whether the organisational culture really had become toxic and whether the ultimate collapse of the bank was inevitable (reference could usefully be made to the work of Charles Hampden-Turner on virtuous circles and vicious spirals in this regard).

Once you have carried out your full research and have completed your cultural analysis, write a fully cited and referenced report of 2500-3000 words that explains each Hofstede and GLOBE dimension that you have selected and analysed, and provides at least two and a maximum of four examples (cited and subsequently referenced) of behaviours that support your analysis.

The report must also describe the cultural dilemmas established by Fons Tromenaars and provide at least two and a maximum of four behavioural examples from Lehman Bros (cited and subsequently referenced) to illustrate the dilemmas.

Your report must then explain whether you support or disagree with the contention that Lehman Bros had a toxic corporate culture that led directly to its collapse and whether that collapse was inevitable despite the economic environment. The report must, of course, provide all the main evidence that leads to the conclusion reached.

Finally, the report must contain a full bibliography of all researched references and sources whether used in the report or merely to inform the discussion.

6005Lessons Learned Paper

W6 Individual Assignment –  Scope Management Lessons Learned & and Integration Paper

– Task: Review your chosen project scenario from W1, and your team’s work products for W2 and W4.

– Task: Please carefully read the attached W6 individual assignment guidance

– Task: Individually – Create a  Scope Management Lessons Learned and Integration Paper

Inside job: summary paper

Write a two-page summary regarding the movie answering the following questions:
What role did Wall Street have in the financial crisis of 2008?
What role did the Government have in the financial crisis of 2008?
What role did the Federal Reserve have in the financial crisis of 2008?
What role did consumers have in the financial crisis of 2008?
Provide a reflection summary of your understanding after watching the documentary.

talking point

can you make talking points per topic below, each being half of a page.
please stay away from difficult words and phrases. you can find them on this link:

The talking points should be questions or arguments that interest you based on the readings. You must provide a citation to the reading with page numbers for each point. Each talking point submission is worth two points. If the submission involves some substantive question or argument based on the reading with citation, you get two points.
No need for credits

How can a company focus on the needs of its stakeholders without neglecting its shareholder obligations?

For your essay:
    You will contribute meaningful, lively discussion posts in answers to one of the assigned questions in each forum
    Every initial thread should be between 500700 words and must contain real business examples from reputable business sources, include research from:
o    2 scholarly sources (attached pdfs),
o    Incorporate major ideas from the chapter of the textbook (attached), in which the question was taken, and
o    Integrate biblical ideas into the analysis
    To focus on specific points of application for corporate responsibility. You should not speak in vague terms while answering the questions.

Elements of Qualitative Applied Business Research

review the Smaili and Arroyo article, “Categorization of Whistleblowers Using the Whistleblowing Triangle,” linked in the Resources.

Compose a formal, APA-formatted paper of no more than 700 words (word count excluding title and reference pages) that:

Assesses the article by providing justification for regarding it as peer reviewed.
Articulates the business problem identified by the source and argues why the study is an example of applied business research by presenting the context and setting as described by the author.
Constructs an understanding of the author’s research purpose based on the stated business problem.
Include an APA-formatted figure, in addition to the written synthesis, to demonstrate fully your ability to synthesize ideas.
Incorporate the figure into the body of the composition, not presented as an attachment or appendix document.
Identifies the specific research method of the study and articulates the author’s reasoning for this selection as appropriate for the study’s purpose.
Critiques the author’s rationale for the worth or value of researching the business problem.
Critiques the author’s academic foundation for the study in that the research upon which the study seeks to build is appropriate for the business problem.