Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic about Biology


You may use any source (except Wikipedia) in your research paper. You must have at least 5 sources (APA style, see the APA document) for your paper. Your term paper needs to be at least 5 pages in length. The length means full pages, disregarding heading/title (which

should be on the cover page) and reference page. Have a running header and page number included on all pages. The paper must be typed, double spaced and size 12 font.

For this paper, the APA style is required for the reference page and the in text citations. See the APA document for guidelines. Note that APA in text citations are of format “Last name, year”, ex. Freeman, 2015. All the other criteria for the paper has been listed in the previous paragraph.

Please remember what ever direction you choose to go in the discussion, to approach it from a scientific perspective.

Planning 21St Century Professional Development

Linrio, My last assignment was supposed to be put into the template. Can you please fix it somehow..I’m not sure what to do. I paid thinking that once i downloaded it, it would be in the correct format. the template was in the materials for the last assignment.

Any topic about Biology


You may use any source (except Wikipedia) in your research paper. You must have at least 5 sources (APA style, see the APA document) for your paper. Your term paper needs to be at least 5 pages in length. The length means full pages, disregarding heading/title (which

should be on the cover page) and reference page. Have a running header and page number included on all pages. The paper must be typed, double spaced and size 12 font.

For this paper, the APA style is required for the reference page and the in text citations. See the APA document for guidelines. Note that APA in text citations are of format “Last name, year”, ex. Freeman, 2015. All the other criteria for the paper has been listed in the previous paragraph.

Please remember what ever direction you choose to go in the discussion, to approach it from a scientific perspective.


Identify the top 5 things from your movie that you consider most important and why you feel they are important. The “why” is an important aspect of the assignment, so make sure you don’t just breeze over that part. You should have a minimum of a three- to four-sentence paragraph to support your choice.


practical nurse program outcomes

Hello again, I need a couple more slides added to the power point presentation that you have completed for me May 5th. The presentation is unfortunately not long enough for me to read for 5 minutes. Use evidence-based resources and provide any other references in APA format. Thank you.

Concepts in human civilization

Choose TWO of the four concepts, and discuss how Farha GhannamLive and Die Like a Man and Jason de Leonthe land of open graves conceptualize these.
Please make sure to write conceptually, for instance, if you choose death, do not write how people died, but how the authors understand death as a concept e.g as a social phenomena, as a political phenomena, and then go explain why and how. Here are the concepts to choose from:
Death, agency, positionality, and body.

the “student loan bubble” and proposed solutions to assist the impacted economic actors.

In class we discussed the concept of wage differentials.  Historically, a correlation has existed between educational attainment and income level.  Acquiring more education (human capital) has always been promoted as a means of escaping poverty.  Unfortunately, due to rising college costs, students have taken on unprecedented levels of student loan debt.  For this paper, you will research (with a minimum of three additional resources) the “student loan bubble” and proposed solutions to assist the impacted economic actors.

The paper should address some of these main issues:

Rising college costs and the reason for them.
Is a college degree still worth the investment?
What has been the trend in student loan debt over time?
What are the individual and societal consequences of excessive student loan debt?
What are some current proposals or programs aimed at solving the problem?
What are some counter-arguments against student debt forgiveness?
What responsibility should be borne by the borrower for the problem?
Should college be reformed and if so what a reform look like?

about gravity, electricity, and magnetism as major forces acting in nature.

S8P5. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about gravity, electricity, and magnetism as major forces acting in nature.

a. Construct an argument using evidence to support the claim that fields (i.e., magnetic fields, gravitational fields, and electric fields) exist between objects exerting forces on each other even when the objects are not in contact.

b. Plan and carry out investigations to demonstrate the distribution of charge in conductors and insulators. (Clarification statement: Include conduction, induction, and friction.)

c. Plan and carry out investigations to identify the factors (e.g., distance between objects, magnetic force produced by an electromagnet with varying number of wire turns, varying number or size of dry cells, and varying size of iron core) that affect the strength of electric and magnetic forces. (Clarification statement: Including, but not limited to, generators or motors.)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Exercise the methodology of Six Thinking Hats on an institutional challenge of great importanceand personal familiarity. A two- part exercise.

The Scenario: You are serving on an N YU T ask Force as a student representative advising NYU President Andrew Hamilton, NYU Provost Katy Fleming, and the Deans of the various schools about how to organize the 2020-2021 academic year.
The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to continue to impact how instruction is delivered andresearchconducted. Theuniversityleadersarecommittedtoassuringthewell- being of its students, faculty, and staff. Their concerns include protecting faculty and administrators and students who may have health conditions that make them particularly vulnerable, as well as those faculty and administrators whose age puts them into the at-risk category. They are also very concerned about the difficulties faced by international students, not just because of the corona virus–but because of travel challenges and visa-matters related to the closure of many U.S. consulates and new regulations.
NYUs leaders formed the Task Force primarily to make recommendations about academic matters. Most Task Force members believe that in-person teaching and learning is preferable to remote learning, but accept that remote learning can still provide a viable educational experience for students when used to its full capacity.
In terms of how the New York campus might be organized physically, until medications are available for treatment and a vaccine is developed for prevention of the illness probably 12 to 18 months awayto prevent the risk of disease, some forms of social distancing will continue to be required, at least in the Fall. Dormitories that normally have two or more students to a room will have to assure private rooms for each student. Classrooms will have to be structured to allow at least 6 feet between students, greatly limiting class size and probably requiring multiples sections of courses to be run to accommodate curricular needs.
Its probable that the Fall semester is likely to be the most seriously disrupted. Might NYU have to require a different expectation of summer instruction, and create a full summer term in 2021 to allow students to complete their required coursework that would otherwise have been taken in fall and spring–so that academic life can return to its traditional model for all cohorts of students beginning in the fall of 2021? Can remote learning and face-to-face instruction operate in parallel?
These are some of the issues and ideas in the air that involve your Task Force. All deliberations are being conducted using the Six Thinking Hat Methodology. As participants, each of you is assigned to five groups: white hat, yellow hat, black hat, red hat and green hat thinking groups.

Your assignment here. Imagine that you are participating in each group, and offering observations, needed data (or data that needs to found), ideas, impediments to consider, etc. (Because you are working ALONE on this take-home assignment, you dont have to worry if your classmates and fellow Task Force members are making the same points.) So this is what you are expected to do:
Part one: Make 4 lists, and enter at least four (4) elements/ideas/issues that would fit into
1) White Hat thinking 2) Yellow Hat thinking 3) Black Hat thinking 4) Red Hat thinking.
Be as brief as possible, but as complete as necessary. (In short, your remarks should be self-explanatory.)
Part two: Afterrepeat, after–you finish your lists, then put on the Green Hat. Attempt to come up with a 250-word summary Green Hat Thinking plan that builds on and works to reconcile the observations, warnings and (Yellow Hat) ideas that you came up with in your four lists. The objective is to suggest an approach that would help the Task Force as a whole develop the most feasible resumption of academic activities that would benefit the most (and adversely affect the fewest) members of the NYU community.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Analysis of an Argument.
Part A.  This part of the take-home exam asks you to identify components of reasoning in an editorial from a New York regional newspaper. It is an opinion piece, that appears (ostensibly) not to be making recommendations.
The specific questions you are asked to answer follow the text of the editorial below. It was published October 2, 2019, by the Times-Union (a newspaper based in Albany, New York, serving the four-county Capital Region of the state).

A gun to America’s head
Two years after a mass shooting in Las Vegas, stronger gun control remains undone.
The president’s political games make it only a matter of time before a horrific record is broken.
Tuesday marked the anniversary of the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. The deadliest, that is, for now.
One might think that, two years after a gunman killed 58 people in Las Vegas and wounded 422 more, Congress and the Trump administration would not still be at a virtual impasse on stronger gun control legislation. And yet, here they are, professing to want to talk about it, and getting nearly nothing done.
It seems far more likely that another killer will break the Las Vegas sniper’s gruesome record than that President Donald Trump will “stop the games.” That’s not our phrase, by the way, but one attributed to the National Rifle Association’s chief executive, Wayne LaPierre, who is apparently as frustrated with Mr. Trump’s coy act as the rest of us, though obviously for different reasons. The only use Mr. LaPierre seems to have for gun laws is to use hyperbole about them to scare gun owners into giving his beleaguered organization money.
To be fair, the government did take one action in response to the Las Vegas massacre it banned bump stocks, devices that make semiautomatic weapons perform like automatic ones. But even that no-brainer took 541 days, as the NRA insisted it be done through regulation, not law a route that conveniently took far longer than a law would have, allowing bump stock suppliers nearly a year and half to sell off their inventory. The rule requires owners to turn their bump stocks in or destroy them, but how many remain in private hands is anyone’s guess.
Bumps stocks, of course, were an easy target. Neither Congress nor the administration have gone after far more common tools of mass shooters, particularly high-powered assault rifles and high-capacity magazines that enable shooters to kill dozens of people without pausing to reload.
For all their talk of “doing something about mental illness,” they’ve yet to pass “red flag” legislation that would allow courts to order a person’s guns be taken away if they’re showing clear signs of imminent violence.
Even universal background checks for all gun sales, supported by a majority of gun owners, remains undone, with Mr. Trump saying one day he favors the idea as a way to mollify a group of grieving parents or other survivors, only to wimp out after a call or other signal from Mr. LaPierre.
Now comes word that the White House reached out to members of Congress in recent days asking them not to let the impeachment inquiry into Mr. Trump derail ongoing discussions about gun legislation. Word comes, too, that Republicans in the Senate are ready to act if and when Mr. Trump is ready. And reports that Mr. LaPierre gave Mr. Trump another talking to last Friday. So now Mr. Trump is using the House’s impeachment inquiry as an excuse not to get anything done on gun control.
Two years after the deadliest shooting in U.S. history, Americans can be fairly sure that somewhere out there is a killer armed and ready to break the record, and a president unwilling to do a damn thing to try to prevent it.

THE QUESTIONS. Answers should be no more than a few sentences each.

1. Summarize what you perceive as the editorial writers values assumptions,
and be sure to reference/name at least three elements in the text that provide insight into what they are.
2. Identify the editorials conclusions, and what parts of its reasoning structure
support themor should, but dont (in your opinion).
3. How does the writers tonequality of diction, word choicecontribute to the argument? Be sure to cite relevant examples.
4. As a strong sense critical thinker, if you agree with the editorial, identify at least two elements in the reasoning that you believe would be problematic
5. for someone who doesnt share your point of view (and explain why they would be problematic).
OR if you dont agree with the editorial, identify at least two elements in the reasoning that you might begrudgingly acknowledge merit consideration.