Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Personal Leadership Reflection

This assessment has two main parts. The first part is a self-reflection of your personal leadership competencies based on the ACHE Healthcare Executive Competencies Assessment Tool and a discussion of leadership qualities.

The second part involves the creation of a one-year development plan as well as planning a realistic timeline for the plan. The goal of this assessment is to learn more about yourself as a leader and create a workable plan to improve your leadership skills over the next 12 months.

Part 1: Leadership Self-Reflection
Relevant Scoring Guide Criteria:

Discuss the five leadership domains assessed by the ACHE Healthcare Executive Competencies Assessment Tool.
Determine strategies to develop the identified strengths and weaknesses of each of the five leadership domains.
Describe qualities needed by leaders.
Analyze personal leadership qualities and the ones that need development.
Demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style.
Communicate in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically, with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
In this first part of the assessment, you will relate your findings and self-reflection with regards to the ACHE Healthcare Executive Competencies Assessment Tool. Additionally, you will begin to identify strategies to further develop your strengths and weaknesses that are identified by the self-assessment tool. You will also want to analyze leadership best-practices and qualities that are most relevant to for success in your chosen career path.

Some potential items to consider as you work on this part are:

For each of the five domains, summarize both your strengths and weaknesses.
For each domain, identify at least one resource that you can use immediately to develop your skills further, for a total of five resources.
From your readings and research, define the primary qualities needed by leaders and apply those qualities to your personal assessment.
Which qualities do you possess and which qualities have a scope for improvement?
Part 2: Personal Development Plan
Relevant Scoring Guide Criteria:

Create a one-year personal development plan.
Develop a timeline for personal development plan.
Demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style.
Communicate in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically, with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
In this second part of the assessment, the focus is on creating a plan and timeline that will help you to develop and improve relevant areas of leadership competency. Your plan should integrate your assessment results with your research and readings for this assessment. You will want to identify at least three things that you would like to work on over the next year and develop a timeline with specific metrics to measure your progress. By creating a good plan and timeline, you will be more likely to achieve the desired improvements.

One potential way to approach this part is to create a table to break the three goals into actionable steps after you have identified three things that you would like to work on. Your table should have the following four columns.

The first column should show the overall goals.
The second column should contain all the steps necessary for each goal.
The third column should show how you will measure the progress of each step.
The fourth column should show the deadline for completing the steps.
An example of this table could be like this (your table will include three goals and each goal can more than two steps):

Goal    Steps    Measure    Deadline
Work-life balance.    Leave work by 5 pm daily.    Time left daily.    1-1-20XX
Work-life balance.    Do not check email from home.    Number of times email is checked from home.    3-1-20XX

Explain how domestic commitment has changed since 1500

The requirements are basically the same as last time. Please use as many in-text citations as possible. Please cite from the book and the lecture notes. The formatting is Times New Roman, 12 point font double spaced with 1-inch margin.
And there is no need for the overly complicated choice of words and language. Just make it simple and easy to follow.

Change Management in Community Policing

As most people can attest, there are certain challenges and obstacles to learning that must be overcome before people can expand their knowledge. Consider the concept of change management in the context of community policing. The Web resources for this Phase may be especially helpful to you in this assignment. Answer the following questions in 2-3 pages:

    How can change management be communicated to members of the policing agency?

    How can change management be communicated and applied to the needs within a community?

    Are change management techniques and concepts easily communicated in a law enforcement agency? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning.

Week 7 Assignment 2 HUM III

Historical Figures and Leadership
Click the linked activity title to access Assignment 2: Historical Figures and Leadership.

In this assignment, you will select one of the following historical figures and review the related recommended research. Consider how your chosen historical figure’s leadership skills might be applied in today’s modern workplace.

Historical Figures
Alternate Name(s): Cleopatra VII.
Location & Time Period: Egypt, 1st Century BC.

Recommended Research:
Cleopatra VII encyclopedia entry from Great Lives from History: The Ancient World.
Cleopatra VII encyclopedia entry from Great Lives from History: The Incredibly Wealthy.
Alternate Name(s): Qin Shi Huang.
Location & Time Period: China, 3rd Century BC.

Recommended Research
Qin Shihuangdi encyclopedia entry from Salem Press Encyclopedia.
Qin Shi Huang: Emperor of Qin Dynasty encyclopedia entry from Encyclopdia Brittanica.
Shi Huangdi encyclopedia entry from Ancient History Encyclopedia.
Alternate Name(s): Constantine the Great, Constantine I.
Location & Time Period: Roman Empire, 3rd Century AD.

Recommended Research
Constantine I from Rise of Christianity, The: History, Documents, and Key Questions.
Constantine the Great encyclopedia entry from Great Lives from History: The Ancient World.
Constantine the Great 285337 encyclopedia entry from Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices.
Assignment Instructions
After reviewing the recommended research about your selected historical figure, you will use the provided template to write a two-page essay about their leadership skills and how they might play out in today’s workplace. In your essay, you will provide a rationale for your selection, some background on the selected individual, discussion of leadership skills, and application of those skills in today’s workplace. Refer to the template for further details on the themes you should include.

Open the Assignment 2 Historical Figures and Leadership Then and Now Paper Template [DOCX].

Download the template.
Save the template to your desktop (or another location of your choice).
Save As with the following file name: First Name_ Last Name_HUM 111_Assignment 2_quarter_ 2020. (Example: Lauren_Philip_HUM111_Assignment 2_Summer 2020.)
Complete the assignment.
Edit your work.
Make sure you have discussed each bullet point in the template.
Check your work for grammatical errors and proper Strayer Writing Standards (SWS).

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The intent of this assignment is to assess your ability as a media professional to cri2cally contextualize ideas, informa2on, and principles from two sec2ons of the text Biopoli:cal Screens to a hypothe2cal world that is defined by its rela2onship to the produc2on and consump2on of digital content. That world is the world of the The Circle.
The intent of the assignment is not to criDque the text. Any cri2cism of the text will be ignored and will adversely effect your grade. Note that the book is very different from the movie. This assignment requires that you read the book not that you watch the movie.
The assignment will be reviewed and graded based on (1) depth not breath, (2) your ability and willingness to link material from The Circle to material from The Biopoli:cal Apparatus (pages 11-16) and Neoliberal Brainhood (pages 16-25) in crea2ve, intelligent, and legi2mate ways that demonstrate comprehension and understanding, and (3) your ability and willingness to write from a feeling place rather than from simply an intellectual one.

The Assignment
Comple2ng the assignment requires that you: (1) grasp the principles from The Biopoli:cal Apparatus (pages 11-16) and Neoliberal Brainhood (pages 16-25), (2) perceive them at work in The Circle, and then (3) reflect on their conscious and unconscious effects personally and culturally on (a) some characters within The Circle, (b) The Circle itself as an organiza2on, and (c) the larger world within which The Circle exists.
Approximately half the paper should concentrate on The Biopoli:cal Apparatus (pages 11-16) and the second half on Neoliberal Brainhood (pages 16-25). No introduc:on and no conclusion. One, but not the only way, to complete the assignment is using a repe22ve three step process: (1) Take an observa2on, principle, phrase (etc…) from The Biopoli:cal Apparatus (pages 11-16) or Neoliberal Brainhood (pages 16-25), (2) then perceive the world of The Circle through it, and then (3) interpret/reflect in a feeling-toned way a bit about what you perceive the effect to be when you add 1 to 2. Repeat this process the number of 2mes you need to in order to complete the assignment.
A minimum of 3 interpreta/on/reflec/ons per sec/on from The Biopoli/cal Apparatus and Neoliberal Brainhood is required. Thats 6 minimum at 1 full page each (450-500 words). Keep any quota:ons to a minimum. A sure way to lose points is to quote heavily.

For instance, on page 13 within the The Biopoli:cal Apparatus sec2on of the text the author states, Capture is essen2ally a process of using content to bring together bodies and persons into specific arrangements or assemblages to capilazi2ze on their produc2vity. Contextualized to The Circle there are many ways that this observa2on can be applied. For instance, in general the idea behind an all-inclusive campus, or more specifically the rooms that staffers can rent but many end up living in. Likewise many of the technologies that are introduced in The Circle seem to be designed for this func2on. Any one of a number of characters seem to believe this sort of ideology – consciously or unconsciously.
Similarly, on page 19 within the Neoliberal Brainhood sec2on of the text the author states, In neoliberalism, the ideals of economic compe22on, efficiency, profitability, sa2sfac2on, benefit, and success are fundamentally generalized into the domain of life itself. In the book The Circle the whole idea of Comple2on, which is defined by content, could be interpreted in terms of this observa2on as could specific technologies, or the ideology of individual characters that are for or against it.
A`er making a connec2on between a principle from the text and the world of The Circle, reflect on it, and write a bit about how it makes you feel and what it makes you think of as a media professional. If you need it a list of feeling words is available here: hap:// learning/library/assess/feelings.html).

(CAGE) framework of GhemawatDetails in file

Using the Cultural Administrative Geographic and Economic (CAGE) framework of Ghemawat (2001), determine the degree of distance between Canada and one of the four countries will be visiting during the Field School.  For each of the elements, identify three similarities and/or differences between Canada and Finland that are material to exporting. 

Importance of Becoming a Global Citizen

    Describe and explain a clear distinction between globalism and globalization after viewing the video and reading the article.
    Describe how being a global citizen in the world of advanced technology can be beneficial to your success in meeting your personal, academic, and professional goals.
    Explain why there has been disagreement between theorists about the definition of global citizenship and develop your own definition of global citizenship after reading the article by Reysen and Katzarska-Miller.
    Choose two of the six outcomes of global citizenship from the article (i.e., intergroup empathy, valuing diversity, social justice, environmental sustainability, intergroup helping, and the level of responsibility to act for the betterment of this world).
        Explain why those two outcomes are the most important in becoming a global citizen compared to the others.
    Describe at least two personal examples or events in your life that illustrate the development of global citizenship based on the two outcomes you chose.
    Identify two specific general education courses.
        Explain how each course influenced you to become a global citizen.

Statistics Data Analysis Paper 1

Open the files for the course project and the data set.
For each of the five variables, process, organize, present and summarize the data. Analyze each variable by itself using graphical and numerical techniques of summarization. Use Excel as much as possible, explaining what the results reveal. Some of the following graphs may be helpful: stem-leaf diagram, frequency/relative frequency table, histogram, boxplot, dotplot, pie chart, bar graph. Caution: not all of these are appropriate for each of these variables, nor are they all necessary. More is not necessarily better. In addition be sure to find the appropriate measures of central tendency, the measures of dispersion, and the shapes of the distributions (for the quantitative variables) for the above data. Where appropriate, use the five number summary (the Min, Q1, Median, Q3, Max). Once again, use Excel as appropriate, and explain what the results mean.
Analyze the connections or relationships between the variables. There are ten possible pairings of two variables. Use graphical as well as numerical summary measures. Explain the results of the analysis. Be sure to consider all 10 pairings. Some variables show clear relationships, while others do not.
Report Requirements
From the variable analysis above, provide the analysis and interpretation for three individual variables. This would include no more than 1 graph for each, one or two measures of central tendency and variability (as appropriate), the shapes of the distributions for quantitative variables, and two or three sentences of interpretation.
For the 10 pairings, identify and report only on three of the pairings, again using graphical and numerical summary (as appropriate), with interpretations. Please note that at least one pairing must include a qualitative variable and at least one pairing must not include a qualitative variable.
Prepare the report in Microsoft Word, integrating graphs and tables with text explanations and interpretations. Be sure to include graphical and numerical back up for the explanations and interpretations. Be selective in what is included in the report to meet the requirements of the report without extraneous information.
All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy.
Project Part A report is due by the end of Week 2.
Project Part A is worth 100 total points. See grading rubric below.
Submission: The report, including all relevant graphs and numerical analysis along with interpretations

Format for report:
Brief Introduction
Discuss 1st individual variable, using graphical, numerical summary and interpretation
Discuss 2nd individual variable, using graphical, numerical summary and interpretation
Discuss 3rd individual variable, using graphical, numerical summary and interpretation
Discuss 1st pairing of variables, using graphical, numerical summary and interpretation
Discuss 2nd pairing of variables, using graphical, numerical summary and interpretation
Discuss 3rd pairing of variables, using graphical, numerical summary and interpretation
Part A: Grading Rubric
Category    Points
Three individual variables – 12 point each
36 points    36%    Graphical analysis, numerical analysis (when appropriate), and interpretation
Three relationships – 15 points each    45 points    45%    Graphical analysis, numerical analysis (when appropriate), and interpretation
Communication skills    19 points    19%    Writing, grammar, clarity, logic, cohesiveness, adherence to the above format
Total    100 points    100%    A quality paper will meet or exceed all the above requirements

Journal Club

Hello this is to write a journal club. I have attached the article to use for the journal, a template for the journal and an example for a completed journal club. Please take a look at the example and get an idea of how you are suppose to do it. Thank you

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Many of this semesters readings involve narratives–and moral arguments– concerning all or many aspects of these five (interrelated) topics:
1) Our ethical responsibilities to our fellow men and women–and to ourselves;
2) The nature of justice;
3) The tension between the law and the administration of justice;
4) Ideas about the moral law and the expansion of human rights;
5) The purpose of education.
You must write an essay response about one (1) of these five topics of your choice. Whatever topic you choose, your essay must explore the topic through the examples of three (3) authors spanning the semester, drawn from the following list:
The philosopher Plato (The Apology Euthyphro, and/or Crito; The Allegory of the Cave, from The Republic),
The father of modern political theory and political science, Machiavelli (the assigned extracts from The Prince),
The director Sidney Lumet and screenwriter Reginald Rose [counting as one] (12 Angry Men),
The moralist, satirist, and Anglican clergyman Jonathan Swift (“A Modest Proposal”),
The Abolitionist and Womens Rights Advocate Elizabeth Cady Stanton (Declaration of Sentiments, The Solitude of Self),
The great Orator, Abolitionist and Advocate of Human Rights Frederick Douglass (Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, and/or “What to a Slave is the Fourth of July’?),
The 20th Century civil rights leader, moralist and Nobel Prize Laureate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (“Letter from Birmingham Jail”), and/or
The feminist and Xicanisma scholar Ana Castillo (In the Beginning there was Eva.)
In other words, this essay question asks you to present your in-depth understanding of a recurrent moral/ethical/political preoccupation across the three authors you select.
Frame your discussion with a brief statement about your approach to the topic. Examine the perspectives and explain the reasoning of the authors you select with regard to your choice of topic. Identify where the authors’ views concur or differ, and be sure to point out whether (or not) you see important complementarities among them.

Of course it can be useful to reference more than three authors–but keep your focus on no more than three.
Your essay should be written as an interpretive argument–you’re presenting your understanding of the issue as seen through the works. The evidence in your reasoning must incorporate references to the texts, which you should be able to cite (or paraphrase) accurately. (Be aware that quotations may be necessarybut they are excluded from the minimum word count.)
In sum: In a 500-750-word essay, select one recurrent preoccupation within the works you read this semester, and synthesize the views of three authors on that topic. Be as clear and precise as possible.
Your response will be evaluated for your insights and understanding of the topic and the authors you citebut not judged for the quality of your prose.