Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Ch.2 Q&A

1. (2pts) Describe Egyptians’ knowledge of Arithmetic(must include: what Arithmetical problems they could solve, Arithmetical skills they had and how they dealt with fractions; pages 37-43). Minimum 120 words.

2. (1pt)  Describe Egyptians’ knowledge of Algebra (must include: what kind of Algebraic problems they solved or what method they used to solve these problems; pages 46-48). Minimum  60 words.

3.  (2pts) Describe Egyptians’ knowledge of Geometry (must include: what geometrical formulas they had; pages 53-61) . Minimum  120 words.

4. (2pts)  Describe Babylonians’ knowledge of Arithmetic(must include: what Arithmetical problems they could solve, Arithmetical skills they had and how they dealt with fractions; pages 62-64) . Minimum 120 words.

5.  (1pt) Describe Babylonians’ knowledge of Algebra  (must include: what kind of Algebraic problems they solved or what method they used to solve these problems; pages 64-70) . Minimum 60 words.

6. (2pts) Describe Babylonians’ knowledge of Geometry (must include: whether they were aware of the Pythagorean Theorem; pages 72-79). Minimum 120 words.

For resubmission, you need to let me know. After I clear your submission, you will be able to resubmit.

Grading Rubrics:

(1). lose a half point for every two grammar or spelling mistakes.
(2). lose one point each day past the due day for any late submission.
(3). lose a half point for each 20 words less than the minimum.

(4). lose a half point for any key item that is not covered in your answer.

Forensic Accounting

Case 1

James Watkins, an ambitious 22-year-old, started an entertainment business called Best Club after he graduated from California State University. Best Club initially was a business failure because James ignored day-to-day operations and cost controls. One year later, James was heavily in debt. Despite his debt, James decided to open another location of Best Club. He was confident that Best Club would bring him financial success.

However, as his expenses increased, James could not meet his debts. He turned to insurance fraud to save his business. He would stage a break-in at a Best Club location and then claim a loss. In addition, he reported fictitious equipment to secure loans, falsified work order contracts to secure loans, stole money orders for cash, and added zeros to customers bills that were paid with credit cards. James was living the good life, with an expensive house and a new sports car.

Two years later, James decided to make Best Club a public corporation. He falsified financial statements to greatly improve the reported financial position of Best Club. In order to avoid the SECs scrutiny of his financial statements, he merged Best Club with Red House, an inactive New York computer firm, and acquired Red Houses publicly owned shares in exchange for stock in the newly formed corporation. The firm became known as Red House, and the Best Club name was dropped. James personally received 79 percent of the shares. He was now worth $24 million on paper. James was continually raising money from new investors to pay off debts. A few months later, Red Houses stock was selling for $21 a share, and the companys book value was $310 million. James was worth $190 million on paper. A short time later, he met John Gagne, president of AM Firm, an advertising service. Gagne agreed to raise $100 million, via junk bonds, for Red House to buy out Sun Society, a travel service.

Afterward, with television appearances, James became a hot figure and developed a reputation as an entrepreneurial genius. However, this reputation changed after an investigative report was published in a major newspaper. The report chronicled some of his early credit card frauds. Within two weeks, Red Houses stock plummeted from $21 to $5.

After an investigation, James was charged with insurance, bank, stock, and mail fraud; money laundering; and tax evasion; and Red Houses shares were selling for just pennies. A company once supposedly worth hundreds of millions of dollars dropped in value to only $48,000.

From this case, identify:

1-The pressures, opportunities, and rationalizations that led James to commit this fraud.

2-The signs that could signal a possible fraud.

3-Controls or actions that could have detected Jamess behavior.

Case 2

ABC satellite, a satellite television company, sells satellite television service contracts to customers, usually for a 24-month period. ABC satellite is a fast-growing, high-paced company created by aggressive salesmen. The companys success has made its owners very wealthy, many of them live a lavish lifestyle and drive luxury cars to work. The retention division of this company is responsible for contacting customers nearing the end of their contract and convincing the customer to renew their contract. Retention agents are paid a commission for each account that agrees to a new contract. The commission rate is considered by many employees to be below the industry standard. Over the past year, the retention division has undergone significant supervisor and manager turnover. The current manager has not had sufficient time or understanding to properly implement controls. Additionally, the new manager has been so busy playing catch up that he has yet to hold a training or orientation meeting for his department. The current process for paying commissions to retention agents on renewed accounts is as follows:

The phone system records the verbal contract extension commitment.

The retention agent attaches the audio recording to the customers account in the ABC customer contract system (CCS); this acts a legal proof of contract.

The retention agent then updates the customer contract date information in CCS.

Each retention agent has a spreadsheet he or she uses to keep track of the account renewals for the month.

The retention agent records the customer #, date of contract extension, and length of contract extension in his or her spreadsheet.

At the end of each month the retention supervisor receives each agents spreadsheet and multiplies the total retention renewals submitted by the agent by his or her commission rate in order to calculate the total monthly commission.

The spreadsheets are not maintained by the supervisors.

In order to get the payments processed quickly, the supervisors have less than four hours to receive all agents spreadsheets (usually each supervisor is responsible for 20+ agents) and submit the summary file to payroll.

The supervisor records the total commission earned by each agent on a summarized spreadsheet, which is sent directly to payroll for payment.

1-Part of avoiding fraud is to create a positive work environment. Describe a few conditions mentioned within the case that could contribute to a poor work environment.

2-What symptoms should an auditor look for to determine if fraud is occurring within the retention department?

3-There are five primary control procedures or activities. List and explain which two procedures you feel would be most effective in improving the control system of the retention department. Include in your explanation specific examples of controls that should be implemented.

Mental Healthcare access in America

The Course Project requires you to identify a problem and, using the below model, arrive at a recommended solution along with its implementation.

Format: The two main content sections are (a) the title page and table of contents (noncontent pages) and (b) the body (content sections 17 listed below).

Content: Write a problem-solving, decision-making research paper that is no fewer than 8 pages and no more than 12 pages of content (body of paper) and double spaced. It should be based on your chosen subject, in which you convince your readers to support your recommendation.

Details on format and content follow.

Category    Sections (Headings and Subheadings Within Paper)    Points    Description
Organization and Formatting

Title Page
Table of Contents
A quality paper will include its title page and all content sections, beginning with an executive summary through references.

The content will be properly subdivided into the required headings and subheadings (bold and in caps).

In a quality paper, each step in the problem-solving model will be complete with relevant content that meets the content expectations for that section; a thoughtful problem statement, clearly researched and defined, with relevant and reasonable problem-solving recommendations, assessed in ways that produced a constructive solution and implementation plan is the expectation.

Managing communication flow is key to effective writing.

Content    Content Sections
Executive Summary, 15 points
Problem Statement, 25 points
Literature Review, 30 points
Problem Analysis, 40 points
Possible Solutions, 30 points
Solution and Its Implementation, 25 points
Justification, 20 points
A quality paper will have significant scope and depth of research to support thoughts, statements, concepts, and conclusions.

Relevant illustration or examples are encouraged.

Use of external source material is required.

A quality paper will employ use of sound reasoning and logic to reinforce conclusions.

Documentation    References    15   
A quality paper will include proper citations and references.

Grammar and Composition

(Entire paper)    15   
A quality paper will be free of any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors.

Sentences and paragraphs will be clear, concise, and factually correct.

Total        235   
A quality paper will meet or excess all of the above requirements.

Executive Summary (Content Section 1)
Once your paper is completed, you will need to summarize the paper’s main points for your reader. Explain succinctly the problem or issue you are writing about, along with a summary of your paper’s main points. Include the solutions offered along with your identified best solution and plan and how it will solve the identified problem or issue. The purpose is to provide the reader (in this case, your professor) an overview of the main points in the paper. The maximum length of an executive summary is one page, single spaced.

Problem Statement (Content Section 2)
Identify and clearly state the problem that needs improvement or is not meeting expectations. Remember that what appears to be the healthcare problem or issue may actually be just a symptom of a bigger problem: Dig deep to be sure that you have identified the real problem or problems. If there appears to be more than one problem or issue, decide if they are separate or related issues. State the problem in the form of a single, clear problem statement (required). A problem statement contains and identifies the focus issue that the rest of the model addresses. It presents an existing adverse outcome or concern. For the Course Project, the problem statement can be a statement or a question. The following is an example of a national-level focus (do not use it): “The un- and underinsured receive 45% of their healthcare through expensive rates (two to three times higher than standard delivery systems) for emergency eepartments (ED), adversely impacting the ability of EDs to meet their quality service standards.” The following is an example of a healthcare facility focus (do not use it): “How can healthcare access be improved? Our lack of an automated information management system is adversely impacting our ability to compete; how can we achieve automated information management?”

Please note, there should be no more than one paragraph in this section with a clear problem statement easily identified in that paragraph. The problem statement should be underlined and in bold letters. There will be a deduction if more than one paragraph is used.

Constructing an Adequate Problem Statement
Leaders and managers must be clear in their definition of an issue, concern, or problem to achieve an effective outcome. Decision making is not just about problem solving, but problem solving outcomes are often the measure of decision making. Although problem solving has many steps, the process depends upon an adequate definition of the problem. Keep in mind if outcomes have not been clearly articulated, those tasked with planning and implementing actions directed at achieving new outcomes will be less than efficient and effective, and managers will be unable to measure performance quality against new outcomes.

An effective problem statement should contain the following two elements: an adverse outcome and suggested causal factors.

Below are examples of an adverse outcome.

Cost of healthcare is rising faster than inflation.
Access to healthcare in rural areas is lower than in urban areas.
Research indicates the quality of care in the United States has declined over the last 2 decades.
Below are examples of relevant factors to the above adverse outcomes.

There is a greater use of unnecessary care, the uninsured are being provided care via the most costly delivery methods (emergency departments), or the cost of health insurance is rising.
Rural areas lack sufficient numbers of healthcare providers, or rural areas lack specialists.
Physicians do not spend enough time with patients to arrive at a correct diagnosis, or physicians perform unnecessary services that needlessly expose patients to less than high-quality outcomes.
Literature Review (Content Section 3)
Present what you discovered in your search of the literature. Review theories, concepts, and studies discussed in class and in our textbook, and review what other writers or researchers have to say about the subject of your analysis. In short, demonstrate an understanding of the literature and apply it sensibly to the problem. This is not a course in applied commonsense; however, such practical intelligence is important, especially in the application stage. A literature review is like playing a video game in which you are in a chamber with many doors. As you open each door, you uncover clues to help you progress to the next level. Similarly, in a literature review, your objective is to open the doors that can point the way to solving your business problem. Begin your literature review with a broad look at your field of interest, then narrow your focus until you zero in on the essential issue or issues of concern. Please note, a literature review is a required element of this assignment. At least 10 resources are required, beyond the textbook and course readings, to ensure the effectiveness of your research. Be sure to list them in the bibliography. A suggestion is to begin your literature survey by accessing Keller’s online library at (Links to an external site.).

Problem Analysis (Content Section 4)
This section should provide a detailed analysis of the causes of the problems or issues you identified in Section 2. A major objective is to clearly illustrate how you are using course concepts (as well as what you learned from your literature review) to better understand the causes of the problems or issues. Show that you are applying course material! The purpose of this analysis is to make clear the focus issue (problem). It narrows the focus from the understanding created in the Literature Review into a clear problem definition, which is the detail that the problem-solving effort is to correct.

Possible Solutions (Content Section 5)
List, number, and describe at least three alternative solutions that could be appropriate methods to solve the identified problem or issue. Number each solution to make them clear to the reader (required). Be sure these solutions are logical, based on your analysis, and that each would effectively treat the problem, not the symptoms. Also discuss the anticipated outcomes (positive and negative) of implementing each of the possible solutions you identified. This is a probability assessment, meaning your assessment of the alternatives’ ability to solve the problem and at what cost. This assessment should transition to the solution section, meaning the solution should be the one you assessed as having the best chance to solve the problem within any cost constraints (key to the selection process).

Solution and Its Implementation (Content Section 6)
Outline your recommended solution to the problem or issue. (It will be one of the alternatives explored in Section 5 or a combination of those alternatives.) State your solution clearly and specifically. Describe exactly what should be done; describe how it should be done, including by whom, with whom, and in what sequence; explain when actions should begin; and estimate cost and means of payment. List each bold and underlined word and then discuss (required).

Here are key points to keep in mind as you write this section.

Have I indicated an awareness of the problem and of implementation (i.e., the what and how aspect)?
Have I been specific enough ( i.e., when and cost)? (A specific solution will state what style is most appropriate for the situation and how you will attempt to the have the manager realize the appropriate style.)
What aspects of the problem remain unresolved by my solution?
Does my recommended solution and implementation plan address the problem or issues and causes identified in the previous sections?
Does my solution consider and resolve the identified pros and cons?
How will I evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented recommended solution?
What process checks or procedures will I put in place to institutionalize the improvement?
Could my solution cause other problems or issues?
What risks are inherent in the solution I recommend?
What contingency plans do I recommend?
Assess the realism of your proposed action plan. For example, are there adequate time, money, or other resources for your solution? In addition, does your solution place too much reliance on other people being reasonable (i.e., on what you think is reasonable)?

Justification (Content Section 7)
Justify why your recommended solution and its implementation will solve the identified problem or issue in the organization or unit you have selected. An important element of this section is to show very clearly how you applied course concepts to arrive at a workable solution and a successful implementation. Apply appropriate course material; support your conclusions with appropriately referenced facts, quotes, and readings; and be sure your justification addresses identified pros and cons.

All citations in the paper must appear in the reference list, and all references must be cited in the text. Choose references judiciously, and cite them accurately. A citation of an author’s work in the text documents your work, briefly identifies the source for readers, and enables readers to locate the source of information in the alphabetical reference list at the end of the paper. To use the ideas or words of another without crediting the source is plagiarism.

Plagiarism in its purest form involves copying entire passages either verbatim or nearly verbatim, with no direct acknowledgment of the source. The most common (and unconscious) form of plagiarism is when a direct quotation is simply paraphrased. Paraphrasing does not relieve you of the obligation to provide proper identification of source data. The best way to avoid plagiarism is to make sure all quotes, ideas, or conclusions that are not your own are given proper acknowledgment in your text. Footnotes are required.

Grammar and Composition
The paper must use acceptable terminology in standard English and reflect the use of word processing software and spell check. Acceptable sentence structure must be reflected with appropriate use of grammar and style and be considerate of the audience for which the paper is written.

Organization and Formatting
Failure to follow required format, content length, or other issues impacting effective communication (flow) will result in a reduction of up to 20 points.

Homelessness in my community

I want the paper to reflect the homeless in San Antonio TX.

You will choose one major
issue facing your community and discuss it in depth. This paper will require you to remember,
understand, and apply information from both class and the outside research you do for this paper.
In addition, you must analyze and evaluate this issue in order to create new ideas and solutions
pertaining to your issue

Include a cover page which provides a paper title and your name. double-spaced, 12-pt. Times New Roman font, and with 1-inch margins on all sides. You will need
to use at least 10 reputable outside sources.

45 percent Critical Thinking
45 percent Communications
10 percent Following the Formatting Instructions

authors choice

You will write an expository essay describing and analyzing cause and effect. Remember, a cause produces a result, and an effect occurs because of a cause. Select a topic that demonstrates a cause and effect.

For example:

Cause: Child obesity in impoverished communities in the United States of America is rising.

Effect: Access to fresh produce and other healthy food is limited in lower income communities.

When you write expository essay, make sure you use reliable research to lend validity to your position or case.

Criteria for This Assignment
Length and Formatting Requirements

Three to four pages (800 to 1500 words), double spaced
Times New Roman, 12-point font
Works Cited page
In-text citations
Content Requirements

Criteria for writing this essay:

A cause (or causes) that directly lead to an effect
10 to 15 reliable sources that back up your claim
Logical analysis of your topic, reasoning, and resources that builds to a sound conclusion.


Wilhelm Wundt and William James
in this essay you will compare and contrast these two psychologist, including their theories, and most important views.

most important is to refer to the book sometimes. also, remember you are comparing and contrasting them not their theories, views but the characters. you can mention their theories, findindings, etc….. but focus on them.

Film Analysis

In your paper,

Identify your selected film, including writer, director, year of release, and genre.
Briefly summarize the film in which you apply your knowledge of the difference between the films story and its plot.
Describe one of the broad theories you have learned about in class (auteur theory, genre theory, formalist theory) and analyze your selected film through that lens.
Evaluate the use of three specific techniques and design elements employed in the film as they contribute to the overarching narrative and theme of the film. This can include elements of mise-en-scne (e.g., lighting, sound, composition of frame, costuming, etc.) and editing (e.g., cuts and transitions, shots used, angles, etc.).
Describe the connection between this film and society (i.e., politically or culturally, positive or negative) and draw conclusions about its impact.

Muslims in france

need to describe the following point:
-Brief history and contemporary situation of muslims in France
-Two challenges muslims are facing(prosecuting by the Secularism and challenge after the terrorist attack) and their respective responses
-how to gain better understanding of muslims values through this assignment.
Most of the points are provided in the Powerpoint, the writer need to evaluate on:
-how the french muslims respond to the challenges
-how to gain better understanding of muslims values through this assignment.

HMO Strategies and Recommendations

You are the chief executive officer of Southside HMO, which serves 495,000 members throughout the eastern region of the United States. It has come to your attention that several members or patients who participate in your plan have filed a complaint that your HMO plan does not provide quality healthcare delivery. Several patients have been denied healthcare services to see specialists to whom they were referred by their primary care providers.

The board of directors has asked that you provide a 750-word report detailing your strategies and recommendations to investigate the complaints and to identify strategies to ensure that quality management initiatives are in place to make sure that quality healthcare services are provided to all members. The strategies and recommendations should be as specific as possible and include the resources needed for implementation. A minimum of three references are required for this assignment

Three Insights from people in the organization:

Physician – “I have been providing healthcare to patients at Sunnyside Hospital for 5 years, and the hospital recently started contracting in network with Southside HMO. Southside is denying referrals to specialists for care”

Patient Advocate – “I represent patients at Sunnyside Hospital, and more than 30 patients have informed me that Southside HMO is not complying with primary care referrals to specialists for care.”

CEO of Southside HMO – “I have been the CEO of Southside HMO for 10 years, and I ensure that our organization is in compliance with all quality management initiatives.”

Investigating Early Childhood Education Teachers Perceptions of Teaching Children from Diversed Language Backgrounds in Early Childhood Educational Settings in Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands.

hi! seeking some help here is my submission of my  theoretical framework it was submitted to my lecturer for my research paper he forward back to me with the correction of what he wants on the side .

Please read and rewrite base on the example provided by him according to the link