Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

The assignment is to compile data and write a research paper on the 3 adopted fire inspection codes in the city of Dallas Texas.

The assignment is to compile data and write a research paper on the adopted codes in the City in which you reside. If you do not live in a city, use a city near you for your study.
This paper should address:
The history of the adopted codes in the city Dallas Texas
Date of adoption
Last time codes were updated
Plans on updating codes
Permitting process utilized and enforced in city of Dallas texas
Explanation of the process utilized to conduct a code enforcement inspection
Explanation of the anticipated different types of hazards that will be Discovered in different Types of occupancies
Problems anticipated to be encountered during a code enforcement inspection
Anticipated and actual public reaction to the code enforcement process
Key components of a successful code enforcement program 4 Kilgore College Fire Prevention Codes & Inspection FIRT-1307.0W01
Standards for acceptability:
1. The paper must be a minimum of no fewer than three pages of content.
2. The cover sheet, references page, illustrations, tables, charts, or any other media do NOT Count towards the three-page minimum.
3. The student should focus on the completeness of the project rather than a word Count or Number of pages; however, there must be at least three pages.
Overall specifications for the paper:
1. The paper MUST be formatted using American Psychological Association (APA) format, Utilizing the most current publication of the APA 6th ed.
2. One-inch margins with standard 12-point black font
3. Your cover sheet must be formatted according to APA6, including:
A. Title of the Research Paper
B. Students Name
C. Date
D. Complete Course Identification Number (FIRT-1307.W01)
E. Instructors Name
F. Do not use graphics or images on the cover sheet 4. A References page will contain all sources utilized to form the paper. A minimum of Three credible, reliable sources must be used. Sources used may be printed material (books Or texts), web sources, or a combination of both. Standard APA format will be utilized for This part. 5. If the student decides to use illustrations within the paper, the illustrations will be Included and cited as required by APA. Illustrations will NOT count towards the four-page Minimum. 5
Kilgore College
Fire Prevention Codes & Inspection FIRT-1307.0W01
The paper will be sent to the instructors Kilgore E-mail. Your term paper will be graded on
The following criteria:
– 50%: Content with support of current/valid information. (Full credit cannot be Received for a paper less than three pages)
– 30%: Proper American Psychological Association (APA) formatting according to The most current publication of the 6th edition.
– 20%: Proper use of grammar and spelling. You should use your spell-check, Grammar check, and repeatedly proofread your work prior to submission. If you will Read your work aloud, its much easier to discover your errors. This includes Spelling, punctuation, sentence/paragraph structure, and use of proper tense

Illustrate the lack of intercultural communication by clearly defining cultural patterns (theories, identity, and bias, for example) and communication devices (such as communication foundations and taxonomies) between two cultures. Select one or two inter

How do the two countries differ in their cultural patterns? How does communication play a role in each culture?
What communication devices were used by both parties in this example?
How did these devices work or not work in this particular intercultural communication example?
What key intercultural communication theorist would you enlist to help solve this intercultural communication problem? Summarize the position of your selected theorist and explain how their ideas might apply to the situation.
What approaches or theories may work to resolve your poor intercultural communication example?

Perfect competition

1. An introduction that presents your topic and why this topic is important.
2. The essay should address the theoretical part related to the topic.
3. You should analyse the example from the real life (practice) case study.
4. The essay should have the brief conclusion that summarises the key findings of your
essay and what have you learned.
5. References

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I have three more papers, Performance Appraisal, Employee Discipline and labor Relations. Will you be able write these as well?

HR Project Assignment “Compensation Total Rewards” paper due this week (Sunday 17 May). This is an APA written paper with 1,000 – 1500 words not including your reference page or cover paper. Please keep the following in mind.

1. Indent all new paragraphs. A minimum of paragraphs

2. Number your pages

3. Properly cite your references in the body of your paper.

4. Include a graph or charts in your paper

5. Properly format your reference and Cover page as per APA

6. Double space your entire paper, no extra space between paragraphs

Remember to follow the Sample APA paper I sent you earlier.

Here’s a meaning of the topic:

What does total rewards compensation mean?
The term total rewards might be a bit new to some, but the concept is anything but. The elements that make up a total rewards package are things most employers already offer: base pay (either a salary or hourly wage rate), stock options, health insurance, dental and vision benefits, retirement contributions, life insurance, paid time off, etc.; but also include perks like performance bonuses, company-sponsored training, employee wellness programs, workplace flexibility options, identity theft protection plans, employee discount programs things not usually included in compensation or benefits discussions.

Using Business Drivers and Analysis of Effectiveness: Correlations

Next, download the file Sample Data ( Prepare a chart similar to the one in the downloaded file to indicate whether the correlation between Variables A and B were found to be positive, negative, or minimal. Provide explanation and justification for your decisions.

In your own words, explain what it means if the correlation of 2 variables is positive, negative, or minimal (close to 0), and give an example of each.

What do you deduce from the correlations? Explain if you believe these to be short or long-term objectives and outcomes.
What are the implications for Big D Incorporated regarding their client in the outdoor sporting goods?
What are the implications for the penetration into the indoor sporting goods market?
Also, how can you use the correlation tools to identify the variables in the research toward the expansion into the indoor sporting goods market?


Find an article in the health economics literature that is (1) interesting to you, and (2) not beyond your abilities from a math and/or theory perspective. The article can be drawn from the peer reviewed academic literature, or it can be a paper published by a reputable organization (U.S. or foreign). It may not be an article from a news publication. Nor may it be someone’s summary of someone else’s peer reviewed work (i.e., you should review the source article, not a review of that source article). There are no constraints on the topic, other than it must be on a subject matter considered ‘health economics.’ You are free to choose a topic more related to policy than to managerial decision making. It does not have to be related to the Module 1 material.

Your paper should be:
2-3 pages in length, using APA format (double-spaced, 12 point font)
Article must be from a peer-reviewed scholarly journal or a reputable organization.
Article must focus on or use health economics to address a question that a decision maker or policy maker might face; or that produces information useful to such a person.
At the top of the paper, please provide the complete APA citation for the article (e.g., author[s], year of publication, article title, journal title, volume, issue, page range, doi number, if available).

Content should include:

A brief summary of what the article said (approximately 300-400 words) including relevant economic data and/or research methodology presented and/or theory used
At least one paragraph describing how the article is relevant to either a healthcare organization decision-maker (e.g., a manager) or to a policymaker.
Conclusion, with comments on why the article was selected and your general impression of the article (it is okay to be critical).
Include a reference list formatted in proper APA citation at the end of the review.

Body of paper should contain no more than 10% direct quotes.
NOTE: When you upload your paper you should receive a Turnitin report with a similarity index. There is no set maximum on an ‘allowed’ value. A paper with a high similarity index could be entirely free of plagiarism, while a paper with a low, or even 0 similarity index could have a lot of plagiarism. High scores are used to flag papers for further checking, but even papers with low scores may be checked for plagiarism.

Assignment 1

Research and summarize the corporate social responsibility policies of a business where you are a customer.

Would you adopt similar policies and why? Is there anything you would modify?

Submission Requirements:

The assignment grade will be based on how thorough and detailed your product is.
Proofread the content of your posts before making them public. Proper grammar and sentence structure are expected.

Universal Healthcare

1.    The title of the topic you are writing about.
2.    A brief description of the topic at the beginning of the write-up.
3.    Citations with annotations for the sources of information.  See the grading rubric for the number of citations and the source of the information.  The format for the citation is the APA style.
4.    Sources should include one or more of the following:
    A book or book chapter
    One online dictionary entry with the definition of one of your key words or phrases
    Three articles from a scholarly journal
    One article from a newspaper
    Authoritative Web pages
    A statistical resource using a statistical database
    An authoritative podcast or web video
    Governmental data sources (.gov

The final paper must also include 3 visuals in the form of charts, tables, graphs or other visual that shows data or information to support a point in your paper.  The visuals must take no more than 1/3 of the page.  Larger visuals must be reduced in size to fit to 1/3 of the page

Unit 2 Assignment

This chapter discussed the need to plan but also the need to be responsive to changes.  In 2015, the law in the United States changed, allowing same-sex couples to marry.  (Prior to this, it was handled as a state issue.)  What ramifications can you envision this causing for the HR department in a firm?

Identify at least one possible change that might need to be addressed from an HR perspective in order to be in compliance with the law, how it might best be implemented, and any other operational impacts that might need to be addressed by the HR department.

Hanna Andersson case study

Review the Hanna Andersson case study, within the Chapter 3 Reading Assignment. Briefly, answer the following questions:

How has Hanna Andersson applied values-based leadership in terms of the organizations choices related to P-O-L-C?
What unique challenges do family-owned and -operated businesses face?