Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

STRT IKEA & Performance

Read the given readings and give 2 short responses base on the following questions, each one for estimately half a page (can be more) (these 2 cases are separate, does not relate to each other)

IKEA (attachment)
    What have been the main challenges for IKEA moving into India?

Performance w/ a purpose (attachment)
    Describe Indra Nooyis view of the purpose of the corporation

Lulumelon and Under Amour Data Analysis Project:

Data Analysis Project: Using and expanding upon the data collected in project 1 (see attached document title: Project 1 Fact Sheet”), prepare a data analysis report comparing the metrics of two major apparel retailers Lulumelon and Under Amour. Explain in your report where you obtained your data and what you are basing your analysis (ex: According to data from the U.S. census…). The report should have an introduction to your data report, some background/history on the topic and then break down the analysis into 3-5 major sections. Use headings in bold to indicate each section. Graphs should be embedded in your report (at least 5 graphs). SPELL CHECK and add page numbers!
You may re-use the material from project 1 to expand on this report. Pay attention to: incorrect denomination (are they millions or billions), not using headers and sections, not using business language (remove all first-person), graphs not correctly identifying units, not spell or grammar checked.
IMPORTANT: I want to see DATA ANALYTICS, I can google LULU and UA revenue and it will pop up in any article, but I want you to find the analysis that takes it another step.  Revenue/store, Revenue per employee, Profit per store, etc. Also, the numbers in the report should show denomination just like in your charts.  Give the reader the numbers and percent change.  Such as Lululemon increased the number of store locations from 50 in 2018  to 55 last year, a 10% increase.  Without the numbers to anchor the reader all the percentages get confusing.  Tell the story, the big overview, and specific details.


Read the given readings and give 2 short responses base on the following questions, each one for estimately half a page (can be more) (these 2 cases are separate, does not relate to each other)

TJX (attachment) – Ch8
    Describe TJXs corporate strategy.

Amazon (attachment) – Ch9
    What corporate strategy was Amazon following in its acquisition of Whole Foods?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You are required to compare and contrast the two articles in this folder which appeared as book chapters in a book “Positive and Normative Foundations of Economics”. The authors share some common ideas, but disagree on some things. This debate continues in economics and it is important for you to be able to see the relevance of such debates. .  Roughly speaking your review should have 3 sections:
(1) a introduction section describing the articles and a summary of the main ideas presented 
(2) a main section comparing contrasting and critiquing the papers ;
(3) a conclusion paragraph about the papers and your critique .

The Barrio, by Robert Ramirez

The Barrio, by Robert Ramirez (pp. 283-288), is a descriptive piece.  Write a paragraph in which you analyze The Barrio and explain who you think is the intended audience (Hint: look at where it was first published), what the main idea (or thesis) is that the author is trying to get across, and share one or two of the descriptions you feel were the most effective in the essay.  Why were these descriptions effective?

PTSD in War Vets and Law enforcement

Still exploring the issue identified, the paper will now move beyond the individual/interpersonal level, and to think about the topic from community, organization/systems, and policy levels.
Required Elements:
a. Identify how the issues can be explained and addressed from community, organization/systems, and policy levels. In other words, what are the broad contributing factors (beyond the individual and their family) that are either causing or are correlated with the individual level issues? (Remember, we are identifying root causes.)
b. What is the impact of stress/distress on the community?
c. How could social support and social networks be developed?
d. How do institutions, agencies, and policies support the status quo? Think about local, state, and/or
federal level policies.
e. How can community capacity building strengthen the approach to addressing the issue? Who needs to be at the table?
As always, be sure to cite your sources.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

#2 Analysis of Popular Press Article: Analyze a popular press article (from a newspaper or magazine) that is at least 500 words on one of the Womens March in NYC (from 2016 to the present). The article should be at least one full page. Address the following in your analysis:

    What is the authors main argument or point in the article?
    What are the issues within the march that are focused on in this piece?
    How are race, class, and gender discussed in the article?
    How could this article be made more intersectional? 
    What could be added in terms of historical context of the movement?
    Name three black female scholars whose work is relevant but are not mentioned in the article or in course material that the author could consult.
    List three readings outside of the course and not mentioned that the author could reference. Explain why those readings should be used in the article. 
    Attach the article you analyze to the back of your paper.

Format: The paper should be at least 4-5 pages double spaced, 12pt. font, and 1 margins. Include in text citations at least 3 scholarly sources (academic books, journal articles) from outside of the course for references formatted in Chicago or APA style. Single space the references.  Make sure you also cite the article you analyze in addition to any educational, government, or nonprofit websites as well as recommended readings for the author.

any topic

Post a brief summary of one of your selected theories and the associated exemplar and non-exemplar leaders you analyzed in Milestone One for Part I of the final project. Include several relevant references that you used for Part I. Share two new aspects of leadership that you learned by analyzing application of theory.

discussion board response

In order to receive full credit for your discussion question your response to every posting you must provide a logical answer from the chapter readings.You also must reply to at least two other classmates and must include their names when replying to them. When responding to your classmates provide something that adds substance to the question.
disscussion board are attached

answering questions from assignment

Respond the Following questions:
Assignment # 1 covers Chapter 1

Learning about Organizational Behavior”.

Review the Diversity Competency feature on Aetnas Diverse Discoveries Program on page 17.

1***Which attributes of the diversity competency are illustrated in this feature?

Assignment # 2 covers Chapter 2 Individual and Organizational Ethics

2***What are the Stages of Moral Development according to the textbook?

Assignment # 3 covers Chapter 3 Understanding Individual Differences

3***Define Emotional Intelligence and describe its four attributes according to the textbook?

Your response should be at least 150 words and you must provide a logical answer from the chapter readings.

All answers must come from the textbook and you must provide the chapter and page number.

From Discussion board respond the following questions:
4***Define Organizational Behavior and what it strives to understand as stated in the textbook?

5***Explain the difference between leadership and management as stated in the textbook.

6***Explain the nature of stakeholder responsibility and its ethical basis as stated in the textbook.

7***Explain what the utilitarian principle and the distributive justice and golden rules principle suggest as stated in the textbook