Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

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Lets Discuss Permanent Accounts and Temporary Accounts
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Identify and describe the permanent accounts and temporary accounts that are used in an accounting cycle.

What is the difference between a permanent and temporary account?  Provide an example of the closing process.

This discussion will address the following Module Outcomes:

MO3: Explain the process of adjusting the general ledger accounts, closing the books, and preparing the financial statements. (CO2)

state of knowledge

Draft a one-paragraph (150-200 words) statement on the state of knowledge in a field of study or discipline of interest to you.
How do scholars in a field/discipline of your choice currently view or understand a topic of your choice?
This can be the same field or discipline you’ve responded to for Assignment 3, but should be a newly drafted paragraph.

i have been upload the assignment 3, pliease use it to finish the work

PA1- Information Systems

use the book attached as a reference plus 6 more peer-reviewed articles  on top of that APA format. Instructions attached. so the 1 page paper is an article that is gonna be used as one of the reference for the paper.

so for the one page assignment u need only one reference. its basically an essay about an article that is related in the 2 page paper that ur gonna do.

the other 2 attached are basically a sample format I’ve done before.

Regulations Paper

Assignment Prompt

Review state regulations for APRN prescribers in the state in which you live or the state where you plan to be certified. 

1.  Summarize which agency/agencies regulate/oversee APRN prescribing in your state.
2.  Summarize the educational requirements for prescribing as an APRN
3.  Differentiate the regulations in your current state and state(s) you are considering practicing in.
4.  Create an outline of the actions required to prescribe in your identified state.
5.  Summarize the Controlled Substances regulations in your state and the process for obtaining your DEA registration.

Use APA format for your write up and cite any resources/evidence that you have utilized. The paper is to be 1000-1200 words, excluding title page and references.
Citations: At least 2 to 3 high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

Use of Project Management Artifacts

Write a 3-page paper excluding references and cover-sheet answering the question below. You need to be specific in the scenarios identified for each artifact so that this can be your springboard to managing your outcomes in a project you will work tomorrow.

While project management creates the artifacts like stakeholder register, risk register, RACI, and communication plan, these artifacts are useful for all project team members. Identify at least two ways for each of these documents that you will use to ensure you can maintain quality in the deliverables that you are responsible for.

Reading :
Lyons & Wilker, Chapter 4 and 5
PMBOK, Chapter 10

story narrative

My Story narrative is a time for you to discuss the aspects of your culture which have attributed to who you are today as well as your goal to become an educator.  Keep in mind that you need to make connections with the concepts that you have read about throughout the readings.

II.            Identity descriptors and socializing agents.

A.    List 2 or more identity descriptors that you feel are the most privileged and least privileged (oppressed) in your life (total of 4).  Explain your choices by describing personal experiences that have led you to come to your way of thinking.  In addition, you need to support your information with a citation (correct APA citation from the book or other source).

B.    Based on the identity descriptors you selected, investigate the socializing agent behind the privilege and the oppression you discuss.

III.            Identify privilege and oppression. Think about one privileged aspect of your identity and replace it with one that is not privileged.  (for example:  if you subscribe to a religion that is privileged as is Christianity in the U.S. replace it with one that is less privileged like ISLA or Judaism; if you are white, replace your identity race/ ethnicity with another.  How would your life change?  How do you think you would have been treated in school, represented in the news or in the school curriculum?  What would be the most challenging aspects of your life with this different identity descriptor? If you dont feel that you have aspects of your identity that are privileged, explain why and do the opposite of this item (change the identity descriptor in which you feel oppressed to one of privilege).  This discussion should be a minimum of 200 words.

IV.            Conclusion: Conclude your story with your (Multicultural Activity My story narrative part 2) by sharing 3 commitments related to social justice that you will look for to expand your cultural diversity repertoire to prepare you for your role as an educator.  What do you feel you need to explore more in order to help you develop relationships with your future students to help them feel valued, safe and motivated in the classroom?

A.    This is the part where you would have included the cultural diversity activity (My Story Narrative part 2), described your activity and included artifacts.  Since you cannot participate in this, describe what activity you planned on doing to suffice this requirement.

You should have a paper that is 3-4 pages in length.
Your paper need to follow APA 6th style edition.  Please consult the manual or visit the PURDUE OWL Writing site
Your paper needs to have a coversheet and page numbers
Your paper needs to be double spaced and preferably written in 12 point Times Roman font.

Culturally-Derived Communication Misunderstandings

Discussion Prompt

Describe a situation in which you have encountered a culturally-derived communication misunderstanding in a healthcare setting with a patient, physician, colleague; supervisor or administrator and its outcome. 

What actions could you, in an advanced nursing role, implement to prevent culturally-derived miscommunications?

Are there ethical implications for not addressing cultural miscommunications? (Use fictional names and places. Choose a situation from the peer-reviewed literature if needed).

Citations: At least 2 to 3 high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

Bio-diesel exhausted particle: Respiratory health Impacts

1- I need from the writer to gather all the resource about this topic and listed all
2- this topic shows the effect of the bio-diesel exhausted particle: respiratory health impact
2- I will provide you with the name of my professor so you can look at his research and follow the same style
4-please I need from you to keep me update on each 3 pages so i can send it back to my professor to get the feedback and you can adjust.
5- i want from the write to be well organized
6- this research need be supported by pictures and graph and data of everything

Sociolinguistics and English Language Education

I) The goals of the assignment
This assignment is designed with 3 main objectives:
1. to deepen your understanding of the key issues covered in the course;
2. to enable you to demonstrate an ability to formulate an informed interpretation of language in society based
on concepts and issues introduced in the course.
3. to allow you to critically reflect on the implications of sociolinguistic issues for TESOL.
The assignment may be a maximum of 3,000 words (excluding references) on a chosen topic from the
following list:
1) A critical reflection on your own language use in a given period of time.
2) A sociolinguistic portrait/analysis of a setting or of a recorded event
3) British English/American English Vs. local varieties of English
4) Standards, norms and models in language education
5) Mother tongue and English medium education
6) Language use, attitudes and identity
7) Native English Speaker Teachers (NETs) vs. Non-native English Speaker Teachers (NNET)
8) Others please check with the course lecturer
II) The recommended procedure
1. Choose the main topic of your essay.
2. Review the different levels (or areas) of discussion that correspond to the general parts upon which the
course is structured (i.e. key disciplinary terms, languages in the globalised world; language variation and
English language education; language-in-education policies and practices)
3. Decide whether there is one (or more) of these general levels that you would like to specifically address
when approaching your chosen topic (e.g., for the topic of mother tongue education in Hong Kong, one may
decide to consider one or more of the following issues: a) official institutional policies in Hong Kong
education, or b) the specific sociolinguistic and educational situation of a given community in Hong Kong,
or c) the case of a group of multilingual students/teachers in a given school/classroom, or d) the case of a
teacher/student, etc.
4. Identify the key issues, debates and discussions in the existing literature, regarding your chosen topic and
level of discussion.
5. Reflect on the implications of the issues being identified for TESOL.
6. Draft an essay plan and structure the discussion around sections, according to the specific key issues
emerging from your choices.
7. Write up the essay based on your essay plan and proofread the language and references carefully.
Some advice about the assignment
1. Begin with an introduction and summary of the essay, clarifying its purpose and organisation.
2. Include a conclusion.
3. Use APA citation and referencing conventions.
4. Format the assignment according to the requirements listed in this document.
5. Use the technical language of sociolinguistics. For terms that may be ambiguous or may have several
meanings, be sure to carefully define what you mean.
6. Proofread your assignment carefully and/or get peer feedback to ensure that the essay is clear and the
sentences are grammatical.
7. Do not go beyond the 3000-word limit (excluding references and appendices).
Content of the essay
1. Introduction (200-400 words approx.)
a. Provide an introduction to the key topics and issues addressed in the essay.
b. Include an overview of the structure of the text.
2. Main body (2000 words approx.)
a. Identify and elaborate the key issues, debates and discussions in the existing literature, regarding
your chosen topic and level of discussion.
b. Detail some of the most important controversies and academic approaches/angles to the issue(s)
discussed (i.e. try to keep a balance between voices/arguments involved) and structure these according
to corresponding subsections.
3. Conclusion (500 words approx.)
a. Summarise the issues discussed throughout the essay.
b. Highlight some insights and implications that can be drawn.
c. Refer to possible gaps and/or needs for future work, if any.
4. References (references are excluded from the word count)
a. Provide a full reference list of ONLY the articles, books or other sources that you have referred to in
your essay.
b. Please format your reference list according to academic conventions, e.g. the APA format as shown
in the following websites)

The Racial Contract by Charles Mills

The documentary is “13th” a common film on Netflix of the prison system rates in African Americans to be unequal. We must take into account this documentary within the two pages. The Mills-racial-contract is the reading to be incorporated and read but only chapter 1, beginning at “Overview”. The lecture notes were taken came from the chapter. The final pdf is the Instructions to whats to be expected. Heres a link for the documentary.