Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Response to Discussion Board

The original discussion board was this: You are now deciding on resources for a project team. You have a choice to staff a team of resources who will be dedicated (or allocated) 100% to the project, or staff a team of resources who will be dedicated (or allocated) three days each week to your project. Using information from the readings, explain how you can use either set of resources.

Please respond to these 2 posts by using 130 to 140 words per response. Your response posts should add some additional thoughts and allow for greater discussion.

1) Class, there are some factors to consider in relation to the project, which includes conscious factors, subconscious factors, and affective factors.  The conscious factors include familiarity, manageability, proximity, and propinquity, the severity of impact, group dynamics, and organizational culture.  Subconscious factors are divided into two categories.  The effective factor is a factor which is related to emotion and fear. A company always needs to be aware of whom they are getting into business with.  Hiring outside vendors can be tricky at times. Doing research on the vendor company and making sure the company aligns with the business compliances can prevent them from being at risk or becoming a liability.  Vendor companies have known about the business; however, they may not be as trained as properly as someone who works directly for the business.

As we mentioned earlier in this week, this can put the business at risk especially if misinformation is presented.  If a business decides to use a vendor company, both companies would need to work together to make sure everyone is trained properly and handling the concerns at hand.

Thoughts?  Class??

2) Dedicated resources are a common term for a professional who works for business owners to help them reach their goals. When hiring a dedicated resource, it will help the organization enhance the efficiency and productivity of their business. They will analyze the business and will dedicatedly work to improve the success of the business. Statistics prove that businesses that have used dedicated resources have seen a substantial increase in their productivity and a considerable decrease in their development costs. It is a remote team of the other company dedicated to the realization of your project. Unlike an extended team model, in which the team is more like an extension of the main team, a dedicated team is a separate entity with its own management and frameworks. The development team of the outsourcer works on certain project exclusively full-time with direct reporting to the client. The outsourcer company provides recruiting services, administrative support, and resources for the realization of the project. Basically, an outsourcing company plays more of an assisting role in the organization of the work. The clients role in the project is more hands-on than in other models. In usual configurations, the clients can interact with the team, monitor daily activities and overall progress of the project via management, directly, or combining both. This helps to keep both parties on the same page and adapt according to the circumstances. Out of this comes the key value of this approach which is focus. The team is concerned with realizing one project which increases the speed and quality of results. You do not need to worry about the team being stretched too thin and overworked, they are set on the goal and they are moving towards its realization steadily.

Statistical Quality Control-Signature Case Study

Signature Case Study
Case: Deutsche Allgemeinversicherung (DAV)
Requirement: One Report needs At least 1200 words and One Presentation PPT, APA format and reference. In analyzing the case, please read case carefully and answer the following questions.
Deutsche Allgemeinversicherung
Available from:
Note: Case study and textbook material (Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement) attached in files.
In analyzing the case, please answer the following questions.
    Why is DAV using SPC? What are the primary challenges in applying Statistical Process Control to a service industry compared with manufacturing?
    If you were to explain the concept of a p-chart to a group of bank tellers without background in SPC, in about 15 minutes, how would you do it? Explain briefly.
    How large should each sample be for the experiment Schoss and Kluck describe on page 7?
    The first 12 weeks of data in Exhibit 4 represent the diagnostic period for the Policy Extension Group. What are the 3-sigma control limits for the process? In which of the subsequent weeks is the process out of control (if any)?
    Develop specific implementation plans for solving the problems facing Annette Kluck that are described on pages 8-9 of the case.
    How would you now begin improving the performance of the operation?
Note: Dont forget to include an executive summary at the beginning of your report and to prepare a 10-15min presentation (PPT includes notes) to convince upper management of your recommendations.

Statistical Quality Control

Statistical Quality Control
Assignment: Please read the material (Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement) and lectures, use the book to answers all questions as followed.
Acceptance SamplingQuestion 1 (Chapter 10, 10-2):
Distinguish between producers risk and consumers risk. In this context, explain the terms acceptable quality level and limiting quality level. Discuss instances for which one type of risk might be more important than the other.
Question 2 (Chapter 10, 10-4):
Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of single, double, and multiple sampling plans.
Question 3 (Chapter 10, 10-15):
Consider a single sampling plan with a lot size of 1500, sample size of 150, and acceptance number of 3. Construct the OC curve. If the acceptable quality level is 0.05% nonconforming and the limiting quality level is 6% nonconforming, describe the protection offered by the plan at these quality levels.
ReliabilityQuestion 4 (Chapter 11, 11-3):
Explain procedures that might improve the reliability of a system. How would you increase the availability of a system? Distinguish between a system with components in parallel and another with standby components.
Question 5 (Chapter 11, 11-4):
Distinguish between failure-, time-terminated, and sequential tests for reliability and life testing.
Question 6 (Chapter 11, 11-5):
A transistor has an exponential time-to-failure distribution with a constant failure rate of 0.00006/hour. Find the reliability of the transistor after 4000 hours of operation. What is the mean time to failure? If the repair rate is 0.004/hour, find the availability.
Question 7 (Chapter 11, 11-12):
Consider the seven-component system shown in the figure below. The reliabilities of the components are as follows: RA=0.96, RB=0.92, RC=0.94, RD=0.89, RE=0.95, RF=0.88, RG=0.90. Find the reliability of the system. If you had a choice of improving system reliability by modifying any two components, how would you proceed?

End Stage Kidney Disease

Instructions and case study are uploaded. NO ABSTRACT.

With In-Text citations. I just need the 10 questions answered. It could be questions bolded and then the answer below. It doesn’t have to be complete long paragraphs for each question and more than 1 question can be combined.

You must reference a minimum of three (3) scholarly sources in your paper, which includes one non-Internet source.

Your paper/total responses must be 34 pages in length not including the title page, and reference pages.

marketing strategies

Please select a marketing topic you learned this week that you really liked or enjoyed, and then search in the Wall Street Journal (either online or hardcopy, both are available through the NU library) and select an article about that topic within the last 12 months. To do this, you can visit the online library at National University ( and search the ProQuest Central database (on NU’s library website, go to “A to Z databases, go to “Q” and pres “ProQuest Central”. Once there you will click the “publications tab” and enter “Wall Street Journal” into the search bar. Select the edition and search articles of interest. If you have difficulty finding Wall Street Journal articles,

Read and analyze the article and write a report 1-2 pages long specifying the things you learned in the article and why do you think it is relevant in today’s business world.
Make sure you cite the article properly (APA style) and submit your report by Saturday before midnight. For more information on APA go to


Course Project Proposal
The table of contents for the Course Project proposal:

Subject of Course Project
Business problem statement
Name of the company or organization
Brief description of proposed solution
General benefits it will provide the organization
Audience to whom you are presenting the recommendations

comparing Audi advertisement from 40 years ago to now

research should explore the relationship between specific theories and the contemporary design that puts these theories into practice. Whether you begin with particular writing or idea that you found compelling, or with an innovative, resonant design project, the objective is to draw connections between the two.
you must cite at least 10 sources, including proper citation information and bibliography in MLA format.

Culture + Nutrition

Imagine that you are a clinical nutrition assistant working at a local hospital under the supervision of a Registered Dietitian (RD). Overnight, a 74-year-old male patient was admitted to the hospital and needs to be fully assessed for any nutritional risks (in accordance with hospital/medical nutrition care laws). The hospitals initial nutritional screening protocol identified that the patient may be at nutrition risk, due to a high risk admitting diagnosis. The admitting physician suspects that the patient has suffered a heart attack; however the full cardiac consult results are not yet showing in the computer. Furthermore, the patient has recently moved here to the U.S. from a foreign country within the past year so that his daughter can help care for him due to his declining health. The entire family speaks very little English. The patients cultural background is significant because the culture may not place much influence on western-style healthcare practices. The patients expression of his culture needs to be examined further. The nurses notes reveal that the daughter does not know how much her father weighs, but she suspects that he has gained weight since her mother passed away a year ago.

Your assignment from the supervising RD is to examine the patients complete cultural, social, medical, and nutritional background so that the next steps of the Nutrition Care Process can be instituted. Upon your initial investigation within the hospitals electronic medical records system, you notice that there is no height or weight listed for the patient. The diet order reads: NPO (nothing by mouth) and they are awaiting more lab results for various tests related to hydration and kidney function. His cardiac enzyme lab work indicates that he suffered a Myocardial Infarction (MI). The MD notes confirm a heart attack diagnosis and the MD also noted that the patient appears to be morbidly obese. His medications include: a blood pressure medication, a diuretic, and a cholesterol-lowering drug.

1.    The patient and daughter are unaware of the patients current height and weight. His hospital bed unfortunately does not have a built-in weight scale. The patient is unable to stand upright due to his medical condition. Therefore, list and describe one alternative way to estimate height (stature) and one alternative way to estimate a persons weight. You may use the e-books, key terms, and internet resources provided or you may research this further to find additional ways to measure height and weight.  .. (look up one way to estimate height + one way to estimate weight.describe how the measurement is taken or any other associated facts with the method- like accuracy, where is came from, when it is most often used etc)

2.    Based on your nutritional assessment and evaluation Do you feel that the patient will comply with the MD suggesting a strict very low calorie (10001200 calories), low fat, low cholesterol and low salt diet? How would you address the nutritional needs of the patient while honoring any personal preferences?      (why would the patient comply? OR  Why wouldnt he.back up your response.  How can the nutritional needs be addressed while honoring the patients cultural background/personal preferences? )

3.    Choose a specific ethnic/cultural background (Asian, Middle-Eastern, Hispanic etc). How can you use your knowledge of the patients background to instill motivation and the desire to improve his health by eating a healthy diet? Do you think that he should be placed on the exact 10001200 calorie Cardiac restrictions diet that the Physician is recommending? Justify your answer.  ..    (how can you use what you know about the patients culture/religion etc to increase the chances of the patient following your advice for his diet?)

The Communist Manifesto

Just a 3 pages reaction paper on the Communist Manifesto. Just need to write your reaction to the book and have a thesis for your reaction

this is a link to the book if you need it.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

ALA (E) Current Events Applied Learning Assignment (ALA) Graduate

Each student is to research a current event that is related to one or more of the Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) listed in your syllabus. You should use the Internet; electronic news agencies or journals to research a current event should be 1 to 3 years old. An analysis should be conducted on your researched current event (related to one or more CLOs). Each student must create PowerPoint slide(s) and should include:

A summary of the event

A brief statement about the relationship of the current event to the CLO(s)

As a manager, how would apply what you have learned to an organization

Include an industry example demonstrating the application of your researched current event

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