Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


Use the final exam resource from the FBI to create a USE OF FORCE INCIDENT FORM, in MS Word.
Watch the video and read the digital page which is provided, as it discusses how Force is measured, and CATEGORIZED.
YOU will create a USE OF FORCE INCIDENT FORM, and NO real or fictitious crime data is needed to fill the form.
HOWEVER, your ONE-PAGE form will need to include at least 10 Sections as seen on many POLICE DATA USE OF FORCE FORMS, yet your form must at least be originally created by you but mimic a real form.


Case Study: Mrs. J.

It is necessary for an RN-BSN-prepared nurse to demonstrate an enhanced understanding of the pathophysiological processes of disease, the clinical manifestations and treatment protocols, and how they affect clients across the life span.

Evaluate the Health History and Medical Information for Mrs. J., presented below.

Based on this information, formulate a conclusion based on your evaluation, and complete the Critical Thinking Essay assignment, as instructed below.

Health History and Medical Information

Health History

Mrs. J. is a 63-year-old married woman who has a history of hypertension, chronic heart failure, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Despite requiring 2L of oxygen/nasal cannula at home during activity, she continues to smoke two packs of cigarettes a day and has done so for 40 years. Three days ago, she had sudden onset of flu-like symptoms including fever, productive cough, nausea, and malaise. Over the past 3 days, she has been unable to perform ADLs and has required assistance in walking short distances. She has not taken her antihypertensive medications or medications to control her heart failure for 3 days. Today, she has been admitted to the hospital ICU with acute decompensated heart failure and acute exacerbation of COPD.

Subjective Data

Is very anxious and asks whether she is going to die.
Denies pain but says she feels like she cannot get enough air.
Says her heart feels like it is “running away.”
Reports that she is exhausted and cannot eat or drink by herself.
Objective Data

Height 175 cm; Weight 95.5kg.
Vital signs: T 37.6C, HR 118 and irregular, RR 34, BP 90/58.
Cardiovascular: Distant S1, S2, S3 present; PMI at sixth ICS and faint: all peripheral pulses are 1+; bilateral jugular vein distention; initial cardiac monitoring indicates a ventricular rate of 132 and atrial fibrillation.
Respiratory: Pulmonary crackles; decreased breath sounds right lower lobe; coughing frothy blood-tinged sputum; SpO2 82%.
Gastrointestinal: BS present: hepatomegaly 4cm below costal margin.

The following medications administered through drug therapy control her symptoms:

IV furosemide (Lasix)
Enalapril (Vasotec)
Metoprolol (Lopressor)
IV morphine sulphate (Morphine)
Inhaled short-acting bronchodilator (ProAir HFA)
Inhaled corticosteroid (Flovent HFA)
Oxygen delivered at 2L/ NC
Critical Thinking Essay

In 750-1,000 words, critically evaluate Mrs. J.’s situation. Include the following:

Describe the clinical manifestations present in Mrs. J.
Discuss whether the nursing interventions at the time of her admissions were appropriate for Mrs. J. and explain the rationale for each of the medications listed.
Describe four cardiovascular conditions that may lead to heart failure and what can be done in the form of medical/nursing interventions to prevent the development of heart failure in each condition.
Taking into consideration the fact that most mature adults take at least six prescription medications, discuss four nursing interventions that can help prevent problems caused by multiple drug interactions in older patients. Provide a rationale for each of the interventions you recommend.
Provide a health promotion and restoration teaching plan for Mrs. J., including multidisciplinary resources for rehabilitation and any modifications that may be needed. Explain how the rehabilitation resources and modifications will assist the patients’ transition to independence.
Describe a method for providing education for Mrs. J. regarding medications that need to be maintained to prevent future hospital admission. Provide rationale.
Outline COPD triggers that can increase exacerbation frequency, resulting in return visits. Considering Mrs. J.’s current and long-term tobacco use, discuss what options for smoking cessation should be offered.
You are required to cite to a minimum of two sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.


    Analyze and select two types of economic evaluations. Compare the two evaluations, in relation to the factors that may affect the decision to conduct each of the economic evaluations.
    Describe at least two potential ethical and social issues related to program implementation.
    Explain the approach(s) you might take to address these ethical issues.

Module 7 Assignment

George, while working in the bar, ran a rusty nail through the bottom of his foot. What infectious disease should he be concerned about? Why is this disease usually associated with injuries from rusty nails? What are the signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment for this disease?

2. A 16 year old was admitted in meningitis. What are the signs and symptoms of meningitis? What diagnostic test is use to diagnosis the cause of meningitis and how many types of meningitis are there? What is the recommended treatment for each type? What is the new recommendation for meningitis vaccinations (how many total and what age)?

3. As we age, most of us will experience changes in our hearing and vision. Discuss the signs and symptoms, diagnostic test, and treatment options for the following: Presbycusis and Macular degeneration.

4. Can mental illnesses be prevented, cured, or are people born with the illness, explain? What are some of the early warning signs of mental illness? Do you feel there is a social stigma around some or all mental illnesses, explain.

Variables and Levels of Measurement

Variables and Levels of Measurement

Define the IV and DV and level of measurement in the following examples.
Specifically note whether the variables are nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio along with IV and DV, using the following table.
Example    IV     DV     Levels of Measurement

Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio
What is the difference between PTSD avoidance symptom severity post scores of critical illness survivors who receive nurse-initiated diaries during hospitalization and critical illness survivors who do not receive nurse-initiated diaries during hospitalization at a large military medical center in the Pacific Region?            IV=

Do males and females differ on their level of math anxiety?            IV=

There is no significant difference among students who manifests high, moderate, and low achievement motivation with regards to their mathematics performance.            IV=

Gender has no significant influence on students’ achievement motivation and attitude with regards to their Mathematics performance.            IV=

To what extent does an administrators knowledge of eminent domain law contribute to his or her use of eminent domain for economic development?            IV=

People who are clinically depressed will have different sleep patterns than those who are not clinically depressed.            IV=

In routine office work, the introduction of a four-day work week will lead to higher productivity among millennials.              IV=

Does weight and blood pressure affect sleep efficiency in elder adults?            IV=

Does Melatonin 1 mg and Melatonin 5 mg have the same effect on sleep patterns in HIV-positive individuals?            IV=

Is teacher effectiveness, as a measure of professionalism, higher for schools that have implemented sustained Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) than those schools that have not implemented sustained PLCs?            IV=


Any topic (writer’s choice)

An 18 year old female is being seen in the office for lower abdominal pain and irregular menstrual bleeding. The physician wants to rule out PID and endometriosis. What are the sign and symptoms, and etiology of PID and endometriosis? What diagnostic test would the physician order? The physician also orders a CA125, what is this test used for?
A 19 year old male is being see in the office for a red, swollen, and painful left scrotum. What are the risk factors, diagnostic test, treatment, and prevention for epididymis and orchitis? Which STD scares you the most especially if you have teenagers and young adults, why?
Identify and discuss the function of hormones of the anterior pituitary and posterior pituitary. If a 10 year old patient is in anterior pituitary failure, what would you expect to see?
What are the signs and symptoms of thyroid cancer? After a thyroidectomy, what medications will be required from the rest of the patients life? What purpose does the parathyroid have? If during the thyroidectomy, the parathyroid glands also removed, what does this mean for the patient?


For Chapter 6 choose two strategies listed in the chapter.  Explain what they are and give an example of how it would be used in a classroom. Please write at least 2 pages for chapters 6 from the textbook sheltered content instruction Teaching English Learners with diverse abilities Fifth edition.

Synethesis Essay

Locate your Module 2 Annotated Bibliography and Outline WITH instructor feedback. You are expected to incorporate the instructor feedback in the completion of this assignment. In fact, 20% of your grade on your Module 4 assignment is related to your integration of the feedback that I provided from your Module 2 assignment.
You will be using the articles included in the Module 2 Annotated Bibliography and Outline and you will need to incorporate at least two additional citations and references from peer reviewed sources (as we do with Discussion Questions); these may already have been included in the Annotated Bibliography and Outline; the articles should examine ways leadership style influence leadership practice and results; these articles MAY NOT come from articles within RES811 or from other readings from this course.
Write a paper 2000 words or more (not including the title page and references) synthesizing themes across the three Remember, the themes MUST exist within all three articles. While I do not deduct for exceeding the word count, there is a very stiff penalty for failure to meet the minimum requirements.
Remember, FOCUS ON THE SYNTHESIS. Synthesis refers to the ability to put parts together to form a new whole. Synthesis is very different from summarizing. I encourage you to Google or utilize YouTube if you need further assistance with synthesizing.

Marketing Research

A friend has approached you with a business idea. She asks for your assistance with figuring out who might be willing to shop at the new business. The Bark and Brew is a coffee/tea shop similar to a Starbucks; however, there is a twist: dogs are welcome. The plan is to carry products that will cater to dogs as well as humans, including drinks and snacks. The intent is not compete with pet stores but to compete with coffee shops. Based on this business idea, consider how you would use marketing research and competitive analysis to assist your friend in determining its viability.

In the determination of opening the Bark and Brew Caf, you decide to complete a competitor analysis. Would you use a product form or a product category competition analysis? Why? What would be the source of your information?

Include in your discussion post personal observations as well as concrete examples to support your views. Initial posts should be at least two paragraphs and include direct references to the readings and/or additional articles. Word choice and sentence structure should be suitable for professional level work, and all sources should have appropriate references and citations.

literature review

I need 1000 words literature review in these parts of my literature review chapter. Please follow this outline perfectly and use only the references I give it to you. Writing style is APA.

1) The Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on Global Tourism and festivals:
(300 words)

2) The Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on Tourism Industry (especially festivals) in Saudi Arabia:
(500 words)

3) Recovery Strategies for tourism industry:
(300 words)