Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Third Theatre Critique – King Oedipus
King Oedipus – ()

This assignment asks that you watch a live theatre performance to attend with the intention of analyzing it and then writing a typed review/evaluation of the performance. 

How to Write a Critique for a Theatrical Performance

A critique is an evaluation of a performance of a show. It should contain five paragraphs.

Paragraph 1The Basics
Include the answers to the three Ws:

Who (the playwright, directors, and actors What (the title of the play)

Why (In a few sentences, state the basic theme of the show)

Paragraph 2The Plot
Briefly summarize the plot of the show:

How well did the story work? Was it interesting, entertaining?

Paragraph 3The Acting
Reactions to the performers playing the characters in the play:

Use their real names and character names
Were they believable?
How was their volume and articulation?
Did their gestures and body movement stay true to the character?

Paragraph 4The Design
Set: *Did it establish a definite mood and correct time period for the play? Lights: *Did they convey appropriate mood, emphasis, and brightness? Costumes and Makeup: *Were they true to the period of the show and to the characters? Sound: *How did the sound effects and music contribute to the shows mood?

*If this performance was a musical, what is your opinion of the orchestras performance?

Paragraph 5The Reaction
What is the plays effect on the audience?

What was your opinion of the show as a whole?

Remember to:
A judgment or recommendation would you recommend others see this play?

Back up all your opinions with valid reasons.
Be objective, fair, and sincere.
Evaluate the entire production.
Be constructive. Indicate good points along with those you felt needed improvement.

Enjoy the showdont go to be overly critical.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

After completing the assigned readings, choose one of the following topics for your descriptive paragraph.

An object you cherish
Your childhood bedroom
Your worst enemy
A stranger in a crowd
A funny memory
A favorite place
Make an informal list of all the details you can think of related to your topic.  A listing template is provided. Look over your list and consider which details are the most descriptive, and the most effective for your main idea.

Write a fully developed paragraph in which you describe your topic using only the most effective descriptions from your list. Work to SHOW your topic to your readers rather than just tell about it.

Your final paragraph should be in MLA format (see page 691), have a clear topic sentence, include developed ideas to support the topic sentence, and a final wrap-up, or summary statement, as well as transitions throughout (T.E.S.T.).  In total, it should be 8-11 sentences long.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Identify and read two to three articles that discuss the standard of care expected at your selected health care setting, innovative ideas on how to improve the quality of care and outcomes, or ideas on how to make patient care at the setting more sustainable.

Note: If relevant articles are not found in the University Library, expand your search to outside sources and materials.

Identify best practices you can use in your sustainability initiative.

Write a 90- to 175-word summary for each citation that explains how the article supports the sustainability initiative you are developing in this course.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


Cite your references at the end of each essay.
1, Describe four differences between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells.

2. The cell membrane is crucial to the viability of all cell types.
a) Describe the structure and function of cell membranes.

b) Compare and contrast exocytosis and endocytosis.

3. Cell viability is dependent upon its ability to maintain water balance. Hypothetically, what happens when a person is stranded on a boat without fresh water, and drinks water from the ocean? Include the terms osmosis, water, salt, and hypertonic in your response.

4. Thousands of biochemical reactions take place in each of our cells. These reactions are carried out by enzymes.

a) Explain how enzymes work at the molecular level. You must include the terms reaction(s), substrate, active site, speed up, lower, and specific.

b) Thousands of biochemical reactions are constantly occurring in each of our cells.   
In this module, we reviewed the basic concepts of energy. These laws are the same

5. whether we are considering stars or bacteria.
a) Explain the physical principle known as conservation of energy.

b) What is the connection between ATP and our ability to walk, talk, and think? You must use the terms energy, ADP, currency, food, cellular, and process in your response.


Assignment Content

Create a list or mind map of the patient services offered at the health care setting you selected for your sustainability initiative.

Identify which services are affected by your sustainability initiative, and brainstorm ways that the initiative will improve patient care and outcomes.

Write a 2- to 3-page paper that evaluates how your sustainability initiative will improve patient care and outcomes.

Include your list or mind map of the patient services offered and provide details of how the services will improve once your initiative is implemented.

Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Costs Estimates Analysis

Please stick to the number of pages asked!!
Part 1  (1 page )
    Explain some of the basic principles of cost management, such as profits, life-cycle costs, tangible and intangible costs and benefits, direct and indirect costs, and reserves. For additional insights, provide professional experiences that support your explanation.
As a project manager, you are responsible for preparing project cost estimates. The three most popular estimation techniques are:
    Rough order of magnitude (ROM).
    Budgetary estimate.
    Definitive estimate.
Part 2 ( 2 pages only)
Conduct a research analysis of the following cost management elements:
    Units of measure.
    Level of precision.
    Level of accuracy.
    Performance measurement.
    Control thresholds.
Develop a 2-page summary report of the following:
    A description of each element.
    Specific examples for each element.
    The importance to project success for each element.
Be sure to include references.
Part 3 (next steps on project see attach file)
Cost Management Measurements
The development of a project cost management plan can include many types of format including utilizing basic cost components for smaller projects to utilizing a highly comprehensive format that includes detailed explanations of several types of cost elements.
Cost Management Elements:
    Units of Measure
    Level of precision
    Level of accuracy
    Performance measurement
    Control thresholds

Final Paper

Instruction: A 1250 word paper on The Militarization of Everyday Life or Alternatives to the Militarized Present. Final papers will build on contemporary global issues journal entries ( “Contemporary Issue Journal Entry #1” & “Contemporary Issue Journal Entry #2” are attached below) and final writing assignment proposals. Final writing assignments will use concepts and methods drawn from course materials and will marshal evidence from course materials and at least 2 outside sources (outside sources may be academic or journalistic). The final paper will be an opportunity for students to practice critical thinking skills by illustrating how specific aspects of their daily lives or daily lives somewhere around the global are enmeshed in global conflicts and processes of militarization, or to apply their critical and creative faculties by outlining and describing imaginative alternatives to the current global order of militarism and conflict. All sources must be cited and the word count limit does not include references. Paper must be double-spaced and written in Times New Roman 12 point font.

– Detail instruction for the final paper is provided below in PDF file named “Final Paper”.

– I also attached all course reading articles (for this term), mostly in PDF files and some are in links that I include here.

Article Links:

Journal Entry

Please share your ideas/questions/comments on the essay. Please answer these questions on how you feel about this article. Breaking Wills in Colonial America.

Do you feel sorry for the little boys and girls of the 17th and 18th centuries?
Why were parents so intent on denying their kids any fun?
Why were kids denied any spontaneity or expressions of their own character?
Do you recognize their own parents in these stern masters of the colonial period?

chem 2

Take a few moments and review the naming system introduced in Chapter 3 for inorganic and molecular compounds. Next use the Internet and do a little research into the taxonomic system used in zoology. When answering the question for the discussion, think about the basic purpose of naming something, which is to provide a name which tells the reader exactly what it is. For example, Felis domesticus is a common domesticated household cat, compared to Panthera tigris which is a tiger. The genus (Felis and Panthera) and species (domesticus and tigris) tell us exactly what the organism is. Names for compounds and elements have the same type of specificity.
‘After reviewing the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC ) naming system and zoological taxonomic naming system, write a thoughtful and complete answer to the question:

1. How are the IUPAC molecular naming system and the zoological taxonomic naming system similar and how are they different?


The concept of the mole is, for some, very difficult to grasp, but its really quite simple. Much like a dozen, its a fixed number, which is Avogadros number. This makes it very useful to count large numbers of very small things like atoms and molecules and electrons.

After reviewing the concept of a mole, write a thoughtful, complete, but concise essay explaining how the concept of a mole was arrived at and where Avogadros number comes from