Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Final Paper Proposal

– I attached the “Final Paper Instruction” below, and also the “Final Paper Instruction” is required to read before move on to the proposal.

– The “Contemporary Issue Journal Entry #1” & “Contemporary Issue Journal Entry #2” can form the building blocks for the final paper. But the final paper is not due until June, and I will probably assign you again for the final paper.

– I also attached all course reading articles (for this term), mostly in PDF files and some are in links that I include here. (These articles may be more useful for the “Final Paper”, I attached them in case you need to use it.)

Article Links:

Business Management Liability Scenario

Widget’s, Inc., a fictional company, has a flourishing lawncare business. The business has two full-time employees who have been with the company for five years. All employees are trained on using the lawn equipment and have signed a waiver-of-liability contract limiting liability for the company. The owner, Brian, told his employees not to worrythat the company would protect them if they got hurt.

One employee, Lori, was on the job cutting a lawn. Lori was riding a mower, a Ferrari 2000, which was three years old and in good working condition. The step-up on the mower had writing on it with a warning sticker to replace the sandpaper liner for traction every three years due to normal wear and tear. It was replaced every three years. Lori stepped down off the rider, slipped because of moisture from the grass, and severed her pinky toe on the mower blade.
When she fell to the ground, the mower continued through the grass and proceeded by itself to cut and mulch a neighbor’s prize roses. Peta, the neighbor, was preparing for a rose competition with a potential grand prize of $10,000.

Write a 12 page paper answering the questions below. Remember to identify and explain the law and then justify your answers to the questions pursuant to the scenario: 

Pursuant to contract law, is the waiver of liability legal and do Brians verbal assurances become part of the contract? Why or why not? 

Does Peta have a product liability case against the mower manufacturer Ferrari for a design defect, manufacturing defect, or failure-to-warn defect? 
Does Lori have a claim for her injuries and can she recover pain and suffering damages or workers compensation? 

ote: A cover sheet is not required for this assignment, but please provide references from two reputable sources.
In addition to your textbook, you have access to Nexus Uni through the Strayer University Library. Please take advantage of this excellent legal resource!

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is as follows:
Analyze the legal standing and situation of a specific business to achieve a defined result.

show your knowledge 2

Cite your references at the end of each essay.
1, Describe four differences between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells.

2. The cell membrane is crucial to the viability of all cell types.
a) Describe the structure and function of cell membranes.

b) Compare and contrast exocytosis and endocytosis.

3. Cell viability is dependent upon its ability to maintain water balance. Hypothetically, what happens when a person is stranded on a boat without fresh water, and drinks water from the ocean? Include the terms osmosis, water, salt, and hypertonic in your response.

4. Thousands of biochemical reactions take place in each of our cells. These reactions are carried out by enzymes.

a) Explain how enzymes work at the molecular level. You must include the terms reaction(s), substrate, active site, speed up, lower, and specific.

b) Thousands of biochemical reactions are constantly occurring in each of our cells.   
In this module, we reviewed the basic concepts of energy. These laws are the same

5. whether we are considering stars or bacteria.
a) Explain the physical principle known as conservation of energy.

b) What is the connection between ATP and our ability to walk, talk, and think? You must use the terms energy, ADP, currency, food, cellular, and process in your response.

Marketing Management

For this paper, you will present and justify your stance on the importance of the marketing plan in an organization. Remember to take into account the importance of analysis in the development of a marketing plan for an organization

Include three to five peer-reviewed sources

Required Materials and Textbook(s)

Marketing Management, 15th ed. (2016). Kotler, Philip T., & and Keller, Kevin Lane.

Do airline self-service check-in kiosks meet the needs of passengers? Article Review

Each student individually analyzes and reports in writing on an important article.  Among a list of articlesPreview the document, you must choose one article for your article report.

Reports should be about 4 single-spaced pages in length and should include: 1) a brief summary of the article (maximum of one page); 2) at least one example of applications in the travel and hospitality industry that are not mentioned in the article (about one page); 3) your individual assessment of the applicability of the concepts in the article to service management in the travel and hospitality industry (about one and half pages); and 4) your conclusions (about half page).

Article report as a whole must display original thought and not merely repeat or summarize the article.  Please submit your article report by the due date, although the early submission is always encouraged.


Refer to a sample – format of article report assignment.  Preview the documentIf you don’t follow this format, you will lose 1 point.
As per the citation/reference, I recommend that you should include at least more than one article other than your chosen article/textbook for this assignment.  Otherwise, you will lose 1 point.
References must be cited using the APA guidelines (6th Edition).
Please carefully review and proofread all written assignments prior to submission. Grading Rubric for Article Report.pdfPreview the document


A description of the critical stages involved in the change process:
Evaluate similarities and differences for three models to managing change that
could be used by organisations, for example, Kotters change model, model change of Lewin and ADKER model of change.
Including an example of how your organisation has used one of them successfully or unsuccessfully
A comparison of three different behavioural responses seen when change occurs in an organisation,
How these impact on the success of change management and
Explain three ways in which HR can play a role in supporting individuals during

short answer question

answer all the questions I provided.each question 6-8 sentence, thanks
1 .Explain How to read a Hindi film? Use the assigned readings and films to substantiate your answer.
2. Write about the changing role of gender and family in Bollywood films (use assigned readings and films)
3.Changing role of Indian Classical Dance in the Indian Diaspora (Bharatanatyam/ Kuchipudi/Odissi/Kathak)

W4 SOCL Discussion

Read Chapter 7 and response to the following questions:

Chapter 7

– Why do the authors call benevolent sexism and hostile sexism Plan A and Plan B respectively, as strategies to ensure womens subordination? In the development of your answer, give an example of how benevolent sexism and hostile sexism work together to ensure womens subordination.
– Both women and men are constrained by the binary gender system. How do the constraints they face differ systematically? Whose constraints do you find more unfair? Make sure to provide detailed reasoning to justify your conclusion.

Analysis on Food Security

The members of the United Nations found great value in the analysis you provided on the effects of global warming that result from population growth. They are now asking you write an additional analysis to include further issues related to population growth. Here is the issue they have asked you to consider:

The member states of the United Nations seek to build food systems that can provide global food security which will feed everyone, everywhere, every day by improving food quality though the promotion of effective and nutritional agricultural practices. The crucial issue is not the lack of food in the world but the access to that food. In many developing countries, food shortages are due to governmental control over food distribution. These governments maintain control of the population and their power by limiting access to nutritious food to certain groups. In this practice, they thereby “weaponize” food.

Your second project as a consultant for the United Nations is to develop an analysis that addresses three issues related to global food insecurity caused by global population growth and poverty, and to explore these issues in a developing country of your choosing.


The UN has asked that your paper contain three sections. Each section should be one page (or approximately 300 words) in length and answer specific questions, identified in the outline below. It also asks that you use examples from your developing country when answering the questions.


Provide an introduction of half a page minimum that addresses points a-e below.
a.Explains the problem the UN has asked you to address in your own words;
b.Identifies the three sections your paper will cover;
c.Identifies the developing country you will consider;
d.Tells the UN the causes of food insecurity; and
e.Provides a one-sentence statement of your solutions at the end of your introduction paragraph.

Section I. Background
a.What is food insecurity?
b.What role does population growth play in food security?

Section II. Technologies That Can Reduce Hunger and Improve Food Security
a.What forms of technology can be used to reduce hunger and improve food security?
b.How would these technological solutions work?
c.What causes of food insecurity do these technologies address?

Section III. Specific Factors in Chosen Developing Country
a.Considering the causes of food insecurity, what factors interrupt the flow of food from the source to the people in the developing country you selected?

Provide a conclusion of half a page minimum that includes a summary of your findings that the United Nations can use to inform future policy decisions

W3 SOCL Discussion

Read Chapter 6 and response to the following questions:

– Sociologists Douglas Schrock and Michael Schwalbe say that the effort to signify a masculine selfcan be toxic. What do they mean by that? Provide at least three examples from the readings, video, or your own experience in the development of your answer.
– According to researcher Michael Kaufman, Within each group, men usually have privileges and power relative to the women in that group, but in society as a whole, things are not always so straightforward. Explain this statement and provide at least two examples to support your explanation. Show how the examples you choose illustrate the complex workings of privileges and power to which Kaufman refers.