Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

The Effects of Addiction

Review the “Intervention #38 (Anthony)” video,

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that explores how Anthony’s addiction affects his life, his family’s life, and the community he lives in.

Discuss the pros and cons of the current legal interventions involved with drugs.

Include at least one peer-reviewed scholarly article that supports your discussion or arguments.

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

W2 INTB Discussion

What is the relationship between corruption in a country and economic growth? In order to answer this question, think about the following scenario. You are the CEO of a company that has to choose between making a $100 million investment in Russia or Poland. Both investment promise the same long-run return, so your choice is driven by risk considerations. Which investment would you favor and why?

Look at the following link to find the information that you need:

STRT Cirque & Airbnb

Read the given readings and give 2 short responses base on the following questions, each one for estimately half a page (can be more) (these 2 cases are separate, does not relate to each other)

Cirque Du Soleil (attachment)
    What are the main competitive elements that allowed Cirque du Solei to differentiate itself from traditional circuses?

Airbnb (
    Focusing on the business model, what are the 3 main differences between Airbnb and traditional hotels concerning how they deliver their service to customers?

Multimedia Security and Privacy

The research paper specifications are as follows:

8-10 pages (double-spaced) Times New Roman 12 pt font.
Must have Abstract, Table of Contents, Introduction, Conclusion and section headings
Use at least five references outside of your textbook (you may use your textbook too, but are not required to).
In addition to the required number of pages for the assignment, you must also Include a reference page (bibliography), written in APA style and a title page. Be sure to give all of your papers a descriptive title!
You must submit a rough draft at the end of Week 5. This is to be a complete paper, meeting the page requirements not a partially completed paper. Points will be deducted for short or incomplete papers. Your rough draft will not be graded by the rubric, but helpful feedback will be provided to indicate where you are falling short. You may correct any deficiencies before resubmitting your final version at the end of Week 7.
Typewritten in double-spaced format with a readable style and font and submitted inside the electronic classroom (unless classroom access is not possible and other arrangements have been approved by the professor).
Page margins Top, Bottom, Left Side and Right Side = 1 inch, with reasonable accommodation being made for special situations
Your paper must be in your own words, representing original work. Paraphrases of others work must include attributions to the authors. Limit quotations to an average of no more than 3-5 lines, and use quotations sparingly! It is always better to paraphrase than to directly quote.

Any topic

    3 different  topics that research can be done on it ( topics can be in the direction of Tourism, economy, finance, year 2020  )
    Select researchable topic with keeping info on Management Problem & Research Problem  in mind in order to be able to find a suitable topic
    5 scientific articles related to your topic and why these 5 scientific articles

So the jobs is to bring 3 different topics and for each topics 5 scientific articles need to be included ( link can be given ) the 3 topics needs to keep info on Management Problem and a Research Problem

Business communication

Read Chapter 1: Effective Business Communication in Business Communication for Success, listed on the Background page. Write an essay summarizing the key features of business communication, as opposed to ordinary, everyday communication. Feel free to use short lists. Be sure to include APA-style citations from the background reading and a references page.


Training Program Design

I have attached the assignment instructions for this paper. I have also attached the paper you previously wrote so everything is cohesive. This assignment is the send part of the previous one. I have also attached other items that go along with it to help out.

I need at least 4 references and two of those must be from current peer-reviewed journals.

Supply Chain Management

1. Discuss the value firms gain by pursuing Supply Chain Management as a business improvement effort. An answer must be presented in complete sentences, written in third person and include at least on in text citation (APA). The answer length must be a minimum of 250 words.

Is global sourcing a beneficial or sustainable model in the long run after all?

Review the following article posted in WSJ. Analyze what is being shared about the world supply chain pulling down the US economy.

What is your feeling on this topic? Is global sourcing a beneficial or sustainable model in the long run after all? How will this impact economic conditions into next year with the recent rise in tariffs? Consider the recent impacts of COVID-19 and the recent shutdown of manufacturing in other areas of the world. State your position on this topic. What is your perceived outlook?

Historical Figures and Leadership

Click the linked activity title to access Assignment 2: Historical Figures and Leadership.

In this assignment, you will select one of the following historical figures and review the related recommended research. Consider how your chosen historical figure’s leadership skills might be applied in today’s modern workplace.

Historical Figures
Alternate Name(s): Cleopatra VII.
Location & Time Period: Egypt, 1st Century BC.

Recommended Research:
Cleopatra VII encyclopedia entry from Great Lives from History: The Ancient World.
Cleopatra VII encyclopedia entry from Great Lives from History: The Incredibly Wealthy.
Alternate Name(s): Qin Shi Huang.
Location & Time Period: China, 3rd Century BC.

Recommended Research
Qin Shihuangdi encyclopedia entry from Salem Press Encyclopedia.
Qin Shi Huang: Emperor of Qin Dynasty encyclopedia entry from Encyclopdia Brittanica.
Shi Huangdi encyclopedia entry from Ancient History Encyclopedia.
Alternate Name(s): Constantine the Great, Constantine I.
Location & Time Period: Roman Empire, 3rd Century AD.

Recommended Research
Constantine I from Rise of Christianity, The: History, Documents, and Key Questions.
Constantine the Great encyclopedia entry from Great Lives from History: The Ancient World.
Constantine the Great 285337 encyclopedia entry from Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices.
Assignment Instructions
After reviewing the recommended research about your selected historical figure, you will use the provided template to write a two-page essay about their leadership skills and how they might play out in today’s workplace. In your essay, you will provide a rationale for your selection, some background on the selected individual, discussion of leadership skills, and application of those skills in today’s workplace. Refer to the template for further details on the themes you should include.

Open the Assignment 2 Historical Figures and Leadership Then and Now Paper Template [DOCX].

Download the template.
Save the template to your desktop (or another location of your choice).
Save As with the following file name: First Name_ Last Name_HUM 111_Assignment 2_quarter_ 2020. (Example: Lauren_Philip_HUM111_Assignment 2_Summer 2020.)
Complete the assignment.
Edit your work.
Make sure you have discussed each bullet point in the template.
Check your work for grammatical errors and proper Strayer Writing Standards (SWS).
Your assignment must follow these requirements:

This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) [PDF]. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Summarize thoughts about an author’s work, including the historical events happening at the time it was produced and the relevance of the work in the present day.
Review the rubric on the assignment submission page.

See assignment overviews from your professor in the “Help from…” tab on the left menu.

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