Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Parenting efforts

The paper must be at least 250-300 words, excluding the title page and reference page, and must adhere to the APA sixth edition writing format. Please reference the APA example given in the Resources section. If your paper does not comply with this format you will lose points. Please see the grading rubric in the Reaction Paper Guidelines in the Start Here menu. 
Please cite at least one reference from a website provided in the Links tool and one from your text book (Delisi, M, Conis,P. (2018) Violent Offenders:Theory, Research, Public Policy and Pratice). 

The controversial statement will appear on the next page.

STATEMENT:Parenting efforts have nothing to do with predation since genetic propensities of the child may interfere with or not respond to parenting efforts.

Prepare an essay that addresses the role of science, technology, and the environment in the expansion of the West and the ultimate making of the modern world

The reviews of “Guns, Germs, and Steel” address Diamond’s ideas regarding the role of science, technology, and the environment in the westward expansion seen in the New World. In this assignment you will analyze the views presented and comment on the role of science, technology, the environment, and disease pools in the expansion of the West and the ultimate making of the modern world.

Carefully read the reviews of “Guns, Germs, and Steel” presented in this topic.

Prepare an essay that addresses the role of science, technology, and the environment in the expansion of the West and the ultimate making of the modern world. Include the following in your essay:

A brief summary of the information presented by the reviews

A discussion of the role of science, technology, the environment, and disease pools in the expansion of the West

A discussion of the role of science, technology, the environment, and disease pools in the making of the modern world

“What if…?” What if the time period of “Neighbour Rosicky”

Week 1 Creative Writing Assignment:

This week’s creative assignment is “What if…?” What if the time period of “Neighbour Rosicky” were changed to contemporary society?  Write a 400-word creative response that addresses one of the questions below.

How would Rosicky’s life be different with today’s medical technology?
How would _________’s life be different with today’s technology? (You may choose any character from Cather’s story for this question.)

Assignment Requirements:

Your submission must:
include a minimum of 400 words, written in paragraph form.
use Times New Roman 12-point font and be double spaced.  A title page, running head, and abstract are not required.
be submitted as a Microsoft Word attachment on the submission page (click title above).  Assignments not submitted in this way may be returned to you ungraded.
No Research Click for more options
There is a no-research policy in place for this class. Using any material other than the assigned readings and lectures, even if it is correctly quoted and cited, will result in a failing grade for this assignment. Contact your instructor if you have questions about this policy.

ethical issues

    Analyze and select two types of economic evaluations. Compare the two evaluations, in relation to the factors that may affect the decision to conduct each of the economic evaluations.
    Describe at least two potential ethical and social issues related to program implementation.
    Explain the approach(s) you might take to address these ethical issues.

Perspectives in Leadership : Northouse, P.G. 8th edition (2018). :

Assignment 3 (10%) 500 word maximum.

James Comeys op-ed in the New York Times (Topic 4) offers a blunt assessment of the role of followership, character, and morality in leadership. Comey writes: Accomplished people lacking inner strength can’t resist the compromises necessary to survive Mr. Trump and that adds up to something they will never recover from. It takes character like Mr. Mattis’s to avoid the damage, because Mr. Trump eats your soul in small bites.
How would Comey respond to Northouses discussion of followership (Topic 7)? Does Northouse provide sufficient guidance to followers of leaders like President Donald Trump? What additional advice would you give to followers? 

Topic 4 :
. Charismatic, Laissez-Faire, Transactional, and Transformational Leadership

Northouse, P.G. 8th edition (2018). Chapter 8.

Comey, J. (May 1, 2019) How Trump co-opts leaders like Bill Barr. Accomplished people lacking inner strength cant resist the compromises necessary to survive this president. The New York Times.

Topic 7:

Leadership Development and Followership
Northouse, P.G. 8th edition (2018). Chapter 12.

Antonaskis, J. Fenley, M., Liechti, S. (2011). Can charisma be taught? Tests of two interventions. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 10, 3, pp. 374-396. [Skim the introduction, understand the nature of the two interventions, and read the discussion section (pp. 388-392)].

Ronay, R., Oostrom, J. K., Lehmann-Willenbrock, N., Mayoral, S., & Rusch, H. (2019). Playing the trump card: Why we select overconfident leaders and why it matters. The Leadership Quarterly, 30(6), [pages to be assigned].

macro economics

    Analyze and select two types of economic evaluations. Compare the two evaluations, in relation to the factors that may affect the decision to conduct each of the economic evaluations.
    Describe at least two potential ethical and social issues related to program implementation.
    Explain the approach(s) you might take to address these ethical issues.

Project monitoring and control

Complete the following items for this assignment:

1. Read through the Case 13.1 Tree Trimming Project Case in Larson and Gray. Respond to Questions 1 and 2 of the case. Use Microsoft Excel to complete this item and include all calculations in your Excel file. Note that showing all calculations in Excel is required.

2. Complete Appendix Exercise 2 at end of Chapter 13 in Larson and Gray. Specifically, complete the table on pp. 509-510 in the textbook (note that SPI and CPI can be determined after the table is completed).  Assume that cumulative EV, PV, CV, SV, SPI and CPI values are needed.  Also, complete the table at the top of p. 511.  At the end of Period 5, what is the status of this project (be specific)?

3. Discuss a strategy that you would use to communicate the status of the project to stakeholders.

4. Use Microsoft Excel to complete this item and include all calculations in your Excel file. Note that showing all calculations in Excel is required.

Submit your Microsoft Excel file.  Ensure that items 1 and 2 above are in the same Excel file but on different Sheets within the file.

Project Procurement and Risk Management Assessment

Complete Case 7.3 Trans LAN Project in Larson and Gray by responding to questions 1, 2, and 3.  Combine items 1 and 2 into a single Risk Assessment Form (see Figure 7.6 in Larson and Gray) and use Microsoft Excel to complete this item. Use Microsoft Excel for the Risk Response Matrix (see Figure 7.8 in Larson and Gray) for question 3.  Note that additional items may be added to the Risk Assessment Form and the Risk Response Matrix.

In addition to the requested items in the case, complete the following:

1. Based on the risks that you identified on the Risk Assessment Form, create a Risk Severity Matrix (see Figure 7.7 in Larson and Gray). Note that additional information beyond the information shown in Figure 7.7 may be provided. Use Microsoft Excel to complete this item.

2. Make any assumptions and document them as necessary to complete the aforementioned items.

3. Based on the information in Appendix 12.1 in Larson and Gray, evaluate what type of contract(s) might be applicable to this project if you were to outsource certain aspects of your project to suppliers. Ensure that you justify your supplier contractual decisions based the inherent risks related to your selected contract type(s).  Make any assumptions and document them accordingly.  Ensure that at least 450 words are provided.  Place your responses into a Microsoft Word file.

Ensure that the Risk Assessment Form, Risk Severity Matrix, and Risk Response Matrix are included in the same Microsoft Excel File. Submit your Microsoft Excel File and your Microsoft Word File. Ensure that your last name is in your file names. My last name is Farm

Resource Scheduling and Cost Problems

The purpose of this assignment is to complete resource scheduling and cost problems.  Complete the following Chapter 8 exercises in the Larson and Gray textbook: Exercises 2, 5, 6 and 11.

Use Microsoft Excel and/or Microsoft Project to complete these exercises.  Provide requested short answer responses in a Microsoft Word file.

Submit your Microsoft Word file, along with your Microsoft Excel and/or Microsoft Project file.  Ensure that your last name is in your file names. My last name is: Farm

While APA is required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a scoring guide Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Project scheduling

Refer to exercise 9 in chapter 6 of the textbook. Read the assignment thoroughly and analyze the data provided in the diagram.

Using Microsoft Project, compute the project network diagram and proper timing to complete the project. Address all required information in the description presented in exercise 9. In addition, respond to the following questions:

Determine which tasks are on the critical path. How long will it take to complete the project (hint: note that Microsoft Project provides this information)?
A task that is on the critical path for this project has increased by 7 days.  Will the project end date be delayed? If so, by how much?
Place your responses into a Microsoft Word file.  APA format is required.

Complete Chapter 6, Exercise 18 (Optical Disk Pre-installation Project) in Larson and Gray. Use Microsoft Project and create a project schedule based on the information provided in the problem.  Will the project be completed in 45 weeks?

In your Microsoft Project file, insert a text box in the Gantt bar area (go to FORMAT DRAWING TEXT BOX) and place your response in the text box.
Submit your Microsoft Word file and your two Microsoft Project files.  Ensure that your last name is in your file names. My last name is: Farm