Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Globalization of Korean popular culture (k-pop)

I need a chapter for my thesis that outlines specific relevant theories for the globalization process of k-pop. It needs to use these theories to analyse the globalisation flow and methods. Would be great if there was specific relation to the role of social media, fan accounts and fan internaction/support in how k-pop have broken into the western word and become a global phenomenon in recent years.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assessment Specifics

Your Purpose Statement

Minimum 200 words (successful statements are often longer)
NOTE: Your audience will NOT consist of your classmate or instructor
Answer some of the following questions to determine your audience: Who has a stake in this issue? Who would care about your position on this issue? Who do you think can benefit from hearing your arguments about the issue? Who do you think needs to be made aware of the issue and your viewpoint on it? Who do you think is impacted by the problem or issue that would like to hear that someone is on their side? Who you do you want to persuade or convince of the view or course of action you are advocating?
Following Step 2 in CHAPTER 3, also analyze and specifically describe your Audience, Time, Place, and Purpose of your draft.
Place your Purpose Statement on a page just before the first page of your Analysis draft (If following MLA style, this will be the first page of your draft document; if following APA style, this will be the second page of your draft document, just after the title page).
Your Half Draft

An essay taking a stand and making arguments in support of a view or course of action on the issue, problem, or controversy developed in Writing Project 3.
Clearly focused, debatable, and supportable thesis statement advocating your view on the problem or controversy
Use of evidence from sources, objectively and accurately interpreted, to support your arguments
Effective reasoning that demonstrates how the evidence supports the thesis and the specific arguments being made
A logical organizational structure that clearly and effectively guides readers through the arguments being made
Introductory paragraph and body paragraphs that present and support your arguments, with topic sentences and transitions. (For this half draft, include as many of your arguments as you can develop within the word count restrictions)
Use of evidence from sources; at least 5 quotations and/or paraphrases, clearly discernible from each other and from the writers voice and cited using correct in-text citations
Use of at least 3 relevant and highly credible sources, at least 2 of which come from the Ivy Tech Library databases. (No Print Sources.)
APA or MLA manuscript style, as specified by your instructor, with in-text citations and a References or Works Cited list including ALL sources used. (References or Works Cited list does not count in the minimum word-count requirement)
Observation of the conventions of Standard English
700-900 words (no more, no less) for half draft (the minimum 200 words for your purpose statement is not included in this count)
700-900 words (no more, no less) for the half draft (the minimum 200 words for your purpose statement is not included in this count)

Writing Project 4 Argument Half Draft
Writing Project 4 Argument Half Draft
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEffective purpose statement, minimum 200 words
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeComplete draft
Half draft with introduction including clear thesis statement, and two or more developed body paragraphs700-900 words, no more, no less.
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting (APA or MLA, as assigned by instructor), minimum 3 sources, and minimum 5 quotes/paraphrases
Correct document format in APA or MLA style, as specified by your instructor, including a References page (APA style) or Works Cited page (MLA style) listing at least 3 sources, at least 2 found using the Ivy Tech Virtual Library databases. No print sources. Use of at least 5 paraphrases and/or quotations, cited using correct APA or MLA in-text citations.
5.0 pts
Total Points: 25.0

Ryan Air

The methodology has to add up with the rest of the report. There is not even one interview used to provide information or answers in the report. So, the methodology doesn’t add up with the whole report. I need to know why the Methodology is written in this way and find a solution to change it in the right way. (see page 4)

Markets, Risks, and Returns

Sky Fly, Inc is considering an investment in two different expansions. The following estimates have been calculated for each project.
X    Y
Initial Investment    15,000    15,000
Annual Rate of Return       
Pessimistic    16%    10%
Most Likely    20%    20%
Optimistic    24%    30%

What is the range of the rates of return for each of the projects?
Which project is less risky? Why?
Which investment would you choose? Why?
What does your investment choice say about your feelings towards risk?
Assume that expansion Y most likely outcome is 21% per year and that all other facts remain the same.  Does this change your investment choice answer?  Why?
What are the ethical considerations that Sky Fly’s managers should observe when deciding between the two projects?

Assignment 3 – Four Recruitment Scenarios Final Case Study

Please review the instructions carefully. I had someone on this website write this paper and it is just awful. It was due yesterday and they just completed it.  I can not turn this in. Can you help? Please make sense of this? HELP??

Please use the instructions on the document marked instructions.

is advertising harmful to society

Introduction – background, definition, thesis statement, outline of scope points

Body – 4 paragraphs, topic sentences, supporting sentences, evidence, analysis of evidence

Conclusion. (in this particular order)

Minimum of 6 sources must include these sources:

Brajnik, G., & Gabrielli, S. (2010). A Review of Online Advertising Effects on the User Experience. International Journal of HumanComputer Interaction, 26(10), 971997. doi: 10.1080/10447318.2010.502100

Gustafson, A. (2001). Advertisings Impact on Morality in Society: Influencing Habits and Desires of Consumers. Business and Society Review, 106(3), 201-223.

Kim, B. K., Choi, J., & Wakslak, C. J. (2019). The Image Realism Effect: The Effect of Unrealistic Product Images in Advertising, Journal of Advertising, 48(3), 251-270. doi: 10.1080/00913367.2019.1597787

Van Reijmersdala, E.A., Rozendaalb, E., Sminkc, N., Van Noorta, G., & Buijzenb, M. (2017). Processes and effects of targeted online advertising among children. International Journal of Advertising, 36(3), 396-414.

Bond and stock Valuation

Airnova Inc. has two types of bonds, Bond D and Bond F. Both have 8 percent coupons, make semiannual payments, and are priced at par value. Bond D has 2 years to maturity. Bond F has 15 years to maturity.

Airnova Inc. is considering four different types of stocks. They each have a required return of 20 percent and a dividend of $3.75 for share. Stocks, A, B, and C are expected  to maintain constant growth rates in dividends for the near future of 10 percent, 0 percent, and -5 percent, respectively. Stock D is a growth stock and will increase its dividend by 30 percent for the next four years and then maintain a constant 12 percent growth rate after that.

If interest rates suddenly rise by 2 percent, what is the percentage change in both bonds?
If interest rates suddenly fall by 2 percent, what is the percentage change in both bonds?
What does this tell you about the interest rate risk of longer-term bonds?
What is the dividend yield for each of the four stocks?
What is the expected capital gains yield?
Discuss the relationship among the various returns that you find for each of the stocks.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

SWOT alone is not sufficient to fully understand the current situation of a company. There are environmental factors and industry factors that need to be evaluated. Porter’s 5 Forces and PESTLE are very important strategic frameworks.
Because you only used one framework, you are essentially forced to use it to develop your strategy. How would you defend that the best strategic model is strengths/opportunities or weaknesses/threats? You did not discuss the relevance of frameworks and defend your choice.  You should choose one strategy. Diversification of the portfolio and geographic expansion are two very different strategies. SWOT is not sufficient to guide geographic expansion. PESTLE is a critical framework for this strategy.
You did not create a roadmap for your strategy (25 points). You need phases for product development with associated timelines, milestones and measurements.
You did not create an analytics plan (10 points)
You did not create an adaptive plan that reflects external uncertainties and how you could respond  (10 points).

Political Culture

you will be asked to use the learning diary to document the progress of your learning. A learning diary is an open format that allows you to write down what you think is important in regard to the topic at stake, and to describe your personal learning progress. Normally, the following items should be included:
– a brief summary of the content of the text: What you think is the most relevant and interesting learning outcome?
– a personal evaluation: Did you know all this already, what was new, are there any open questions, do you have critical comments?


The purpose of the Session Long Project in Trident University classes is to give you the opportunity to explore the applicability of the module to your own life, work, and place in space and time, and to experiment with the module to see how the otherwise academically rigorous presentation of a topic may, with more or less work and/or trauma, become “up close and personal”. This is done in a number of different wayssometimes cumulative papers, sometimes practical hands-on experimentation with a tool of some sort, sometimes reflections on a place of work or life. The common thread is personal application, aimed at demonstrating a cumulative knowledge and understanding of the course’s material. The main purpose of the written parts of the assignments is to show that you have had some experiences doing the project, that you have thought carefully about what they mean for your own education, and that you can make some personal applications of this meaning to your own professional and/or personal understanding. Demonstrating this understanding is actually considerably more important than carrying out any specific step in the project instructions.

For this course, the SLP will take the form of working through a tutorial in information architectures, toward the purpose of creating a design document for a new website (see below).

The Term Project

Webmonkey is a Web development portal site operated by Among other resources (which you are welcome to peruse), it has a series of tutorials, including a very interesting hands-on Internet-based tutorial on the creation of information architectures (IA) for websites, that ought to work nicely as an SLP for this class. It is organized in five parts, which fits well into our structure. You can access the tutorial at the following site: or

Your overall assignment for the term is to follow the steps in this tutorial to develop a design document for a website to support students in the ITM programs as they move through it from the first courses to the last.

The goal of your project is to use the information architectures process to put together the best design you can. You are encouraged to be creative and imaginative; obviously, there is not any one correct design. The purpose of the SLP process is to give you some structure as you create your design.

The assignment is in three parts, one for each module 1-3.

For Module 1, you are to read through the Overview and Lesson 1, and carry out the first steps: goals definition for the website. The lesson outlines a series of questions to structure your goals. It suggests asking a range of respondents about the questions; clearly, this may be outside your present scope, although you may want to discuss them with friends and/or family and/or colleagues who have been with you through the program who might have suggestions based on their interactions with you as you progressed – to get their take on the possible goals. You may also wish to seek informal thoughts from your instructor if you wish, with a well-structured inquiry.

At the least, you need to iterate the questions a couple of times for yourself. Write down your answers, then set them aside for a couple of days and come back to them. If you can do this a couple of times, youll find that your formulation will be better each time.

This part of the tutorial concludes:

Once you have agreement from everyone involved, document the goals of the site and publish them where everyone in both your clients organization and your own can see them… summarize the list and write a few paragraphs about the goals. A simple summary will do.

Your publication consists of submitting your list and paragraphs in report form as your SLP 1 assignment.

SLP Assignment Expectations
Length: 2-3 pages typed and double-spaced

The following items will be assessed in particular:

The degree to which you have carried out the assignment completely, or clarified why you could not and investigated alternatives
Your ability to focus on the overall purposes of the assignment, not just its specific steps
Your use of some in-text references to what you have read; please cite all sources properly
Upload your paper when it is completed.