Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Sexual Tolerance

People in the United States vary widely in their acceptance of the sexual and gender choices and orientations.  Recent changes in the legality of same sex marriage, the changing role of women in the military, and increasing awareness of transgender issues have highlighted how much has changed in recent months.

Choose one of these sources:

Find an article or graph that illustrates a recent change in law, attitude, or policy regarding sexual tolerance. 
Joel Burns:  It Gets Better (transcript located on YouTube site)
Write a 5-paragraph essay that introduces the topic youve chosen, summarizes the various points of view, and concludes with the current status of the issue you are addressing.  Be sure to use at least 2 references to support your essay. Your paper must meet the minimum 750-word count requirements. 

Algorithmic culture

There are two tasks for this assignment.

For the first task, you are required to focus on one concept, for example reflexive control and mediated construction of reality, and expand on it considerably. You should cover areas such as what is the core concept being explored, how does the author approach the framework, how can it be related to your own work during the semester, and how might it contribute to and develop on the theory being discussed. This writing task is also an opportunity to reflect on your personal learning during the semester and to expand on what has been useful in the class. You might like to discuss what was the most interesting aspect of the course, how will you use it in the future, and how might these concepts radically shift in the coming six months. You should include hypertextual links in the copy, and any other forms of media that enhance your blog post.

You will also comment on one other students blog post. This is an opportunity to engage your community manager proficiency and encourage engaging and thought-provoking discussion on a topic provided by another author. In your comment you will demonstrate how to promote positive conversation, how to engage with the author and how to entice other users to engage in the conversation.

cause-effect paragraph

Write a cause-effect paragraph with 150 words (minimum) in Word format.
Remember to use features and uses of cause-effect paragraph, start with a good
topic sentence, scaffold the main idea and organize the causes/effects with the
help of connectors.

Here are some ideas to choose from or use your own topic
Effects of telling lies
Why friendships end
Effects of eating too much junk food
The effects of going without sleep
The events that led to the fall of Rome
How severe acne affects teens
The impact when a parent loses a job
What causes natural disasters

Bond and Stock Valuation

Airnova Inc. has two types of bonds, Bond D and Bond F. Both have 8 percent coupons, make semiannual payments, and are priced at par value. Bond D has 2 years to maturity. Bond F has 15 years to maturity.

Airnova Inc. is considering four different types of stocks. They each have a required return of 20 percent and a dividend of $3.75 for share. Stocks, A, B, and C are expected  to maintain constant growth rates in dividends for the near future of 10 percent, 0 percent, and -5 percent, respectively. Stock D is a growth stock and will increase its dividend by 30 percent for the next four years and then maintain a constant 12 percent growth rate after that.


If interest rates suddenly rise by 2 percent, what is the percentage change in both bonds?

If interest rates suddenly fall by 2 percent, what is the percentage change in both bonds?

What does this tell you about the interest rate risk of longer-term bonds?

What is the dividend yield for each of the four stocks?

What is the expected capital gains yield?

Discuss the relationship among the various returns that you find for each of the stocks.

Personal Ethical Action Plan Initial Submission

This assignment is primarily about self-awareness and self-development. It focuses on identifying your values, recognizing situations when they are challenged, thinking about how to speak up in these situations, and overcoming obstacles that would keep you from doing so.

The assignment consists of six parts which coincide with topics we will discuss throughout the semester. These six parts will be turned in at two different times throughout the term. The first time you turn the assignment in you will have completed parts one through four. I will provide you with feedback for improving these parts and then after you have addressed my feedback you will turn in your revised parts one through four and parts five and six.

This initial submission is worth 100 points.

Step 1: Review the the following:

Project explained in video  (duration: 7:40)
Personal Ethical Action Plan instructions
The assignment rubric.
Step 2: Write the paper in accordance with the instructions found in the instruction document

You do not need an introduction or conclusion for this submission, that can be done for the final submission.
Be sure to cite your sources in accordance with the instructions.
Submission Details
Submit your assignment in Canvas by uploading either an MS Word document or PDF.

Grading will be done per the attached rubric.

PEAP Rubric Initial Submission (1)
PEAP Rubric Initial Submission (1)
Core values: introduction
Briefly introduce your core values and how you identified these particular values and their importance to you.
Core Values: Detailed description
Detailed description, origin of the value, why it is important to you, etc.
Core Values: exercises and appendices
Funeral Exercise
5 People 5 Attributes
Tale of 2 Stories: Story 1
A time when you spoke up and acted to resolve the conflict. Which values were in conflict? What did you do? What was the impact? What motivated you to speak up and act?
Tale of 2 Stories: Story 2
A time when you did not speak up or act to resolve the conflict. Which values were in conflict? Why didn’t you speak up or act? What would have motivated you to do so?
Tale of 2 Stories: Analysis Story 1
How satisfied are you? How would you like to have responded? What would have made it easier for you to speak (things within your own control and things within the control of others)?
Tale of 2 Stories: Analysis Story 2
How satisfied are you? How would you like to have responded? What would have made it easier for you to speak (things within your own control and things within the control of others)?
Professional Purpose:
Concise statement of professional purpose
Professional Purpose:Self-assessment questions
What are your personal goals?
What professional goals?
What is your personal purpose for your business career?
What impact do you want to have through your work? On whom?
How do you define your impact as an member of your chosen profession?
Whom do you want to know you benefited, and in what ways?
What do you hope to accomplish?
What will make your professional life worthwhile?
How do you want to feel about yourself and your work, both while you are doing it and in the end?
Self Story: Potential ethical dilemmas
Start the section with a discussion of the types of ethical dilemmas you can expect to face given you professional purpose.
Self Story: The Story
Write a self-story just as you would tell it to you boss or coworker who is asking you to go against your values. It can take one of two forms: (1) Origin story of your values or (2) Actual experience that taught you the importance of your values
Transitions and Flow
Each part of the paper should fit together with the others to form on cohesive whole. Between each part of the assignment and within parts of the assignment there should be adequate use of transitions so that the reader is always aware of where they have been, where they are now, and where they are going next.
Quality of Writing
Clear, concise — appropriate sentence structure —- fewer than 8 grammar, spelling, usage, etc. errors. Lose up to 10% if points
100.0 100.0

video link:
instruction link:–MkQ0347tGkBe1Y_tQJDtssynf4/edit

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Use the uploaded materials below to answer each of these questions INDIVIDUALLY. Each question needs to be answered in summary format. Reference the appropriate material uploaded below per question.

**Work NEEDS to be completed in UNDER 3 HRS!!**

-the external situation of the firm: defining the industry, analyzing industry structure using the 5 Forces model, discussing the effects of PESTEL on the industry structure
-the internal situation of the firm: value chains, resources & capabilities, how these relate to both  competitive and corporate strategy
-competitive (or generic) strategy: scope (broad or niche) and basis of competitive advantage (differentiation or low cost leadership)
-competitive advantage and how different competitive strategies can generate wider than average margins/wedges
-corporate strategy (focus on related diversification, the better off test)
-the congruence model as a diagnostic tool, concept of Fit

***Pull terms and concepts from the attached PowerPoint’s to incorporate in answers**

1. Using the IbisWorld report reading (Excerpts from IBISWorld Industry Report 45121 Book Sellers in the US.docx ), briefly analyze and develop conclusions about the 2019 U.S. book store industry (as it is defined in the report) using the Five Forces Model. Please structure your answer using the table format below, rank ordering the forces from the strongest and most influential/important to the weakest.  Then in a sentence or two (outside and below the table), provide an overall conclusion about the attractiveness and relative profitability of the industry in 2019.

Example table (try to cut and paste this into your answer box, but if that doesn’t work, you have a basic table editing/creation tool available in your text box.)

2. Attached below as an image

3. Attached below as an image

4. Attached below as an image

5. Attached below as an image

Appraise Strategies to Assist in Effective Job Evaluations

Every year, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) conducts the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey. One of your areas of expertise is appraisal and evaluation, and as such, you have been invited (in your capacity as Director of Personnel Administration for Organization X) to be on a popular podcast to discuss in what ways, if any, this yearly research could be more effective across the board. The inspiration for the podcast and the prompt comes from a drop in response rates for the 2018 survey. In 2018, the percentage of federal workers who responded to the survey came in at almost five percentage points lower than those who responded to the prior years survey. The most concerning part of this drop are it happened on the heels of a push from OPM to improve response rates by moving from a survey sample to a census.
The podcast host emailed you as a courtesy, with the following prompt for the show:
As you know, if an employer waited until evaluation time to start thinking about an employees performance, the employee would be in for a weak evaluation. So, based on your expertise in the field of public service, in what ways (if any) could the OPMs survey be approached in a way that makes it a bit more realistic and reliable?
Review the survey in this weeks resources and formulate your response using survey data, the course readings, and any additional outside sources you find pertinent to the topic. You may also include personal experience in your response. Remember to cite your sources.
If you are new to podcasting, the information below might be helpful to you.
Remember, a podcast is a digital media file and may include some audio files, which is what you will create.
Write out your script for the podcast to both time it and to ensure you have included the required content.
Begin your podcast by providing relevant information and establishing a clear purpose that engages the listener.
Demonstrate thorough knowledge of the topic using relevant, quality details that go beyond the obvious.
Focus on your topic.
Be sure to include details from your experience on the topic along with your researched information.
Make sure there is a brief conclusion that connects the information in the podcast.
Use CaptureSpace to record your podcast. Instructions for using CaptureSpace are included in the Course Resources module.
Podcasts are evaluated based on the following information: 1) how well the introduction sets the scene; 2) clarity, accuracy, and relevance of content; 3) whether the conclusion provided a clear summary of the main points; 4) the structure and flow of the podcast, and 5) technical sound quality (volume and clarity). Creativity is also considered.

5 scholarly or professional resources.


The Case Study Written Report should be based on expanding upon the research done for the outline.  The report is expected to be of appropriate length to accomplish the task in a complete and through manner. A minimum of ten (10) separate, printed and credible sources are required for this part. You will add to the 5 references you have from the Case Study outline. You will use APA format standards for both page format and in-text citations. A website can be used to gather several categories of information but is considered one source. Although YouTube can be used as a reference, it will not count among the ten required sources.

The work structures are,
1. Challenges/Issues
Make sure that you clearly analyze and support why, when and how these 3 or more challenges came about. 2-3 pages (you can add one more business concept that is in relate to the challenge based on the research.)
2. Successes
What are their most recent successes? If no current successes list the most notable ones. Approximately 1-2 pages.

You do not need to do an introduction and conclusion.

The work expectations are,

Exemplary understanding of subject matter. Uses clear, descriptive unambiguous language leaving no questions as the nature of their assertions. Concise detail word choices and fluency.

Detailed and thoroughly research. Includes the most timely and current issues/challenges. Supporting ideas clearly tied to the intended approach and to preliminary conclusion. References 3 or more concepts.

Accurately follows format per example. Perfect spelling and grammar, sentence structure and punctuation. Meeting or exceeding 10 references minimums. Perfectly matching APA standards for references and in-text citation. Credible and retrievable sources

TESLA Analysis

Write up of TESLA:
-Stakeholder analysis
-SWOT analysis
-Customer Segments( Technology Enthusiasts, Early Adopters, Early Maturity, Late Maturity, Laggards.
-Conclusion including prioritization of company’s future challenges.

Adopter Categories: Characteristics
In Roger’s adopter categories, he acknowledges that not everyone possesses the same motivation to adopt new technologies.

1. Early adopters: This group tends to create opinions, which propel trends. They are not unlike innovators in how quickly they take on new technologies and ideas but are more concerned about their reputation as being ahead of the curve.

2. Early majority: If an idea or other innovation enters this group, it tends to be widely adopted before long. This group makes decisions based on utility and practical benefits over coolness.

3. Late majority: The late majority shares some traits with the early majority but is more cautious before committing, needing more hand-holding as they adopt.

4. Laggards: This group is slow to adapt to new ideas or technology. They tend to adopt only when they are forced to or because everyone else has already.

When comparing these groups, the progression of adoption is gradual and logical. Most marketers and business developers find that bridging the gap between early adopters and the early majority is their most vexing task. It represents a fundamental change in behavior to adopt something because it is new and cool and then progress to judging and adopting some innovation because it is valuable, useful, and productive. In the case of the early majority, coolness might be a detriment.


Write an essay using the sociological theories you learned  to analyze various types of criminal subcultures.

You are to pick 2 different theories from the following list below (included are the specific authors and titles of their work needed for assignment):

*Atavism (Gina Lombroso-Ferraro. Criminal Man / Emile Durkheim. The Normal and the Pathological/ Emile Durkheim. Suicide)

*Strain Theory/Opportunity Structures (Robert Merton “Social Structure and Anomie)

*Social Disorganization (Robert E. Park. Social Change and Social Disorganization/ Clifford R. Shaw and Henry D. McKay. Juvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas/ Clifford R. Shaw and Henry D. McKay. Differential Systems of Values)

*Subcultural Theory (Albert K. Cohen.The Content of Delinquent Subculture/ Walter B. Miller. Lower Class Culture as a Generating Milieu of Gang Delinquency)

*Differential Association (Edwin H. Sutherland. Differential Association)

*Neutralization (Gresham Sykes and David Matza. Techniques of Neutralization)

*Control Theory (Travis Hirschi. A Control Theory of Delinquency)

*Marxist Theory (William Chambliss. Toward a Political Economy of Crime/ Steven Spitzer. Toward a Marxist Theory of Deviance/ Richard Quinney. Class, State and Crime”)

*Cultural Criminology (Jack Katz. Seductions of Crime: Moral and Sensual Attractions to Doing Evil/ Elijah Anderson. The Code of the Streets/ Jeff Ferrell. Style Matters: Criminal Identity and Social Control)
For each of the two theories you choose, you are to use SPECIFIC examples to analyze each theory from the in-class lectures (POWERPOINT LECTURE NOTES INCLUDED IN ATTACHMENTS), documentaries, and applicable readings from the course (READINGS CAN BE FOUND IN THE LIST ABOVE (LIST OF THEORIES)/also included some readings in the attachments that may be useful).

The 2 criminal subcultures that you are to respond to are:
*organized crime
*white-collar crime
For each example you use, you must discuss why the theory you matched it with does or does not explain the examples you use from the criminal subculture list.
Specifically, you are expected to discuss the theories that you think explain the criminal subcultures you chose. Please DO NOT summarize the entire content of the theories, readings, or documentaries any more than is necessary to make your points.

links to the docs:
2nd chance kids:
Style Wars:
Fyre Festival Doc —–found only on Netflix

** uploaded in attachments are “doc reactions” that may be useful

1600-word minimum
12-point font in a Times New Roman
Do NOT include a cover page