Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


For this written assignment, select one recent (within the past five years) evidence-based article from a peer reviewed nursing journal that describes a “best practice” in an area of nursing you are interested in. For example, if you would like to be a pediatric nurse, select an article that discusses a best practice in pediatric care.

Cite the article and provide a brief overview of how the results or findings were obtained. Then describe the “best practice.” Conclude your discussion by explaining whether you thought the research findings supported the conclusions and the best practice.

This assignment must be no more than 3 pages long. It should include all of the required elements. Use APA Editorial format and attach a copy of the article.

Animal People by Joaquin Phoenix Unlocking the cage by Chris Hegedus, D. A. Pennebaker

1. Explain at least one way this film related to (an) issue(s) in Species Justice or Animals and Criminal Justice.

2a. Did your opinions, feelings or choices regarding non-human animals change as a result of viewing these films?

2b. What specific aspect about a film or films caused this shift in you?

3. How did you know whether the information presented was accurate and current?

4. Were opinions presented as fact? How did you know?

Legal strategy/ writ of habeus corpus in Unlocking the cage is the main theme
AETA and incarnation of activists in animal people is the main theme 


write a summary about session 26 and 27’s video and article. the summary would included with basic summary(main points) of all these content and criticism and one question. the video link of each session are as following
(i also attached a model summary from a former student of this class but summarized different articles )
Session 26
In this session we will discuss the role of the arts in preparing the ground for political rebellion. Before the session I am asking you to watch the video on how the Beatles Rocked the Kremlin and read the piece by Elena Kornetchuk (uploaded below)

Reading: Elena Kornetchuk, “Soviet Art under Governmental Control.”

Additional source:

video link

Session 27 (April 28): Secular rituals. The role of rituals in politics.

In this session we will analyze one of the most important building blocks of culture: ritual, but focus on secular rituals that are very much part of politics. In a narrow definition i is: prescribed formal behavior for occasions not given to technological routine, having reference to beliefs in invisible bearings or powers regarded as the first and final causes of all effects (Victor Turner 1982:79).

Broad definition: based on Van Gennep: rites of passage as model: Ritual is a performance that breaks the everyday, routine mode of interacting. Its time is extraordinary and it proceeds in three stages:
1. Separation
2. Transition (liminality, communitas, anti-structure: for example, alternative modes of being are rehearsed)
3. Incorporation

Rituals of power (examples):

1. Soviet May Day Parade 1974.

2. American 4th of July.

3. Opening of the British Parliament.

4. John Paul IIs first visit to Poland (1979).

Comments on the reading:

1. Traditional and modern societies (what are the differences, particularly when it comes to the role of rituals?)
2. Political ritual
3. Rituals of rebellion (What are they?)
4. Applications:
4.1. Israeli Labor Party until 1977
4.2. Bar Kochba: state funeral
4.3. John Paul IIs first visit to Poland (1979): ceremonial revolution (What is it and how it differs from a ritual of rebellion?)
Reading: Aronoff and Kubik, Chapter 4.

Human Resources

There are many known success stories where effective teams have had a major impact on the positive outcome of a situation.  Apollo 13 is a defining example of how the impact of teams can have on the outcome of an organization.  This project will help you analyze the impact that teams can have on an outcome or situation

Instructions: Utilizing our assigned reading, CUW library, and other scholarly materials, you will prepare a 2-3 double spaced page paper (not including, title page, references or appendices) following APA guidelines. This paper should exhibit some critical thinking on the part of the student.  Each paper should be well organized and readable.

Answer the following questions in your paper:
Provide an overview of what occurred with Apollo 13
Describe how NASA teams had an impact on the outcome of the situations.
Explain the advantage that teams have when working together to achieve a larger mission.
Summarize the role that organizations and human resource departments have when developing teams.

Writing Requirements (APA Format):
Write 2-3 pages, not including the title page, reference page(s), and appendices.
Include an intro and summary to your paper.
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page with the topic and the name of the student
Reference page (minimum of 4 resources)

Grading and Assessment.
The assignment will be graded on content and per the assignment rubric.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I need a research paper completed by I am a freshman in college and working as a nurse in NYC so I don’y have a lot of time to put towards writing this paper. I have attached the outline and resources needed. Please don’t include the resource page as a part of the paper. I have a teenage daughter that lost her father 18 months ago and is currently having a hard time dealing with depression. That can be added to give the paper a ” personal touch” If there is any additional information needed, please feel free to reach out to me. Please respond if you can honestly meet the deadline

Human Resources

This is continuation project – 2 of 4. 1 of 4 is attached. Nothing needed to be changed.

Outcome measurement:
Propose an employee engagement plan

This is a continuation of the project from the previous unit.  By know, you have received feedback on your topic and should have an approved direction for your final paper.  During this step, you will start to document your literature and outside resources by developing an Annotated Bibliography

Activity Instructions:
Review the following video: Writing an Annotated Bibliography
Step 1: List at least 8 references related to your topic in APA formatting
Step 2: Prepare a 250 500-word paper proposal relating employee engagement and action that you would like to implement. This proposal should provide a high-level overview of employee engagement, the problem, and the outcome you wish to address.

Grading and Assessment: The assignment will be graded on content and per the assignment rubric.

Case Study: Leveraging Big Data

This case study discusses the use of predictive modeling to assess consumer buying habits based on their location, shopping preferences and internet browsing history. This assignment is designed to make you think critically about the future of data analysis and predictive modeling and issues that may arise (or have already arisen) with this data collection method.

Jobs Outlook

Choose a job that requires a degree in Information Technology. Do some research using employment sites, the American Jobs Netowrk, or other job outlook sites, and discuss what you found (in your own words!) You might consider including the following information:

What is the title of the job?
What is the average salary?
What are the qualifications?
Does it require a degree? If so what degree?
Does it require certifications? If so which ones?
Does it require experience? If so, how much>

What does someone in this position do?
What are the tasks?
What is the outlook for this position for the next several years?

Contemplating Your Future

an analysis of how you can apply new knowledge and skills related to research and evaluation, acquired in this course to your future career. Identify specific knowledge and strategies and how you intend to apply them. Identify those skills that you believe will be most applicable to achieving your future goals.

Translating Knowledge From an Evaluation Report

an analysis of how you would present the results of the evaluation to a group of social work colleagues. Identify the background information that you think they would need and the key message of your presentation. Explain the strategies that you might use to meet your colleagues interests and goals. Identify questions that your colleagues might have and what their reactions might be.