Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Debate review

Listen to 3 speeches submitted by your peers.
Write a 300-400-word response to each speech. Include all three responses in one word file and submit.
The thesis statement of your response must be a claim about the overall quality of the speech. This may include, but is not limited to: your overall appraisal of the speech, clarity of the speakers argument, quality of the support, and how well the speaker dealt with potential rebuttals, etc.
In developing your response, considering the following questions:

–      What particular topic(s) did the speaker choose to refute?

–      What can you say about the quality of the arguments presented in the speech?

–      Did you have a position on the issue before you attended the event? What was it?

–      Has your position been changed (either altered or reinforced) in any way after you heard the speech?

–      What aspect of the speech changed your position on the issue?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I already have a research topic & question, which is;

“For children that are involved or have been involved in the foster care system, what are the chances of the child’s educational stability being at risk?”

Then answer the following questions in the start of this research paper:
– Explain why you selected this research question.
– Describe what you already know about the problem.
– How might your practice experience inform a study regarding this problem, given the research problem that you have identified?
– What do you know about the origins, prevalence, and correlates of the problem?
– How might you apply your personal and professional knowledge and skills to the study planning process, if you were to conduct a study on this topic?
– Explain how a search of the literature on the topic that you have selected can inform both the researcher and influence the research design process.
– What functions does the literature review serve?
– How you might go about conducting a literature review for your proposed study on the topic that you chose? Describe the steps you might take.
– Explain whether there are other sources of information that might be related to your topic.
-What are the sources?
-How might you go about getting this information?

Discuss the moral/ethical decision for each scenario

Ethical dilemmas permeate the criminal justice. At every level, in each segment of the system, people are exercising discretion that will influence the fate of an individual and/or the security of the community. Incongruous laws, regulations, policies and practices create conflicts and distort the basis upon which judgments are made. Very often these conflicts result in an ethical dilemma. Which is the appropriate course of action? What is the moral/ethical rational for the decisions that were made? What purposes or principles are served? This project will ask you to consider a sequence of decisions (do, or not do) all of which contribute, directly or indirectly the final scene.
For each of the three (3) scenarios, your assignment is to:
Examine each situation and describe the ethical and/or moral question,
Describe what you believe to be the motivation of the actor and the potential consequences of BOTH/EACH options,
Identify the decision you believe the actor SHOULD make, and
Provide the ethical basis for your decision.
Connect the ethical basis for your decision to ethical theories introduced at the beginning of the course and explain the rational for this connection.
Each decision must be considered separately and not be influenced by earlier decisions and/or actions.
1. The judge
Judge Jeffery Owens is very troubled by the felony case before him.  The defendant, Woodrow Wilson, had been found guilty of armed robbery of a liquor store.  The case alleged that Wilson had a handgun in plain sight when he entered the Sin-Yon liquor store, that he hit the owner in the head with the weapon and forced him to open the cash drawer. Fleeing the scene on foot, Woodrow only got a few blocks before responding police officers spotted him and made the arrest. The prosecutor, armed with the recovered cash, video surveillance and an eyewitness as evidence had an easy case. Now it is time for sentencing.
Jeffery saw the demonstration of business owners in the hallway when he entered the courthouse that morning. They were chanting Justice for our victims and were demanding a lengthy prison sentence. The Pre-Sentence Investigation report said Wilson was suffering from acute addiction and associated mental problems that had caused these violent (but not criminal) outbreaks in the past. There is no information in the file that Wilson has ever received treatment for his disorders. Jeffery knows that, due to budget cuts, the state prison system has very little in the way of addictive or behavioral disorder treatment programs. The prisons had reverted to merely warehousing inmates. However, he had read that the county jail had received a federal grant to establish exactly the kind of services that it appeared Wilson needed. Obviously, he had no way of knowing if this or any treatment would be successful for Wilson.
Sentencing guidelines were established to ensure that defendants convicted of similar offenses received similar punishments. According to the sentencing guidelines, Wilson should be sentenced to 5-7 years in the state correctional prison system. Jeffery knows that the business community was calling for the maximum sentence. The county jail only took inmates sentenced to eighteen months or less. What sentence should Judge Owens impose on Mr. Wilson? 

2. The District Attorney
Jessica ran a successful campaign for district attorney on a very conservative platform generally critical of the incumbent’s inability or unwillingness to prosecute police misconduct with criminal charges. The citys police chief did not support her campaign. He felt that administrative actions that could result is fines, suspensions, demotion or termination of employment were sufficient punishment. Additionally, victims could sue an officer in civil court if the officer acted outside the scope of their authority and immunity.  The chief felt that these consequences should be sufficient for any police misconduct except, perhaps, a felony. Since her election Jessica has brought criminal charges of larceny against one officer for switching city tires off his patrol car on to his personal car. She also brought assault charges against an officer when she learned a suspect needed medical treatment for wrist abrasions due to her handcuffs being too tight. Recently several assistants have cautioned her that they are losing criminal cases, including serious felony cases, because police officers are either not appearing to testify at court or are having “difficulty remembering” critical details during their testimony. This started in traffic court but has also occurred in misdemeanor trials as well. The feeling is these officers are retaliating against the district attorney’s officer for the criminal charges being brought against members of the police force.  The pattern is quite clear and getting worse. Prosecutors are complaining that police detectives are too busy to return their calls. Jessica understands she cannot successfully prosecute criminal cases without the cooperation of the police department. At the same time, she feels as though she is being bullied by an overly protective autocratic police chief. She feels she can and should prosecute police officer for any criminal offense ..and feels that her election demonstrated that the community agrees with her. What should Jessica do?

3. The Officer
Scot is still on probation as a police department rookie. While on probation he can be dismissed at any time for any reason and would not be entitled to a trail board or hearing prior to dismissal. 
During the course of his patrol duties Scot has cause to stop a car for a legitimate but minor traffic violation. The motorist was highly agitated at being stopped for no reason and, using a variety of obscene references and racial slurs, adamantly expressed how upset he was. Agitated, Scot told the man to exit the vehicle and place his hands on the hood of his car. Scot looked through the car interior, and then took the keys out of the ignition to open the trunk. Seeing what Scot was doing the driver told Scot to stop and that he could absolutely not search the trunk of the car.  Ignoring this, Scot opened the trunk and discovered in plain view a large, clear plastic bag containing thousands of pharmaceutical-type capsules. Scot could hear the driver screaming, That aint mine. That aint mine.  Scot suddenly realized he has committed an illegal search. What should Scot do?
12 pt. font
1 margins
Use American Psychological Association (APA) citation format for all narrative and Reference Page sources
Include in text citations

Deposit Fee

Review Managing Reverse Logistics reading text and specifically, CH 3 Case studies.  Write a case study on Deposit fee case study which is in 3.5.1 using the draft summited already The paper should have the following- Review the information and pull together the past exercises to develop your methodology and supporting methods to either agree or disagree with the Case Study.  Explain your reasoning in an APA style paper. Write your Case study in a memorandum format, with a business header, Include the Case Study problem statement.

The Basics Behind Effective Police Operations

Assignment 2: The Basics Behind Effective Police Operations

Due Week 6 and worth 160 points

Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

Select at least two (2) types of changes (e.g., public and society, law enforcement officers, police bureaucracy, standards community involvement, technology, etc.), and examine how the selected changes have affected police operations, mission and values, or goals and objectives in the 21st century in the United States. Support your response.
Explain the various lines of communications present within any given local law enforcement agency. Next, determine at least two (2) challenges and concerns that law enforcement might encounter with communication and suggest your strategy to mitigate the challenges. Support your response.
Examine the importance of police patrol in modern policing.
Identify at least two (2) quality of life issues (e.g., panhandlers, prostitution, problems associated with bars and clubs, police interaction with individuals who are mentally ill, homeless people and civil disobedience) that permeate modern law enforcement practices. Propose a response to these issues, based on common practices as outlined in the text, and provide your rationale.
Compare and contrast police reactions as they relate to violence in schools, homes, and workplaces. Provide one (1) example of each to support your response.
Use at least three (3) quality academic resources as references, such as journal articles, newspapers, magazines, and publications from law enforcement associations. Note: Wikipedia, blogs, and similar websites do not qualify as quality academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Demonstrate knowledge of the history of law enforcement.
Compare and contrast the hierarchy of command associated with modern law enforcement agencies.
Discuss the theoretical undertones of policing strategies (i.e., community policing, patrol patterns).
Discuss ideological and practical positions and debate controversial issues in policing.
Use technology and information resources to research advanced issues in law enforcement.
Write clearly and concisely about advanced issues in law enforcement using proper grammar and mechanics.

Discussion reply

Discussion Reply Instructions: In one post, include the following information:

1) Reply to one of your classmates posts and clearly state if he/she accurately described the Replication Plus Extension design. Correct any errors in your classmates description and provide enough detail in your reply so that it is clear you understand Replication Plus Extension designs

My dependent would be the over behavior of a child at school and my independent variable would be the promise of getting a fun snack at the end of the school day. When it is found that the independent variable, the promise of getting a fun snack, causes a significant change in the dependent variable which is how a child behaves in school, an extension to this study could be added in the form of another dependent variable. That newly added on dependent variable could be the work ethic of the child.


write 3-4 page paper about how COVID 19 has impacted plumbers as whole and you personally? In addition, you will choose another group to write about and you will write how COVID 19 has impacted that group. Based on our class themes and discussions the groups you can choose from are ( you can also propose  group you’d like to write about if not listed below):
essential workers/ frontline workers (other than plumbers)
Black, immigrant and brown communities
Women and LGBT workers
In your paper you should answer:
How have this group been impacted?
What work is being done to protect these groups?
Has the stays of this group changed because of COVID 19 are they valued more in society?
What institutional or systemic barriers have led to these groups being more impacted by COVID 19 than other groups?
You must use three sources to support your arguments and cite your work.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Using one or more articles from the Week 5 Packet , identify a specific systemic (i.e structural or institutional) barrier or practice that women or LGBT workers face working in the construction industry or with construction unions? For full credit, you must cite specific examples from the reading(s) that demonstrate the practice or barrier that you name. ( 1 page typed (3-5 paragraphs)

course Project- Milestones 2

Brainstorming and Searching for Sources

Last week you chose a final project topic and began the research process. This week you will narrow your focus and find some preliminary sources.

Make sure you read and incorporate your instructors feedback on your Milestone 1 submission. You will receive a grade and feedback by Thursday of Module 2 at the latest. 

Begin by reading pages 2.11 through 2.13 in the webtext and then begin the steps below.
Step 1: Freewriting

The first step to brainstorming is to harness your brains energy around a topic (aka create the storm).  Many professional writers do this by freewriting about a topic for a set amount of time. This helps exercise your writing muscle and broaden your thinking on your topic.  For this exercise, set a timer for 10 minutes.  During this time write down anything that comes to mind about your topic.  Dont stop until the timer goes off!  You dont need to worry about proper spelling or sentence structure, just think broadly, pose questions, wonder, consider, and write what you already know about your topic. Think about the facts and questions you posed last week and how your instructor responded to them. You can choose to do this with a pen and paper or on a computer. You dont need to submit this step with your finished product so feel free to experiment.

For example, if my topic choice is climate change my freewrite might look something like this: 

I chose climate change as my topic. I dont know much about it; but I know that when people say climate change they really mean warmer temperatures on Earth, sometimes its called global warming. I have heard that sea levels are rising and the ocean is getting warmer. This is causing ice caps to melt. What is causing it? The article I read last week talked about greenhouse gases and fossil fuels. Does everyone agree that climate change is happening? I dont think so. Sometimes you hear on the news that politicians or TV personalities talk about climate change being made up, Im not sure if thats true. It seems like when you hear scientists talk about it theyre more certain that its a problem. Why does it seem like everyone talks about climate change as a problem but nothing ever actually changes? I think electric cars are a good idea but too expensive for me to buy, I wonder how they can bring them down in price so more people will switch from gas. I saw that movie that Al Gore made about global warming, but I dont remember what it was called. Are alternative energy sources like wind farms and solar power really enough to make a big change? What are other countries doing? What would it take to end climate change entirely at this point or is that impossible?

The end result might be a mess! It might look nothing like the example above. Thats ok! The purpose of this activity is to get your thoughts out on paper so you can begin to filter and narrow them.

See the Milestone 2 TemplatePreview the document for examples of each of the steps below:
Step 2: Making a List

The next step is to use your freewrite paragraph to help narrow your area focus. The topic choices from Module 1 are too broad to cover adequately in a short research paper, so you need to find one subject or idea within that topic.  Pull out the important ideas from your paragraph that could be useful directions of focus. Aim for at least 5 different ideas to pull out and list in bullets.
Step 3: Describing Your Topic and Finding Your Keywords

As youve been working on this you may find that certain ideas are standing out to you as more intriguing avenues for research. Now, pick one of these ideas and write one to two sentences describing your narrowed topic.
Step 4: Thinking of Synonyms

Next, underline at least 4 phrases or words in your 1-2 sentence description. Then, for each underlined word, come up with at least two synonyms, abbreviations, acronyms, or alternative terms to describe it. You can use a thesaurus (Links to an external site.) to help you with this. This step is crucial to finding useful sources to use in your paper because the sources youre looking for may not appear if you search for one keyword but will appear with another.
Step 5: Searching the Library

The synonyms now give you a great list of keywords to use to search the Excelsior College Library for sources.

For this stage, we will NOT be using Google or other internet search engines to find sources. It is important to first understand how to effectively use our Excelsior College Library to find appropriate, scholarly sources. While you can find these types of sources through a Google search as well, you often have to search through and distinguish between many inappropriate sources as well. In later weeks, well learn more about assessing the validity of information on the internet.

For now, begin by going to the Library Homepage (Links to an external site.) and using the OneSearch tool. Try several combinations of your keywords and synonyms to see what types of sources come up. Tip: view Library searching tips and tricks (Links to an external site.) and try using search tricks like AND, OR, *, or to change your results.

Then, find at least 5 sources that are relevant to your topic. They can be books, journal articles, encyclopedia articles, news, and periodicals, etc. These may not end up being the final sources you use for your paper, but they are a good way to get started.

In your list of sources, make sure to include the URL (use the Library’s Permalink button to generate a stable URL (Links to an external site.)),  the author (if there is one), the title of the article/book, and date. It does not need to be in proper APA format yet, but you are encouraged to practice this skill since youll need to use it later on in the course. * Note: Not all source types require a URL in APA format, but make sure to include one for this assignment so your instructor can view your source if needed.


    Milestone 2 TemplatePreview the document (Word document)
    Thesaurus (Links to an external site.)
    Library Homepage (Links to an external site.)
    Library searching tips and tricks (Links to an external site.)
    Instructions for Linking to Items in the Library (Links to an external site.)

Submission  Instructions

Once youve completed the steps above, submit the following in one document to the dropbox by Sunday evening of Module 2. Use the Milestone 2 templatePreview the document to assemble and submit the final product: 

    Your list of at least 5 narrowed ideas on your topic from the free write activity
    Your 1-2 sentence description of your narrowed topic with at least 4 key terms and phrases underlined
    At least 2 synonyms for each of the 4 key terms or phrases
    Five sources on your topic from the Excelsior Library search (including author, title, date, and URL) 

Put all four components into the Milestone 2 TemplatePreview the document and submit the finished document to the dropbox below by Sunday night of Module 2.

    This assignment is due Sunday by 11:59 pm ET.
    This assignment will be evaluated according to the IND101 Milestone 2 Rubric. Make sure to review the rubric before submitting so you know how you will be assessed.
    This assignment is worth 5% of your overall course grade.

Course Project Overview     Outcomes     RubricBrainstorming and Searching for Sources

Last week you chose a final project topic and began the research process. This week you will narrow your focus and find some preliminary sources.

Make sure you read and incorporate your instructors feedback on your Milestone 1 submission. You will receive a grade and feedback by Thursday of Module 2 at the latest. 

Begin by reading pages 2.11 through 2.13 in the webtext and then begin the steps below.
Step 1: Freewriting

The first step to brainstorming is to harness your brains energy around a topic (aka create the storm).  Many professional writers do this by freewriting about a topic for a set amount of time. This helps exercise your writing muscle and broaden your thinking on your topic.  For this exercise, set a timer for 10 minutes.  During this time write down anything that comes to mind about your topic.  Dont stop until the timer goes off!  You dont need to worry about proper spelling or sentence structure, just think broadly, pose questions, wonder, consider, and write what you already know about your topic. Think about the facts and questions you posed last week and how your instructor responded to them. You can choose to do this with a pen and paper or on a computer. You dont need to submit this step with your finished product so feel free to experiment.

For example, if my topic choice is climate change my freewrite might look something like this: 

I chose climate change as my topic. I dont know much about it; but I know that when people say climate change they really mean warmer temperatures on Earth, sometimes its called global warming. I have heard that sea levels are rising and the ocean is getting warmer. This is causing ice caps to melt. What is causing it? The article I read last week talked about greenhouse gases and fossil fuels. Does everyone agree that climate change is happening? I dont think so. Sometimes you hear on the news that politicians or TV personalities talk about climate change being made up, Im not sure if thats true. It seems like when you hear scientists talk about it theyre more certain that its a problem. Why does it seem like everyone talks about climate change as a problem but nothing ever actually changes? I think electric cars are a good idea but too expensive for me to buy, I wonder how they can bring them down in price so more people will switch from gas. I saw that movie that Al Gore made about global warming, but I dont remember what it was called. Are alternative energy sources like wind farms and solar power really enough to make a big change? What are other countries doing? What would it take to end climate change entirely at this point or is that impossible?

The end result might be a mess! It might look nothing like the example above. Thats ok! The purpose of this activity is to get your thoughts out on paper so you can begin to filter and narrow them.

See the Milestone 2 TemplatePreview the document for examples of each of the steps below:
Step 2: Making a List

The next step is to use your freewrite paragraph to help narrow your area focus. The topic choices from Module 1 are too broad to cover adequately in a short research paper, so you need to find one subject or idea within that topic.  Pull out the important ideas from your paragraph that could be useful directions of focus. Aim for at least 5 different ideas to pull out and list in bullets.
Step 3: Describing Your Topic and Finding Your Keywords

As youve been working on this you may find that certain ideas are standing out to you as more intriguing avenues for research. Now, pick one of these ideas and write one to two sentences describing your narrowed topic.
Step 4: Thinking of Synonyms

Next, underline at least 4 phrases or words in your 1-2 sentence description. Then, for each underlined word, come up with at least two synonyms, abbreviations, acronyms, or alternative terms to describe it. You can use a thesaurus (Links to an external site.) to help you with this. This step is crucial to finding useful sources to use in your paper because the sources youre looking for may not appear if you search for one keyword but will appear with another.
Step 5: Searching the Library

The synonyms now give you a great list of keywords to use to search the Excelsior College Library for sources.

For this stage, we will NOT be using Google or other internet search engines to find sources. It is important to first understand how to effectively use our Excelsior College Library to find appropriate, scholarly sources. While you can find these types of sources through a Google search as well, you often have to search through and distinguish between many inappropriate sources as well. In later weeks, well learn more about assessing the validity of information on the internet.

For now, begin by going to the Library Homepage (Links to an external site.) and using the OneSearch tool. Try several combinations of your keywords and synonyms to see what types of sources come up. Tip: view Library searching tips and tricks (Links to an external site.) and try using search tricks like AND, OR, *, or to change your results.

Then, find at least 5 sources that are relevant to your topic. They can be books, journal articles, encyclopedia articles, news, and periodicals, etc. These may not end up being the final sources you use for your paper, but they are a good way to get started.

In your list of sources, make sure to include the URL (use the Library’s Permalink button to generate a stable URL (Links to an external site.)),  the author (if there is one), the title of the article/book, and date. It does not need to be in proper APA format yet, but you are encouraged to practice this skill since youll need to use it later on in the course. * Note: Not all source types require a URL in APA format, but make sure to include one for this assignment so your instructor can view your source if needed.


    Milestone 2 TemplatePreview the document (Word document)
    Thesaurus (Links to an external site.)
    Library Homepage (Links to an external site.)
    Library searching tips and tricks (Links to an external site.)
    Instructions for Linking to Items in the Library (Links to an external site.)

Submission  Instructions

Once youve completed the steps above, submit the following in one document to the dropbox by Sunday evening of Module 2. Use the Milestone 2 templatePreview the document to assemble and submit the final product: 

    Your list of at least 5 narrowed ideas on your topic from the free write activity
    Your 1-2 sentence description of your narrowed topic with at least 4 key terms and phrases underlined
    At least 2 synonyms for each of the 4 key terms or phrases
    Five sources on your topic from the Excelsior Library search (including author, title, date, and URL) 

Put all four components into the Milestone 2 TemplatePreview the document and submit the finished document to the dropbox below by Sunday night of Module 2.

    This assignment is due Sunday by 11:59 pm ET.
    This assignment will be evaluated according to the IND101 Milestone 2 Rubric. Make sure to review the rubric before submitting so you know how you will be assessed.
    This assignment is worth 5% of your overall course grade.

Course Project Overview     Outcomes     Rubric


Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) was introduced in 2002 by the United States Congress to fight corporate financial statement fraud.  Since its implementation, there have been questions about its effectiveness.  After reading the Dutillieux, Francis, and Willekens (2016) article, The Spillover of SOX on Earnings Quality in Non-US Jurisdictions (Links to an external site.) discuss what earnings quality is and how the concern over that quality may have led to the enactment of SOX. How does SOX (a piece of U.S. Legislation) impact companies in other countries?