Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please write a one-page paper, typed and double-spaced. What are the main points made in the NY Times article Poverty Is Not a State of Mind ?  What is the argument being made and how does the author support them? How do these articles support or contradict Wilsons argument about how public policies indirectly impacts someone’s economic status or contributes to poverty?  Identify examples of structural racism and identify issues of class that come up as well. Link to article:

Discussion: Self-Regulated Learning

The baby is crying. Your older daughter is complaining that her stomach hurts. Dirty dishes from breakfast are piled up in the sink. Your phone rings and its your spouse who has to work late unexpectedly. And amidst the chaos, you remember that you have a paper due tomorrow.

Take a deep breath

As an adult student, you have likely already developed coping skills to help you get through even the toughest of circumstances. The theories of self-regulated learning help you to apply these strategies to an academic learning environment, whether its scheduling to block out chunks of time, minimizing distractions, relying on support networks, using practice tests and note taking strategies, or something else. Your ability to self-regulate is not fixed you can hone the underlying principles of metacognition and motivation, use resources to improve, leverage your areas of strength, and develop learning strategies to help you succeed.
Discussion Instructions

Make sure you have completed page 2.10 of the webtext before beginning this discussion. This section will walk you through the steps of the DAACS activities listed below.

Initial post: At the start of the week, by Thursday evening of Module 2, complete the following steps for this discussion

    Take the DAACS Self-Regulated Learning Assessment (Links to an external site.). (If you have already completed it before taking this course, thats ok! You can either choose to retake it to see how youve changed or used your prior results for this activity).

    Review your Results in the areas of Motivation, Metacognition, and Strategies. 

    Then, complete the DAACS Writing Assessment (Links to an external site.), in which you will write 350 words reflecting on your Self-Regulated Learning results.
    Once you have finished your essay and submitted it through the DAACS site, copy/paste the full text of your Writing Assessment essay into this discussion board as your initial post. (If you completed the Writing Assessment in a previous session, go to the feedback area and click on Summary in the Content section this will display the whole text of your essay which you can copy/paste into the discussion board.) 

You will not be able to see posts written by your classmates until you create your initial post.

Replies: Then, for the remainder of the week, by Sunday evening, go back into your DAACS dashboard (Links to an external site.) and review your Writing Assessment results (in the areas of content, organization, paragraphs, sentences, and conventions). In your replies, engage with your peers about both the self-regulated learning and writing feedback and how each can help you maximize your strengths going forward. Consider the Writing Refresher section of this course in particular, how can you these resources to improve your writing? Please be sure to reply to at least two of your peers’ posts. 

    This discussion will be graded according to the Cornerstone Discussion Board Rubric. Review the rubric and Discussion Board Expectations in advance to know how you will be assessed.
    All discussion boards combined are worth 20% of your course grade.

Discussion Board Expectations     Outcomes     Rubric

Theme III & IV: Central Claims & Personal Reflections

Required Texts include Theme III & IV readings: Lewis, Yosso, Moll et al., Nieto & Lpez, Gaining Ground documentary, Manzo & Deeb-Sossa, & Love & Muhammad.

Use the following layout to write a 3-4 page paper response on the grouped readings. Use paragraphing and subtitles as needed. APA format including a title page, but no abstract is required. For this paper, focus on the first portion of “central claims.” I have adjusted this paper slightly to reduce your workload a little since you will also be working on the Policy Project. Additionally, no peer reviews are due for this paper.

What are the authors central claims (these should be stated in a sentence or two for each assigned text)?
After you state each authors claim, provide evidence that supports this as the central claim (share 1-2 strong and relevant pieces of evidence, such as examples, quotes, explanations from the author).
Please use bold to highlight central claim and evidence as I used in the example so that I can easily follow your reasoning. (~2 pages)
Example: The central claim of Coontz in chapter one is that families are complex and diverse, and that we should avoid trying to oversimplify the concept; there is no one, prototypical family type. One piece of evidence that supports this is his demonstration of how conceptions and ideals about what families are or should be have changed over history. From the colonial family to the . (continued explanation and other evidence)
What is your personal reaction to these texts?
Possible Questions to Address (choose 1-2):
Do you relate to the central claims, a theme, or an example that came up in one or more of the texts in some way? How?
Was one or more of the texts disconcerting or uncomfortable? Why?
Was the information something you have learned about before? How does revisiting this topic help you grow further in your intellectual journey? OR Was the information new to you? And if so, why do you think you have not encountered this topic or perspective before?
What questions came up for you while reading? What are you still thinking about and trying to process or digest? What was unclear or complex for you?
Is there something you would add to the text or disagree with somewhat? What is it and why?
Draw on your journal notes and our discussions, to include what you feel comfortable sharing with your peers and I. (~.75-1 page)

What can this text(s) mean for you as a professional (apply to the profession you currently plan to enter) and as an engaged citizen? (~.5 page)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

A local hospital is promoting their new clinical documentation system and electronic medical health records as a cost containment tool that will improve communication among health care workers, support the delivery of safe patient care, and facilitate the delivery of high-quality patient care. The hospital describes the system as effective in reducing costs by decreasing variability and standardizing care processes. When reviewing outcome data from the hospital on the publicly reportable data website, (Links to an external site)the outcomes for heart failure, surgical, and pneumonia patients are higher than the national average and much higher than at other hospitals in the area.

Which elements of cost containment is the hospital demonstrating?
How could the use of case managers help reduce the poor patient outcomes, heart failure, surgical and pneumonia patients?

Which of the patient populations (heart failure, surgical, pneumonia) might be suited for a disease management program? Describe the population selected and specify why this population is vulnerable. Use an Internet search if needed to support your response.

What are the risks to the hospital if their performance does not improve in the areas of heart failure, surgical or pneumonia outcomes?

Building and Leading High Performing Teams

LauPradh: paper need to be edited URGENTLY as the deadline for the paper is tomorrow: We are writing regarding the issue in question. We would like to inform you that our Quality Assurance Department checked the case. They noticed a small percentage of uncited content. Thus, as you are willing to accept the revision, we would kindly ask you to place a new order and request the writer (LauPradPH) to discuss the issue. In the meantime, we will contact the writer to rectify the issue within the soonest. Let us know in case you have any questions.

Multicultural Issues in Human Services

Case Study Instructions
Doug and Mary are a deaf couple who have been married for 10 years, with three children.  Doug has been contacting counseling agencies to request marital counseling, and to ask if a counselor is available to use American sign language, or if an interpreter can be provided.  Doug and Mary are Christians, and regularly attend a Baptist church.  Doug is African American, and Mary is European American.  They would prefer to meet with a Christian counselor.

Title Page: Include a Running head and page numbers in the header.  The Running head is an abbreviated title for your paper (for example, if the paper title was Multiculturally Sensitive Counseling Case Study, the left header might be: Running head: CASE STUDY).  Page numbers begin on the title page in the right header (number only).  Centered on the title page, between the top and middle of the page, is the Paper Title, Your Name, and University (no other information).  Follow current APA professional style standards. 

The title of the paper is repeated on the first page of the body of your paper.  Center and do not bold the paper title.  Begin your paper with a brief introductory paragraph where you explain what you plan to cover in your paper, and why it is important (there is no heading for the introduction).  An abstract is not required for this assignment.  The body of the paper must be 5-7 pages for full credit.  Use the following headings for sections in your paper.
Local Community Resources and Supports
Research at least two local agencies that would be good resources for the client(s) you are assisting.  Summarize what services each resource provides, explain any associated costs, describe the intake requirements and process, and explain how these agencies could be useful in supporting the client(s) you are working with, with emphasis on cultural sensitivity.  This is an opportunity for you to explore and learn more about local resources that are sensitive to meeting multicultural needs.  This section should be 2 pages (1 page per resource).

Cultural Research
If you were the counselor or human services professional working with these clients, consider what research you would want to do in preparation.  Use at least three peer-reviewed journal articles dated within the last 5 years in this section.  Look for current, relevant research to increase your knowledge of culture and techniques that would improve your multicultural sensitivity in working with these specific clients.  This section should be approximately 2-3 pages.
This is your opportunity to reflect on what you discovered while researching for local resources and supports, and while doing cultural research.  How multiculturally sensitive did you find your community and religious supports?  Did the process of researching resources and literature better prepare you for addressing cultural needs?  Do you think you could potentially experience any biases or limitations in working with these clients?  This section should be approximately -1 page.
End with a brief conclusion paragraph where you summarize what you covered in your paper, and comment on what additional research you believe is necessarily relevant to the cultural topics you explored.
After you conclude your paper, begin the references on a new page.  Center (do not bold) the References heading at the top of the page. You need at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles dated within the past 5 years, in an alphabetized list.  Every source that you include in the references should be cited in your paper.  Double-space.  You may also include our course textbook as an additional source.
Additional notes regarding your case study:
Reserve the use of direct quotes for the most significant information that it would be difficult to put into your own words and cite.  Do not use lengthy quotes (no quotes that are 40 or more words).  You may use first-person pronouns (I, my, me, mine) in the case study.  The case study is meant to be brief and introductory; do not add to or attempt to finish the case scenario.. 

Multicultural Issues in Human Services


ALL 10 Sources have been provided in the attachments

The annotated bibliography is a collection of a minimum of 10 one-paragraph summaries of peer-reviewed journal resources that you intend to use in the Final Paper.

1.    The articles must be current or dated within the past 5 years. The ability to use resources older than 5 years is left to the discretion of the instructor.
2.    Do not paste the article abstract in the paper. Annotations must be your summary of the article. The summary must include the findings of the research that was included in the article.
3.    Do not simply say the authors conducted a study without providing a summary of the findings.
4.    Do not paste the Annotated Bibliography in the Final Paper. The Annotated Bibliography simply provides information that should contribute to the Final Paper.


1.    Include the full source citation at the beginning of each summary.
2.    Follow current APA professional style standards. 
3.    Provide sufficient information in the summary so that the reader knows what the article contributes to the Final Paper. For example, if you mention a study, then include a summary of the relevant findings. To say, The authors conducted a study without an explanation of what they found offers no information.
4.    List the sources alphabetically according to the first authors last name.
5.    Sources must be current or within the past 5 years.

Public Law

Kindly consider relevant public law cases, legislation or constitutional rules to
support the answer
Presenting an answer in an appropriate structure including identifying
and explaining the relevant issues, setting out and explaining the relevant
law or constitutional principles, applying the law to the facts where
relevant and reaching a logical conclusion or giving reasoned advice or

Project Management and Innovation

Below please find the details associated with the Virtual Project Management Conference – PMXPO 2020. The conference is on March 26th. To get bonus points ( 5 Points Max) you will need to register and attend at least one session and submit a single page overview of what session you attended and key takeaways from the session.


coaching for engagement

Cover the following topics:

Part I – Coaching Manager

What is a coach?
Why is it important to be a manager that coaches?
What are the challenges to coaching?
What does it mean to build trust?
Part II – Core Coaching Skills

What are the 4 mind shifts and why are they important?
What are the six skills?
Why are they important?
What are the challenges in developing these skills?
Part III – Practical Tools for having Coaching Skills

Pick a scenario and discuss a personal real-world example from either your personal or professional life
Describe how you would have used the concepts discussed in this book to improve the outcome

Take the coaching skills assessment
Assess the results
Discuss areas for improvement
Present an action plan