Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Diversity Essay


Submit a 1500-word reflective essay (you can go 10% above or below this limit) in response to the following questions:

What does diversity mean to you? Describe yourself by highlighting a personal diversity characteristic (e.g. race, gender, religion, social class, ideology, etc.). What challenges have you faced because of this characteristic? What changes would you like to see in society given your own experiences? How would you become an agent for change in this area?

Make sure to respond thoughtfully to all questions. This essay also tests your understanding and ability to critically engage with some of the current issues, debates, and general literature on important issues regarding human diversity. Consider all relevant course materials and readings as well as other outside sources (books, journal articles, etc.) as part of your research on the topic. A minimum of four sources (including the required texts) should be used and cited in your paper.


Write an introduction and concluding paragraph -DO NOT EXCEED 1,650 WORDS

Edit/Rewrite as needed for the paper to flow and have a professional and academic tone

Fix quote citations and complete a work cited in MLA

Sources to cite: – Article

Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class: The Sociology of Group Conflict and Change

Joseph F. Healey; Andi Stepnick; Eileen O’Brien Texbook

Diversity An Overview- Article (Linked)

What is internalized racism? – Article (Linked)

Exploring Madagascar’s Colonial History & Assessing it’s affects on Madagascars political, social, economic, and environmental development trajectory.

Based on primary and secondary source materials, analyze the postcolonial
development trajectory of a Madagascar in relation to its environmental
history. Using a political ecological perspective, the paper should interrogate
conventional discourses regarding the relationship between resources and
development in that context. Though it may concentrate on a particularly dominant
economic sector or natural resource dynamic, it should give an overview of the
countrys development trajectory, including all important sectors, and should take
into account the key political, cultural, social, and geopolitical factors at play


Research and identify an environmental or occupational toxicant that affects either the respiratory, immune, or hepatic system. Research and discuss the following:

1.Explain the normal function of the system and what makes it susceptible to toxicity.
2. Describe how exposure to the toxicant is possible.
3. Analyze the acute and/or chronic effects of the toxicant.
4. Describe recent concerns about the toxicant (within the last two years) and any actions taken to reduce the toxicant in the environment or reduce occupational exposure to the toxicant.

Your research paper should meet the following requirements:

1. Address all of the above-mentioned aspects of the discussion.
2. The paper should be a minimum of three pages in length, not including title and reference pages.
3. Utilize at least four credible references no more than five years old.
4. Utilize proper APA formatting and citations.


Discuss the discrimination against Asians during the coronavirus pandemic in terms of Orientalism

Please also refer to the articles about the situation of the discrimination against Asians.

Andrew Yang: We Asian Americans are not the virus, but we can be part of the cure
The Washington Post (April 2, 2020)

Covid-19 has inflamed racism against Asian-Americans. Here’s how to fight back
April 11, 2020

The long history of US racism against Asian Americans, from yellow peril to model minority to the Chinese virus
The Conversation
April 8, 2020

Trump has no qualms about calling coronavirus the Chinese Virus. Thats a dangerous attitude, experts say.
Washington Post
March 20, 2020

Does philosophy bring something important in the studying program in cegep?

Hi, to understand the question, I live in Quebec, a province in Canada that has Cegep which is a pre-university formation for after high school student.
This philosophy course is mandatory for every pre-university program, so its like having a mandatory english course but it is philosophy. The real course is called philosophy and rationalism and we have three of these in total to take for the completion of our program since it is mandatory for every cegep student. And this work is to write  an argumentative text.

5 paragraph in total

1.An introduction
a) I have to bring the problem and introduce the subject

b)I have to say the stakes and show the two possible positions including morals and values that motivates each position.

c)I have to present the question and reformulate the question in my own words.

2.Analyzing the concepts
This paragraph is simply to definite the important concept in the QUESTION , in order to understand the question.


The argument need to follow three structure:
-The sentence that explicit the argument
-Explanation of the argument
-Example that illustrates the argument
-ONE argument FOR which will be explaining my POSITION about the question.

The argument need to follow three structure:
-The sentence that explicit the argument
-Explanation of the argument
-Example that illustrates the argument

The two arguments NEEDS to be coherent and pertinent, and have credibility with the questions.

**As for one of the argument, it is mandatory that I use one quote from three of these philosophers (Pythagoras, Thales, or Bertrand Russell) with the source of the work of these philosophers, that will support one of the explanation of one of the argument.

The argument need to follow three structure:
-The sentence that explicit the argument
-Explanation of the argument
-Example that illustrates the argument.

This last argument  is going to be the COUNTERARGUMENT , that has to CRITIC (find a critic) to  the OBJECTION ARGUMENT. And it has to be concluded with the main position or thesis that I took part of.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

First, read the “Original paper” I attached here.
Second, Read the “Reviewers comments on Original paper” I also attached here.
Third, Look at the “Response to Reviewers Template” and start the work.
You will do and deliver two things, “Revised Manuscript” & “Response to Reviewers”
1- “Revised Manuscript”
Please carefully read the reviewer’s critiques. You are expected to address all the reviewers comments point-by-point and revise the manuscript accordingly.
In the revised manuscript, please highlight all the changed or newly added parts with a yellow highlighter in the manuscript (e.g., text, figure legends, reference, etc.). This helps reviewers easily find the changed part.

2- “Response to Reviewers”
I also attach an example of Response to Reviewers. Please use this as a template.
Please copy and paste reviewers comments (negative ones need to be addressed mostly) to the template and build-up your responses to the comments. Generally, authors are expected to accept the reviewers suggestions and change their manuscript following the reviewers comments. However, sometimes, you can also argue with them, if you believe their criticisms are not relevant.
There is no page limit in the Response to Reviewer but you need to address them all. Please use We/our/ours instead of I/my/mine in the communications with the reviewers.

Use single-spaced, 0.5 inch margins, 11 pt. Arial font.
*Note, you need to read the reference articles according to the reviewer comments. You will find them in the original paper.*
I really need professional quality.

HIS 320 Quiz P1

Part 1: Zimring & Sharkey

The quiz will cover the readings for this week from “The City That Became Safe” and “An Uneasy Peace”

Again, the best responses will:

A) Use relevant and clear evidence in the form of direct quotations from the readings

B) Integrate those quotations using methods three and four from HW1 (so it makes sense to review how to do so; see HW 1 reading if you have not yet mastered that skill)

C) Reduce those quotation to 11 or fewer words (so it makes sense to review how to do so; see here if you don’t know how to do so:

D) employ argument structures that follow cl/ev/wa (again, the HW1 reading carefully details how to improve your argumentative approach through cl/ev/wa)


Global Studies (Debt, Discipline, and Dispossession)

Apply David Mcnally’s analysis of the relationship between debt, discipline, and dispossession to the film The End of Poverty. In what ways do you see the themes of debt, discipline and dispossession appear in the film in a global context? How do race and class relate in the context of the IMF and world bank’s debt-based development regimes? Pick up on any of these questions and write a one paragraph analysis applying Mcnally’s reading and the interview with Professor Thornton to any of the themes and narratives covered in the documentary.


A statement of approximately 500 words is encouraged concerning your interest in undertaking or continuing graduate study, your reasons for wanting to study at The university, and your professional plans, career goals, and research interests. You also may explain any special circumstances applicable to your background and elaborate on your special abilities, awards, achievements, scholarly publications, and/or professional history

Any topic (writer’s choice)

please contact me if you have any questions.

The Psychology Behind How We Learn Something New

Use APA format to include: one-inch margins, a cover sheet (include the title, your name, the name of your instructor, date the paper is due, and class information), references page (include all resources obtained and used for this assignment), and body of the essay (4-5 pages in length) for a total of 6-7 pages.  You should use subtitles to structure the flow of your paper.

In your final essay, address the following:


Describe what you decided to change or learn during your 30-Day Challenge. Describe in detail your single-overarching goal and three activities engaged in during the challenge. Did your goal change over time?  In this section, describe the challenge you set for yourself in detail and use first person (1-page maximum).


Incorporate three psychological theories AND argue: why you succeeded or why you did not meet your goals during this 30-Day Challenge.  Connect your efforts to three theories to explain and support your arguments position. (2-page maximum)

Answer the following: How does each theory relate to your established over-arching goal?  How does each theory support or strengthen the argument you are making to explain why you met or didnt meet your goals during this 30-Day Challenge?  In this section, we should no longer read about the details of your challenge, only to connect the theory to your argument.  Only use the third person in this section.

Journal Article AND Contemporary Connection:

Incorporate at least one Journal Article using the PCC Library to generalize your argument and relate it to one element you found interesting regarding the 30-Day Challenge experience. Incorporate at least one Contemporary Connection (i.e. website, newspaper, news article, magazine article, blog, or other main-stream media platform) and relate it to one element you found interesting regarding the 30-Day Challenge experience. (2-page maximum)

Answer the following: What relationship do you find between the well-researched Journal Article you selected and the Contemporary Connection you found? Describe this connection in detail and explain how it applies generally to the field of psychology.  In this section, we should no longer read about the details of your challenge, only to connect the Journal Article and Contemporary Connection to your argument.  Only use the third person in this section.


Describe and explain conclusions drawn from your research and integrate it into your paper.  (1-page maximum)

Answer the following: In setting new goals for yourself, what might you improve? What would stay the same? Is there anything that you would change altogether?  Why would this make you more successful in setting goals in the future?  How might this strategy apply more broadly to the field of psychology? In this section, describe conclusions drawn from your research in detail and use the first person.