Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Is global sourcing a beneficial or sustainable model in the long run?

Review the following article posted in WSJ. Analyze what is being shared about the world supply chain pulling down the US economy.

What is your feeling on this topic? Is global sourcing a beneficial or sustainable model in the long run after all? How will this impact economic conditions into next year with the recent rise in tariffs? Consider the recent impacts of COVID-19 and the recent shutdown of manufacturing in other areas of the world. State your position on this topic. What is your perceived outlook?

social corporate responsibility essay

The individual essay will integrate the knowledge you have gained from this course (SOCIAL CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY) within the context of current events. The Individual Essay will assess achievement of learning outcomes 1, 4, 7 and 8.

This Individual Essay requires you to do individual research and write an essay on sustainability and/or corporate social responsibility using material from the course and from your own research.

We are using a list of the top 10 Sustainability Issues according to as the source for the topics. You can go directly to and search for the topic title if you need more information about the specific topic. The attached link only provides you with the top 10 list. See below for the topics to see what research questions you can explore in your essays.

You are asked to write an individual essay based on your own individual research about one of the topics below. If your topic is not one of the listed topics, you may be penalized up to 25% of the full assessment grade for this essay:

Global Energy Perspective 2019
Five ways that ESG creates value
The road to seamless urban mobility
Reimagining mobility
Peak energy, peak oil, and the rise of renewables: An executives guide to the global energy system
More than values: The value-based sustainability reporting that investors want
Second-life EV batteries: The newest value pool in energy storage
The decoupling of GDP and energy growth: A CEO guide
The future of food: Meatless?
How residential energy storage could help support the power grid

Develop a research question or argument, support your argument with research, and provide a conclusion. (Hint: use your own specific major such as accounting, marketing, HR, management, etc. to guide your paper.) You need to show the use of Course-related content and materials which will be evidenced by appropriate in-text citations and references.

You also need to use the lens of your specific major such as accounting, marketing, HR, management, sociology, psychology, etc. (this will be evidenced by using the first person in the essay and discussing how your major field of study influences or is influenced by the theme of your paper).

Note that you need a introduction, the body of the paper, a conclusion, page numbers, reference list, appendices if applicable and comply with APA requirements for double-spacing, in-text citations, referencing, font size (12 Times New Roman), figures and tables (if applicable).
Please use headings to help separate your sections. You should have a minimum of 10 pages excluding title page, references or appendices. I will not grade anything that is beyond 13 pages.

You need a minimum of 5 academic references ideally, they are peer-reviewed journal articles or academic textbooks (do not use Wikipedia, Investopedia, or Slideshare documents as part of your references). You may use other additional industrial sources as long as the minimum 5 academic references are provided.

Note that every point that you make or refer in your paper needs to be supported by an in-text citation in proper APA formatting (this includes proper paraphrasing, use of quotation marks, etc.). Failure to do so means that the point is not valid and in the case of improper formatting, you may be penalized up to an Academic Misconduct based on the severity of the infraction. The Turnitin tool is made available for you to use (submit your paper before the due date and review its content to ensure that proper citing, quoting and paraphrasing has been done).

As this is a research-based essay, you should make sure that you support all your claims and that you structure the essay according to the format shown in the rubric. Use course material as appropriate, do research through the Library and always refer back to the primary source for your reference and in-text citations.


**NOTE: I AM A MARKETING MAJOR STUDENT, so please write in that perspective if possible

here is attached of essay guidelines,
and course textbook

Organizational Theory – World Health Org

Complete the following pieces. Use the template attached to implement these additions. There is also corrections that need to be made. Please see document labeled Phase 2 and make appropriate corrections as instructed.
Theoretical Perspective
Recommendation 1
Recommendation 2
Recommendation 3

social corporate responsibility course- answer two qeustions in paragraph form

answer the four questions and answer in full detailed reflection (each one should be one page double space) with making connections with the corporate social responsibility textbook that is attached below as well as course material :

1.Discuss how a carbon tax regime is effective (or not effective) to combat climate change?  Provide examples in Canada where it is working (or not) and why (or why not)?

2.Describe the problems associated with food waste and provide an analysis of possible solutions. Make a comprehensive argument including issues of stakeholder responsibilities, challenges and possible solutions. Provide examples of Canadian solutions that you may find in the literature or through research.

3. in what way does Chandlers (2017) discussion of strategic CSR incorporate the concept of defining value and competitive advantage as discussed by Porter. Give a Canadian example (a for-profit firm) where CSR (or the use of the UN Sustainable Development Goals) is a competitive advantage for that example.

4. Chandler (2019) states that companies can pursue an effective corporate social responsibility policy of either offense or defense. What does this mean in the context of the application of CSR strategies.

You must use APA formatting for your answers including the use of in-text citations and referencing as needed. This includes using double-spacing, numbering pages, referencing sources properly both in-text and in the reference page, and using headings where appropriate to help with reading clarity. Pay attention to your spelling and grammar as you will be penalized as described in the marking rubric.

please use the textbook to answer the questions (chander, mgmt 3020 i have attach pdf  version)

Family Nurse Practitioner

1Describe your interest in becoming a nurse practitioner in your chosen field.
2How do you plan to use your education to affect patient outcomes?
3It is important for you to think about who your preceptors might be for your practicum hours. Please write a paragraph to tell us about your proposed strategy for finding a preceptor.

Contemporary business Management

Identifying, explaining and illustrating managerial or organisational responses to a contemporary business management issue and challenges, how these impact on organisations and managerial practice

1)    Identify a contemporary management issue of business significance; describe, and explore how this poses challenges for managing individuals and organizations in question. This should draw upon ideas and weekly lecture topics from across the module.

2)    Research and illustrating with evidences; you need to show both how organizations/managers are actually responding to the challenges, and theoretical frameworks and concepts from the academic sources, as re-sulted from literature study and your wider reading.

3)    Contextualising your discussion with the real life examples; suggesting on how organizations and managers should deal with the issue, and relate your recommendations to existing theories or ideas.

Reflective Journal on film theory chapters

1) Read the chapter
2) Watch the corresponding chapter video essay at the link.
3) Write 2 pages per chapter (double spaced) about it. I want you to write it for chapters 5,6 and 7. Every chapter is a different journal entry.

Here it is in detail:

In addition to reading chapters from your textbook, Film Theory: An Introduction Through the Senses, I will also ask you to watch video essays corresponding to each chapter on the books companion website:

You will be expected to create a one-page (single-spaced) entry providing an analysis of video essay(s) in relation to the content of each chapter (8 short entries for 8 chapters total)

I have attached the book and can provide a sample journal if needed.

program evaluation

provide a 200 to 300 word reflection on what they experienced while taking this course. Were there steps that were extremely difficult? What elements of the exercise did you struggle with? What went really well for you? What would you like the instructor and your peers to know?

Developing a Incident Response framework

1. Word formatting and highlighting headings properly in  the report.

2. Corrections in Acknowledgement

3. Remove the figures copied from internet OR cite the source of the images under each figure.
  (Appendix – A, B and C)

4. Where is your work  or Conceptual model of  “Incident Response Framework”
  4.1You are just talking of incident response frmamework..But what it is..
  4.2  what are its parameters…
  4.3 pic of Conceptual model of incident response framework
4.4 summary on Literature study of similiar models done in the past by other authors (In the form of a table)

5. Experimental analysis and Validation
5.1 Describe – what aspects of incident response framework the organizations had implemented.
5.2 How  similiar or better is your proposed incident response framework conceptual model  that you are proposing  in this work.

6. Details of project implementation
6.1 Details of the implementation like snapshots / pics of tool execution / graphs / tables generated by tools like log management and log analysis, intrusion detection schemes, NetFlow analyzers, and vulnerability scanners
6.2 Please show evidence through your observations on  your work.

7. Experimental Analysis
7.1 How did you decide the sample size.
7.2  Instead of just writing percentage include some data analysis statistics that reflect actual result analysis.

8. Analysis of overall result through comparison/validation/verification
  8.1  What kind of alerts and detection did the incident response framework give and how?
8.2 details like graphs / screen  snapshot / reports generated from tools etc.  to show evidence is missing.

9. Observations and Key findings
9.1 All contents mentioned here actually should be included in  literature review. (Because it is other author’s work)
9.2 Here you have to highlight what was your research findings  and contribution in this study based on what you have mentioned above.

10. Please remember this is a master’s research project and the report should reflect atleast the minimum standards expected from this work.

11. Formatting of references be done properly (Refer ACM / IEEE style)

12. The plagiarism report is attached. It is showing 22%. It should be less than 10% – 12%.
Please do the corrections and send the updated report back to me immediately.

Financial Math Paper

The topic for your final paper is for you to choose but you can not use topics that you previously wrote about in the past two papers. Your topic should use mathematical ideas and concepts we have covered throughout the course. Your rationale should consider and use quantitative information that matters most to you and is relevant to the topic that you are discussing in the paper. Be sure to cite sources when you include information (including charts/graphs/text/tables) from outside resources. It is fine to just include a link to the website you used as your citing for the sources. You must have at least 3 graphs/charts/tables throughout your paper. Make sure to consult the “rubric” for the paper. This final paper has to be 3 to 8 pages long.

– Basically math-related.
– I would recommend a financial plan to buy a house in LA.
– You have to talk about a plan.
– It is a super chill paper and as long as the paper has three graphs and the plan is good we will be okay.