Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Case study

Observe or interview a child or adult in the age range of interest to you. You should have observed or conducted an interview at least three times during the duration of this course. The person you observed or interviewed should not be a family member. Each observation or interview should have lasted 30-45 minutes.
In 1,000-1,250 words, including the following in your case study.
Give a brief physical description of the person observed.
Discuss the cognitive, social, moral, and emotional development of the person observed, using concepts and terms studied in this course.
The Developmental Milestone Chart that has been created during this course will help in the completion of this assignment.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

PSA for Emerging Adults

I am attaching the sheet with instructions then also I am attching three sheets where they three topics are and the answers are on bottom of the sheets for the blanks,,  YOu need to write a PSA of 300 -400 words about all three of them in one PSA  If you need any m=thing else please let me know thank you

Drone Photography

You will write a minimum 5-6 page research paper that elaborates upon your Current Trends and Practices assignment. This paper evaluates a civic issue as it applies to your field of study or anticipated profession. The issue must be one that affects civic life both domestically and internationally.


Analyze and evaluate a specific issue related to your discipline that shapes civic life
Articulate and support with well-reasoned arguments your own concept of justice, and how it relates to your field of study/profession and to your understanding of your roles as a citizen
Utilize five credible sources of information
Contain a bibliography and in-text citations
Utilize correct APA Style

Spirituality and Social Work Practice

Being culturally sensitive by respecting your clients’ spirituality and religious traditions, in general, is an important professional competence (Furness & Gilligan, 2010). Applying your spiritual awareness to a specific client case, however, may require even greater skill. In this assignment, you consider how you might address a client’s crisis that includes a spiritual or religious component.

To prepare for this Assignment, review this week’s media about Eboni Logan’s visit with her school social worker.

2- to 4-page paper that answers the following questions:

As Eboni’s social worker, would you include spirituality and religion in your initial assessment? Why or why not?
What strategies can you use to ensure that your personal values will not influence your practice with Eboni?
How would you address the crisis that Eboni is experiencing?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This case describes the business environment in Brazil circa 2011 as seen from the eyes
of a foreign private equity (PE) firm, in this case the technology-focused Silver Lake Partners.
Between 2003 and 2010, investor enthusiasm about the prospects of Brazils consumer market
attracted some of the biggest PE firms to open shop in Brazil (e.g., Carlyle, Warburg Pincus,
General Atlantic). Silver Lake itself closed two deals in Brazil before the summer of 2011. Now
they need to consider whether it makes sense to open shop in Sao Paulo.
The case is comprehensive, covering the macroeconomic environment, the challenges of
doing business in Brazil, the recent rise of almost 40 million people to the middle class in Brazil,
and the entry strategies of foreign PE firms into Brazil. It then turns into a detailed discussion of
the strategy of Silver Lake. As such, the case describes in detail the risks and opportunities of the
Brazilian market on three levels: at the macro level, at the industry level (in this case, the
technology sector), and for private equity in particular. In preparing for this case, try to think
about opportunities and risks on all three levels.
Please do these questions and turn them in on Canvas before the start of class. Come
to class ready to discuss.
Please write no more than a paragraph for each question. Bullet points or a chart is fine too.
1. What structural changes over the period 2003 to 2010 make investing in Brazil more
promising than in the past? What are some reasons for concern going forward? Is the
boom in Brazil for real this time (as of 2011), or can the country go bust again?
2. Do some internet research on the tech sector in Brazil. Whats happening in the industry?
What are some companies, both established companies and start-ups? What strategies
allow them to succeed in Brazil?

In newsreels the Arab is always shown in large numbers. No individuality, no personal characteristics or experiences. Most of the pictures represent mass rage and misery, or irrational (hence hopelessly eccentric) gestures. Lurking behind all of these im

Terms you should try to get to grips with
Primary definers
Us and them
Discourse analysis (also: critical discourse analysis)
Framing (also: cascading activation model)
Clash of civilisations
Kin country syndrome
The Bush Doctrine
Special relationship
Yellow journalism

Supply Chain

Company to be used: Li and Fung
I have attached a file of what’s to be included so please follow.

Part 1
In this part of the assessment, you have to write a 3000-word long report explaining and discussing the following

Total words for task 1: 1500 words

Task 1 for Part 1:
Critically evaluate, discuss as well as compare and contrast the knowledge-as-possession view and the knowledge-as-practice view in relation to an organization of your choice in the automotive industry. Furthermore, in relation to Li and Fung., discuss the meaning of these two schools of thought in relation to managing innovation in supply chains, whilst relating this to some of the innovation and relationship management concepts discussed in the lectures and seminars throughout this module.
word limit: 1200 words

Introduction and conclusion:
Word limit: 200 words

word limit: 100 words
Presentation and abstract:
Please pay particular attention to the structure of your report, the English language, and references.
Presentation format: Structured business report
Abstract: You must write an abstract.

Total words for task 2: 1500 words
Task 2 for Part 1:
Critically evaluate and discuss the role of information technology (IT) in relation to a supply chain of Li and Fung.. Please analyze the information technologies adopted in your chosen supply chain and critically discuss the impact of these systems on supply chain performance.
Word limit: 1200 words

Introduction and conclusion:
Word limit: 200 words

The word limit for the abstract: 100 words.

Presentation and abstract:
Please pay particular attention to the structure of your report, the English language, and references.
Presentation format: Structured business report
Abstract: You must write an abstract.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This only needs to be a summary of the article. “This is more of a participation paper than something that has to be an in-depth or thought-provoking work, so it need not take a great deal of time compared with a conventional term paper.”

Actual instructions
Introduce the paper by describing in your own words what the researchers were studying and how
they studied it. Why did the author(s) conduct this experiment? What were they investigating and
what hypotheses were they attempting to prove or disprove?
Briefly describe the role of the participants during the study. Would you have been interested in
participating in this experiment? Why or why not?
What was the outcome of the study? Was the hypothesis supported and what major conclusions
were drawn from the research findings? Please explain


Answer the 2 questions with the lecture slide attached. Make sure to reference the lecture slide.

1. How much sexism is there in today’s society? In general, is the amount of sexism increasing or decreasing?

2. Is there such a thing as nonviolent pornography, or is pornography inherently violent?

Chose any

2. Go into more depth within your chosen social problem. Examine your selected social problem and theorize why your social problem exists in the first place. Which sociological theory do you identify most with as you describe your social problem (see page 15 of your text/figure 1.7 & table 1.2). Why? (100-150 words)
I’d like for us to use our sociological imagination. C. Wright Mills (a famous sociologist) described the sociological imagination as: “the vivid awareness of the relationship between personal experience and the wider society”. Choose one social problem (such as: abortion, bullying, alcoholism, date rape, capital punishment/death penalty, racism, poverty, eating disorders, etc.) and describe, in your ideal society, how you would combat your selected issue to solve it. Describe the experience of those affected by the social problem and how their experience would be shifted through the changes made in your ideal society. (200 words) (15 points)