Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Intellectual Property Versus A National Burger Franchise

    Case Analysis
Burger King, the national franchise, is banned from opening a restaurant within 20 miles of Mattoon, Illinois. So, there is not a Burger King there; no problem, right? Not so fast! In the late 1950s, Gene and Betty Hoots trademarked the iconic name. Well, they trademarked it in Illinois at least. When the national company decided to open a chain close by, the Hoots sued and won their case. However, the national chain was able to keep the name Burger King, but the Hoots were also able to keep the name in accordance with the stipulation that the national chain could not open a store within a 20-mile radius of the original store in Mattoon, Illinois.
In a minimum of 500 words, explain the reasons why this decision was made, and discuss the significance of this case in U.S. trademark law jurisprudence.
For this assignment, please find one article from the CSU Online Library that discusses intellectual property; elaborate on how the article relates to the Burger King case to support your answer. Identify the main issues with copyright and trademark in the article, and explain how these issues were either upheld or overturned.
Cite any direct quotes or paraphrased material from the article. Use APA format.
Articles to refer to uploaded.

Professional Sector In Sport

Unit outcomes assessed:
1. Define the basic administrative principles and practices as they operate in the sport industry
3. Articulate the ways effective administrative processes can strengthen crucial elements of sporting organisations.
5. Demonstrate sound academic learning, literacy and numeracy skills

Task Description:
Students are to complete an essay which explores one of the three sectors of sport (THE PROFESSIONAL SECTOR) and their role in the Australian sporting landscape. Students will do this by focusing on the key features of their chosen sector, the current trends in this area and the future challenges to be faced.
Students are expected to reference a variety of evidence-based material. This constitutes peer-reviewed journal articles, government publications and/or textbooks. Websites are NOT accepted as evidence- based material.
The essay will be marked on students ability to:
Write an introduction which provides background information and context on the chosen sector
of sport, an outline of the purpose of the essay and an overview of the arguments presented
using evidence. (10 marks)
Provide an evidence-based explanation of:
o at least TWO key features of the chosen sector.
o at least TWO current trends in the chosen sector
o at least TWO future challenges in the chosen sector. (30 marks total)
Write a concluding paragraph which summarises the arguments presented in the essay. (10 marks)
The ability to format, reference and write academically will also be assessed (50 marks total)

Task Procedure:
Students are to follow the steps outlined below to write the essay:
1. Select one of the three sectors of sport. (PROFESSIONAL SECTOR)
2. Find at least ONE peer-reviewed journal article that contributes to your knowledge on the essay topic.

Change Management

1.    The approach Appreciative Inquiry (AI) goes through four stages: Discovery, Dream, Design, and Delivery. AI assumes that all people as well as organizations consist of a positive core. How do you locate this positive core? Why is the positive core essential for this approach? In which stages is the positive core present explain how?

2.    How can the VCI-model (i.e. vision, culture and image) be useful as a tool before and after an organizational change?

3.    A company has many employees, resulting that the informal coordination is no longer very effective. People in different departments are not properly informed about what their colleagues are doing, because they no longer meet at coffee breaks. Sometimes it is even hard to find someone you need information or resources from, because they are not available during the expected work hours. The manager would like to prompt a change in the group behavior, to make them comply more with the rules of punctuality and respect for formal procedures, which will be hard. In the early days of the company, communication was easily done, informally, through the multiple contacts that employees had, around the coffee machine, or in their frequent interactions. Today the size of the company means that sometimes it is even impossible to get feedback from certain colleagues, because we do not know where they are or what they do, including during working hours!

    The manager would like to introduce a change of behavior in the teams, so that everyone better respects the rules and procedures. Theres a long way to go …
    Propose a plan for social change to help the manger. You can use Lewins model of change.

4.    You are the Headcoach of a consultant team of 15 employees specialized in change management. After working with several big and prestigious companies, the team hit a rough path with few and less lucrative assignments. Several of your coaches are bothered by this development. Some are even mentioning that you, as their Headcoach, should install more discipline and motivation within the team. Some coaches are arguing in-between one another. The mood is low. You thought that coaching of coaches should be relaxing, but you are starting to realize that, if this team does not start pulling together and get more assignments the future looks very dark.

    What would you emphasize more: discipline or motivation? How are they related?
    What approach (behavioral, psychodynamic, cognitive or humanistic) will you use to change the team spirit? Give reasons for your choice?
    How would you address the increased negative talk among team members?

5.    You work as an internal change agent at an international journal. Some of your key stakeholders urge the management to get a healthier profile. For this reason, the board has told you to facilitate some healthy changes, e.g. some of your best journalists are having bad habits: Sweet tooth, overweight, junk food eaters, and alcoholic tendencies. You know that old habits die hard. Temptation is strong. And that the human being, apparently, is weak. Still you have to make the change happen.

    What would you do?
    How will you teach the journalist towards a healthy lifestyle?
    What tools do have to break the habits? What should you be aware of?
    Would you involve the management? Why? Why not?
    Is there a leadership or change approach that might help facilitate the change?

Attachment theory


Please follow the paper outline below.

-What is attachment theory in infancy?
-Developing an internal working model?
-Adult attachment theory
-Findings of research articles attached.
-List finding for each secure, insecure, anxious attachment
-CBT in the context of attachment theory?
-Summarize main ideas

Sociology – W2 Discussion

Read chapter 4 and write a response to answer the following questions:

– Define what it means to do gender and then evaluate how well you think you do gender in your daily life. In what ways do you obey gender rules? In what ways do you break them? Make sure to provide detailed responses to justify your perspective.
– Do you agree that the number one gender rule is to do gender? Why or why not? In the development of your response, make sure to address how easy, or difficult, you think it is to not do gender in society.

The Ford Pinto Case Analysis

Case Analysis

The Ford Pinto case is a well-known case that is often discussed in thecontext of business ethics. To summarize, Ford’s design of the Pinto’s fueltank was defective, causing fires if the Pinto was involved in even minorrear-end collisions. Ford came to learn of the defect, but the company failedto correct it; Ford then predicted, based on a cost-benefit analysis, that itwould cost more to repair the defect ($11 per vehicle, or $137 million total)than it would to pay for damages resulting from burn deaths, burn injuries, and burned vehicles ($47.5 million). Consider the Ford Pinto case in light of the who-how (WH) framework for business ethics.

Would Ford’s decision to forego repairing the defective design comply withthese ethical guidelines? If so, why? If not, then what actions should Fordhave taken to satisfy them? Explain your reasoning.

Your response to this question should be a minimum of 500 words. Cite anydirect quotes or paraphrased material from outside sources. Use APAformat.

Demonstrate knowledge of material in a textbook approach

Instructions written by professor:The project requirement is to demonstrate your knowledge of the course material in a manner that demonstrates both some breadth of coverage across the semester, and some depth of understanding of specific areas.  This can be done with a textbook” approach in which you develop your own version of a textbook, or a less complete version that would be more of a guidebook or manual.  The more this approach relies on just defining terms, the less depth it is showing.  You can also do any type of coverage of an issue that is important to you, and issue that is important to others in general such as climate change, or a compendium of the terms that you found most interesting and why they are most interesting.
Your project needs to show a combination of breadth of topics and depth of understanding within the topics you cover.  2 chapters would not be breadth, 5 would.  But 8 chapters of material with nothing more than defining terms would show no depth.  Combine the two in whatever way you choose, and any project that shows depth and breadth will be fine.

I have attached the professors instructions and examples of what he is looking for in the paper, in a video. At 9 minutes he goes into A level work, where he talks about breadth and depth he is looking for. After 16 minutes you can close out, he goes on a bit of a ramble.
I have also attached a PDF of the book that is the only thing that you will use.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the following scenario and use it as the basis for your answers to the associated essay questions:
You are an information system security professional for CCS International, a company that provides IT personnel for a variety of government and private contracts. The organization to which you are currently contracted hires a new chief security officer (CSO) after the previous CSO retires. Although the new CSO is in charge of security for the organization’s data assets, networks, and computer systems, her background and most recent experience is in physical security, and she knows very little about information security. Your manager explains that you have been assigned the task of preparing an information brief for the new CSO, which will provide her with the basics of cyber security, acquaints her with the current threats facing your organization’s data infrastructure, and the legal issues related to protecting the enterprise. Prepare a slide presentation covering (at a minimum) the following topics:
* What is cyber security, and what are some of its key concepts?
* What are the most significant threats to your data, and what are some of the root causes of those threats?
* Are cyber criminals a real danger to your enterprise? Why or why not?
* What is risk management, and how can the risk management process help you protect your infrastructure and data?
* What are some computer security best practices that you would recommend, and how will they help protect your IT assets?
* If your organization does become a victim of a cyber-crime or a security incident, how will you respond? What types of evidence would be important to your investigation, and how would they be used? What would law enforcement’s role be in your incident response plan?
* Are there any laws at the local, state, federal, or even international level that protect your organization by imposing penalties on cyber criminals? Provide at least one example of a cyber-crime court case, and explain both its outcome and its significance.
* What do you need from the CSO to best protect your organization? Justify your requests.
Prepare a 15- to 20-slide presentation addressing the scenario and covering the topics above. Ensure that you create a title slide for your presentation (not included in the 15- to 20-slide count) displaying your name, the course title, and the date of submission. Be sure to use a background and fonts appropriate for your meeting with the CSO.
Prepare a script to go along with the slide presentation that could be read to provide an in-depth discussion of the topics highlighted on the slides. Research the topics above, using your textbook, information provided in class, and resources provided by the UMUC library or textbooks from previous courses. Your script should be written in an academic format, should be logically organized (e.g., introduction, body, and conclusion), and should include the following:
* a cover page with your name, the course title, and the date of submission
* an introductory section that explains the purpose of the presentation
* the body of the paper, addressing the topics discussed in your slides
* a conclusion section that summarizes your discussions
* a References page in which you reference the text or other sources, which must be properly documented and cited, using APA formatting
The script must be a minimum of 10 double-spaced, computer-generated pages in length, using a 12-point font, with 1-inch page margins (top, bottom, right, and left). There must also be a cover page and a References page; these two pages will not count toward the required page total.

List and discuss three primary reasons why the North won the Civil War. Each answer must be distinct from the others.

This is a three paragraph essay.  List and discuss three primary reasons why the North won the Civil War.  Each answer must be distinct from the others.

Have the essay completed, before you start the exam.  Then, simply paste or type your answer into the space provided. Do not attach a file.  If you email this to me, instead of paste your answer into the test, I must deduct 5 points from your answer.  The answer must be written in three paragraphs (one for each reason) and submitted along with the objective questions within the 2 1/2 hour time limit. An essay of this type is typically 1 single or 2 double-spaced pages long.

Copying from an Internet source and pasting into your essay will result in a 0 for the entire exam score–use only the resources provided by this course (Textbook, Lecture Notes, PowerPoint presentations, Virtual Reader, American Perspectives).


Essay: Differences in Politics and Religion

Discuss the relationship between China, Taiwan, and the US.

750-1000 word essay in APA format (

US-China Relations–A Brief Historical Perspective