Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)



The essay for this lesson is required to be 1000-1500 words and clearly demonstrate your understanding of the prompt. Essays should be 5 or more paragraphs with a clear introduction, thesis statement and conclusion, written in APA format (

Discuss how the global community is addressing this problem. Do not explain what the issue is, instead, focus your examination on what decisions and actions are currently being taken to combat the issue that you choose.


Prevention of Poverty

Drug use leads to an increase of mental health

Need my methods sections to focus too on my hypothesis which is:

For the references please try to find more specifically on college students because they are the main group I focused on in my data collection

Attachment 1: all the directions for the assignment also at the end there is a sample of how it should be structured.

Attachment 2: These are the results that I wrote up based on the test I ran

Attachment 3: These are the questions I used. the first two questions are based on paragraph 1 and the other 3 questions are based on the last paragraph.

Attachment 4: These are my results based on the first two questions

Attachment 5: These are my results based on the other 3 questions

-Please make it a full 3 pages from top to bottom.
-Use 5-10 credible sources (in-text citations APA FORMAT) and reference them on a separate page please
-Times New Roman Font, 12, DOuble-spaced

Opening Paragraph: Discussion of whether your results support or refute your hypothesis.
Middle Paragraphs: Discussion of other results found.
Closing Paragraph: Discussion of any errors and future work.

History America between the Wars.

A number of the rough cuts of the interviews used for the Great Depression film series, which we will watch during the second half of the course, are on line at:

these interviews may help for the content of the essay. Also spark notes can be used for Winesberg, Ohio and Salute to Spring

homework paper

Please scroll and contribute at least 2 posts to this Discussion Board on at least 2 distinct questions threads. Each post will be given points for the following:

1) adequate length (approximately 250 words)

2) clarity and good writing

3) including a specific example

4) including an in-text citation (to either assigned or extra material must use a proper citation format)

*** if you pull from an outside source you must include a bibliographic reference AND an in-text citation

5) including a question that you are left with.

How do factories control or discipline their employees? Provide at least two examples from these class sources: Time, work-discipline, and industrial capitalism; Modern Times; Mardi Gras: Made in China; and Japanese Factories, Malay Workers: Class and Sexual Metaphors in West Malaysia. Answer the following questions about each example: where did this control or discipline take place (at the factory/ during work hours, or outside of the factory/ off the clock)? Who enforces the discipline or control? What happens if an employee does not comply?

Describe two differences between Western baby care and another culture, according to Small. Explain why Small seems to suggest that Western methods of baby care may be inferior to other cultural models, or may create problems for babies.

US History

I will upload further documents to help the content of this essay. the coming apart of the America economy inn 1930.
Please view these videos to help with the content of this essay.

Watch and listen to the clips, one audio, two video.

        1. Father Coughlin

        2. Huey Long

        3. The Townsend Plan

Phillis Wheatley Association,

1. A title page, abstract with key words, and reference page

2. Adherence to APA guidelines, grammatical rules, correct spelling and the required word count (3,000-4,000 words not including the title page, abstract, and reference page)

3. Incorporation of 15-20 in-text citations with at least one documentary film as a source and a minimum of 5 quotes from A Ghetto Takes Shape.

4. A historical account of the institution including coverage of the current direction it is taking with evidence in statements or decisions made by its administration or members of its board to insure sustainability

5. Quantifiable information about the institutions current impact or measurable outcomes as it relates to a particular social issue that is defined in the paper

6. Qualitative material from at least one chapter from a corresponding autobiography ( A Nickel and a Prayer by Jane Edna Hunter) highlighting an individuals encounter with double-consciousness through their engagement with the interests of the institution and experiences in Cleveland
double consciousness example when she had to work with Sherwin Williams

7. Coverage of inter and intra-cultural discussions regarding the institutions or the affiliated historical figure’s alignment with a particular tertiary level of Black consciousness and struggles with those mindsets-
intra-cultural example with the ladies who didnt want her to succeed
intercultural example would be her experience with Sherwin Williams

8. Integration of an interview with a current CSU student and the prospects for their acquisition of employment at the institution inclusive of an examination of the position that they would qualify for  with the anticipated salary for the position (the position doesnt need to currently be open for hire)

Aliah Bailey -I am currently going to Cleveland State majoring in Health Sciences Pre-Physical Therapy. I am working towards becoming a Physical therapist. My passion is to help others. I believe that I can help many people in this field of physical therapy. To help them to be able to function and get back to normal or even better health than they had. I believe that this class will especially help me in communicating with other people, especially black Clevelanders who I will be working and helping with. Many classed we take dont pertain exactly to where we are living and working at. This class has brought me a lot of knowledge and history on Cleveland. Based on all the information we have learned in class I believe I will be able to have better dialogue and conversations with my patients. The topic and research on consciousness especially double-consciousness, I believe will help me tremendously in this field. By being aware of this and learning more about it in this course I feel like I will be able to assist my patients better. I believe it gives me a better understanding on how people are thinking and what they need. As well as helping me to serve my patients the best I can in every possible way.

I plan to secure a 5-year employment contract with the Phillis Wheatley Association as a physical therapist. The Phillis Wheatley Association originally helped with African American women and girls, but now serves as a multiservice community center serving the needs of children youth, families, and elderly. My plan would be to be an on-sight physical therapist. I would be there for anyone who is having physical problems. I would be available for appointments and able to send them home with at home workouts as well. My goal would be to have meaningful interactions with people and help them to get on a path to better help. I believe that by working at the Phillis Wheatley Association I will get to meet and interact with so many people who need it. I believe these interactions will be strengthened due to the knowledge I have acquired from this job. Ultimately helping those who might not have been able to get the chance to receive these services elsewhere. Hopefully by having the job I will be able to help and shine a light into someones life.
From discussion 5

9. A comparative analysis of a similar institution in another city (

10. A description of the facility that the institution uses for its operations as well as a highlight of the institutions annual programs or events

(30 points per Criteria Item)

The Phillis Wheatley Association began with a Nickel and a Prayer. Jane Edna Hunter was born in South Carolina and moved to Ohio in 1905(n.d).  Jane was born a free person from a relationship between her mother, a slave and her father, a white plantation overseer (Hansan, 2014). She had a dream that included the betterment of her people. During her time in Ohio, she came across many obstacles that built up her resolve and encouraged her to succeed and reach her dream.
Resource for above.
Hansan, J. (2014). Jane Edna Hunter (1882-1971) Social worker, advocate for women and founder of the Phillis Wheatley Association. Social Welfare History Project. Retrieved  from


This is part 1 of SLP. There will be a total of 4 parts.

Required Reading
Bennett, S. (2014). The Elements of Rsum Style: Essential Rules for Writing Rsums and Cover Letters That Work. New York: AMACOM. Chapter 4: Sell Your Skills and Experience Always with the Reader in Mind (p. 23 56) and Chapter 6: Cover Letters (p. 65 72)

Oliver, P. (2012). Succeeding with Your Literature Review: A Handbook for Students. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education. Chapter 1: The Nature and Purpose of a Literature Review (p. 4 21) and Chapter 3: Doing a Literature Review (p. 39 57)

Journal Article

Roberts, C. (2008). Developing future leaders: The role of reflection in the classroom. Journal of Leadership Education, 7(1), 116 130.


Job Search Advice: Cover Letter Tips (2016). Retrieved from

Herman, L. (2016). 8 Resources to Help you Nail your Next Cover Letter. Retrieved from

Monster Worldwide (2016). Cover Letter Examples and Resume Samples and Resources. Retrieved from

OWL Purdue Online Writing Lab (2016). Resume Workshop. Retrieved from

In the Session Long Project (SLP), the goal is to complete an 7- to 9-page paper on a topic of interest that is directly related to your concentration. There are four components to the SLP, and you will complete one component within each module.

Students are expected to incorporate any instructor feedback into each assignment.

SLP Assignment
SLP 1 will include:

Introduction: Identify the Topic (1 page)
Statement of the Problem (1/2 page)
Guiding Question(s) and Strategy (1 page)
Reference List
Introduction: Prepare an introduction to your SLP identifying a current (within one year) unique, special, or critical issue you are interested in professionally. The topic should be related to your concentration of study (Concentration: Higher Education Leadership and Administration), thus providing an appropriate context for your writing. Include at least 3 articles from peer-reviewed journals that support the relevance, timeliness, and importance of the topic.

Statement of the Problem: Prepare a statement of the problem. Use the information below to assist you in the development of a problem statement related to the topic.

The statement of the problem is an education issue or problem within the broad topic area that you believe is important. For example, within the topic area of distance learning, there might be issues or problems relating to a lack of student interest or accuracy of assessment of performance (Christensen and Johnson, 2013, p. 71). In this example, the topic is distance learning and the problem is lack of student interest or accuracy of assessment.

A statement of the problem includes the following components:

This situation in/within (societal organization/institution/ policy, etc.).
Has created a problem (describe it in a few words).
In (name the context of your study), this problem plays out and creates this situation (be specific and give data to quantify the issue; reference the literature).
This problem impacts (name population) because (describe impact).
Guiding Questions and Strategy: Provide at least one guiding question and discuss what resources you will use to examine the issue.

Provide at least one guiding question (1 3 is acceptable). A guiding question (or research question) describes the purpose of your paper. This question is strongly related to the topic and issue you have identified in the problem statement.

You will write a literature review to address the topic and issue. You will use peer-reviewed journal articles to describe what is currently known about the issue. Provide a brief overview of the strategies you will employ to locate relevant and timely resources related to the topic/issue. Identify at least two strategies you will employ to locate resources. This may include specific peer-reviewed journals, education databases, government resources, etc. Hint: Use the Module 1 Reading Succeeding with Your Literature Review: A Handbook for Students (Chapters 1 and 3) by Oliver for guidance.

Chapter 1: The Nature and Purpose of a Literature Review
Chapter 3: Doing a Literature Review
Oliver, P. (2012). Succeeding with Your Literature Review: A Handbook for Students. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education

Reference List: Include an APA-formatted reference list.

SLP Assignment Expectations
MAED SLP Grading Rubric

Assignment-Driven Criteria (10 points): Demonstrates mastery covering all key elements of the assignment in a substantive way.

Critical Thinking (6 points): Demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem. Viewpoints and assumptions of experts are analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated. Conclusions are logically presented with appropriate rationale.

Scholarly Writing (3 points): Demonstrates mastery and proficiency in scholarly written communication to an appropriately specialized audience.

Quality of References and Assignment Organization (3 points): Demonstrates mastery using relevant and quality sources and uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to support ideas, convey understanding of the topic, and shape the whole work.

Citing Sources (3 points): Demonstrates mastery using in-text citations of sources and properly format full source information in the reference list (bibliography).

Timeliness (5 points): Assignment submitted on time or collaborated with professor for an approved extension before the module due date.


You may write about anything you would like: a short narrative telling about something you did or would like to do; a short work of fiction; a summary of a book or movie; or anything you can think of. The narrative must be cohesive (it must make sense). You must include and mark at least one correct example of each of the following:

    a prepositional phrase used as an adverb (prep=adv)
    a prepositional phrase used as an adjective (prep=adj)
    a gerund phrase (np)
    a participial phrase (part)
    an infinitive used as an adverb (inf=adv)
    an infinitive used as an adjective (inf=adj)
    an infinitive used as a noun (inf=n)
    an appositive (app)
    a compound sentence (compound)
    a compound-complex sentence (compound-complex)



The essay for this lesson is required to be 750-1,000-words and clearly demonstrate your understanding of the prompt. Essays should be 5 or more paragraphs with a clear introduction, thesis statement and conclusion, written in APA format (

Discuss the origins of the Cold War. Do you believe it could have been prevented? Be specific in your response.

Mason, John W. (1996). Cold War, 1945-1991. London: Routledge, pp. xii-32

Initiating and Aligning a Portfolio

Initiating and Aligning a Portfolio – Individual

Review the a company’s background determined by your instructor (e.g. Walt Disney Company). Consider an assignment as a new portfolio manager in one of the lines of business (choose either movies, theme parks or hotels). Describe what information is needed and what actions should be taken in order to set up the portfolio. Please provide references for any tools or techniques and approaches you would recommend using. Limit your assignment to 3 pages.

This should not include a title page or references. You may include addendum items as needed.

Components    % of Grade
Content/Requirements    60%
Style and Mechanics    20%
APA Style (citations/references)    10%
Organization    10%
TOTAL    100%


Alfred, G. W. (2010). Strategic analysis and choice: A structured approach. New York, NY: Business Expert Press. 

Martinelli, R., Waddell, J., & Rahschulte, T. (2014). Program management for improved business results (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 

Project Management Institute (2013). The standard for portfolio management (3rd ed.). Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute. 

Project Management Institute (2017). A guide to the project management body of knowledge: PMBOK Guide (6th ed.). Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.