Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Evaluating waste handling practices of a food manufacturing facility (FMCG) in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

I have done a proposal but its no way close to the standard required by my supervisor. He requires me to rewrite most of the sessions. My literature review is completely incorrect and I need to redo but I do not understand how to. Attached is my proposal withe the supervisors comments

Managing a Project within a Program

Consider how to manage a project from initiation all the way to project close that is aligned strategically within a program. Be specific in describing any the inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs that would be used during each process (initiation, planning, execution, control and close) that would be required due to managing the project within the program. Note any considerations the project manager would need to make to ensure alignment with the program. Using APA style, please limit responses to 3 pages not including a title page. Students may also include addendum items as needed. Please use at least 3 different references.

Components    % of Grade
Style and Mechanics    25%
APA Style (citations/references)    10%
Content/Requirements    65%
TOTAL    100%


Alfred, G. W. (2010). Strategic analysis and choice: A structured approach. New York, NY: Business Expert Press. 

Martinelli, R., Waddell, J., & Rahschulte, T. (2014). Program management for improved business results (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 

Project Management Institute (2013). The standard for portfolio management (3rd ed.). Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute. 

Project Management Institute (2017). A guide to the project management body of knowledge: PMBOK Guide (6th ed.). Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.


Describe the central political ideology discussed in each article.

Identify one national and one international policy affected by one of the political ideologies discussed.

Assess which political ideology discussed is the most accurate in describing todays world.

    Kotkin, S. (2018). Realist World: The Players Change, but the Game Remains. Foreign Affairs, 97(4), 1015.

Varghese, R. (2018). Marxist World: What Did You Expect from Capitalism? Foreign Affairs, 97(4), 3442.


Reflect on issues of early adversity raised in the book and the interview. Discuss how this might impact a childs stress-response system and thus a childs overall development, both short and long term. Write a brief (2-4 page) paper on your reflection. Incorporate at least 1 or 2 of the assigned readings to support points being raised; outside sources may be used if desired but are not required.

Statistical Quality Control-Signature Case Study

Signature Case Study
Case: Deutsche Allgemeinversicherung (DAV)
Requirement: Submit One Report needs At least 1200 words and One Presentation PPT, APA format and reference. In analyzing the case, please read case carefully and answer the following questions.
Note: Case study and textbook material (Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement) attached in files.
    Why is DAV using SPC? What are the primary challenges in applying Statistical Process Control to a service industry compared with manufacturing?
    If you were to explain the concept of a p-chart to a group of bank tellers without background in SPC, in about 15 minutes, how would you do it? Explain briefly.
    How large should each sample be for the experiment Schoss and Kluck describe on page 7?
    The first 12 weeks of data in Exhibit 4 represent the diagnostic period for the Policy Extension Group. What are the 3-sigma control limits for the process? In which of the subsequent weeks is the process out of control (if any)?
    Develop specific implementation plans for solving the problems facing Annette Kluck that are described on pages 8-9 of the case.
    How would you now begin improving the performance of the operation?
Note: Dont forget to include an executive summary at the beginning of your report and to prepare a 15-20min presentation to convince upper management of your recommendations.

Chrislers (2017) Theoretical Framework of Parental Reactions When a Child Comes Out as Lesbian, Gay, or Bisexua

The purpose of this culminating assignment is to use the skills developed in this class in both concrete and critical ways. Identify the key scholars who developed and promoted the theory and describe the influence that their ideas and publications have had on shaping the field. Answer the following questions thoroughly: What are some of the ways others have integrated the theory you are interested in with other frameworks? In summary, the goal of this assignment is to identify a key theoretical framework, trace its historical and contemporary uses to study families, and assess the ways in which it is actually used in relation to other theoretical ideas and concepts in the real world of research or practice. A detailed rubric will be available. Final papers are expected to be a total of 4-6 pages, formatted in APA style, and with at least four separate references.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

What is the Role of the Internet?

When you think of the internet, you may consider it to be the world at your fingertips. The internet can help us find a variety of information, from locating a lost love one to finding our favorite recipes. Over the years, the internet has changed considerably and can often times be a challenge to use. For this assignment, consider and address the following items:

What are the advantages of using the internet?
What are some disadvantages of using the internet?
What are some ethical issues to consider, with regards to social media?
Name some approaches you use to safeguard your personal information when using the internet.

This paper should be at least 1200 words in length and should meet APA guidelines (double-spacing, title page, etc.). At least two online university library sources should be used in conjunction with the textbook.

Marijuana in the Workplace

Reflective Essay

Task:      Explain how the process of completing your research project has affected your understanding of an issue or event in society.

Length:  At least 1200 words

Sources: No minimum number of sources. Cite any sources you use in APA format.

Due date and grading: This assignment is due by the end of Week 8. It is worth 10% of your course grade and will be graded with a rubric. To view the rubric, access the assignment from the Assignments area of the classroom.

Outcomes you should achieve by completing this assignment

Organize information clearly in an explanatory essay (Course outcomes 1 and 2)
Use an introduction paragraph with a thesis statement and a concluding paragraph to frame an essay (Course outcomes 1 and 2)
Demonstrate accurate grammar and mechanics in writing (Course outcome 3)

You began your research project by reading an article from the news about a current issue or event in society. Your goal in this essay is to explain to your professor how the research and writing you have done for your research project changed your understanding of that issue or event. You will explain what changes occurred in your understanding and how those changes occurred.

Here are some questions you can consider in developing ideas for your essay:

What changes occurred in your understanding?
Do you know more about the issue/event now than you did before? (Probably!)
Do you look at the issue/event from a different perspective following your research?
Have you reconsidered opinions or assumptions that you held at the beginning of the semester?
How did those changes occur?
Which sources from your research had the greatest effect on your understanding?
Did the process of writing about your topic affect the way you thought about it?
What role did interaction with your classmates and/or professor play in your understanding of your topic?
Organizing and supporting your essay

Your essay must include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

The introduction should gain your readers attention, orient the reader to your topic, and state your thesis.

The body of the essay should include focused body paragraphs in support of your thesis statement. There are various ways you might choose to organize information in the body of your essay. Here are some suggestions you can consider:

You might focus each body paragraph on a step of the research process and how that step affected your understanding of the issue/event.
You might focus each body paragraph on your understanding at a particular time relative to the research process (before, during, after).
You might focus each body paragraph on a particular aspect of the issue/event and explain how your understanding of that aspect developed during your research.
The essays conclusion should answer the question So what? by placing the essays explanations into a larger context. To accomplish this, you can consider addressing one or more of these questions:

Will your current understanding of your event/issue affect your future actions or decisions? If so, how?
What lessonsabout interpreting current events, about your field of study, about the research processcan be drawn from the experience of completing the research project?
Is research of the sort done in WRTG 112 a worthwhile activity? Why or why not?

Controversial Topic Position Paper

Choose a controversial topic in the area of diversity and ethnicity and write a 35 page position paper in favor of or opposing a selected question.

Not surprisingly, there are multiple perspectives to consider when studying issues related to culture, ethnicity, and diversity. These perspectives are shaped by upbringing, values, belief systems, and many other variables. This assessment is an opportunity to explore both sides of a current controversial issue and apply psychological theory and research to endorse a position. While opinions are always informed by one’s background and experiences, understanding and analyzing different viewpoints is essential for enhancing cultural competency. One way to accomplish this is by considering psychological frameworks and reviewing empirical evidence to better understand complex areas of diversity and inclusion.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Describe the effects of culture, ethnicity, and diversity on the human experience.
Describe a controversial topic and key current issues related to the topic.
Analyze psychological research findings related to culture, ethnicity, and diversity.
Identify rebuttals to counterarguments using psychological theories or research in culture, ethnicity, and diversity to support the rebuttals.
Assess the strength of the original position using psychological theories or research in culture, ethnicity, and diversity to support own views.
Apply psychological theories to issues affecting culture, ethnicity, and diversity.
Identify counterarguments to own position, using psychological theories or research in culture, ethnicity, and diversity to support the counterarguments.
Apply psychological theory and research in culture, ethnicity, and diversity to inform personal and professional behavior.
Describe own personal or professional position on a topic supported by psychological theories or research in culture, ethnicity, and diversity.
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.
Cite scholarly evidence correctly according to current APA guidelines.
Write in a manner that is scholarly, clear, and free of grammatical, spelling, and APA formatting errors.

Suggested Resources
The resources provided here are optional. You may use other resources of your choice to prepare for this assessment; however, you must ensure that they are appropriate, credible, and valid.

APA Resources
APA Paper Template.

Choosing and Proposing a Position

This affirmative-action debate video provides a visual model of a formal debate. While this assessment will not be organized as a debate, the video is a good overview of pro and con arguments on a relevant diversity topic:

Intelligence Squared US (Producer). (2014). Affirmative action on campus does more harm than good: A debate [Video].

This Web page will give you pointers on composing an argumentative essay:

Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL). (2018). Argumentative essays. Retrieved from

Psychological Perspectives, Theories, and Research
These general sources may help provide context and/or evidence for your pro or con arguments for your chosen topic for this assessment.

Dovidio, J. F., Pearson, A. R., & Penner, L. A. (2018). Aversive racism, implicit bias, and microaggressions. In G. C. Torino, D. P. Rivera, C. M. Capodilupo, K. L. Nadal, & D. W. Sue (Eds.), Microaggression theory: Influence and implications (pp. 1631). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Social Justice
Steel is one of the few recognized scholars who challenge the status quo; in this book he presents alternative views on multiculturalism and diversity.

Steele, S. (2015). Shame: How America’s past sins have polarized our country. New York, NY: Basic Books.

This critique of the social justice movement offers an alternative view of the notion of social justice.

Hunsaker, R. C. (2011). Counseling and social justice. Academic Questions, 24(3), 319340.

Fitzgerald, K. J. (2014). Recognizing race and ethnicity: Power, privilege, and inequality. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Dewey, J. (Author). (2011). Christian privilege [Video]. Hanover, MA: Microtraining Associates.

Morris, S. (Producer). (2013). White like me: Race, racism & white privilege in America [Video].

Hartmann, D. (2015). Reflections on race, diversity, and the crossroads of multiculturalism. The Sociological Quarterly, 56(4), 623639.

Hong, Y., & Cheon, B. K. (2017). How does culture matter in the face of globalization? Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12(5), 810823.

Malik, K. (2014). Whats the problem with multiculturalism? [Blog post]. Retrieved from

McIntosh, P. (1990). White privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack. Independent School, 49(2), 3136.

McIntosh, P. (2012). Reflections and future directions for privilege studies. Journal of Social Issues, 68(1), 194206.

Renshon, S. (2011, Feb 8). Multiculturalism in the U.S.: Cultural narcissism and the politics of recognition [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Social Implications Examples
Krosch, A. R., Tyler, T. R., & Amodio, D. M. (2017). Race and recession: Effects of economic scarcity on racial discrimination. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 113(6), 892909.

Light, M. T., Miller, T., & Kelly, B. C. (2017). Undocumented immigration, drug problems, and driving under the influence in the United States, 19902014. American Journal of Public Health, 107(9), 14481454.

Premdas, R. (2016). Social justice and affirmative action. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39(3), 449462.

Assessment Instructions
Choose a  topic of your own. You must support your argument with a minimum of 5 sources.

After examining scholarly research on both sides of the issue, write a 35 page, double-spaced paper (plus title, abstract, and references pages) organized as follows:


Title page.
Your position and arguments.
Evidence for your position.
Counterarguments to your position.
Evidence for the counterarguments.
Rebuttals to those counterarguments.
Summary and Conclusion.
Additional Requirements

Follow APA style and formatting guidelines throughout your paper. You are encouraged to use the supplied APA Paper Template.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Policy Implications

MN507 unit 9 DB

Why is it important that health professionals share a common understanding of patient safety standards and practices? What are the policy implications from accepting that “mistakes are normal and all humans err”? How would you approach health care systems leaders or employers about changing employment policies related to punitive actions when errors occur?

Need 3 scholarly references