Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


Select a journal article on the subject of supplements and write a 500700-word review of the article. You are encouraged, but not required, to use Senchina’s 2013 article “Athletics and Herbal Supplements. The media (newspapers, magazine articles, television news programs, and Web-based information sources) provide us with much of what we know about human biology. After taking a course on human biology, you might be interested in taking advantage of these resources for additional learning. Journal articles on a special topic are particularly informative, because they often go into depth and are a good source of current information, which you can use to continue learning or reviewing biology as a lifelong practice. Journal articles are a good source of information about current advances in a particular area of human biology, and they also highlight possible future advances in the treatment of certain conditions.

Yet, with so much information available in the media, it is important to understand how to evaluate the credibility of these sources. We have all seen questionable statistics presented in the media, or information that appeared to be biased, misleading, or even inaccurate. How can we be sure we are taking in information that is objective, thorough, and accurate? Although we may not be experts, we can do our best to be informed and critical evaluators of information.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Describe the organization of the human body at increasingly complex levels.
Discuss how supplements affect cells and body systems.
Competency 5: Evaluate the objectivity and legitimacy of biology information found in articles and online.
Compare article with multiple sources of information about the same concepts.
Incorporate an analysis of sources into an article review.
Compare the main points presented about supplements, including specific areas of research and the findings.
Competency 6: Apply biological concepts to factors related to human health.
Examine the role of supplements in athletics and discuss why supplements are currently unregulated.
Interpret whether or not supplements should undergo more stringent testing.
Competency 7: Communicate effectively in a variety of formats.
Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics, including correct APA format and citations.

Cells, Tissues, Organs, and the Skeletomuscular System
Human biology covers all aspects of how the body is organized, how it operates, and how it changes over time, including what is normal and abnormal for the organism as a whole. Central to understanding human biology is the study of cells, tissues, organs, and the skeletomuscular system.

Read the Assessment 1 Context document for important information on cells, tissues, and organs.

Questions to Consider
To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.

Capella Resources
Click the links provided below to view the following multimedia pieces:

Assessment 1 Context.
Source Evaluation Form: Web Sites.
Source Evaluation Form: Journals and Books.

Asssessment Instructions
Select a journal article on the subject of supplements and write a summary paper reviewing the article. You are encouraged, but not required, to use Senchina’s 2013 article “Athletics and Herbal Supplements,” linked in the Resources, under the Library Resources heading, for this article review. Note: If you choose to review an article other than the “Athletics and Herbal Supplements” reading, you may need to do further research in order to fully address all of the topics required for this paper.

Address all of the following points in your article review:

What are the main points presented in the article? What message is the author trying to convey? What are the specific areas of research and findings that the article highlights?
How could the supplements discussed in the article affect cells and body systems?
How are supplements used in different areas of athletics? Why are supplements currently unregulated? Based on your readings, do you think supplements should undergo more stringent testing? If so, how would this be monitored and paid for? Where in your life (or in the life of a friend or family member) is it important that supplements are tested? Note: Your answer to this question does not need to apply only to athletics.
Crosscheck the information in your article with other sources. What do other sources say about the same concepts presented in the article? Are there discrepancies between the information from the article and from other sources?
Complete an evaluation of your article, using either the Source Evaluation Form: Web Sites or the Source Evaluation Form: Journals and Books, both of which are linked in the Resources under the Capella Resources heading. Download the appropriate form and answer the questions.
In an additional paragraph or two, answer the following questions:
Would you consider this article to be a credible source of information on this topic? Why or why not?
Formatting Requirements

Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
Length: Your paper should be between 500 and 700 words in length.
Format: Either submit both the Article Review paper and the completed Source Evaluation Form, or write a paragraph into your paper addressing the questions from the form.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Both the Park District and the Committee on Health Promotion and Physical Activity have both asked me to identify someone who has knowledge of Sport and Exercise Psychology to make a short presentation at their annual meetings.  Depending upon the nature of the talk and the meeting attended, the audience will be composed of:

Exercise leaders, health club owners, and health promotion people (Committee on Health Promotion) and the general public.

Thus, the talk can take either an exercise or a sport approach and the speaker is free to lecture on any topic they choose within those areas. 

I have recommended YOU as that speaker!!  Of course, you will receive travel expenses, meals, first-class hotel accommodation, and a handsome honorarium.  All of the latter aspects make this a rather attractive proposition for you.  You decide to accept the invitation

You should write a paper on any topic that you think suitable for segments or all of your audience.  For example, “Changing your behavior to make you a better coach” or “Body image and physical activity participation” or Exercise effects on psychological function or  “Determinants that predict exercise behavior.”  At any rate, use your imagination, decide what appeals to you and might be appealing to the audience and choose a topic that falls under the heading of sport OR exercise psychology.  It is important to choose a topic that has some interest for you, but still fits within the given guidelines!

The following suggestions will help you organize and put together your presentation:

Remember, you are targeting a specific audience and you are giving a talk, so write in language that they will understand.  But what you say must be scientifically accurate! So, you need to make reference to some scientific content.
The title and the opening paragraph will help you get your audience’s attention.  Therefore, make the title creative or catchy and make the first paragraph as interesting as possible to get their attention.  Otherwise, people will be asleep before you know it.
Focus the content of your paper. The audience does not want to know everything under the sun about the topic. Keep it comprehensive, and make sure to pick an important aspect that has a take-home message.
Use plenty of examples to illustrate and highlight your points.
Ask yourself the question, “Does the paper provide ideas, recommendations, and insights that the audience can take away with them and use later?”  If not, you need to rethink.
Provide information that reflects scientific credibility. As such, you must cite scientific information in your paper (at least 2 sources). Do not rely on large chunks of direct quotations.  Additionally, do not rely on citing class notes.  This is not an acceptable reference source and points will be taken off for doing this.
Be clear! Have someone else read your paper. If they find it confusing at any point if means you havent done a good enough job explaining your ideas or being clear.
This is not a group assignment.  Completion of this assignment with another individual will automatically result in a grade of zero for all persons involved.

General Guidelines

The written assignment will require you to use the library/academic databases (e.g., PubMed or Web of Knowledge), read, think, and prepare thoroughly.  The paper should be 2 pages in length, (can be between 1 and 3/4th to 2 full pages), and double-spaced typed. Please DO NOT SUBMIT ANYMORE THAN TWO PAGES (double-spaced typed) in length excluding references.  Again the emphasis is on preparation and presentation, and you need to make a well written, concise, and convincing case in your paper, keeping the length in mind. More guidelines on formatting are provided below.

Proofread your manuscript, use a spell checker, write in sentences, and do not use colloquialisms.  The focus of the assignment is to improve your writing abilities by incorporating your knowledge of sport and exercise psychology.  The end product should reflect effort, persistence, and thought.  The papers will be judged on content, scientific accuracy, individual thought, and appropriate use of examples, organization, and clarity of writing.

Formatting guidelines

The paper must follow the following APA guidelines:

1. Font size pt 12.

2. Double-spaced.

3. Font style- Times New Roman.

4. Margins 1″

5. Left aligned.

6. The citation must be in APA style- meaning, it must be an in-text citation as well as mentioned in the references.

Help/Guidance on citing academic sources, and citing them in APA style:

You have to have at least 2 scientifically credible sources. These could be journal articles, textbooks, or well-recognized bodies such as the World Health Organization, National Institute of Health etc (These bodies are usually cited for definitions of terms).

For finding journal articles, you can use scientific databases. The most common one, and probably adequate for this assignment, would be Google Scholar. Keep in mind, you have to cite the article, not the database (Do not cite Google Scholar as your source, find the citation for the particular article you found on Google Scholar). 

In the APA format, citation is done in-text and included in the references section. So essentially, the article (or any other scientific source) you have included in your in-text citation should be mentioned in the references. For example, say I have a sentence in my paper that says:

‘Bryant, Ford, and Kim (2014) found that there were significant racial differences in the relation between BMI and cognitive function’ <– This is an in-text citation

And then I would mention this article in the reference section:

Bryant, A., Ford, K.-L., & Kim, G. (2014). Racial/Ethnic Variations in the Relation Between Body Mass

Index and Cognitive Function Among Older Adults. The American Journal of Geriatric

Psychiatry, 22(7), 653660.

A good source of learning how to cite different scientific sources (books, articles) in the APA format is Purdue Owl APA Citation Guide.

Submission Deadline and guidelines:

Please refer to the course calendar for the specific due date and availability. The submission link is located in Lesson 8 and multiple submissions are allowed. You may submit a TOTAL OF 3 TIMES, meaning, if you submitted a paper, you can re-submit 2 more times. Thus making up a TOTAL of 3 times. All multiple submissions must be done within the deadline and only the last version is graded.

The version you submit last will be considered your final paper, as that is the only version I will have access to. I will not be able to retrieve prior submission attempts. So, please be careful about what you are submitting last!

Even if one of the multiple submissions is done after the deadline, your submission will be considered a late submission, even though you submitted earlier copies on time (as I do not have access to the earlier copies). I cannot emphasize this enough!

Grading Criteria

I WILL NOT ACCEPT LATE PAPERS. If you still choose to submit the paper late (anything after the deadline- even a minute), please keep in mind that the instructor reserves the right to impose some kind of penalty, including (and being the most likely case) not accepting your paper AT ALL. If there is any emergency that you have proof for, and were unable to submit the paper, please email me.

10 pts – Attracting the audience (Title and opening sentences)   
10 pts – Content appropriate for lay audience (Cannot be too scientific)
10 pts – Content is focused and directed (What is the message and how is it delivered?)
10 pts – Use of concrete examples to deliver message
20 pts – Inclusion of specific recommendations, ideas, etc. for audience to use (#s, stats, activity suggestions)
20 pts – Information must be scientifically credible (Do you identify sources? At least 2!  With APA Citations- follow the guideline given above)
20 pts – Clarity of writing and presentation of ideas

Last but not the least, do enjoy writing this paper! After all, you have the freedom of choosing a topic that you are genuinely interested in! If you have any questions about the paper that these instructions do not cover, do not hesitate to email me.

W3: D2 Community Health

Examine Healthy People 2020 health promotion and disease prevention objectives.  Identify a health disparity and research this topic, how is it being addressed at both the local and national level.

Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

W3: D1 – Technology and Health

How does communication contribute to a holistic plan of care? How is the knowledge of the therapeutic relationship an essential component of health promotion? What is the role of technology in communication today? What are your thoughts on electronic/technology and communication? What is the nursing code of ethics? What evidence is there that supports the need for consideration of ethics in contemporary issues of health promotion? What are your thoughts?

Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

Demonstrate when, how, and why to support your writing with appropriate research./ Engage in a team setting with professional integrity and respect.

Please use this link for 2 of the 4 relevant and reliable peer reviewed secondary sources

The other 2 can come from the internet.

you will share your knowledge and expertise to write a set of instructions demonstrating your ability to collaborate with others to help them understand how, why and when to use and give credit to sources to support a writers ideas. These instructions you create will also allow you to discuss how using and citing sources in writing is an act of collaboration that must be done in an ethical way. The assessment will also allow you to demonstrate the ability to apply Standard American English to communicate in a team setting with professional integrity and respect.

You will often need to work as part of a team in academic and professional contexts. Imagine, then, that you have been asked to collaborate with and mentor a fellow student in your field of study who is struggling with researching and integrating sources on a topic for a formal academic essay assignment in a College Composition I classroom. The student has been assigned to write a paper on a controversial issue in his or her field of study, which is the same field of study you are currently studying.

Select a controversial issue in your field of study (an example might be the use of body cameras for law enforcement officers if you are in law enforcement studies or the increase in number and intensity of forest fires if you are studying fire science).

Then locate 4 relevant and reliable peer reviewed secondary sources from the Library and the internet (at least 2 of them must be from the Library) that you think this student could integrate into his or her paper to support and validate ideas. Explain briefly how you located the sources and why they are reliable and relevant.

Explain why integrating and giving credit to sources are both necessary in this writing situation and clarify how using these specific sources you have chosen might be valuable in helping the classmate to write a strong academic essay. Be sure to explain to your audience how integrating sources effectively can help a writer establish and maintain professional integrity and respect.

Next, show the classmate how two of the sources you identified could be integrated into a paragraph within the essay and demonstrate to the classmate how to paraphrase and provide in-text citations for these 2 sources, both to avoid issues with plagiarism and to communicate these sources ideas with professional integrity and respect.

Then include a 6th edition APA References page citation for all 4 sources and explain to your classmate why the sources are cited the way they are.

Make sure your instructions demonstrate to your classmate the importance of honesty and integrity when using and citing sources and how applying the knowledge of others can contribute to this students writing success. If you use any sources to support your own claims about finding, integrating, and citing sources, you must demonstrate your own honesty and integrity by citing them both in-text and in a References page.

Be sure your ideas are organized and professional in tone. Your submission should also demonstrate 6th edition APA formatting and should be between 2 and pages and 3 double spaced pages, excluding the title page and the References page.

Discussion 1 reponse

Please respond to each discussion post (a total of 2 responses). Each response should include additional information in response to the discussion post. Please note, you are responding directly to the person by name such as Hi James, or Hi Jane, etc.
Length: at least 135 words each response, not including references
Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA per post from within the last 5 years
The entire paper should not be in APAP format but the in-text citation and reference should be in APA format.

Codependent No More by Melody Beattie

You are required to read the book Codependent No More, and write five pages commentary about your personal reactions.
Thoughts and feeling about this book
Discuss what you particularly liked/disliked about the book
What emotions were you left with upon finishing the book?

Exercise Program

Purposes:  1) To describe, analyze, and evaluate dieting versus exercise as methods to lose weight for those who are overweight or obese.  Key themes related to these potential treatments should be also be synthesized.  2) To propose an effective method for weight loss in those who are overweight or obese. All details should be proposed, for diet, such as which specific diet, what this diet is about? If you propose exercise training, please provide detailed information such as the type, duration, intensity, frequencyetc. Any method that you can would help weight loss is fine (medications, surgery, using smart apps/tools to control dietetc.)

Requirements: Length and formatting. 
Please use Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spacing and 1 inch margins all around.

Cover page: name, class, centered title, date Attribution.
At least 3 references must be used to support the statements you make in your paper.  You may use the Handbook of Obesity Treatment, the articles by Cloud, or other sources from Pubmed ( ).  If you make statements from other sources, cite those sources too.

All statements should be properly attributed to their sources by paraphrasing the information and providing an accurate citation.  Do not quote directly from any source. Any information that is not common knowledge should be cited.

Add a separate page at the end of your paper titled References and list your references.

APA format should be used for in text citations and the reference list at the end of the paper.


I am writing a business research project of 4000 words as my hospitality master dissertation. I have already done the literature review and the methodologies parts. I would need the data analysis and conclusion to be done, also if it is possible I would you to have an overview of my paper and make appropriate modification and editing, I am including the project outline, my work (lit + methodology) and also an example of how it should be done, also the feedback of my previous work. As for the data collection part, if you want to fake it, it would be fine also (please include the survey link and questionnaire in the appendix).

juvenile case

You found a single juvenile case that was serious and well covered in the media.(Find a juvenile case (offender is under 18 when crime is committed) that was well covered in the media. This should be a serious crime, i.e.: robbery, murder, rape) You will now use a single criminology theory covered in your textbook to explain the crime.(I like differential association theory0 Make sure your abstract matches what you write about (for those who made changes since the abstract assignment).

Your instructions:
Describe the inextricable connections between social, political, cultural and economic institutions and employ the diverse methodologies used to examine them. The Juvenile Justice System is an institution in our country that has social, political, cultural and economic implications. Use the theory you chose, (theory is a method used to examine the behaviors addressed by the Juvenal Justice System) to explain the behaviors of the juvenile(s), and the response of the court(s)/community to the case. Relate your theory to policy in the Juvenile Justice System at that time or currently.

This research paper will use multiple sources, and you will need to have six (6) peer reviewed journal articles, as well as other sources. A total of ten (10) sources AT A MINIMUM  are required.

This paper must be written and cited in APA format.

Professor’s evaluation of rough draft:
There needs to be a clear separation between your abstract and paper. Running Head needed. Page numbers needed.
Reference page needs to be in hanging paragraph format.
Very good start. You have some expansion to do at the end of the paper.