Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

GI function and intolerance in critical illness

body of paper (explains topic, shares own reflection of topic-values/beliefs, examples, importance-significance of topic) and conclusion.


Critical Assignment (Law & Ethics)

IT Security Policy: Your organization of 100 employees has recently became a victim of cyber-crime in which a database of personal information (i.e. credit card and social security numbers) was compromised.  In light of these events, management has elected you to develop a plan to create a comprehensive IT security policy that includes a decision making framework based on ethical leadership models.
The purpose of this assignment is to describe the frameworks and staff used in business continuity management.  To do this, create a 3 page report (not including title, table of contents, references, appendices) with the following sections:

Organizational strategic governance framework,
Business continuity management planning frameworks,
Each section should closely follow APA standards and include associated:

Standards – a detailed written definition for hardware and software and how they are to be used. Standards ensure that consistent security controls are used throughout the IT system.
Procedures – written instructions for how to use policies and standards. They may include a plan of action, installation, testing, and auditing of security controls.
Guidelines – a suggested course of action for using the policy, standards, or procedures. Guidelines can be specific or flexible regarding use for each policy discussed.

Motivating as an Element of Personnel Management in the Organization

The paper requires rewriting in accordance with the teacher’s notes. The paper should have between 2,500 and 3,000 words without exception, without title page and reference. I attach original paper that I tried to adapt to the requirements. The end of the introduction is a thesis that must have a transfer in Heading 1. There is no room in the introduction for anything else after writing the thesis.

Assignment: Writing Notes (GRADED)

I. Writing Plan: Use this writing plan as a way to gather your thoughts and determine your strategy for writing your persuasive essay. This process will
allow you to develop a potential structure for effectively persuading readers to agree with your argument. This plan will be helpful in keeping your
thought process on track when you begin writing and revising your essay.
1. Your argument is the main point that you are trying to make in your essay. It should clearly state your opinion on your issue. Describe the
argument to be addressed in your persuasive essay, and include how the argument is connected to your major, the major you are considering
pursuing, or your field of work.
2. Key points are pieces of evidence that support an authors main argument. What are three possible key points for your selected issue? How do
they support your main argument?
3. Your audience is the person or people you are addressing in your essay. Who is the audience that will be reading your essay? What potential
challenges will you encounter in supporting your argument with this audience?
4. Your goal is the end result that you wish to achieve in writing this essay. What goal do you hope to accomplish? What will this essay need to be
5. Potential resources are pieces of evidence that could be used to support your argument. List potential resources that could be used as
supporting evidence for your argument, and provide a brief description of each and how it will reinforce your argument.
6. Using the supporting resources you identified above, list each of the points of your argument with the resources that support them. This process
will help you begin to form an effective essay structure.
7. Determine aspects of your argument that would be effectively supported with evidence. Defend your choices.

sociology of the family

In the text box, write out your research question for your paper.  Include one citation to a peer-reviewed article in a journal that is related to your topic. 

I’ll be responding to these as they are submitted.  If I see significant issues in the direction, I will assign a grade of 1.  You may revise your response here up until the due date, hopefully reaching full credit. 

If you select a reasonable topic but don’t include a relevant citation, you’ll earn a 5/25 on the assignment.

Write a one-page summary of one of your sources.  It doesn’t have to be the same as you submitted in the first step.  The goal of this is to practice paraphrasing and restating ideas in your own words without relying only on direct quotes.  (See the sample assignment in the folder below.)
Submit your paper outline here.  Be sure to include at least 2 peer-reviewed journal articles in your outline.

Be sure to include your citations within your outline as well,  not just at the end. 
Submit your final paper here.  You may review the Vericite report and revise your paper up until the due date.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Income and Wealth
Income refers to salaries, wages, and other money received. There is a significant gap between the incomes of black and white families in the United States. The poverty rate for blacks is three times that for whites. Wealth encompasses all of a persons material assets, including land and other types of assets. The wealth picture in the United States shows even greater disparity between whites and blacks than does income. Use Functional/conflict/interactionist approach to discuss why we observe these differences in wealth and income.

american history

Answer this question below with a minimum of 250 words based off american history between the years 1863 and 1891. Please  do not answer in essay format. I just need the answer in the required number of words.

How did the military and political goals of the war bring significant changes to social, economic, and cultural life in the United States?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Slavery reparations
What are slave reparations and how should they function in our society. When if any were slave reparations made and what were the social circumstances of such phenomena? Use Functional, Social Conflict or Symbolic Interaction approach to discuss this matter. How has the African American experience with reparations compared with other oppressed groups?


Using the template from last week’s assignment, write an appropriate assessment for each course competency you created.
Ensure at least 1-2 of the assessments are problem-based and there is variety and/or choice in assessment types.
The assessment you select must be a culminating assessment that assesses the competency to the level described in the course competency. For example, if the course competency was to the “apply” level, the course may include assessment as the “knowledge” and “comprehension” level before the student can “apply the knowledge.” Only the final, culminating assessment at the “apply” level would be designated in this example.
Make sure the assessment aligns with the course competency in both taxonomic level and specificity of content. For example, if your competency is “students will be able to identify origins and insertions for the muscles of the upper limb,” an assessment of “matching quiz” is not specific enough. Make sure the content matches as well (e.g., students will take a quiz in which they will match the origins and insertions for the muscles of the upper limb).
After selecting these assessments, address the following:
Describe how and why this assessment aligns with the course competency, in terms of both using the appropriate taxonomy level to meet the specified course competency and being appropriate for course level being taught (undergraduate freshman, sophomore, junior or senior levels, or graduate education).
Explain how you varied your assessments and/or provided choice of assessments.
Explain why some of the assessments are problem-based.
The paper portion of this assignment should be 2 pages, not including the references page, and follow APA guidelines. There should be at least 5 references

I need you to write about the information I have in the assessment art of the attached document.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please follow the instructions in the pdf i uploaded. Choose any of the essay prompts except psychology topic 3 because i already wrote a paper on that. Please use references that are accessible to everyone because if the teacher asks me for it i can provide them with the references. Also try not to use complex english my english isnt the best.