Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Long Formal Report

For this final Graded Writing Assignment, you will compose a Short Report based on one of the scenario’s outlined below. You must choose one of the scenarios listed below; papers submitted reflecting a scenario other than those listed below (even those listed in your text) will not be given credit or graded.

Assignment Requirements:
Write your findings as a well-organized Short Report containing the following key elements:

A title page
Document headings to separate parts of the report
At least two sources with brief in-text citations as shown in the sample Short Report (pages 386-394)1
Interpretation of your findings in terms of their likely significance to you and your readers.

Assignment Notes:
Create all pieces of the Short Report as one (1) document.
The Short Report should be 1,200-1,500 words in length. Remember to focus on the content, not just writing to fill a word requirement.
You will upload your finished document to the appropriate assignment in Business Communications. Instructions on how to upload are available in Topic 12.

Option 1) The graphic design shop where you work as the account manager is doing well. Just last year the owner hired three new designers and a receptionist, bringing the total number of employees to 14. But with growth comes certain headaches, and one of them is figuring out how to regulate employees’ Internet use. Currently, employees can download anything they want from the Internet and view any website they wish.
The owner’s IT person has alerted him to several problems. One is that the designers are downloading any and all software that they think sounds “cool” – even software in beta versions that still have a lot of kinks. As a result, their computers lock up or malfunction and the IT person has to spend hours troubleshooting the problem to get it resolved.
Two, there is concern over what Internet sites employees are viewing, specifically those that are inappropriate for the workplace. Overall, the IT person is worried about security breaches resulting from these downloads, inappropriate website visits, and other Internet activities.
It’s time for a policy to be developed governing Internet-use and your boss thinks you’re just the person to help write it. Your assignment is to study the current wisdom on the workplace Internet policies and send your findings to your boss and the IT person as a short report, including a proposed Internet-use policy that might be implemented.

Option 2) As a Senior Buyer as Darcy’s, a national department store, Sasha Warner manages the buyers in the eastern U.S. region. You’re currently working under her as a sales co-op student. She drops by your office to chat one day and brings up a subject she’s been wondering about. “Do you know anything about Skype?” she asks. You nod, having used this online international phone service yourself. “I heard it’s totally free and really easy to use, she continues, “so I’m thinking about recommending that all my buyers subscribe to it. Then maybe they could talk to each other and to international designers and merchandisers more easily. Is there any downside? Maybe security issues?” You’re not sure–but you offer to look into the matter for her.
Do the necessary research and, if you haven’t done so, try this service yourself. Then, write Sasha a report that gives her the information she needs to decide whether or not to pursue this idea further. She may want to share your report with other managers in the company so be sure you give it your best effort.

Option 3) You work for the owner of three local coffee and tea shops, one of which opened a few months ago. The newest one has already developed quite a nice, regular clientele, mostly those in or near the neighborhood who want an alternative to the big-coffee-chain experience, but your boss things its sales need a bump. She is considering holding an in-store promotion at the coffee shop – her first-ever. Since she knows you’re an Internet whiz, she turns to you for help. “How do you run one of these events?” she wants to know. “How much do they cost? Are they worth the effort and expense? What are the options? Do such promotions have lasting effects? How can I maximize the results?”
You turn to the internet and find a lot of great stuff about in-store promotions, so much, in fact, that you decide to present your findings to your boss in writing. Tell her what she needs and wants to know in a clear, well-organized report. Having the information in writing will also be helpful if she wants to share it with other employees. Be sure she can go to your sources and read more if she wants to.

Option 4) Many managers today are realizing that there really is something distinctive about “Gen Y,” or “Millennial,” employees (the children of “baby boomers” – who were themselves children of the World War II generation). Find a real client or invent a realistic company to use as your client. Then review the literature on Gen Y employees and write your client a report in which you describe the distinctive traits of this segment of the workforce and recommend ways to recruit, manage, and retain them.

Option 5) Your company does not offer flexible spending accounts (FSAs) for its employees. Your boss wonders if your company (you pick the name) should. Are FSAs a good idea for businesses and employees? Prepare a report for your boss in which you analyze the advantages and disadvantages of FSAs so that she can decide whether to offer FSAs to your employees.

american history

Answer this question below with a minimum of 275 words. Please  do not answer in essay format. I just need the answer in the required number of words.

Describe the political arguments re slavery as portrayed  in the documents. 

The documents are based off “The South Expands: Slavery and Society, 18001860”.

criminal justice

Explain the concept of forensic science and its meaning in the criminal justice system.
What is anthropometry, and why did it fall short of its intended process?
What area of forensic science is Sir Francis Galton noted for advancing?
Why is Dr. Edmond Locard known as the Sherlock Holmes of France?
In 1903, a case of mistaken identity between Will West and William West in the Federal Penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kansas resulted in a switch from one method of inmate identification to a method that is still used today. What was it, and why did the switch occur?

criminal justice

Assignment Details

The appellate process is a cornerstone of a democratic criminal justice system. However, many people are unaware of the process that a case may undergo before it finds itself before the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). In fact, as you have read, not all cases reach the highest court in the land. In this activity, you are going to trace the path of a criminal case from the lower court by identifying the facts of the case, the ruling at the appellate court level, the key legal questions and how they relate to the Constitution, and the ruling in the case as made by the SCOTUS.

The Hawaiian Archipelago

Let’s go to Hawaii!  The state of Hawaii is actually an archipelago.  How was the Hawaiian Archipelago created?  Why are there so many volcanoes there and why many of those volcanoes are still active?  Are the islands of the Hawaiian archipelago moving, like continents do?  Do all the Hawaiian islands suffer from earthquakes?  What are the most famous geologic sites on the Hawaiian islands?  Why do the Hawaiian islands have so many wildlife species that live only there (endemic) and not in any other parts of the world?  Are the oceans around the Hawaiian islands rich in biodiversity or poor?  How can people live in Hawaii where there are active volcanoes?  Aren’t people being killed because of these active volcanoes?  Would you live in Hawaii on any of its islands?

Investigate about the Earth Science of the Hawaiian Archipelago and write an essay about it.  The questions provided above are to motivate you to investigate about this topic; you do not need to answer them one by one. The essay must be at least four paragraphs long, and each paragraph must contain at least five sentences (you can write more than four paragraphs and more than five sentences per paragraph if you wish to do so).  The content of your essay must be written entirely in your OWN words.  Use in-text citations in parenthesis, APA style, if you paraphrase information from other authors.

Narrivate essay

The minimum allowable length requirement for this assignment is 750 words (approximately three pages typed and double-spaced).  Look for places in your essay where you can include specific examples to support your ideas.  Your goal as a writer is to paint a picture for your reader in explaining your ideas.  Do not merely list information about your topic, but guide your reader step by step through your ideas. 

american history

Answer the question below with a minimum of 250 words based off american history. Please  do not answer in essay format. I just need the answer in the required number of words.

How did the creation of a cotton based economy affect and change the socio-economic, political, and cultural conditions of whites and blacks in all regions of the South?  How did slaves resist their circumstances and attempt to negotiate a better situation for themselves in the nineteenth-century South?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please follow the “outline for a experiment paper” file i left the topic open so you can write about a research that you think is best just please make sure that the reference you put are all peer-reviewed journals and are accessible by everyone I will be asking for the links of references that were being used. Also my english isnt amazing so please use simple language as much as you can. Thanks for your time. (times new roman size 12 double spaced) 

american history

List and explain 10 Events from 1620-1865 that contributed to the formation of the United States of America as a people and a Nation. Events should not be broken down into parts. For example, wars begin with causes, include battles and end with the peace treaty.  Instructions: Number the events. Number and name the event, write a brief description, and most importantly, include your reason for choosing this event. 

Psychological Influences of Abnormal Behavior

Attached are a lot of files but all that should help with this assignment. there are 3 articles attached those articles must be used. then I need you to find two more articles relating to this topic. Attached is the guidelines, templates, examples, literature review basics. everything you will need. The literature review template is what you use with the articles.