Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


Please find a recent media article on a topic or course concept that we discussed this semester and complete a one page maximum write up on it.  Provide a brief overview to the article, connect risk factors discussed in class as they relate to the article, and finally, discuss any areas for future discussion or research based on the risk factors.

Enron Effect on Consulting Industry

Over the years, the IT consulting industry has responded creatively to the changing needs of clients, leading to the growth of a thriving industry and, for the most part reactive to client demands. IT consulting firms have readily grown and shrunk in response to client demands.

The fortunes of IT consulting firms, like most firms, were impacted by the recent global recession. IT budgets were cut, and most high-profile projects were suspended, most notably in financial services. Having discussed the past and the present, what does the future hold for IT consulting? Which factors will shape the future of the industry?

Assignment Instructions

Prepare an APA-formatted paper with the following content. Your Assignment does not require an abstract page but does require a cover page and separate reference page.

=== CONTENT ===

After doing the unit reading, conduct research on the Internet and/or in the library to learn more about the Enron scandal, the role that Arthur Andersen played, and the changes made in the consulting industry as a result. Use at least two different sources for this Assignment.


Do not quote from your sources, but identify what information came from which source through proper APA in-text citations.

This paper should be pure research, without personal commentary, conversational speech, or emotional wording.

The length requirement for this Assignment is 250350 words. DO NOT WRITE MORE THAN 350 WORDS; it is important that a consultant learn to be concise.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please follow the instructions in the “SOC 200 Alternative assignment” file. I chose to write about 2 articles so (2 pages per article) 4 in total. The articles is the first and the third one on the list. The references are given. I also provided both of the articles in full (PDF) if there is any questions please ask.

Meaningful life

The only resources that you can quote are :

So Hamlet, ultimately, is a relatively pessimistic meditation upon the meaning of life. It does not appear to be the happiest of plays, does it? So now, the culmination of what we have managed to do, is to ask you: what is the meaning of life?
I want a nice, big, college level kind of essay. Load it with quotations and references and allusions, like you were trying to write the best research paper you can do. Yes, it should be several pages long at least. But the only citations you can use? The ones linked from the Google Classroom. Those readings and videos I put up a few weeks back? Go back, watch them or rewatch them. Read the links. Especially those. And use those to craft a “Final” essay for this weird abbreviated Hamlet unit.


This modules content focuses upon the institution of the media, which is crucial to shaping public perceptions of truth. Write a 2- to 3 page paper in which you discuss the way in which stories circulated in the media shape public perceptions of the causes and cures for deviant behavior. Cite and use at least one additional outside source for this paper. [MO3.2, MO3.3]
Your paper must address the following:
Referring specifically to your Module 3 reading material and one outside source, explain why technology has become such an incredibly influential agent of socialization. Give one solid example in your response that demonstrates how technology shapes our identity and behavior.
Focusing upon one major social issue related to deviant behavior in the United States over the last 30 years (drug abuse, crime, prostitution, etc.), explain how this issue was treated differently in the media 30 years ago in comparison to how it is discussed today. For example, is this issue considered less deviant than it was in the past? Or, conversely, is the media treating this issue more severely than it used to?
Describe one media outlet today that typically focuses on issues surrounding deviant behavior in society. (This does not have to be a television network but could be any type of alternative media, including YouTube channels, etc.). In your opinion, does the coverage of deviant topics enhance the popularity of this media outlet? Why or why not?
Finally, referring to the video in this module and after doing your own independent research, provide one example of how a criminal used the media to lie to the public.


This modules content focuses upon the institution of the media, which is crucial to shaping public perceptions of truth. Discuss the way in which stories circulated in the media shape public perceptions of the causes and cures for deviant behavior. Cite and use at least one additional outside source for this paper. [MO3.2, MO3.3]
Your paper must address the following:
-Referring specifically to your Module 3 reading material and one outside source, explain why technology has become such an incredibly influential agent of socialization. Give one solid example in your response that demonstrates how technology shapes our identity and behavior.
-Focusing upon one major social issue related to deviant behavior in the United States over the last 30 years (drug abuse, crime, prostitution, etc.), explain how this issue was treated differently in the media 30 years ago in comparison to how it is discussed today. For example, is this issue considered less deviant than it was in the past? Or, conversely, is the media treating this issue more severely than it used to?
-Describe one media outlet today that typically focuses on issues surrounding deviant behavior in society. (This does not have to be a television network but could be any type of alternative media, including YouTube channels, etc.). In your opinion, does the coverage of deviant topics enhance the popularity of this media outlet? Why or why not?
-Finally, referring to the video in this module and after doing your own independent research, provide one example of how a criminal used the media to lie to the public.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Nearly every industrialized nation maintains regulatory systems comparable to the Food and Drug Administration, although those systems are not always based on the U.S. model. Some countries have borrowed from the FDA model, but others have developed their own unique system of organization. Foods have been regulated differently in the United States than throughout the European Union.

Prepare a written paper and critically analyze and compare food regulations between the United States and European Union. You need to reflect on the differences of the food regulations of both nations.

The structure of the paper MUST include:

Title page

It should follow the APA style and requirements. The title page should contain the title of the paper, the author’s name, and the institutional affiliation. Include the page header flush left with the page number flush right at the top of the page.

Abstract (no longer than 250 words)

It should sum up the paper and contain the followings: background information about the subject/ justification, the purpose of the paper, main findings/the key points of the analysis, and the highlights of the main conclusions.

Body of your paper. It should include the following headings:

Introduction (no more than 1 page)

Briefly describe history of the food regulations of both countries, major food laws, and Major food agencies

Regulations of food labeling, nutrient level claims, and health claims

Regulations of food additives, colorings, and irradiation

Regulations of dietary supplement

Regulations of biotechnology and genetically modified foods

Conclusion (no longer than a half page)

Conclude your findings from the comparison

Is the United States less precautionary than the European Union?


A minimum of 5 scholarly citations is required. Cite your references both in text and in the references list. If you are directly quoting from a work, you will need to include the author, year of publication, and page number for the reference.

The paper length should be a minimum of 5 pages, excluding title page and references. It should be typed in a 12-point font, one inch margins, and a double line spacing.

The paper will be graded for both content and presentation. The paper will be evaluated for completeness, scientific accuracy, adherence to topic, correctness and quality of works cited, and presentation (readability, grammar, and spelling).

Cite all references used in text and in the references list.  References must be from peer-reviewed articles published in scientific journals, books, and reliable online sources (typically government or scientific society). References should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Association style


According to James Surowiecki in the book “The Wisdom of Crowds:” When “Groups” are involved in making a decision they normally have better than “house odds,” which is 70% of getting it right without having 100% of the facts. When groups make decisions they normally, and consistently hit at about 85 to 90% of the time getting the right answer. However, without the facts being available to any human it lowers the odds to a little over the 50-50 point.

When considering working in groups, remember there is strength in harmony and like-mindedness:  however, diversity facilitates “thinking outside the box.”  “Groupthink” is an example of what occurs when conformity is attributed too much emphasis.  The following website provides more information:

-What techniques have worked for you in forming groups to solve problems?
-Why do you think the technique worked?

In your own words

Once you have completed the activities in this module, you are ready to proceed to the next module. Please take a moment to reflect on the important points we covered this week. How scientists present their work to the public and how they interact with members of the public is critically important. In 2-3 sentences how would you suggest scientists and the media improve the accuracy of their reports for the public?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Historians and scholars of American society observe a redefinition of the American Dream after WWII–one that placed home ownership at its center.  In the post-War era, owning a home, suburbanization and consumerism drove the economy, built a new (and mostly white) middle-class AND became the new markers of the American “way of life.” 

In a five page double spaced essay, discuss how race shaped access (or lack of access) to this new Dream.  Make sure to discuss post-War social developments and the role of federal policies in the  EXPANSION of racial inequality by the end of the twentieth century.  (In other words, why did whites benefit in this era and people of color did not; What does race have to do with access and lack of access to this newly defined Dream?)

Make sure to support your thesis and paragraph topics with evidence from course materials.  Cite scholarship, statistical evidence and primary source material as evidence and make sure to discuss the role of POLICY. 

For this essay, consider the following topics:
housing inequality
post-War racial segregation
criminal justice
the rise of the Sunbelt politics
civil rights.

*5 page-essay, double-spaced, 11-12 point font, 1 inch margins

*References: Your essay must have a minimum of 5 citations used to support your essays thesis and paragraph topics. These must include at LEAST:
1 lecture (google slides)
2 scholarly articles
1 primary source
1 source of your choice (from assigned class readings week 9-15)
*****found below/in attachments

*Works Cited page.

In-text citations: simply give a short in-text reference to the author and page number in parentheses following the relevant sentence or paragraph, like this:
**For scholarly articles, provide author and page #: (Lytle Hernandez, 21).

**For primary sources, provide the author and a brief version of the articles title, and page number if possible.  i.e. (Black Panther Party, 10-Point Plan)

**For lecture or google slides: my name and the date of the lecture, i.e. (Cohen, 4/29/20)

Key Terms: You must interweave at least FIVE key terms within the essay. Please underline KEY TERMS the first time you use it.  Make sure your use of the term is relevant, supports your ideas, and demonstrates that you understand the definition and historical significance of each term [see list below]

MUST include the following terms:
*GI Bill
*Federal Housing Administration
*Civil Rights Act, 1964
*Black Panther Party
(can be located within powerpoints)

-lecture slides are found in attachments.
-there is a link for week 12 notes:

-Source from assigned reading:

-primary source (either/both can be used)


-scholarly articles found in the attachments

-please do not include any other sources.