Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Charles de Gaulle

For this forum topic, you have a choice of topic.  Pick either a historic French or francophone figure or era.  Or, pick an aspect of politics or government from France or a francophone country.  Discuss at least three important elements of the person, era, political or governmental aspect.

Nigerian president about the green wall

Please follow the research paper prompt 10 sources must be used i have all the sources with their references too i will upload them too. use cite chapter 1 and 2 once in the paper please and the 8 other sources are in the sources folder. one of the sources in a notepad file called “buhari website” it contains a website link “newsletter” also use that in the paper please thanks. Please don’t use any complex words my english isn’t really good its my second language. Please only use the sources i provided and use all 10 of them thanks. If there are any questions please ask me. also the position essay is the essay that i did earlier in the year it could help you with this paper but please dont copy anything into it. thanks IMG 117-125 are chapter 1. IMG 126-133 is chapter 2.

Accounting Issues Analysis

Please answer all the questions listed below

Question 1
Explain the practical steps that organizations can take towards creating an ethical framework.

Question 2
Explain the agency theory stance on the separation of ownership and control, its limitation(s) and the development of corporate governance practices resulting from it.

Question 3
Define two main types of risks that a company faces and explain two ways in which the code of corporate governance can assist in managing these on a day-to-day basis.

Question 4
Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative accounting research methods.

Question 5
Why cryptocurrencies do not meet the requirements to be classified as cash or cash equivalents.

Question 6
Explain one plausible treatment of cryptocurrencies under IFRS.

Question 7
Marcia would like to determine the knowledge, attitude and perceptions of BSc. Accounting Students towards CPA Canada.

Question 8
What would be the most suitable research design to carry out her study? 

Question 9
Suggest and justify what data collection instrument Marcia should use to collect data for her research.

Obesity Epidemic

You will be required to write a short (five-pages, double-spaced, 12 point font, 1 in. margins)
paper on the topic of your case study. The paper will include the same 5 topics as will be
covered in your presentation:
1. Define the health problem [where does it occur, how many people are dealing with it, is it a
historical or current problem, what are the health endpoints (i.e., death, disease, etc.)].
2. What are the risk factors?
3. What communities/people are most impacted by this problem?
4. What are three community-level interventions that have been suggested for this problem?
5. Describe one (original) intervention you would design to help fix this problem.
6. How would you monitor whether your intervention was successful?
You will also need a reference list with 4 peer reviewed journal articles. Your references must be formatted in Ecology style.

The paper will be graded on writing technique, proper use of the English language and

Risk and Crisis Communication Research Paper

Risk and Crisis Communication Research Paper

Three Case:
1. Australian Bushfire (2019-2020)
2. Amazon Rainforest Wildfires (2019)
3. USA CA Camp Fire (2018)

In this paper, you will examine three existing case studies in the area of risk and crisis communication. Based on your research, you will make recommendations for communication practitioners facing a similar risk or crisis issue in the future. The purpose of this assignment is to (a) learn to evaluate stakeholders, ethical issues, and effects of prior crisis management and responses in these case studies, and (b) apply these case study findings to learn to proactively plan for future crisis management and make recommendations for the future.

at least 15 sources

ECOL 100 Module 3 Discussion

For this discussion, read the following articles:

Hearts and minds: Stopping the slaughter of endangered species takes imagination. (2013). The Economist. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Illegal wildlife trade. (n.d.). World Wildlife Fund. Accessed August 16, 2016, at
What is the driving force behind the destruction of the elephant population? What other animal trades are mentioned on the World Wildlife site? Choose one to research further and describe the market demand for the product related to the animal at risk. Are any regulations in place? How are these regulations enforced? Do you think these regulations are effective at preserving biodiversity? Why or why not? Compare and contrast your findings with those of your classmates.

EDM402 Module 3 Discussion

Hurricanes and Tornados have a significant impact on both Public Safety Radio systems (Police, Fire, EMS, etc.) and Cellular Communications. What can be done to ensure communications do not fail following a severe wind event?

Remember to cite your sources and list your references.

Leadership Styles Application

Nurses use multiple leadership styles to effectively manage the health care team. When assessing an appropriate leadership style, one must take into consideration personal style, key stakeholders, the practice environment, and professional or personal biases. With this in mind, research three leadership styles that could be applied to Sleeping on the Job: A Managerial Challenge Case Study Scenario, linked in the Required Resources. Focus your research on the scholarly and professional literature that can be found in the Capella library or on the Internet.

Analyze the application of your three selected leadership styles to the Sleeping on the Job: A Managerial Challenge scenario.

Document Format and Length
Format your document using APA style.

Use the APA Style Paper Template, linked in the Required Resources. An APA Style Paper Tutorial is also provided (linked in the Suggested Resources) to help you in writing and formatting your document. Be sure to include:
A title page and reference page. An abstract is not required.
A running head on all pages.
Appropriate section headings.
Your document should be 35 pages in length, not including the title page and references page.
Supporting Evidence
Cite at least three sources of credible scholarly or professional evidence to support your analysis.

Leadership Styles Analysis
Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the Leadership Styles Application Scoring Guide. Be sure that your analysis addresses each point, at a minimum. You may also want to read the scoring guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed.

-Describe the major tenets of the three leadership styles that you have identified as applicable in this situation.
-Your description of each style should be brief, about 35 sentences in length.
-Explain why these leadership styles would be effective in this situation.
-Identify one positive and one negative implication of applying each leadership style to this situation.
-Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar and mechanics.
-Express your main points and conclusions coherently.
-Proofread your writing to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult to focus on the substance of your analysis.
-Support your main points, claims, and conclusions with credible scholarly or professional evidence, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.

Accounting Issues Analysis

Stephen is the Chief Financial Officer of a newly listed company, UJam Ltd, which operates a chain of retail outlets in Jamaica and Antigua & Barbuda. 
The company has grown very rapidly, having been founded only three years ago. 
The Board of directors has been made aware by the JSE that UJam Ltds corporate governance is perceived as weak. 
This has also been mentioned by various regulators which take an interest in UJam Ltds operations. 
In addition, articles have appeared in the press suggesting that the company has been engaged in poor treatment of employees and in price-fixing in collusion with its main competitors.
Stephen wishes to help improve the companys corporate governance and legal compliance but is unclear about a number of issues.

Question 1
Identify UJam Ltds stakeholders and the nature of the interest they may have in the company.

Question 2
Explain to Stephen what is meant by good corporate governance, including the problems it is intended to address.

Question 3
Explain to Stephen one issue that arises out of the accusations regarding employee rights and price-fixing.

Question 4
Recommend for Stephen an appropriate structure for UJams board and its committees, and the importance for the board of the company to have diversity.

International Communication Final Project

For this final assignment, you will create a 7 pages in-depth research paper on a topic you have selected that relates to one of the United Nations list of G-77 nations. The G-77 was originally the 77 nations the U.N. identified in 1967 as developing nations and the list has now expanded to 134 countries. These countries tend to have a low Human Development Index (HDI), displaying statistics and low scores on life expectancy, education, and income per capita. It is important to learn, explore, and understand the issues the people in these countries face.