Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

hink of contemporary examples when scientific facts are altered or denied for a personal, commercial or political gain. How does the movie resonate with the event of today?

The camerlengo is the most complex character in Angels and Demons. He says …… and religion are not enemies. There are simply some things that science is too young to understand, so the church pleads to stop, slow down, think, wait,…….. The movie exemplifies how religious leaders of the past attempted to prevent the acceptance  of scientific discoveries and how public opinion was manipulated to preserve the dominance and power of the church. Think of contemporary examples when scientific facts are altered or denied for a personal, commercial or political gain. How does the movie resonate with the event of today? Express your thinking by writing an essay (4-5 pages). Prepare your essay in MS word and the following should be observed:
Font: times new Roman
Size: 12
Line spacing: 1.5
Write in your own words, not plagiarize.

bystander effect

Be sure to review the grading rubric and to include all of the required elements. For the Results section, briefly sum up, in words, what happened. Then refer the reader to your Table and Figure (i.e., “see Table 1”), and your field notes. The Table and Figure(s) go after the References section, one per page. After that come your field notes, which you will call “Appendix 1.” Everything should be copied and pasted into one Word document!  SEE Attachment for EXAMPLE.


Answer only one question from each section A and B.

Section A: Monetary Policy (Chapter 15)

List and brief explain the relationship between money demand and (1) price level, (2) income level, and (3) interest rates.

What is a mortgage?

Section B. Fiscal Policy (Chapter 16)

Which can be change more quickly: monetary policy or fiscal policy? Briefly explain
Explain the difference between crowding out in the short run and in the long run.

Disc 2

Every household has a junk drawer (or some similar place) that serves as the catch all for items that have no designated place. Go to your junk drawer and randomly retrieve three items. Write a one-paragraph summary of each item separately. Then write a one-paragraph synthesis that compares and contrasts the three items. Post the three summaries and the single-paragraph synthesis of the summaries. What challenges did you experience in synthesizing the three objects? What questions do you have about synthesis techniques?

Traits of Best Supply Chains/Balance Time and Costs/

Read attached documents:

1. Traits of Best Supply Chains. 250 words w/a reflection paragraph (at least 75 words)

2. Article: “How to Balance ‘On Time’ With Reduced Costs” pg. 1-7 (250 words)

3. Strategic Sourcing. (250 words)

Then discuss each topic with 250 words EACH. You should have (3) 250 word discussions and one 100 word reflection paragraph. To be considered substantive, your reply should add significantly to the discussion by building on others’ comments, pointing out similarities or differences in your backgrounds or course expectations, etc. No particular format.

When did you first hear the term shaman? What do you associate with this word? What do you know about shamanism (prior to this week) and what surprised you about shamanism after hearing the lectures and reading Langdon and Sullivan?

When did you first hear the term shaman? What do you associate with this word? What do you know about shamanism (prior to this week) and what surprised you about shamanism after hearing the lectures and reading Langdon and Sullivan?


Langdon, E. Jean Matteson. 1992. Introduction: Shamanism and Anthropology. In Portals of Power: Shamanism in South America, edited by E. Jean Matteson Langdon, 121. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.
Sullivan, Lawrence E. 1994. The Attributes and Power of the Shaman: A General Description of the Ecstatic Care of the Soul. In Ancient Traditions: Shamanism in Central Asia and the Americas, edited by Gary Seaman and Jane Stevenson Day, 2945. Niwot: University Press of Colorado.

short topic

For this final Graded Writing Assignment, you will compose a Short Report based on one of the scenario’s outlined below. You must choose one of the scenarios listed below; papers submitted reflecting a scenario other than those listed below (even those listed in your text) will not be given credit or graded.

Assignment Requirements:
Write your findings as a well-organized Short Report containing the following key elements:

A title page
Document headings to separate parts of the report
At least two sources with brief in-text citations as shown in the sample Short Report (pages 386-394)1
Interpretation of your findings in terms of their likely significance to you and your readers.
Assignment Notes:
Create all pieces of the Short Report as one (1) document.
The Short Report should be 1,200-1,500 words in length. Remember to focus on the content, not just writing to fill a word requirement.
You will upload your finished document to the appropriate assignment in Business Communications. Instructions on how to upload are available in Topic 12.
Option 1) The graphic design shop where you work as the account manager is doing well. Just last year the owner hired three new designers and a receptionist, bringing the total number of employees to 14. But with growth comes certain headaches, and one of them is figuring out how to regulate employees’ Internet use. Currently, employees can download anything they want from the Internet and view any website they wish.
The owner’s IT person has alerted him to several problems. One is that the designers are downloading any and all software that they think sounds “cool” – even software in beta versions that still have a lot of kinks. As a result, their computers lock up or malfunction and the IT person has to spend hours troubleshooting the problem to get it resolved.
Two, there is concern over what Internet sites employees are viewing, specifically those that are inappropriate for the workplace. Overall, the IT person is worried about security breaches resulting from these downloads, inappropriate website visits, and other Internet activities.
It’s time for a policy to be developed governing Internet-use and your boss thinks you’re just the person to help write it. Your assignment is to study the current wisdom on the workplace Internet policies and send your findings to your boss and the IT person as a short report, including a proposed Internet-use policy that might be implemented.
Option 2) As a Senior Buyer as Darcy’s, a national department store, Sasha Warner manages the buyers in the eastern U.S. region. You’re currently working under her as a sales co-op student. She drops by your office to chat one day and brings up a subject she’s been wondering about. “Do you know anything about Skype?” she asks. You nod, having used this online international phone service yourself. “I heard it’s totally free and really easy to use, she continues, “so I’m thinking about recommending that all my buyers subscribe to it. Then maybe they could talk to each other and to international designers and merchandisers more easily. Is there any downside? Maybe security issues?” You’re not sure–but you offer to look into the matter for her.
Do the necessary research and, if you haven’t done so, try this service yourself. Then, write Sasha a report that gives her the information she needs to decide whether or not to pursue this idea further. She may want to share your report with other managers in the company so be sure you give it your best effort.
Option 3) You work for the owner of three local coffee and tea shops, one of which opened a few months ago. The newest one has already developed quite a nice, regular clientele, mostly those in or near the neighborhood who want an alternative to the big-coffee-chain experience, but your boss things its sales need a bump. She is considering holding an in-store promotion at the coffee shop – her first-ever. Since she knows you’re an Internet whiz, she turns to you for help. “How do you run one of these events?” she wants to know. “How much do they cost? Are they worth the effort and expense? What are the options? Do such promotions have lasting effects? How can I maximize the results?”
You turn to the internet and find a lot of great stuff about in-store promotions, so much, in fact, that you decide to present your findings to your boss in writing. Tell her what she needs and wants to know in a clear, well-organized report. Having the information in writing will also be helpful if she wants to share it with other employees. Be sure she can go to your sources and read more if she wants to.
Option 4) Many managers today are realizing that there really is something distinctive about “Gen Y,” or “Millennial,” employees (the children of “baby boomers” – who were themselves children of the World War II generation). Find a real client or invent a realistic company to use as your client. Then review the literature on Gen Y employees and write your client a report in which you describe the distinctive traits of this segment of the workforce and recommend ways to recruit, manage, and retain them.
Option 5) Your company does not offer flexible spending accounts (FSAs) for its employees. Your boss wonders if your company (you pick the name) should. Are FSAs a good idea for businesses and employees? Prepare a report for your boss in which you analyze the advantages and disadvantages of FSAs so that she can decide whether to offer FSAs to your employees.
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

The purpose of this assignment is to help you decide which scenario you want to address and to help you prepare for your research paper in Unit VII. Go ahead and choose one of the three scenarios (see Unit VII assignment and scenario list below) for your research, which must relate to how terrorism, genetic engineering, genocide operations, bio warfare, or cyber terrorism may affect our efforts to mitigate future attacks globally or internationally, as well as the moral and ethical implications of the use of such weapons of mass destruction in a terrorist attack of this magnitude. Additionally, the paper must address the capabilities and design of future attacks as well as the strategies we must develop to prevent or diminish the impact of such attacks. You are encouraged to truly think outside of the box instead of just repeating previous efforts from terrorist organizations.

From the reports of intelligence officers with the Central Region Command in Afghanistan, you can be assured that in addition to infrastructure attacks, terrorist organizations focus their attacks against educational and religious systems that they deem evil from their perspective.

Scenario One:

The election year is heating up with every new debate. You are the Police Chief of Atlanta. A debate has been scheduled in Chastain Park, which is the largest city park in Atlanta and consists of 268 acres of open terrain. The park is located near the northern edge of the city. The debate will be held at the Chastain Park Amphitheater, which has is designed to hold just under 7,000 people; not including the politicians and their personnel. You can search Google Maps ( for a map location of Chastain Park.

Your research must identify what federal and state agencies will be assisting you with the security for the event. You have been assigned the duty to provide a risk analysis of the physical facilities as well as provide your opinion of the probability of terrorist attacks against the politicians or the 7,000 participants within the amphitheater as well as those who will be in the park surrounding the amphitheater. You must ensure the safety of everyone attending the debate as well as those visiting the park. Your mitigation plan must address ingress and egress to and from the park and the amphitheater before, after, and during the event. Additionally, you must identify possible existing threats as well as the terrorist group responsible for those threats. You must identify all probable avenues of attack and develop a plan to prevent such attacks. Keep in mind, you must prepare for the worst-case scenario that can consist of any form of an attack including an attack from the ground or air, as well as long-distance attacks or pre-planted improvised explosive devices. Consider that thousands of people may die or be seriously injured if your plan fails to recognize all relevant scenarios or threats.

Scenario Two:

You are the head of a Homeland Security Investigative Task Force assigned to mitigate threats or possible terrorist attacks against the port area of San Diego. This includes numerous U.S. Navy vessels as well as a number of oceanic freighters, local fishing vessels, and pleasure yachts. You have received a threat from an unknown source stating that coordinated attacks are going to be launched against military and civilian targets in and around the San Diego area. The threat alludes to the use of nuclear missiles launched from vessels off the coast of San Diego. The source of the threats remains unknown, but intelligence points toward North Korea and Iran.

Your job is to identify the probable source of the threats as well as mitigate the numerous scenarios of attack that could stem from the Pacific Ocean, the Baja, the roadways entering San Diego from all directions, or from within San Diego. No specific terrorist group has given any notice of an attack.

You must identify all probable sources from which a nuclear missile could be launched. Since intelligence advises that neither North Korea nor Iran have long range capability, your search must be restricted to the immediate area. Additionally, all you know is that the attack is scheduled to occur sometime this month.

Identify all possible sources that could launch a nuclear missile and determine countermeasures that will empower your personnel to defeat the attack or attacks before they occur.

Your plan must include a worst-case scenario response plan to enable you to properly respond and deal with the blast effects from the attack should your personnel fail to stop the attack or attacks.

Scenario Three:

You are a senior officer in the U.S. Border Patrol and your intelligence group has received a warning that a terrorist cell is planning to launch an aerial biological attack across the southern borders of the United States, but the information you received does not identify a specific border area crossing point; therefore, you must create a plan to identify all probable entry points along the massive stretch of land that borders along Mexico and the United States. Additionally, you must plan to mitigate any attacks that could occur. Numerous scenarios can be identified, which include attacks by air, land, or by pre-planted improvised explosive devices, as well by other methods designed to release the biological hazard into the air or the local water supply system.

Your job is to identify all possible situations and provide a plan that will efficiently inspect and monitor each threatened area as well as possible sources of attack. Can you simply shut down all small plane traffic in the area? Could the biological hazard already be in place? Could the biological hazard be transported across the border through tunnels? What cities are probable targets for such attacks? What plans can you develop to ensure protection for all these cities? How far north can such attacks penetrate?

Your plan must include identification of all possible scenarios as well as your response plan based on the worst-case scenario providing proper response to the area or areas suffering from the attack as well as how you plan to protect first responders and healthcare facilities during and after the attack.

Also, for this assignment, you must include three sources that will be used for researching the Unit VII Research Paper. You are required to submit the scenario topic for your Unit VII Research Paper for approval. Provide a description of your topic and focus of your paper in the form of an abstract (at least 150 words) and provide a list of references you intend to use in your research. This may be subject to change since your topic and references will need approval by your instructor. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions or concerns.

The research paper topic assignment should be at least one page. Please forward your research scenario choice, abstract, and reference section to instructor as a single document.

Dedicated or Non-Dedicated Resources

You are now deciding on resources for a project team. You have a choice to staff a team of resources who will be dedicated (or allocated) 100% to the project, or staff a team of resources who will be dedicated (or allocated) three days each week to your project. Using information from the readings, explain how you can use either set of resources.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Visit the following URL for additional information on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the National Incident Management System (NIMS), and the Incident Command System (ICS):

NIMS and ICS play vital roles in emergency management response and resiliency and reactionary-based planning at the local, state, and federal levels. Further, in a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, explosive (CBRNE) event, both NIMS and ICS must be utilized.

In a two-page reflection paper, complete the following sections:

Part I: Explain the role and purpose of NIMS and ICS. Further, NIMS and ICS can be applied to most emergency incidents that occur to include weapons of mass destruction scenarios involving chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive occurrences.

Part II: Create a table-top exercise incident involving a weapons of mass destruction event that can be administered at a law enforcement agency. Include the following: type of incident, agencies involved, location of incident, roles of agencies, how response should take place, and the role of NIMS and ICS. How is interoperability and resource management applied to your scenario? Finally, reflect on why table-top exercises are important to complete in the criminal justice and homeland security sectors.

Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.