Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

homeland Security

Complete a briefing paper of 3-5 pages (double-spaced not including the title page, abstract, references or appendixes) on the following:

Should the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recommend to the President and Congress to remove the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) from the DHS structure and make it an independent agency of the US Executive Branch? Discuss challenges facing FEMA responding to disasters. What strategies should be taken to lessen these challenges? 

Provide a short legal brief you might submit to your superiors.  The writing assignment should provide a balanced analysis of the issue assigned based on pertinent legal and other materials. The material for each assignment will come both from the required readings and outside research in order to fully assess the issues.

Technical Requirements:

Length: 3-5 pages, double spaced, 1″ margins, 12 pitch type in Times New Roman font

Citations/References:  You must use the APA style for this assignment.

Questions in Psycholinguistics

    Select one of the following topics:

        -Recent research has shown that bilingualism shapes the human mind. What are some of the short-term and/or long-term consequences of bilingualism on information processing? Include at least two sets of findings (e.g., speed of processing and vocabulary size) in your paper.

      – Human language is more than a communication system. What are the unique properties of human language that make it different from communication systems used by other species?

      –  Most of language use in adults relies on reading, an ability that is often acquired later in life than the ability to speak and understand speech in ones primary language. Why is learning how to read more challenging than learning how to speak in ones primary language?

      – Ambiguities in the meaning of words and phrases are far from rare occurrences. Yet, both speakers and listeners (or readers) often do not appear to notice them. What are these ambiguities, and why do they often go unnoticed?

      –  Can you forget words in your first language while you are learning a second language? Summarize the available evidence to explain your answer.

    –    More than half a century ago, two researchers, Noam Chomsky and B. F. Skinner, debated the role of nature and nurture in language acquisition. What was the viewpoint of each researcher? What was the evidence upon which their contrasting viewpoints relied?

    Review the literature on the selected topic. For your selected topic, use at least three peer-reviewed articles that can answer the questions related to it.

    Summarize the evidence you have found and then critically examine it. Engage your critical thinking skills. For instance, ask yourself if the available evidence is sufficient to support the interpretations that researchers have proposed, and/or whether there are ambiguities and unknowns.

    Begin your paper with an introduction to the selected topic in which you define all concepts that will be discussed in the paper. Include a brief summary of the content of the selected article according to the guidelines described above.

    Analyze the key findings, illustrating the consistencies and inconsistencies.

    Include a conclusion expressing your thoughts about the strengths and weaknesses of the available evidence. If possible, suggest the course that future research should take if answers are less than conclusive.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

What might the impact of social and environmental performance be on a firms overall reputation?
Step 2:  Find your materials. Do a Google search of the topic and find 4-7 solid articles about the topic (the more the number of articles, the better your project will be).  These should be articles and not blogs!  Wikipedia IS NOT an acceptable source although you might find some good sources referenced in a Wikipedia listing (if one is actually available).

3.    Step 3:  Read the articles.  After you find your articles, then read each one (novel concept, I know!). After you read an article, ask yourself What key points did this article bring out? 

4.    Step 4: Write out the points and list references related to the points.  It is important to actually write stuff out as opposed to trying to have stuff simply bouncing around in your mind!  Also, please understand that there will be overlapping points from the articles, and in some cases, the point or points raised may be the same point raised in another article, but just using different words.

5.    Step 5:  Review your notes and come up with 3 major topics from the ones you noted from your articles.  After writing out the key points raised, try to collapse all the points into 3 major ones.  Those three points will be the 3 major topics you will discuss in your paper.

6.    Step 6:  Right up a discussion of each of the three points.  Each major point should get about 3 or so paragraphs devoted to discussing each one!  Dont forget to include the sources with the points.  Also, if you are quoting something from an article, make sure that is put in quotes and the source is cited immediately after the quote.  Dont let me assume that the words are yours if they are not.  That is plagiarism!

7.    Step 7:  Write the conclusion and the introductions.  The paper introduction and conclusion probably should be written after you have a good draft of the three points that you discussed.  The intro (1 solid paragraph) should tell the reader about the topic that is being discussed and the conclusion paragraph (1 solid paragraph) should basically summarize the major points discussed in the paper.  Dont just say that the paper discussed point A, point B, and point C.  Be very specific and intentional about what points were discussed.

8.    Step 8:  The Reference page.  You need to have a bibliography section that includes each cite you made in the paper.  Each cite in the paper should be listed in the bibliography.  The bibliography should not have any cites in it that are not listed in the body of the paper.

Write a 3-5 paragraph essay reflecting on your thoughts

Watch the short videos

Use the following template(see the attachment)to write a one and a half to two page (single spaced) review.  Do some explaining, give examples, be specific.  Lastly, defend your responses.

Videos:  President Reagan’s Address at Pointe du Hoc  2020 State of the Union Address & Democratic Response  I Have a Dream speech

And the last review:
You will talk about an outstanding person and what that person did that made a difference.  Your hero should be someone you need to do research on,  not someone you know personally. Select someone not generally well known.

Select a hero with good character.  This is not a forum for the infamous and nefarious.  No Nero, Hitler, Benedict Arnold, Ted Bundy, Vlad the Impaler, etc. Select a real person either living or dead.  No Superman, Spiderman, Tigger etc.

You are expected to do research on your hero and include a minimum of three references.

Your speech needs to be 5 – 10 minutes long.

You need to submit a sentence outline with the following elements.

The hook:


Introduce the problem or circumstances that your hero worked on.
Introduce your hero.
Relate what your hero changed.  What was different afterwards? How did your hero make a difference?
What do you believe motivated your leader?
Relate what character trait your hero demonstrated that you would like to emulate and why.

Use the following template for your sentence outline.

Sentence outline template for Public Hero.

Here is an example.

seminar respon


answer the following questions

1.Since everyone has his or her type of writing, how can this skill be able to boost your style of writing?

2.Problems are part of everyones life, can this skill help you face your problems head on, knowing the stakes?

3.By examining the introduction of any article, will you be able to identify the problem, the question, and the stake? Will this skill help you become a better reader and writer?

Business Law and Ethics

Please kindly go through the two presentations and then write the peer review.

Please avoid using “In this presentation” type of phrase in the comment. Instead, using “I agree…”, “You made a good point…” et al.

Need at least 1 source for each peer review response (must be the Journal Article published within 5 years)

Israel Borders

provide a one-page outline and list of the references. The length of
this assignment is two pages in total , The outline should  specify the key issue that will be the Israel’s border, and if relevant, the time-period or the specific area of cooperation or conflict or global challenge. In addition, the outline could already contain information about the introduction (background). This background information has to be directly connected to the key topic of the presentation and relevant for the understanding of the rest of the presentation.
As it is an outline,, use bullet points to indicate the main ideas to be discussed in that section. The list of references must contain relevant academic texts (e.g., journal article, expert organizations report, or book chapters), besides relevant and reliable websites. The list of references must be written using the APA style

Library Babel

The only resource that can be used is the pdf I attached.
In “The Library of Babel,” Jorge Luis Borges provides a series of observations into the nature of language–the anthropological and cross-cultural elements of its creation and usage. He chooses to do so in the form of a parable, a kind of riddle, to help communicate the spirit of his theory.

Between the following quotes, Borges intimates that there is a continuum to his viewpoint on language:

a) “They (librarians) will acknowledge that the inventors of writers imitated the twenty-five natural symbols, but contend that that adoption was fortuitous, coincidental, and that books in themselves have no meaning” (114).

b) “I will be bold enough to suggest this solution to the ancient problem: The Library is unlimited but periodic. If an eternal traveler should journey in any direction, he would find after untold centuries that the same volumes are repeated in the same disorder–which, repeated, becomes order: the Order” (118).

In your response, speak to the relation between these passages, and what Borges’ text generally says about the way words work.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

“African Americans struggle with disproportionate COVID death toll”,

“Until we are able to gas them like the Nazis, the Roma will infect the nation: Roma and the ethnicization of COVID-19 in Romania”,

Answer the question: During the course we have discussed several topics in the history of racism and nationalism. Today, the world is facing a global pandemic that is hitting certain communities harder then others. Please write an essay that discusses how specific issues raised in the course are connected to the ways in which the pandemic is affecting minority and underprivileged populations. How has racism shaped the fate of certain populations during this crisis? Give specific examples from the course.

International Investments in Saudi Arabia and Companies Law

please write me a literature review based on the text i will attach.

i will also attach literature review questions , references , rubric, and a sample literature review that has the same topic as mine .

Note: i already did the literature review someone else because i did not have time and he did it in a wrong way which got me a 37/100 as grade , so i will attach the comments that i got just to make sure that its fulfilled in the new literature review.