Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Happy Swees

The company you have chosen needs your expertise and your investigation skills.
As you know we are researching foreign markets to expand our innovative products,
and we need critical analysis of these markets so as to make a successful decision.
1. Context:

Happy Sweets
Small, successful companies planning on expanding abroad.
2. Purpose of paper:
Choose two countries and compare them. Decide which country is the best one to
set up a subsidiary of the company you have chosen.
3. Qualifying factors:
You may choose that subsidiary to be anything from a sales office to a
manufacturing plant. If this is relevant, make it explicit in your paper.
4. Length
5 paragraph report. Introduction. 3 body paragraphs. End.
1000 words +/- 10% (excluding Title page, index and references)
You will be marked on the following areas:
5. Structure. 4/10
1.1 Title page
Name of report
Name of author
Name of professor
1.2 Index
1.3 Introduction
Aims (thesis without choosing a position, yet)
Key points (structural thesis)
Scope (narrowing the focus)
RAWS 2020. Online Evaluation
1.4 Body Paragraphs X 3
Choose three subjects from the following (check with professor if you want to use
Demographics/ society
Each Paragraph should contain the following elements:
Numbered heading
Topic Sentence and controlling idea
Evidence to support points
Reasoning and analysis of the evidence.
Counterarguments where relevant.
Concluding sentence
Transitions between and within paragraphs
1.5 End
The end should contain the following
Discussion of findings
6. Style and Flow. 2 points
Use clear language, active voice where possible and short sentences.
Correct spelling (use Grammarly or something similar and check yourself afterwards).
Correct use of transitions.
Logical flow in the paper from beginning to end.
Formal tone.
7. Formatting and sources. 2 points
Use at least two credible databases (you will be given examples in class) to gather data
(APA format)
APA reference list on a separate page (in alphabetical order)
Use in-text citations in every one of the three body paragraphs (APA format)
Make sure these sources are properly incorporated into the paper and not overly
reliant on lengthy quotations (this counts for summaries, paraphrasing, isolated stats)
Times New Roman 12-point font.
Double Spacing
8. Extra Points. 2 points
Your boss may decide to give you extra points for work above and beyond (the
overall presentation of the document, inclusion of graphs and tables, excellent
argumentation, extra sources, etc.)

Happy Sweets International is a Canadian-based leading producer and seller of
marijuana-laced desserts such as brownies, candies, lollipops, etc.
Happy Sweets is currently exploring potential expansion globally as it wants to have an
advantage over its competition once marijuana is legalized across the world. It has
contacted you a leading research organization to prepare an analysis of the political
situation for legalization and market conditions (demand and sale prospects) of
marijuana edibles. It wants you to concentrate on two countries where the political and
market conditions are ripe for expansion.

Kelly, C., Elizabeth, F., Bharat, M., & Jitendra, M. (2016). Generation gaps: Changes in the workplace due to differing generational values.

For this assignment, read the article indicated below that discusses the differences between the generations within the workplace and how to develop interpersonal skills for better employee involvement and interaction with fellow employees. Also, this article identifies how the values are placed upon each generation (Generation Z, Millennials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers) and leads into how to better manage and involve the multiple generations within the workforce.

In order to access the resource below, you must first log into the myCSU Student Portal and access the ABI/INFORM COLLECTION database within the CSU Online Library.

Kelly, C., Elizabeth, F., Bharat, M., & Jitendra, M. (2016). Generation gaps: Changes in the workplace due to differing generational values. Advances in Management, 9(5), 1-8.

Complete the article review by showing your understanding of the articles contents by addressing the questions and directives below. Your paper should be a minimum of two pages, not including the title and reference pages. The following are questions and directives to be used in completing the review:

What is the authors main point?
Who is the authors intended audience?
Identify and address the differences in the interpersonal skills from the generational differences and how they might be overcome.

picnic outing for special need kids

i go to adult education for Child Development & Recreation Programme and i have to write and plan an activity  an outing for a group kids at who go to a preschool at my work. In the group there are people with different functional variations who all need special educational efforts:
Kim diagnosed with ADHD
Call with diagnosis of epilepsy
Lisa with autism diagnosis

Platos Phaedrus: pages 476-499 (227a-253c)

Essay Question:
How does Platos Socrates show Phaedrus and us his readers how anyone can deliberate/inquire successfully about any subject given what he observes about the complex nature of the soul?  For as Plato has us observe, the souls complex nature is based in the fact that its two ruling and guiding principles can take three distinctive forms. These forms are temperance (sophrosyne), wantonness (hubris), and mantic, rational sanity (what Charles Griswold calls a derivative form of temperance). What are these three distinctive forms of the soul? Why is it that only the temperate form of the soul secures the souls essence of self-motion/movement and the task of successful deliberation? Whats more, what is it about innate desire that is central to this question of successful deliberation as seen from the perspective of these three forms of the soul? 

To have a sustained answer to the essay question, you will need to:   
    Take up and advance the question of successful deliberation and the error that most people make when they deliberate.
    Think about the perspective from which you want to take up the essay question.
    Advance an answer to the question through a sustained analysis of the three forms of the soul.
    Give an account of why it is that only the temperate form of the soul secures is essence and is able to deliberate successfully.
    Address why innate desire (as seen from the complex nature of the soul) is central to the problem of deliberation.
    Address why self-knowledge from Platos perspective resolves the conflict between the Ancient and the Modern agnostic view of the world held by the men of science.  (Thoughtful remarks on this last bullet will go towards bonus points).

The answer to the essay question must come from your understanding of the first half of Platos Phaedrus, and it needs to be based in (without being restricted to) a condensed analysis of these four places in Platos text:

    Page 478 (229c) to page 479 (230c)
    Page 485 (237b, line 8) to page 486 (238c, line 4)
    Page 491 (244a, line 4 ) to page 492 (245c, line 3)
    Page 492 (245c, line 7) to page 493 (246b, line 5) 

Your essay needs to be in the MLA (Modern Language Association) format. The CMS/Chicago Manual of Style can be used as well. Do not use any secondary sources when writing your essay. (Please review the Academic Integrity Policy for students on how to avoid plagiarism). Support for your answer must come from the on-going use of direct citations from Platos text (no paraphrasing of Platos text). Your essay should stay within the range of approximately 750-1000 words, between three-four typed pages, double-spaced. 
Your essay needs to be submitted online by Thursday, 5-14, 11:59 PM. 

Please note: 
    The word judgment (237de) in the text needs to be replaced with the word opinion (doxa). 
    There is an error on page 478 at 230a.  Correct the error by changing the words current beliefs to traditional beliefs.

how to manage waste

Assignment Content

Identify and read two to three articles that discuss how your initiative can reduce waste at the health care setting you selected.

Note: If relevant articles are not found in the University Library, expand your search to outside sources and materials.

Identify best practices you can use in your sustainability initiative.

Write a 90- to 175-word summary for each citation that explains how the article supports the sustainability initiative you are developing in this course.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment. For additional help, check out the ULTRA: Access your assignments page.

Defense mechanisms & stress coping strategies

In face of anxiety, which 2 defense mechanisms and 2 stress coping strategies do you normally employ? Discuss them with the use of personal examples, relevant psychological concepts, together with the support from books, journal articles, and/or other reliable academic sources.

P.S. At least 5 references.
Please take the sample paper as reference.

The effect of the iPhone 8 and X launch on apple stocks in relation to future cash flow for stock holders

Describe the corporate event
What is your event
When did it happen? Please show this corporations stock price movements during this event period
Explain why this corporate event is related to a specific topic in this course
In your opinion did the corporate event change i. The expected future cash flows ii. The risk or iii. Any other essential elements of the firm. Why or why not?

Social Media Marketing Plan

Students will create a partial Social Media Marketing Plan using Chapter 15, the Appendix, and all previous chapters as a guide. Students will create a written report with graphics, where appropriate, that is research-based, examining a Fortune 750 company of their choice. Research must be documented using APA format. Students will create a written report using the following Table of Contents: Executive Summary, Brief Overview, Social Media Presence, Competitive Analysis, Goals, Strategies, Target Market, Tools, and Implementation. Under the Implementation section, the student must provide 5 Platform-Specific Tactics and Tools. Students will not provide Content Development, nor Assignments as part of the Implementation section. Students will not provide research on Monitoring, Tuning, Budget, or Return on Investment. Instead, students will include a 500-word essay at the conclusion of the Social Media Marketing Plan giving deep analysis, insight, and a point of view of the company’s Social Media Marketing efforts. The essay portion must be written in a professional tone. Do NOT use “I”. The assignment has a total of 10 sections + a Work Cited page, with the Implementation section having 5 Platform-Specific Tactics and Tools. It is VERY important that you read Chapter 15 AND the Appendix. Look to the Appendix as a guide for how long your sections should be. You MUST include a Works Cited page which MUST include at least 10 references. You must use APA format when building your Works Cited page. Remember, this is 20% of your overall grade.


Please see the attached PDF for the text. Answer these questions:
1. Of the six common criticisms listed by Lilienfeld, which do you find the most problematic for the field of psychology? Why?

2. Name one or two arguments that you think are the strongest that Lilienfeld offers. Name at least one argument that you think is not as strong.

3. Do you agree with Lilienfeld when he argues that public skepticism is paradoxically one of psychology’s biggest allies? Why or why not?

final paper

Add the following information to your Key Assignment from the Unit 4 Individual Project to create your final draft:
Choose 3 departments in your facility, and describe the specific needs that they have requested that will help enhance their work after implementation of the electronic health record (EHR).
Discuss what training will need to be done prior to implementation.
What type of vendor support and vendor maintenance will you need after implementation? How long will this be needed?
Write 5 questions that your facility can ask about the product the vendor will present to you as you start your vendor interviews and selection process.

APA references must be present for all sources used.