Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Adolescent to parent abuse

– Attached is the prompt for a GROUP PAPER, This paper only has to be the INTRODUCTION in the paper (Attached prompt shows what is needed in introduction)
– A word DOC is attached with current progress of other students work so far, just for reference.
– Our Darkside Issue is ***Adolescent to parent abuse***

create my own myth story

Your final assignment for mythology this semester is to…
write your own myth!

Each myth we’ve read over the course of the semester has given you insights into ancient cultures. We still use these myths by creating superheroes and other awesome characters based on the characters in myths. While Thor may have been a god to the Norse, he is just a Marvel superhero today. Heracles was a unique human with heroic qualities to the Ancient Greeks, while today he is just a bedtime story hero.

For this assignment, write 1-3 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font, myth that can be any style. It may be a creation myth, focus on a particular superhero, or maybe it is a hero myth. The options and ideas are endless and entirely up to you!
It must be minimum one page and maximum 3 pages.
It must be double-spaced.
It can be any font, as long as it is 12 point

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Base on the pdf reading answer these two questions and base in 2011 and don’t use any reference.

1. What are Yelps competitive advantages? Are they sustainable?
2. Currently, Yelp uses sponsorships and advertising. How do these work? What do establishments gain?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Two essay questions:

1.How will employers be affected by expected changes in the health care system in the next several years, and how will they react?

2.Why are rapidly increasing health care costs in the U.S. such a concern?

Strategy in Action – Short Case Memos

Write 2 short memos base on the questions for these 2 cases (Dunkin & Wawa), each one for half a page:

Dunkin Donuts (attachment)
    How has Dunkin Donuts product strategy changed over the years?

Wawa (
    How does Wawa differentiate itself from 7-Eleven and other convenience stores?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

*You should have at least nine (9) slides of information plus a title slide for your presentation for a total of ten (10) slides

*Choose a slide design that suits you. On your first (title) slide, include a title of your choosing to introduce yourself. In the subheading, include the course number, assignment number, and your name

*Create seven slides where you can share your hobbies, interesting times in your life, or just different things about you.

*Create one slide that will be an “invitation” to your graduation party. Identify the who, what, when, where, and why of the party details. Include appropriate graphics and text formatting to make your invitation appealing.

*You will also include one slide that addresses your computer safety. Include your references in the Notes section.

*All slides should be formatted creatively and appropriately.
Use the Notes section to describe the special creative touches you added so you make sure you get credit for them. This is a chance to explore the creative features of the software. Have fun and be creative.


ore Principles & Values of Effective Team-Based Health Care

In the assigned article, “Core Principles & Values of Effective Team-Based Health Care,” the authors state that “the incorporation of multiple perspectives in health care offers the benefit of diverse knowledge and experience; however, in practice, shared responsibility without high-quality teamwork can be fraught with peril.” Describe the perils that the authors say lead to uncoordinated care and unnecessary waste and cost. How do communication and interdisciplinary collaboration prevent adverse events?

Sports Psychology

Give a talk on either an exercise or a sport approach and the speaker is free to lecture on any topic they choose within those areas. 
Your Audience: Exercise leaders, health club owners, and health promotion people (Committee on Health Promotion) and REDUCING EXERCISE/PHYSICAL ACTIVITY DROP OUT.

You should write a paper on any topic that you think suitable for segments or all of your audience.  For example, “Changing your behavior to make you a better coach” or “Body image and physical activity participation” or Exercise effects on psychological function.  Decide what appeals to you and might be appealing to the audience and choose a topic that falls under the heading of sport OR exercise psychology.


Assignment Details

Security and loss prevention are other aspects of safeguarding property and taking action on those who participate in varying types of fraud.

Select only 2 of the following terms, and define each term:
Private security
Identity theft
Fraudulent acts
Corporate loss
Loss prevention
Once defined, discuss your selected terms’ impact on the world of individual, retail, corporate, or business loss:

The Threat of Fraud

Assignment Details

You are an intern in the office of the director of Worldwide Security for a Fortune 500 credit agency, a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), and an active member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), who has in excess of 20 fraud investigators. You assist the director, as she makes presentations to universities throughout the country, as well as at professional conferences, about the dangers and true occurrences of fraud. You were just asked to review a case of identity theft of university professors, which started out as a couple of professors receiving unexplained bills. Within 1 month, 15 professors from all of the different departments started noticing unexplained charges and credit accounts on their credit reports. The new accounts took the form of credit cards, revolving credit accounts, car loans, school loans, and so forth. You were asked to help because you are an expert in the field.

In 34 pages, answer 5 of the following 7 questions. Support your answers with academic or real-life criminal justice examples to accentuate your point.

In your opinion, what would be your plan to review the case of identity theft toward the university professors? Why?
Do you think identity theft can be controlled? How would you propose to control it or at least slow it down?
How would you protect the college professors from any fraudulent acts against them after the identity theft has been discovered?
How would you identify all of the victims of identity theft? How would identifying all of the victims help you in your investigation?
What are some of the investigative methods that you would use to identify the perpetrators of the identity theft crimes?
If you were requested by the president of the college to create a loss prevention education workshop for the staff and professors, what would you include in the workshop? How would you evaluate the success of the lessons being presented in the workshop?
What punishment do you think the perpetrator should receive for his or her crime?