Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Marketing – “Value Adding”


One concept you have been introduced to is the concept of value-adding. Associated with value-adding is the concept of value proposition. How are both of these necessary for a firm to be successful in its marketing strategy?  How might these lead to ethical situations within marketing practices?

Include in your discussion post, personal observations as well as concrete examples to support your views. Initial posts should be at least two paragraphs and include direct references to the readings and/or additional articles. Word choice and sentence structure should be suitable for professional level work, and all sources should have appropriate references and citations.

Historical and Political Overview

Select a country different from your own and prepare a paper for your colleagues to familiarize them with that countrys criminal justice system. Using scholarly journal articles, peer-reviewed sources, newspapers, magazines, or the Internet, write a 34page paper answering the following questions:

How is the system in the country you have chosen different from that of the U.S. system?
What are the similarities and/or differences historically and politically?
How do the cultural aspects of that country influence its system?

Multiple Information Assurance Assignment Paper

Three Separate Assignments :

Assignment # 1: Aligning Security with Business Objectives

The security policy of an organization is not an one-for-all solution; it varies with the organization. As you begin your exploration of information assurance and risk management, consider how organizations in different countries, and even different states, are distinct, with their own structures, culture, and dynamics, as well as unique security-related regulations. Some of this may be due to the nature of the organization, its size, and its business use casesthat is, situations in which a technique may be used profitably. Other concerns can be attributed to the laws, regulations, and industry standards for its location. Even organizations doing business on the Internet may face regulations when doing business in another country or state.
To prepare for this Assignment, assume the role of a consultant working for a bank in your home country that is expanding its online banking to mobile devices. At the same time, it will be opening its first branch office in another country. Choose the location of the new office and use the Internet as well as the Learning Resources in this Week to research regulations and industry standards relevant to the new location. Also research the privacy laws (including Internet privacy regulations) that apply for both the locations. Examples could be the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (financial services regulation in Weeked States) or the California Breach Notification Law applicable for Weeked States scenarios. You will need to refer to Brotby, Layered Security and An Introduction to ISO 27001, ISO 27002….ISO 27008 in addition to other reading resources.
Write a 5- to 7-page paper explaining how to align the security policy of the organization with its business objectives, keeping in mind the regulations, privacy laws, and industry standards you have identified. Clearly state any assumptions, and provide citations for reputable sources used in your research.
Cover the following points:
    Explain how the regulations, privacy-related laws, and industry standards you identified apply to this scenario.
    Identify concerns you feel the bank will need to focus on because of expanding its online banking to mobile devices and opening its international branch office. Identify three areas where you will need to apply security controls to manage the risk involved in the scenario.
    For each of these three areas, develop a key goal indicator (KGI) as explained in the textbook
    For each KGI, indicate the security controls (these involve policies, processes, and tools) that will need to be developed and applied.
    Justify how the key goal indicators and the security controls you have chosen align with business objectives and enable business processes.
    Explain how industry standards and best practices are beneficial to implementing security policies that are aligned with business objectives.

Required Readings

Brotby, K. (2009). Information security governance: A practical development and implementation approach.  Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

    Appendix B:  Cultural Worldviews
In this appendix you are introduced to the cognitive orientations of people belonging to different cultures. You will investigate the manner in which a culture perceives and expresses its relation to the existing world.

    Chapter 1, Governance OverviewHow Do We Do It? What Do We Get Out of It?
In this chapter you are introduced to the concept of governance in general as well as information security governance. You will explore different aspects of information security governance, including definitions, outcomes, and value of information.

    Chapter 2, Why Governance?
In this chapter you are introduced to the benefits of information security governance to an organization. You will examine the different ways information security governance helps an organization.

    Chapter 3, Legal and Regulatory Requirements
In this chapter you are introduced to the legal and regulatory requirements of information security governance. You will explore the different elements of information security governance that an organization needs to deal with as well as the compliance levels.

    Chapter 6, Information Security Outcomes
In this chapter you are introduced to the six desired outcomes of an effective information security program. You will investigate each of the six outcomes and how they help define information security governance objectives.

    Chapter 7, Security Governance Objectives
o    Section 7.4 ISO/IEC 27001/27002
o    Section 7.5 Other Approaches
In these sections you are introduced to the different standards and codes of practice that serve to provide different approaches to security governance. You are also introduced to a comprehensive set of actions that are required for security governance and can serve as a detailed basis for determining the desired state as well as objectives.

Cole, G.A. (2010). Table of laws and regulations: Consumer protection lawand more. Columbia, SC: Compliance Risk Management Consulting.
Cole, G. (2010, February 27). Table of laws and regulations: Consumer protection lawand more. Retrieved from Used by permission of Gale Askins Cole.

National Conference of State Legislatures. (2012). State security breach notification laws. Retrieved from

World Bank. (n.d.). Global banking load database. Retrieved June 19, 2012, from

Assignment #2: Risk Management Planning and Stakeholders Roles

Information security governance requires involvement from stakeholders throughout the organization. Executives, business owners, technical experts, and legal experts assess, plan, and execute information security governance in the organization. In order to deal efficiently with information security governance you will have to understand the fit between it and the entire organizational structure.
To prepare for this Assignment, assume the role of computer security team leader in an organization that needs to mitigate a risk. You have been asked to design and test a process for assessing and mitigating risk in the organization but, before you do, you need to make sure you have the right people on your team.
Next, describe a particular type of risk that you think the organization is facing or may face in the near future.  The risk should involve either the use of a new technology or a new administrative process.
You have complete authority to form your own team and identify any resources you would need to perform your job.
For this Assignment, write a 4- to 6-page paper aligning the security team with the overall organizational structure and outlining the responsibilities of the different stakeholders. Respond to the following in your paper:
    What is the risk that you identified?
    What are the skill sets you need on the team?
    How would you determine whether a prospective team member possesses the required skill sets?
    What critical items would you need to consider while forming the team, and why?
    How does the information security function of your team fit into the larger organizational structure?
    What are the roles and responsibilities (relevant to the risk management process) of the stakeholders who need to be involved in the entire process?
Clearly state any other assumptions you make for this scenario.

Required Readings

Brotby, K. (2009). Information security governance: A practical development and implementation approach.  Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

    Chapter 1, Governance OverviewHow Do We Do It? What Do We Get Out of It?
o    Section 1.6, Six Outcomes of Effective Security Governance
In this section you will examine the important outcomes that information security governance should be able to achieve.

    Chapter 4, Roles and Responsibilities
In this chapter you are introduced to the different roles and responsibilities required at different levels of an organization to ensure efficient information security governance.

    Chapter 7, Security Governance Objectives
o    Section 7.1, Security Architecture
o    Section 7.2, CobiT
o    Section 7.3, Capability Maturity Model
In these sections you are introduced to security architecture; CobiTa well-developed, comprehensive framework providing both an approach and a methodology for defining the objectives of IT security governance; and Capability Maturity Modela process improvement approach based on a process model .
Snedaker, S. (2006). Syngress IT security project management handbook. Rockland, MA: Syngress.

Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    Chapter 3, Organizing the IT Security Project
In this chapter you are introduced to the common methods used for information technology project plans. You will explore the identification of IT security project teams and IT security project stakeholders and the definition of IT security project requirements, objectives, and processes.

    Chapter 5, Forming the IT Security Project Team
In this chapter you explore the aspects of forming a security project team for an information technology project. You will investigate the methods used to identify IT security project team requirements, roles, and responsibilities; the competencies required from team members; and methods for organizing information technology project plans. You will explore how to identify IT security project teams as well as IT security project stakeholders.

Assignment #3: Incorporating Security Into IT Processes

Security in an organization does not reside in a silo; it is affected by other processes and vice versa. Therefore, security should be integrated into the overall IT process to make it effective.
You have already investigated the functionality and capabilities of identity and access management tools. The process for creating and removing supplier IDs should be incorporated into an identity and access management tool.
To prepare for this Assignment, refer to the case study Developing a Monthly Vulnerability Scanning Process from the media Selection and Evaluation of IT Solutions. This case study will provide you with an example of how to incorporate a security feature into the overall IT process.
For this Assignment, provide a 3- to 5-page report describing a process that incorporates security for managing supplier credentials into an identity and access management tool. Be sure to do the following in your report:
    Develop a numbered outline with the steps in a workflow.
    Identify the teams involved in this process, and explain the steps each team performs.
    Explain shortcomings in the process that you may need to overcome.

Required Readings

Brotby, K. (2009). Information security governance: A practical development and implementation approach.  Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

    Chapter 8, Risk Management Objectives
o    Section 8.3.1, Recovery Time Objectives
In this section, you are introduced to the recovery time objectives. You will explore the organizational considerations for determining such objectives.


You will write a short, no more than two pages, paper on how you would change our definition of leadership.  You need to explain why you would make this change and back it up with learnings from this past year (links below to use for argument).  Our class definition of Leadership was “A leader is selfless & brings people together while forming a community”.
You will be graded on the quality of your argument and how you back up your thoughts.  This will be double spaced, with in text citations.

RE: Week 7 Discussion

Due    Week    7    and    worth    100    points
For    your    next    assignment,    you    will    write    a    stance    essay.    A    stance    essay    takes    a    position    on    a    topic    and    argues    and    supports    that   
position    with    evidence.    Consider    your    topic:
What    possible    positions/arguments    are there?
What    position    resonates    with    you?    (Which    position    do    you    believe    is correct?)
What    are    your    main points?
What    are    the    counterpoints?    Are    you    ready    to    dispute them?
Do    you    have    enough    evidence    to    effectively    support    your argument?
For    the    stance    essay,    your    personal    voice    (your    perspective)    should    come    through.    This    is    just    like    assignment    1,    except    you    should   
maintain    a    formal    tone.For    this    essay,    you    will    need    to    support    your    points    with    credible    sources.    Youre    ready    to    take    a    position    on   
the    topic    you    have    been    writing    about!
Important    note:    Stance    Essays    DO    incorporate    research    exclusively    from    the    WebText.    DO    NOT    use    outside    sources.    If    you    have   
written    a    Stance    Essay    in    a    previous    course,    please    reach    out    to    your    professor    to see    if    you    can    re-use    it.    You    are    not    permitted    to   
use    ANY    paper    from    an    unrelated    current    or    past    course.
You    are    required    to    use    your    WebText    to    draft    your    essay    in    the    templates!
Compose    a    three-four    (3-4)    page    paper    in    which    you    do    the    following:
1. Use    third    person    point    of    view    (POV)    and    the    appropriate    voice    and    tone    throughout    your paper.
a. Did    you    use    third    person    pronouns?    (he,    she,    they, their)
b. Does    your    personality    carry    over    in    your    writing?    Are    your    word    choices    personal    and consistent?
c. Is    the    tone    formal?    Does    it    express    your    attitude    about    the topic?
2. Write    an    introduction    paragraph,    which    includes    your    thesis    statement.    It    is    suggested    that    this    paragraph    contain    5-7   
a. Does    your    introduction    include    solutions    or    approaches    on    the topic?
b. Does    your    thesis    statement    include    three    supporting    reasons    that    clearly    express    your    stance    on    thetopic?
c. Is    your    thesis    statement    clear    and concise?
d. Does    your    introduction    provide    a    preview    of    the    rest    of    your essay?
3. Write a supporting/body paragraph for each of the three (3) points/reasons from your thesis statement. It is suggested   
that    each    paragraph    contain    at    least    5-7 sentences.
a. Do    your    body    paragraphs    support    each    point    of    your    thesis    with    relevant    examples    orstatistics?
b. Do    you    address    the    opinions    or    concerns    that    your    audience    might have?
c. Did you paraphrase, quote, or summarize properly to avoid plagiarism? Did you comment on each quotation? Do   
you    limit    quotes    to    no    more    than    25 words.
4. Write    with    logic    and    with    transitions    throughout    your paper?
a. Are    your    ideas    consistent    and    well-organized,    i.e.,    chronological    order    or    order    of importance?
b. Do your ideas flow    from one sentence to the next and one paragraph to the next, in the order presented in    your   
thesis    statement?
5. Write    a    conclusion    paragraph.    It    is    suggested    that    this    paragraph    contain    5-7 sentences.
a. Did    you    paraphrase    or    restate    the    thesis    in    a    new way?
b. Did you leave a lasting impression, so that your readers continue thinking about your topic after they have finished   
6. Apply    proper    grammar,    mechanics,    punctuation    and    SWS    formatting    throughout    your paper.
a. Did    you    check    your grammar?
i. The    way    words    are    put    together    to    make    units    of    meaning:    Sentence    structure,    pronoun-agreement,etc.
b. Did    you    check    your    essay    for mechanics?
i. All    the    technical    stuff    in    writing:    Spelling,    capitalization,    use    of    numbers    and    other    symbols, etc.
c. Did    you    check    the punctuation?
i. The    symbols    used    to    help    people    read/process    sentences    the    way    you    want    them    to    be    heardand   
understood:    Periods,    question    marks,    commas,    colons,    etc.
d. Did    you    format    according    to    SWS    style?    (See    requirements below.)
Your    assignment    must    follow    these    general    SWS    formatting    requirements:
Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. It should also have   
numbered    pages,    indented    paragraphs,    and    a    numbered    Source List.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title,    and   
the    date.    Note:    The    cover    page    is    not    included    in    the    required    assignment    page    length    of    three-four    (3-4) pages.
In-text    citations    follow    SWS    style,    using    attributive    tags    and    signal verbs.
Did    you    cite    at    least    three    to    four    (3- 4)    sources    from    the    WebText    ?    Do    your    sources    support    your position?
Have you used SWS in-text citations to document your sources? (Author’s last name, number indicating the order in which   
you used the source in    the paper.) For example, the first source in    your paper would look like this: (Wielding, 1).
Do    you    have    a    source list?
1. Did    you    number    your sources?
2. Did    you    list    the    sources    in    the    order    in    which    you    use    them    in    the paper?
3. Did    you    include    major    identifying    information    for    each reference?
4. Did    you    apply    a    consistent    and    SWS-style    flow    of    information?    (Author’s    first    and    last    name,    Title    of    the    source,   
date it was published, comment on where you found it, and page numbers.) For example: Natalie Goldberg. 2016.   
Writing    Down    the    Bones:    Freeing    the    Writer    Within.    p.100-126.    ISBN-13: 978-1590307946
Refer    to    the    Soomo    webtext    or    check    with    your    professor    for    any    additional instructions
Below are SOURCES from the WEBTEXT that we MUST use to complete the paper. Please include a cover page. Number page in right upper corner of page.

Bockman, Treatment of Animals in Industrial Agriculture
Loughnan, The Psychology of Eating Animals (PDF)
  Lubinski, Introduction to Animal Rights
BBC, Possible Moral Positions 
Riffkin, In U.S., More Say Animals Should Have Same Rights as People
Strand, What Is Animal Welfare and Why Is It Important?

Horror film theory

REQUIREMENTS:Write a 5 page paper that uses theory to make sense of a horror film of your choice.  The paper should be organized in terms of a problem-solution format: Such and So, the film, raises some interesting questions, and So-and-So’s theory helps to answer them.  Be sure to (1) summarize the film plot and conspicuous stylistic techniques and devices (if any); (2) summarize and explain the theory you are consulting; and (3) apply the theory to your film in a way that is fair to both.  Summarizing the film is important, as your graders may not have seen the film you are writing about. Do not, however, spend four pages summarizing the plot; the goal here is to show you can use theory we read for class to make sense of a horror film

Theory: Screen Theory in film studies

Movie: 47 meters down: Uncaged

Final Exam

Do Questions 1,2 and 3. I attached the pdf


Please type your responses on a Word Document (do not cut and paste or type directly into blackboard) and post word document to provided Final Exam portal on blackboard. Type responses in 11-12 point font, times new roman print, double spaced, using normal margins.  Each question will need at least a one full page carefully considered response. Because this is a take home exam, you will probably have to do some research, and  bring in credible external citations/sources (example, no Wikipedia, or tabloid news sources) such as criminal justice/criminology research, studies, and scientific analysis to support your answers when necessary.

You cannot use any material you have written from previous courses as a substitution for answers (aka, self-plagiarizing, or re-cycling answers/essays), such content will not be accepted. All answers must by 100% original material written specifically for this exam. Cite any work/quotes in exam that are not yours. (only 1-2 small quotes per answer. Answers should not be mostly quotes). Perhaps, 1 short sentence direct quote, properly cited, per exam response is acceptable.

1.) A number of criticisms of the general theory of crime remain unanswered.  Identify and discuss the implications of these unanswered criticisms (Chapter 9 – Siegel textbook).

2.) Discuss the possible links between substance abuse and violence using criminological theory (Chapter 10- Siegel textbook).

3.) Compare and contrast occasional criminals with professional criminals. Include in your discussion, Sutherlands professional thief and Klockars professional fence (Chapter 11 – Siegel textbook).

4.) Using Murderous Minds book, respond to this question. Brain imaging studies have suggested that associations appear to exist between multiple brain regions and psychopathy. Explain which specific brain regions are potentially different in psychopaths and how such differences may lead to  psychopathic behavior(s).

By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

Any topic (writer’s choice)


1. Read the following article to answer the discussion questions (link below).

Coyle-Shapiro, J. A.-M. (1999). Employee participation and assessment of an organizational change intervention: A three-wave study of total quality management. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 35(4), 439-456.
2. Answer the below questions.
a. If you were a CEO of a company interested in implementing TQM in your company, what steps would you take to ensure its success?

b. As an employee in an organization interested in implementing TQM how would you prepare for the changes to come from TQM implementation?

3. Responses should be in APA format- 6th edition

4. You must also include the 2 references below when doing this study.
Neck, C. P., Houghton, J. D., & Murray, E. L. (2017). Organizational behavior: A critical-thinking approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Coyle-Shapiro, J. A.-M. (1999). Employee participation and assessment of an organizational change intervention: A three-wave study of total quality management. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 35(4), 439-456.

5. No introduction or conclusion. This is a discussion question.

Viacom Project visualization in Tableau

Integrated Experiential Learning: Viacom Project

Requirement: Provide visuals of your exploratory analysis 250 words (Include screen shoot of relate graphs, use custom_audience_ads(dataset) and lookalike_data(dataset) to complete research questions as followed in Tableau.

    What are the attributes of custom audience that result in large reach for minimum cost (large impressions, and low cpm)?
    What are the attributes of custom audience that result in high engagement (large clicks and low cpc)?
    What are the attributes of custom audience that result in high efficiency for determined by click through rate (ctr)?

Sexually transmitted infection

Choose an STI to write about, include the pathophysiology of the STI
What is the etiology of the selected STI
What are the clinical manifestations of the selected STI
What is the treatment for the selected STI.
Use 2-3 evidence-based articles from peer-reviewed journals or scholarly sources to support your findings.