Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Delegation and patient care prioritization

Provide definitions, history/background, and major concepts of chosen topic.  Describe the topics function in nursing practice by examining at least three different nursing roles (for example, bedside nurse, public health nurse, CNO, unit manager, etc.). Discuss how the leadership topic can be used in your own practice. Discuss your personal growth in regard to your chosen leadership topic. Evaluate personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to your career advancement.
Then, discuss the top three traits you feel makes a good nurse leader. Support your statements with examples from your practice experience and scholarly sources.
Assignment Expectations:
Length: 1750 to 2000 words in length
Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.
References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of three scholarly sources plus the textbook are required.
Rubric: This assignment uses a rubric for scoring. Please review it as part of your assignment preparation and again prior to submission to ensure you have addressed its criteria at the highest level.
Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx)

Read this recent NYT article about Arbitration very carefully. Then answer the questions below:


Attached is a link to a recent NYT article about arbitration.
Scared to Death by Arbitration: Companies Drowning in Their Own System

Read this recent NYT article about arbitration very carefully. Then answer the questions below:
a.    Write one paragraph summarizing the gist of this article.
b.    The article mentioned a 2011 Supreme Court case.
i.    Identify the case.
ii.    Provide the complete Bluebook citation for this case.
iii.    What is the holding in this case?
iv.    What is the business law significance of this case?
c.    The article mentioned AAA and CPR. Identify each of them? In a few sentences identify their similarities and differences.
d.    The article mentioned class action law suits.
i.     Define a class action.
ii.    Who are the largest proponents of class action lawsuits? Why?
iii.    Who are the largest detractors of class action lawsuits? Why?
iv          Using the WSJ, find an article about a class action lawsuit involving a    publicly traded company. Provide the link to the article. In paragraph one  summarize the article. In paragraph two, give your opinion on whether this class action provided a fair and equitable resolution to the dispute you described in paragraph one. Explain your reasoning.
v.    The following headline and synopsis appeared in a recent NJSBA(NJ State Bars Association) publication:
Lawyers Predict a ‘Huge Explosion’ in Worker Class Actions Over COVID-19-
As unemployment rises and an increasing number of workers raise safety concerns over the coronavirus, lawyers in the class action bar predict that the largest group of class actions filed over the COVID-19 outbreak is likely to come from employees.

In one paragraph explain why are class action lawyers making such a prediction?
In paragraph two, express your opinion. Do you agree with the statement? Why or Why not?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

respond to the following primary post:  Identify (at least) two critical success factors for implementing program and portfolio management (at minimum, one per each discipline).  Explain why the critical success factor is important and what the impacts are if it is not integrated.

provide at minimum two secondary responses – What actions can you suggest to ensure that the critical success factors are aligned effectively in the implementation of program and portfolio management?

The Road

For the last assignment I ask that you make some kind of literary argument or interpretation about The Road by Cormac Mccarthy. Your goal is simply to make some kind of subjective claim about the text. You can argue, for example, You can argue that The Road by Cormac McCarthy reveals the fact  that there is a difference between surviving versus living. You can argue just about anything from the novel.

Deliverable 5 – Paid Traffic Campaigns

You are currently an assistant to the national director of online marketing in the marketing department at Digital Market Makers, a national marketing firm with local offices across the nation.

The national director, Rowan Jones, is looking make each assistant responsible for specific aspects of the digital marketing for the company. Each assistant has been informed that they need to demonstrate a deep understand of the consumers the company is trying to reach as well as the tools used to do it.
You know that paid traffic is where you want to be working. Prepare a memo to the national director, Rowan Jones, showing your understanding of current paid traffic campaigns.

Select a for-profit company that has a website and sells within multiple states. Ideally, select a company that is small-to-midsized. The company should have no more than 500 employees and the revenue (if known) should be less than $40 million.
Be sure your memo includes:
Details about the current online paid traffic marketing that you can see being used by the company.
Review the concepts of target market, personas and how paid traffic campaigns use this information.
Identify keywords that you feel would be essential to utilize.

Review different ads that are or have been utilized by the company online and provide recommendations for changing the copy.

Deliverable 4 – Low and High Performing Paid Traffic Campaigns INS

Deliverable 4 – Low and High Performing Paid Traffic Campaigns

You are currently an assistant to the national director of online marketing in the marketing department at Digital Market Makers, a national marketing firm with local offices across the nation.
There is team meeting of online marketing staff. Everyone from the email developer to the graphic designer is attending. Key metrics that the company needs to monitor are a focus of the meeting. You also voice your support on how the company should develop a culture of disruption.
After the meeting it is apparent that many of the attendees are unsure of the terminology used and perhaps even what the different metrics mean. As a result, there is concern that any further meetings are going to be unsuccessful.
The national director, Rowan Jones, asks you to develop a brief in-house manual. This manual is a good example of how organizations recognize a need for a document and create it based on their specific needs. In this case, the manual should include a cover page, glossary, and each item should have a definition and example. This document will be made available to everyone on the team, and will ensure that all team members involved understand the language, terminology and focus of the digital marketing campaigns.
Select a for-profit company that has a website and sells within multiple states. Ideally, select a company that is small-to-midsized. The company should have no more than 500 employees and the revenue (if known) should be less than $40 million.
Develop an in-house manual with a cover page and glossary that details the following concepts with a brief example of their use:
    RFM Analysis
    Engagement Data
    On-page optimization compared to off-page optimization
    Cost per acquisition
    Bounce rate
    Customer acquisition cost
    Broad overview of website analytics
    Include a sample Google Analytics Report screenshot for any website and include a review of that the different points of data mean as an example to follow

5-6 pages is required, use proper spelling and grammar

Key Players in HealthCare Policy

Research the main stakeholders in the health care policy development process.

Select one of the main stakeholders at the government level (federal or state), a professional organization, or an interest group.

Write a 525- to 700-word paper that details the importance and impact this stakeholder has on the policy development process. Include the following in your paper:
o    Identify the stakeholder and their level in the policy development process.
o    Describe their role in the policy development process.
o    Describe why the stakeholder identified is important in the policy development process.
o    Describe the impact the selected stakeholder has on the policy development process.

Please make up a title

For this assignment, you will build on the work you completed in the first assignment.  Conduct additional research on the issue in employment that you identified in that assignment with a particular focus on the legal aspects of the issue. Then, using your expanded annotated bibliography, write a literature review in the form of a policy proposal to senior management.
Include an introduction to the issue and a summary of the proposal to be outlined in the body of the paper. (You may use the introduction from your first assignment, making changes as appropriate to fully address the issue).
Assess the legal, ethical, and business aspects of the issue.
Synthesize key findings from your sources (literature review).
Analyze where the research you did provides agreement/support for your proposal and where sources identify weaknesses/potential challenges in your recommendation. Explain how you will address any challenges.
Explain how mindfulness, dialogue, and collaboration played a role in your recommendation.
Explain how you will overcome any challenges to make the proposed solution a success.
Include a conclusion, cover page, and reference page.
Though you would not typically include citations in a business proposal, for the purposes of this assignment, be sure to properly cite all references. Your paper should include at least 15 credible sources. A minimum of five resources must be newly researched for this assignment and not part of the assigned reading.


Marketing report/presentation

I will be attaching the marking criteria that states everything you will be needing to work on the project. There are 11 questions that need to be answered but I will only be needing you to answer 5 of them. These 5 question are highlighted, underlined and bold. IF in any case, you CANNOT answer one of these questions without having the answer to the question above it please feel free to search for it but DO NOT answer it for me. If the question is not highlighted then DO NOT attach it with my questions just answer it for yourself so that you can answer MY questions.

Deliverable 5 – Online Metrics

Analyze operational decisions of healthcare organizations and the impact on business performance outcomes.

After meeting with the marketing and sales team, it has become apparent that traffic on the website is still down. The search engine rankings have been falling as well. One idea you had for working on content was list posts. You have read some SEO articles that have suggested that list posts help with organically generating traffic on the website. It may help with the search engine rankings as well.

Consider your organization’s industry. Write an informational report for the Executive Board. Your report should address the following:

Explain what a list post is.
Describe at least three ways in which a list post could provide value to an organization. Provide real-world examples where a list post proved valuable to an organization and explain how it was valuable. Be sure to cite your source(s) in APA format.
Explain why a list post would be useful for your organization and others in the same industry.
Identify at least three best practices to use when developing a list post and provide an explanation supporting each. Be sure to cite your source(s) in APA format.
Create a sample list post for your organization that you will submit to the Executive Board for consideration. Your list post should reflect consideration of the target market and be at least 3 pages