Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Deliverable 4 Marketing Digital Platforms INS

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) keywords are the essential words and phrases in the web content that make it probable for people to find the site via search engines. A website that is well developed for search engines, and utilizes the keywords that the potential visitors are using, will have greater success than a website that ignores SEO. Determining a list of appropriate keywords is an important part of any organization’s SEO strategy, and your company knows this.

The Vice President of Marketing has a background in print and TV mediums, however is not fully up to speed with understanding how digital marketing works from a backend perspective. You have been asked to develop an internal report to explain the use of keywords and how they can help the company.

For the organization you selected, prepare a report for the VP/Director of Marketing about keywords. Your report should address the following:

Thoroughly explain why keywords are important to consider.
List of the primary and secondary keyword targets for an informative long-form list post that has greater than 480 monthly searches and less than 70 keyword difficulty (competition).
Review the importance of placement on the page.
Your report should be 3-4 pages in length, written with professional language, and use proper spelling/grammar.


5.    SWOT Analysis (comes from researching the firm, industry, and competitors)
It is important to know the difference between causes and effects in the SWOT analysis. Causes are important, not effects. Once the SWOT Analysis is created, each group needs to construct the SWOT Bivariate Strategy Matrix.
Deliverables for this section include:
a.    SWOT Analysis
b.    Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix
c.    External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix
d.    SWOT Bivariate Strategy Matrix

Case Study Analysis-Leapfrog

    Review case study article “LeapFrog” with the following questions.

Case Study 1: Learning from LeapFrog

1. What is LeapFrogs business model?
1.    What are the particular benefits/value to customers that LeapFrog provides?
2.    Explain why these are useful for LeapFrogs key customer segments?

–    Wanted their brand to be perceived not as a toy company, but as a company people look to for learning solutions. (page 8)
–    Leapfrogs unique dual nature- as both Toy Company and educational company.

2. Analyze Mike Woodss process of discovering/developing his business model initially.
1.    Highlight key activities and events.
2.    Explain why these are useful for LeapFrogs key customer segments?

3. What have been the most important factor (List 3 important factor) for the on-going success for LeapFrog?
1.    Does these fit into the traditional key success factors of the industry, or do they help refine these industry factors as part of their business model?

4. What are the key insights (List 3 important key insights) from this case that can help inform you and your entrepreneurial career (such as about opportunities, process, and the success of your firm)

Design a learning structure for the organization based on andragogy, experiential learning, and social cognitive theory. A learning structure should be the foundation for all training and development activities within the organization. The structure inclu

Written Assignment 1
It is vital that leaders understand how to create a learning environment that embraces entrepreneurial activity in the workplace for sustainable competitive advantage. This capability starts with the development of learning structures that support adult learning in a dynamic workplace. Sustainable competitive advantage is important and requires that employees embrace continuous learning, adaptability, and flexibility.

Assume the perspective of an HRM professional tasked with creating a learning structure for future training and development within your organization. The organization you work for is in a fast-paced, service-oriented industry that requires constant learning by employees to address customer needs and effectively meet organizational goals. You can choose an industry that you are familiar with or interested in that fits these guidelines to make your paper more specific.

You will find the all study materials helpful in completing this assignment.

Write a 5- to 8-page paper (1250 to 2200 words) that addresses the following in a specific organizational setting:

Define the specific industry and organization. Include information on general number of employees that you would serve within this learning system. [1 to 2 paragraphs in length]
Design a learning structure for the organization based on andragogy, experiential learning, and social cognitive theory. A learning structure should be the foundation for all training and development activities within the organization. The structure includes:
The foundational methodological framework
Tools and technology available for use
Characteristics of the activities used
    Be specific about your integration of theory. The why is important. [2 to 3 pages in length]

Define specific psychodynamic mechanisms that can inhibit learning in the adult workforce and the importance of overcoming them for future successes. Be specific in identifying the psychodynamic mechanisms that are problematic in the setting you have defined. Clearly articulate why you have identified each of these as a problem. [2 to 3 pages in length]
Develop specific steps to overcome the barriers that inhibit learning within this organizational context. Be specific in the list of barriers, why the barrier exists, and how specifically you will overcome that barrier using the learning structure. The solutions should also be tied to theory/models/concepts rooted in adult learning theory. [1 to 2 pages in length]
Written Assignment Guidelines
Note: These requirements apply to all written assignments in the course.

Paper should be 1250 to 2200 words (5 to 8 pages) in length. This requirement does not include the cover page or reference page(s).
Use 6th edition APA style formatting. You do not need to include an abstract.
You must include an introduction and conclusion.
Use effective headings throughout the paper to guide your reader.
You must have, at a minimum, eight references. Four must be academic sources that are not listed as study materials for the course.
Academic sources are from peer-reviewed academic journals.
One source can be a white paper from a professional organization (e.g., The Society for Human Resources Management).
Do not use popular press news articles, random websites, blogs, or wikis.
Every reference listed must have, at a minimum, one matching in-text citation.

Required Materials
Bandura, A. (1991). Social cognitive theory of self-regulation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 248247.
Knowles, M. (1973). The adult learner: A neglected species. Gulf Publishing Company.
Kolb, A. Y., & Kolb, D. A. (2005, June). Learning styles and learning spaces: Enhancing experiential learning in higher education. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 4(2), 193212. doi:10.5465/AMLE.2005.17268566
Bevan, D., & Kipka, C. (2012, March). Experiential learning and management education. Journal of Management Development, 31(3), 193197. doi:10.1108/02621711211208943
Eckhaus, E., Klein, G., & Kantor, J. (2017). Experiential learning in management education. Business, Management, and Education, 15(1), 4256. doi: 10.3846/bme.2017.345
Alhassan, A. M. (2012, September). Factors affecting adult learning and their persistence: A theoretical approach. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 1(6), 150168.
Finlay, J. (2010, May 17). Andragogy (adult learning) [Video file].
Davidson Films, Inc. (2010, June 22). Banduras social cognitive theory: An introduction [Video file].
Sprouts. (2015, October 12). Experiential learning: How we all learn naturally [Video file].

Price Analysis for the Navigation System

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

Analyze your companys cost classification for pricing of the navigation system. Defend your cost classification to the U.S. government.
Determine reasonable, allowable, allocable, variable, fixed, and semi-variable costs for your company after the initial start-up phase is complete.
Predict the method for performing price analysis that the U.S. government will want from your new company and VectorCal. Justify the response.
Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

This course requires use of new Student Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Examine the various cost classifications, the different allocation bases, and the application of cost-accounting standards.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in cost and price analysis.
Write clearly and concisely about cost and price analysis using proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.


Your final assignment will take the form of an individually created, customized classroom management themed magazine issue. A magazine is a publication containing articles and illustrations, often on a particular subject and that is aimed at a particular readership. This assignment replaces your final exam.
For this assignment your magazine theme will be Classroom Management. Your target audience will be newly hired first year teachers. The goal of this assignment is for you to reflect on the highlights of your learning experiences during class throughout the semester. You should reflect on your initial understanding of classroom management and how it has evolved and developed over time. You should use your textbook, course activities, discussions, lectures, and any other course content to guide the development of your first magazine issue. A template will be provided to guide the development and design of your magazine.
A template is provided for you to complete this assignment.
Give your magazine a good name.
Article templates have headers that have been provided to you to help you organize your
You may customize the colors and design of the template to meet your design vision and needs.
Try to stick to the format of the magazine as much as possible but you may make changes if
Use pictures and graphics to make your magazine interesting and relevant.
In the event you need additional template pages, you may duplicate any page provided to you
for your magazines needs.
This assignment requires you to use the provided template to write 4 articles from the following 5 themes (These themes can also be the titles of the articles you write):
Five priorities for your first day of school in terms of rules and procedures
Your ideal classroom arrangement
Your action plan for communicating with parents
Tips on planning and conducting instruction
Five essential things teachers must do to manage student work
Use these links to guide how you write your articles:
Each article should highlight key points and concepts from the themes above that you believe new teachers should know.
You cannot cover everything so think about the main things a new teacher needs to know on the first day of school.
You should use your textbook as a primary source and you may also use other course content, articles etc. to strengthen your magazine articles as well. This may include video links (YouTube) other links to resources and guides etc. Remember, these articles are intended to help new first year teachers!
It is important that you do your own work and do not plagiarize content or materials from sources. Please be sure to list sources.
Your overall grade will be largely based on a Rubric that will look at: o Your full completion of the assignment (4 articles)
o Your following all directions
o How well written your articles are
o The organization of your magazine
o The design and creativity of your magazine

Does Peer Learning Improve Dental Hygiene Students Perception of Wellbeing – this is the limited results of the research questionairre I have recieved.
Needs to be UK based. I have attached the marking guide and the journal guidelines that I would need to follow. (Its not being published, but we have to write as if it is).

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a reflection paper focused on the physical, cognitive, and socioemotional changes that occur in middle adulthood.

Your paper must address the following concepts:

Identify the major patterns of physical development and changes that occur in middle adulthood, and explain the nature of those changes.

Identify the major brain structures involved in the cognitive changes that occur during middle adulthood, and explain how those cognitive changes manifest themselves.

What is the stage of development outlined by Erik Erikson specifically during middle adulthood? Describe the theories of moral development during middle adulthood as outlined in the textbook as they relate to this stage.
Explain the role of religion, spirituality, and meaning in life as related to moral development.

Discuss the impact of life responsibilities on emotional development, relationships, career development, and leisure during middle adulthood.
In all four areas identified above, reflect on your own life and the lives of family members to give examples that demonstrate the concepts.


Final Exam Question:

How were the civil rights of African Americans limited in American society before the emergence of the Civil Rights Movement? What key organizations developed to seek these rights and who were their leaders? Who opposed the movement? How did Civil Rights leaders accomplish their goals and what methods did they use? Ultimately, through their actions, what measurable results were achieved? What struggles did the movement face and how did parts of the movement become increasingly militant?

Business Plan

I have attached the instructions and a template my professor gave me. Please on focus on this portion
This is a powerpoint

Business Idea is a cigar lounge.

Business Idea Definition – Module/Week 2
In a 3-5 slide PowerPoint presentation define your business idea for the Business Presentation Project.  The presentation should be completed in a presentation writing style (typically short bullets with supporting sub-bullets and speaker notes if necessary) and include:
Business Idea Statement and Description Bullets A brief statement of your business idea, along with 3-5 bullets that provide some additional detail.
Opportunity Assessment A bulleted list that identifies the key market factors and other considerations that make this a good opportunity.  You may also include some personal factors, goals and traits realized from your Entrepreneur Self Analysis that may have contributed to selecting this idea.
Value Proposition Statement – Using the information and analysis from previous sections, along with the Value Proposition Presentation, create a value proposition statement.  State it clearly and succinctly in a manner that can be quickly communicated to a potential investor.  The Value Proposition should include supporting bullets that identify the appropriate value strategy category and target market.
Business Model Canvas completed from template slide in Course Content (Katz Figure 4.6, p97-99) Use the guidance in the text for each box of the canvas.
Integration of Faith and Learning What spiritual considerations did you make while developing your idea and how can you use this idea to further your testimony and Gods kingdom?  What scripture best supports your decision process?