Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Imitation of life (1959)

A thorough description/background of the media you are using. What is relevant in terms of the plot, context, characters, or norms of the society 2-4 paragraphs.  3 concepts, (1 to 2 paragraphs) per concepts. My concepts that I choose for this movie is race, class and gender.

Successful organization

Examine a successful organization that has embraced change.
1.    how did the organization measure success in this case.
2.    How has this change been sustained?
3.    How do you imagine various stakeholders in the organization participated in this work (employees, leaders, volunteers, clients/customers)?
4.    Did these successful examples build in sustainability, and if so, how did the successful organizations build in sustainability and ensure the continuity of this positive change in the organization?

Why do you think Faulkner wished to give a warning against the sin of pride through the story A Rose for Emily?

The topic is related to the last scene after Emily’s death. We should talk about the reason why did the author write this story with the main character, Emily who is full of pride. Please write it in 4 paragraphs(introduction/body-with 2 reasons with example in the story/conclusion) 

Choose one of the following titles and write a 3000 word essay: 1. Critically discuss how gender is produced by patriarchy, capitalism and colonialism. 2. How and why are children and adolescents constructed as a social/political problem? 3. What would be

Choose one of the following titles and write a 2200 word essay:
1. Critically discuss how gender is produced by patriarchy, capitalism and colonialism.
2. How and why are children and adolescents constructed as a social/political problem?
3. What would be required, to free people of all genders from the work society?
4. How are middle and older age shaped by gender and intersecting inequalities?

Identify if the organisational culture at Lehman brothers has become toxic and whether the collapse of the bank was inevitable (reference could usefully be made to the work of Charles Hampden-Turner on virtuous circles and vicious spirals in this regard)

Lehman Bros was an American investment bank that, in 2008, collapsed in the wake of the bursting of the housing and the consumer credit bubbles in the USA and was considered to be the tipping point that precipitated the collapse of the worldwide financial system, the after effects of which were still being experienced ten years later. Attempts to sell the bank in extremis failed for a variety of reasons and subsequent academic and media articles have suggested that the Lehman Bros organisational culture was so toxic that it almost certainly contributed to the establishment of the environment that led to the asset bubbles and that its collapse may well have become inevitable.


Identify if the organisational culture has become toxic and whether the ultimate collapse of the bank was inevitable (reference could usefully be made to the work of Charles Hampden-Turner on virtuous circles and vicious spirals in this regard)

Perception and Cognitive Schemata

This week for your essay pick one person in your life and share who they are to (are you close to them, just met them, etc.). Think back to one conversation with them and share it briefly (look for nonverbal communication and things they were wearing, how their body language was, etc.).

Then review the Cognitive Schemata diagram in Chapter 3. Share what youd put in the four categories about that person (prototypes, personal construct, stereotype, and script). What helped you to create those perceptions of that person?

The cognitive schemata can help to organize our perceptions but youll personally interpret what they mean. Next in your paper interpret your perceptions. What attributions, influences impacted your perception? Remember to be honest in your papers to gather true insight. Provide detailed analysis incorporation of the readings/textbook material into your paper to show your understanding of the material. If outside sources are used, proper citation of the source should be included.

Your paper should be 500 750 words (roughly 2 3 pages double spaced) double spaced and font Times New Roman size 12.

New Zealand Constitutional Law


You are an intern working for a (fictional) new political party, the Aotearoa Reform Party (ARP) which intends to put forward a number of candidates at the forthcoming New Zealand general election on 19 September. ARPs most prominent member, a wealthy businessman and philanthropist Grantham Morrigan, will be contesting the Ohariu electorate seat in Wellington. Mr Morrigan is polling reasonable well against the incumbent Labour MP Greg O’Connor. He is hoping to win the Ohariu seat which might allow ARP to bring in more MPs, even if the ARP party vote is beneath the 5% threshold.
Mr Morrigan and the ARP board are preparing for their inaugural party conference to be held in early July at which they will launch their policy platform for the election. A key issue (and Mr Morrigans main reason for launching and funding ARP) is constitutional reform. At a February 2020 press conference, Mr Morrigan said that New Zealand desperately needs a written constitution but did not elaborate further. The details of ARPs policy and proposals for constitutional reform (alongside its other policies) will be finalised at a (closed) board meeting on 3 May.

Mr Morrigan has asked you the only ARP intern with a legal background for help in drafting a board paper dealing with the constitutional reform aspects of the proposed party policy. His instructions to you state I need a memorandum containing clear, informed analysis on the issues noted below which can include identifying different options and comparative legal and other advantages and disadvantages of each. Your advice should be balanced and supported by relevant academic or judicial authority. Im interested in your informed opinions, but ultimately, the ARP board will make the final strategy decisions.

TOPIC 1: legal status of a written constitution (40% of total marks)

Mr Morrigan is aware that there are different ways in which a written constitution might be incorporated into New Zealands legal system. One option would be for a comprehensive constitution to be passed as ordinary legislation. Another approach would be to protect the new constitution from change by a future government or coalition holding a bare majority in Parliament by using some sort of legislative entrenchment device.
A separate (but related) question is whether the constitution could be relied on by the courts to invalidate other legislation which is inconsistent with the constitution.

Your task: topic 1:

With reference to relevant commentary and caselaw, explain the legal/constitutional implications and comparative advantages and disadvantages for the proposed constitution of:

i. Entrenchment vs. non-entrenchment; and
ii. Higher law status vs ordinary legislation.

TOPIC 2: Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi (40% of total marks)

Mr Morrigan expects that issue of the place of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi in a new constitution for New Zealand will be one of the most contentious aspects of any constitutional
reform process. He has a clear view that Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi should be in the new constitution in some form, but beyond that, has no firm opinions on how that might be done.

Your task: topic 2:

With reference to relevant commentary and caselaw, outline at least two different ways in which Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi could be included in a new constitution. Discuss the legal/constitutional implications and comparative advantages and disadvantages of the alternative approaches you describe. With reasons, explain which approach you consider appropriate.

INSTRUCTIONS: please answer topic 1 and topic 2 separately with footnotes. The answers need to be in line with the New Zealand constitutional law. I will give relevant information but some research will be needed. The word limit is 1200 words each question which doesn’t include the footnotes.


I have included reference pages to show you where to find the information For those of you who do not yet have the textbook, you can access the first two chapters online via the following link: (Links to an external site.)

I do understand that this topic is difficult for most people., I do expect your answers to  reflect that you are reading the material and making a valid effort..
Please be sure to show ALL calculations in order to receive full credit for your answers.

Please see attachment for Worksheet.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This exercise involves identifying a social media campaign and assessing what the intended impact of the campaign may have been and what impact it actually did have.  Pay attention to:
1. Problem: This is your why.  State, in two sentences, the goal for launching this campaign.  What message are they trying to convey with this campaign?
2. Target: What specific audience were they trying to reach? Specify demographics ans psychographics.
3. Tactics :This is your how. What kind of experience does the user/consumer go through if they were to engage in this campaign?  How did the campaigners manage to keep getting users to connect via social networking relationship on an ongoing basis?
4. Results: How successful was the campaign? Why do you think so? Did it have unintended impact/consequences? Did sales go up? Was user engagement increased? Will the consumers be more committed to spreading the brands praises to other and more likely to buy more products consistently?
I recommend some campaigns that are either successful and some that backfired, listed below.  You may also find a different campaign that you want to analyze, perhaps one in which you have participated.
Coca-Cola #ShareaCoke 
Always #LikeAGirl
Samsung #TogetherWeRise
Lego #FillTheGap
McDonalds #McDStories
Audi #PaidMyDues
Nescaf #RedMug

Effective Writing

Imagine that you currently are a professional working in your career field. Your supervisor has noted you have strong reading comprehension and writing skills and has asked that you assist your coworkers who are struggling with these important skills. By sharing your knowledge, you can, she notes, help them to improve their writing and reading comprehension skills and help them to become even more effective team members.

Locate an effectively written, peer-reviewed article either from the Library or online that you think demonstrates effective writing skills. This article should address an issue or controversial subject in your field of study. For example, if you are a law-enforcement professional, you might select an article on the increased use of police body cameras from a peer-reviewed journal.

In a 4 5 paragraph document written to your coworkers, apply reading comprehension skills and analyze the effectiveness of the article.

Be sure that you do the following:

Identify the articles intended audience, purpose, and main point.
Analyze the writing strategies the author uses to develop the main point.
Explain what the author does to effectively convey ideas for his or her audience and for his or her purpose.
Explain to your coworkers how they might model their own writing after what this author does in the article so that they, too, can be more effective writers.
Explain to your coworkers how reading can help them become more effective writers.

Be sure that your document is organized, edited, and professional in tone. If you use any sources to support your claims about reading and effectiveness in writing, give appropriate credit to the sources both in-text and in a References page. Be sure to apply 6th edition APA formatting and citations requirements.

Minimum Submission Requirements

45 paragraphs in length (approximately 2 double spaced pages, excluding title page and References page
6th edition APA formatted, including title page and References page