Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

applied behavior analysis

I am open to any topic within Applied behavior Analysis field
Outlining Themes and Topics


For this activity, start to think about how and why you write as an academic in the scholar-practitioner model of your discipline. Craft a 35 page paper that explores how one thinks, researches, and writes in your field.

Part One: Locate and summarize suitable scholarly articles
Using the three journals from the prior activity and your review essay, select one article from each of the journals (a total of three articles). Carefully read the articles, making notes as you do so.

Note the database and search terms you used and provide the citations for 35 articles that you considered, even if you did not use all of them in your final selection. Next, indicate the articles you selected as most appropriate/relevant for further reading.

Identify the main idea of each paragraph, the evidence used to support that idea, and the analysis presented in the paragraph. Craft a short 250500 word summary of each of the articles.

Part Two: Identify and articulate themes and topics
From what you read, what are the dominant themes or ideas? Explain the topic and describe the purpose of the article. Then summarize what the article is about. Examine the intent.

For example, what type of data or information is being used in your field? Also, What aspects of APA tone, format and style are you seeing in your articles? Is it formal or informal? How would you describe the style, voice or audience for the “conversation” between articles?

Use these steps to guide your identification and selection of themes:

Topic: What the main subject is in your text/investigation?
Purpose: (Select at least two of the following) define, list, label, relate, contrast, compare, demonstrate, interpret, explain, illustrate, summarize, classify, apply, construct, develop, organize, plan, identify, analyze, categorize, examine, distinguish, compose, formulate, predict, propose, solve, discuss, theorize, change, criticize, justify, measure, recommend, prioritize, support, assess, perceive, value, estimate, deduct.
Aspects: Think how you will [insert purpose here] about your [insert topic here]. (Must have at least three.)
Be sure that you:

Select reputable academic sources appropriately.
Incorporate a tone that is appropriately formal.
Write well developed paragraphs with clear topic sentences that are supported within the paragraph.
Articulate a working thesis statement with a defined topic, purpose, and aspects of exploration.
Include summaries, paraphrases, and direct quotations that you will be using as points of development within the literature review.
Include topic sentences for each paragraph of the literature review.
Explain points of development for each paragraph of the literature review.
Use of APA style and formatting.
Your assignment will be scored on the following criteria:

Identify themes applicable to a topic or thesis.
Support themes with peer-reviewed, scholarly resources.
Acknowledge the use of information through proper citation.
Utilize proper mechanics including spelling, grammar, and APA formatting.

Medicinal Organism: Western Diamondback Rattle Snake

See attached directions. 10 pages include the following: Title page (1pg), Body of Paper (4-5pg), Figures (3pg), References (1pg)

References: At least 6 sources in APA format (inc. in text citations). Wikipedia or any source (such as a blog page) should not appear in your works cited.  Citations would be either from news release articles from news organizations or research articles or reviews from peer reviewed journals.  At least 2 of your 6 sources MUST be a peer reviewed article from a scientific journal.


Read the atticed file first
1) According to O’Neil, what is typically the main incentive that can get companies to change to policies that include fairness and inclusiveness?
2) O’Neil proposes that data scientists (and mathematicians) should sign a “Hippocratic Oath” and gives an example that has been proposed. Please write a one-sentence statement that you would include in your own Hippocratic Oath for how you will responsibly use mathematics or statistics in your career. (Make it your own! Not the one is already given in the book or article. We will compile a list of the statements in class.)
3) As you move forward in your career, you will not remember the details of what you read in the WMD book. Please use the rest of your journal entry to summarize what you would like to remember about what we read in this book.  What lessons will you take forward? What stories were particularly meaningful to you? How has your perspective on mathematics in society been impacted? etc.

Abnormal/Aggressive Behavior and Emotion


Emotions and issues related to emotions are directly tied to real-world situations and applications.  For this journal, I want you to take the readings for each week and directly apply some aspect of the reading to a real-world issue. 


I will be looking for a detailed description of the readings and how the required readings directly relate to the real world phenomena you select.  You will be using your readings, so it is required that you use APA style in-text citations in the body of your journal entry, and you need corresponding APA style references at the end of each journal entry.


              1. Describe the main points of each required reading for this week (25 pts).

                2. Describe the real word phenomena you select (15 pts).

                3. Describe how the readings can be used to address the real-world phenomena (10 pts).

                4. Make sure you have APA style in-text citations and corresponding references (minus points for lack of APA style in-text citations and references).

-See the schedule for journal due dates/times. 

Directions: Discuss the relation between Abnormal behaviors such as lying or aggression while using information from the attached articles.

accommodations for disabilities/teaching

Electronic Accommodation Notebook (50 Points) (Either in PDF or Word Format):

The Accommodations Notebook is designed to travel with you to Blocks II and III, and eventually on to your student teaching and then your teaching career

The disabilities conditions that must be included are: Intellectual Disability, Visual Impairment, Speech or Language Impairment, Specific Learning Disability, Other Health Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury, Multiple Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Emotional Disturbance, Hearing Impairment, Deaf-Blindness, Orthopedic Impairment, and Developmental Delay…all of these are to be included!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Each disability must include a fact sheet (you may be able to find some at: (
Then you will need to include accommodations for each disability (6 total accommodations), These accommodations must be evidenced based practices and you must include the citation/URL of where you found them.

Each notebook will include a title page,

You  will need to include a fact sheet that you developed for the following categories: dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dysphasia.

Accommodation Write-up Example:
Orthopedic Impairment

IF a student cannot hold a book,
THEN provide a book stand.

A student who has an orthopedic impairment may be unable to hold a book.  The disability may be due to cerebral palsy, myelomeningiocele, paralysis, malformations of the hand or arm, amputation, low energy, or even temporary injury.  Book holders accommodate students who are unable to hold a book.  Book holders are considered low-tech Assistive Technology. They come in a variety of styles that accommodate various needs.  The right book holder will allow a student to access the curriculum.

Assignment 2: The Health Care Market

Assignment 2: The Health Care Market

Use the Internet or Strayer online database to research the current health care delivery structuresboth private and publicwithin your state.

Write a six  (6) page paper in which you:
1.    Analyze the current health care delivery structure in your state. Compare and contrast the major determinants of health care market power.
2.    Analyze the main competitive forces in the your health care delivery system in your state, and compare the major factors that influence the fundamental manner in which these competitive forces determine prices, supply and demand, quality of care, consumerism, and providers compensation.
3.    Evaluate the positive benefits and negative aspects, respectively, of HMO managed care from the providers point of viewi.e., a physician and a health care facilityand from a patients point of view. Provide a rationale for your response.
4.    Assess the efficiency of the types of economic incentives available to providers in the delivery of health care services in your own state.
5.    Propose who bears the financial risk of a capitation payment system: the provider, the patient, or the consumer-driven health plan itself.
6.    Use at least five (5) current references. Three (3) of these references must be from current peer-reviewed sources to support and substantiate your comments and perspectives.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
    Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
    Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
    Explain how selected economic principles apply to the health care market and the provision of health care services.
    Analyze the factors that are influencing the demand and supply of health care services in the U.S.
    Assess current economic trends that influence the cost, quality, and access to care.
    Use technology and information resources to research issues in health economics.
    Write clearly and concisely about health economics using proper writing mechanics.

John F. Kennedy’s leadership

Master Level writing.
Choose a leader and approved by the professor, the paper needs to incorporate materials from course lectures, and use 3 outside valid resources, paper required 7-12 pages.
Why were they successful? What were their goals? What was their vision? Where they successful? If yes, why? What do you admire about them? Basically talk about the themes in the book and how they apply to your subject.
If you are not willing to read these things, you can check out the Reflective Journals I wrote. These are basically a summary of the books and TED videos you need to watch in some books. Of course, quoting may require you to find the exact text in the book.

Required readings:
Introduction to LEADERSHIP, Concepts, and Practice, By: Peter G. Northouse, 4th ed. Sage, 2017.
ITS YOUR SHIP:  Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy, By: Captain D. Michael Abrashoff, Published May 2002, 2012; Publisher: Grand Central Publishing.


Your paper will be comprised of the following 3 parts:
1. Based on readings and discussions from this course, what is the importance of
mathematical and statistical literacy to society, civic engagement, and social justice?
Address the role of mathematics consultants in the future of mathematical and statistical
literacy in the community, nation, and world. What social responsibility do mathematics
consultants have based on their unique skills? Explain.

2. Based on your experience in your service placement, how did/do your experiences
shape or influence your future career choices and involvement in civic engagement,
service, and/or social justice? Provide specific examples from your experiences, not just
broad statements.

3. Share one anecdote from your experiences in your service placement that you would
share with a future employer as evidence of your commitment to service within your
profession. What did you learn from this experience? How will it influence you in the

As you answer these questions you should consider the various elements of this class:
The readings (WMD book, Data for Good article, Helping Fixing Serving? article (They are in the attached files)

Team Building

Week 4 Project
The key questions for organizational behavior are why do people do what they do and say what they say? Leaders can ask those questions about the individuals in the organization. However, they can also ask the questions when considering how individuals function in groups and teams. Why do people do what they do and say what they say in teams? Why do teams do the things they do? Why do people and teams make the decisions they do? All of these are also important organizational behavior concerns.
Your Learning Objectives for the Week:
    Using information literacy, defend practices of effective communication at the individual, team, and organizational levels.
    Justify practices for creating and managing effective teams and work groups.

Course Project: Team Building
The course project has major assignments that will be due in Weeks 3 and 5. It will take more than a week’s effort to adequately complete them. Plan time to start the research and other work for those assignments earlier than the week in which they are due.
Continue to use the organization you selected for your final project in Week 1. This week, you are being placed on a ten-person virtual team. You decide that prior to the team getting started on the project, you want to do some research that will help you identify ways to make your virtual team most effective. You may need to create hypothetical details about the team and its purpose on the basis of what you know of the organization you selected for the final project.
On the basis of your research, write a paper addressing the following:
    Assess the purpose of the team (i.e., what is the project it has been assigned?) and the contribution of key members to team purpose.
    Analyze four to six potential problems that virtual teams typically face. Is the hypothetical team you described susceptible to these problems? What specific problems might it develop?
    Justify four to six viable solutions to make your team effective, including why these solutions will work.
Submission Details:
    Name your file: SU_MBA5001_W4_ LastName_FirstInitial.doc
    Submit your four- to five-page paper in APA style to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Can You Fix a Toxic Culture Without Firing People?

Read the case, assess the issues within the organization, and make a series of recommendations. This is your critical assignment.

The overall objective of this assignment is for you to develop your skills in applying multiple leadership models and theories to practice, and specifically to bring about change…change for the better. Just as if you were to give advice to a team for implementation, your recommendations should draw upon many of our concepts and your experience to describe what that team should do and how.

For this paper:

1) Clearly define the purpose of the paper including a brief description of the institution and the problem(s) that she/he will analyze. Keep this brief. The people you are speaking to know the case and know the organization. What we are interested in are your solutions. 

2) Provide a thoughtful analysis of the problem utilizing various concepts/models and theories studied during the course.

3) Propose a thoughtful and specific solution strategy reflecting a synthesis of multiple theories with personal reflection.

4) Support all analyses with content from the Organizational Behavior literature studied.

5) Effectively critique her/his analysis and proposed solution(s). Highlight and possibly mitigate any risks/cons.

6) Write well and follow APA format.