Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Zoom Scandal

Students will submit a two to three page, double spaced paper that effectively summarized the scandal, discussed the core concepts, and provides significant reflection (positive and/or negative) of the scandal, making connections to theories of ethical leadership we have studied.

Paper will be on the “Zoom Scandal.”
Use this article as a reference:

Victimology – Victims of School Violence

Students will produce a research paper or project that demonstrates awareness of the nature of individual research within a scholarly context appropriate to genre and discipline.

The paper or project should present persuasive and creative reasoning in a justifiable, logical, and creative fashion that is within a scholarly context and presented and documented in a style that meets professional standards. There must be a research component to this paper or project.

Topic: Victims of School Violence 

I have uploaded all the course slides material. please use it as a guide. It will provide you the basis of the final paper information that must be focused on.

Business Intelligence and Analytics

Please write a concise (one page) position statement regarding recent BI technology trends and their impact to an organizations strategic focus.  Please pick any of the BI technologies. How does this technology have a potential to disrupt?  What new value would be produced?  Is the BI technology a real game changer or is it just a temporary trend?

– 12 font, double spaced, apa format, no more than one page.
-the topic is about BI(Business Intelligence) technology

Kingsford Charcoal Case

(1) How did Clorox get itself into this present situation?

(2) Of what relevant trends should the Kingsford brand managers be aware?

(3) Why do people grill?

(4) Profile a frequent griller.

(5) Why do people use charcoal versus gas when grilling?

(6) What marketing objectives do you recommend for the Kingsford brand? What is your recommended marketing objective and primary competitive focus? Make sure to explore the following categories:Cooking out vs. Dining In, Grilling vs. Gas and Charcoal.

(7) What is your action plan? Make sure your plan captures the specific aspects of pricing, advertising, promotion and production. What pricing action do you suggest? Would you spend additional money on advertising or promotions? If so, how much and why? What is your core communication message? What are your promotion objectives and tactics?

(8) What should the brand managers propose? How does your plan relate to business objectives relative to market share, profit and brand equity?

Read the case. Analysis it and follow the format. Use easy words.

Gaming Company Report

This assignment will reinforce your ability to understand the importance of cash flows, forecasting, and discounted cash flow analysis using cost of capital.

Choose a PUBLIC company (you may NOT choose Disney!) The company You will Analyze is Activision Blizzard

Use the Disney template

Analyze the last few years (3 years minimum) in terms of the trends. Download the 3 financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow) data from MorningStar using Export button.

Replace KO with your stock symbol

Fill out the provided DCF template file with historical numbers for the income statement, balance sheet, depreciation, and capex using Morningstar. Review for hints.

Forecast the ratios needed to do a Discounted Cash Flow analysis:
Sales, EBIT, Depr, Net Working Capital, Capex. Explain your forecasts.

Calculate the Free Cash Flows to the Firm, building a discounted cash flow model with appropriate cost of capital to arrive at a current stock price.

In a paper with a max of 1200 words, explain, analyze and provide your own views of the company fundamentals using your own research, SWOT or Porter Analysis. Analyze the historical trends and which financial ratios are most important or are changing. Explain how you arrived at your forecasts of sales and ratios.

Are your forecast sales rising/falling and why?
Do you have expenses rising/falling and why?
Does the firm need more/less working capital (inventory, etc)?
Is the firm spending more/less on capital expenditures?
How is the competitive environment vs your company?

Explain if the stock is over or undervalued, and if the stock is a Buy, Hold, or Sell.

Create 6 slides

Helpful hints:

Read the latest Annual (10K) or Quarterly Report (10Q),
Research Porter/SWOT examples
Listen to the latest quarterly conference call,
Finbox, Morningstar, Yahoo Finance, CNBC to do analysis

In sum, You need to fill out the template with data. Writing a 4-5 page paper and the 6 slides. Be sure to follow the template exactly and the guideliness.

Company developing Analysis

!!!Write about Business Level Strategy (units, strategy of each, implications), Corporate Strategy, International Strategy (depending on the issue examined) of IKEA.!!!
I attached the documents below. You must read through three documents named Tips(whole document), FINAL GROUP PROJECT guidelines_2020 (all guidelines, but only need to write about Page’s topic No.8&9!!!), IKEA(browse page8-16 of the Powerpoint) as the inspirations for the essay. Thank you!!

Traditional Gatekeepers

1. Identify and discuss who are the traditional gatekeepers of information and first informers.  Compare and contrast how they gather and share information and whether traditional gatekeepers should feel threatened by new technologies and the speed in which information is transmitted?

2. In 2011, the HSAS was replaced by the NTAS. Explain the reasons for the change. Do you agree that the new system is a more effective warning tool? Please cite examples that support your opinion.

Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr

You are writing a report for a commission of inquiry on your chosen contested issue. You are to write a report stating the different points of view and your conclusion.
Your report needs to include the following.

1.    A bullet pointed list of the undisputed facts, if any (you will need to cite this information):

    Create an APA bibliography as you work – every time you find information fill in the citations list. Google is a search engine so do not include it.
    How to cite:
    Insert         citation        new source. At the end click on bibliography.

2.    One perspective of the issue taken from one or more sources. Use evidence to support your ideas, these can include written evidence, such as quotes, or images. Remember to cite your sources. (1-3 paragraphs long). Write 2 or 3 sentences saying why you think this information and the source(s) it came from is reliable

3.    A second perspective of the issue taken from one or more sources. Use evidence to support your ideas, these can include written evidence, such as quotes, or images. Remember to cite your sources. (1-3 paragraphs long). Write 2 or 3 sentences saying why you think this information and the source(s) it came from is reliable

4.    Your conclusion from the evidence you have found, what is your opinion on this issue and why?

5.    Remember to include a bibliography

Group Proposal

Group Proposal
Assignment Instructions
Now that you have examined the literature and developed the structure for your proposed group, it is time to put the pieces together. Assume your supervisor has asked you to assemble all your work to present to the rest of the clinical team. Consider the feedback you have received from the previous assignments and complete the following:

Section 1: Compare and contrast the applicability of different group leadership or facilitation styles and approaches (revise from Unit 3 assignment).
Section 2: Integrate theoretical orientation and group leadership and facilitation styles into the group structure and development processes and support choices with recent academic research (revise from Unit 7 assignment).
Section 3: Based on your analysis of the research, develop a succinct plan appropriate for the selected group topic and population. Include session activities and interventions aligning with measurable group outcomes established in the Unit 7 assignment. Make sure that your plan:
Addresses key ethical and legal issues (revise from Unit 3 assignment).
Incorporates multicultural and diversity awareness, knowledge, and skills (revise from Unit 3 assignment).
Is based on a specific major counseling theory.
Supports the therapeutic factors of a group in the working stage (see Chapter 5 of your Group Counseling: Concepts and Procedures text).
Use the Unit 9 Assignment Paper Template and other helpful links in Resources to prepare your assignment. Be sure to review the assignment scoring guide before submitting your completed assignment to ensure that you meet all criteria.

Submission Requirements
Your Group Proposal should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication must be grammatically correct and free of errors that detract from the overall message. Writing should be consistent with graduate-level scholarship.
APA formatting: Title page, main body, and references should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
The number of resources: Minimum of 10 scholarly resources. Distinguished submissions typically exceed this minimum.
Length of paper: 1012 typed, double-spaced pages plus title and reference pages. Abstract and Table of Contents are not necessary.
Font: Times New Roman, 12 points.

IV Phlebitis Literature Review & Appraisal (needs review and editing)

Professors Comments (RED part of paper needs editing)

***You were expected to complete a search for the best available evidence and critically appraise the evidence.

***You were to write a very clear, descriptive and in-depth narrative synthesis 4-8 pages of evidence so they reveal the current state of knowledge on the topic.

***This was to include description of common themes found in the literature/sources.
Identification of consistencies and contradictions in the literature/sources.
Identification of gaps in the existing body of knowledge.

***The sources that were discussed in the summary were not in depth related to any studies. Two of the sources mentioned you discussed renal caths. You must do an in-depth and detailed description of the findings from the sources related to PIV caths. Please make sure that you include all sources from your table in your summary.

***Your table must be in alphabetical order, last name first of the author.

***Please include the conclusion on your table summary as well.

***WEAKNESS MISSING on one source of the table (Kimberly Morrison RN, MSN, PCCN  Karyn E. Holt PhD, CNM (2015)

You should develop both an evidence table (see EBP project proposal paper template) and narrative synthesis. You need to write a very clear, descriptive and in-depth narrative synthesis 4-8 pages) of evidence so they reveal the current state of knowledge on the topic (see sample integrative reviews). Include in the narrative the following:

-Description of common themes found in the literature/sources.

-Identification of consistencies and contradictions in the literature/sources.

-Identification of gaps in the existing body of knowledge.

Please review the readings, sample paper, and grading rubric for guidance. Use the EBP Project Paper Template and insert module writing requirements. Submit paper in entirety with each module assignment.

Criteria to address:

-Introduction to section:  PICO(T), keywords, and a minimum of three relevant databases searched

-Table which includes a minimum of 8 sources of evidence

-Narrative Synthesis