Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Behavioral Assessment paper

Each student will write a 2-page paper for responding to the following two questions.

Question #1: What is your opinion regarding adaptive behavior scales that were developed for use in Western cultures be used with recent immigrants from non-Western cultures?

If you need a refresh for assessment of adaptive behavior, please refer to the Powerpoint slide and go over page 2 to page 28.

Question #2: What are advantages of situational assessment and what factors may potentially influence administration of situational assessment?

If you need a refresh for situational assessment, please refer to the Powerpoint slide and go over page 40 to page 45.

Tip: You may think about these questions from the standpoint of validity, ethics, or the ICF model.


Question #1 and question #2 are independent. Please do not integrate them or mix them by providing one single response. You need to respond to these two questions separately.

Your response to each questions up to ONE PAGE in length (no less than half page), and each question is worth 50 points.

10 points will be deducted if your paper exceed a total of two pages OR if your response to a single question is less than half page; title page and reference page will not count toward the page limit.

You will submit your paper from the submission folder in the module 16.

Early submission is highly welcome!!

Powerpoint link:


DB 5

You must research the topic and provide a well-written answer to the prompt. Your thread must be between 250300 words. You must incorporate at least 2 scholarly sources (in addition to your textbook) for your thread. You must cite your sources parenthetically in the text as needed and provide full citations at the end of each posting in current APA format.

Topic: Crimes in the Bible

Pick a crime that is described in the Bible and discuss the following:

Elements of the crime as it is presented in the Bible.
How it compares to the modern equivalent (if there is no modern crime equivalent then pick the closest modern crime).
How does it compare to the equivalent crime in your home state?
Discuss the sin/crime concept “all crimes are sin, but not all sins are crimes” and the effect this might have on punishment.

article review

The first writer did the worst job, I need to fix the problem which the instructor declare on comments. OR you can follow the instructions to write a new one
1.Must see comments from the instructor.

2.Must see attached documents “Serious Game Analysis” for whole essay instruction.

3. And you must look through the lecture 1 ppt before you start writing

Discussion essay


All leaders need a philosophy to help guide their actions. Considering the course materials to date, outline the principles that you choose to live by in life and work.
What is your ethical philosophy and how is it consistent with your evolving sense of your own leadership and the leadership of those with whom you interact in your career?
To begin, I was raised in a household that believed in  “do unto others as I would have them do unto me” which is known as the golden rule. As a leader within my agency, It has been said that I’m one of the most passionate and mindful leader throughout our department. I believe that to be true due to the fact that I am always putting myself in someone’s else shoes. Everyone has a story, but no one can tell your story better than you. I’m very observant and notice when my staff are acting out of the ordinary. Being mindful of what is going on daily is one of my characteristics.  While reviewing the Ethical Unwrapped (2019) video “Being Your Best Self” I guess I could say that I’m one who takes moral ownership.  I’m quick to set things in place. Currently I hold the title as a Site Coordinator for a reentry program. On a daily basis, we have issues to occur with staff as well as clients that I have to provide some type of correction or reprimand which is not always easy. To provide the judgement I first ensure that I get the whole story and not pieces of it. My goal is to be fair as I can be.
2. How does your ethical code inform the practical decisions you make in your life and career?
Character is foundational for effective decision-making. (Crossan, Gandz, Seijts 2012, Jan/Feb)  In my opinion when issues occur I don’t necessarily panic or blow a gasket at first. I’m usually level headed.  I begin with first defining the problem, then I attempt to brainstorm or try locate any resources that can assist me with clearing up the issues,  before making any final decisions I try to figure any alternatives, if a situation is to much for me to handle I may request to meet with my immediate supervisor to ensure that I’m doing everything by the book before making a decision, once I we have met I often question is that the right and fair thing to do, was it professional, did it align with our agencies mission statement, was the results confidential.
3. What role does mindfulness, dialogue, and collaboration have in your ethical code?
Mindfulness has a multitude of benefits for workplaces and businesses. Mindfulness-based processes that are thought to affect employee performance and well being. Response flexibility, decreased rumination, empathy, affect regulations, increased self-definition and persistence, improved working memory and more accurate effective forecasting. Mindfulness results also in improved social relationships.  Mindfulness is also important in the workplace because it can enhance engagement and decrease burnout. Mindfulness can also help employees cope with organizational change. I usually as I stated in the previous question just always place myself in the other person’s shoes. Your tone when talking to someone can determine how the entire conversation will go. Respect is due to everyone and it goes a long way. Respecting others as you would want to be treated is the key.
4. Having articulated your ethical code, how does it help you serve as an ethical guide to others in your organization?
Effective code of conduct establishes the values of the organization that drives its actions and the principles that underlie decision making. (Workplace-advice, 2011) The business code of conduct becomes the most important part of our agencies’ethical framework enhancing the company’s core values, beliefs and sets the right culture. My goal is that under my leadership I ensure that staff are able to trust me and believe in my leadership, I also strive to ensure that our mission statement is being followed,  while in the field I ensure that I assist with building the reputation of our agency,  while keeping the company and its employee’s  from violating laws and regulations and fosters an environment of trust and ethical behavior.
Crossan, M., Gandz, J. & Seijts, G. (2012, Jan/Feb). Developing leadership character. Ivey Business Journal. Retrieved from
Ethics Unwrapped. (2019). McCombs School of Business. Being your best self, Part 4: Moral action.

Discussion 2
My ethical philosophy is to treat others with respect and concern through small daily actions and not just the big conversations. Its more than treating others how you want to be treated, which is the golden rule. Its bigger than that because people are individuals; you have introverts and extroverts, people who want a lot of affirmation and need more attention, and those who dont like to be in the spotlight and prefer subtle gestures of appreciation and kindness. Its more than treating people how you want to be treated because you need to be aware of how they want to be treated, and treat people how they themselves want to be treated (Humanity Healing, 2008). This is consistent with my evolving sense of leadership because I want to be a developer of people. I find it to be a great honor to be a leader and the fact that many people trust me to be their compass on many topics in the workplace. Its a privilege and a great responsibility to be in leadership and I dont take that privilege lightly. I try to direct my staff to be focused on the mission and help me involved at mission through time and innovative ideas, all while empowering them to make decisions and bring ideas to the table because no idea is a bad idea. Many of these leadership attributes have been learned from other leaders throughout my career, both from them doing these things successfully and from me desiring these things to be done but unfortunately lacking those aspects of leadership (Wireless Philosophy, 2015).
Because of the sensitive subjects within my working environment, my ethical code informs a lot of practical decisions that I make in my career specifically. When making business decisions and instituting new processes, I constantly have both external and internal customers in mind and how these processes will affect them and their information. Within my place of work, we deal with many identification documents and peoples livelihoods. The magnitude of that responsibility has never lifted from my shoulders, as I want to make sure my employees are able to handle these situations with all the tools they need and that were protecting the customer and making sure that they stay afloat and can take care of their families. In doing so, respect for people needs to be at the forefront of my mind constantly. An individual isnt just a number, each person is unique and needs just as much care as the last. I feel the viewpoint and the experience Ive gained in my employment with my current agency has helped in my personal life, as I have gained perspective and patience. In terms of an ethical code within my personal life, I do feel I treat my family and friends with more respect and concern as well, as my virtues has changed slightly, after being in my current agencys leadership team. I feel Ive grown much more patient and mindful overall (Ethics Unwrapped, 2019).
Mindfulness, dialogue and collaboration play a huge role in my ethical code! As Ive mentioned many times in this discussion response, I respect people and their data, both internally and externally and to create processes that do this successfully, being mindful in your decision making is huge (Ethics Unwrapped, 2019). On top of that, having collaboration and being able to successfully engage in meaningful dialogue with coworkers and employees to get the best results for our customers is key. As they say, Rome wasnt built in a day and a good team takes multiple innovative minds and think tanks, coming together as a team and not just having one person create processes. The diversity in those mindsets creates a beautiful relationship and wonderful ideas. Being able to take a step back and think through your thoughts and actions, while giving others the ability to shine in the moment and take the reins, takes mindfulness for many (Marturano, 2013).
My ethical code helps serve as an ethical guide to others in the organization because I do feel that the way I have structured my team in my training, leads by example to others. I am not perfect, but I do feel that I present to my employees and to the rest of my agency as a human. Im not overzealous, Im not cocky, I make mistakes and Im willing to own up to them and fix them when that happens. This mindset of encouraging others and not constantly trying to take the spotlight shows that I just want the best for my agency and my team. Its not about accolades or the praise, I just care about our internal and external customers. Because Im approachable and willing to help serve on the ground floor with other employees, that shows Im a human and not just somebody in leadership who is scary and unapproachable. I believe this, my ethical code, the way I treat people, and the way I overall act day-to-day empowers others and helps to be an ethical guide for others within my organization (Sokatch, 2014).

Ethics Unwrapped. (2019). McCombs School of Business. Being your best self, Part 1: Moral awareness.
Ethics Unwrapped. (2019). McCombs School of Business. Being your best self, Part 3: Moral intent.
Humanity Healing. (2008, August 15). The golden rule [Video file].
Marturano, J. (2013). Mindful leadership, finding the space to lead.
Sokatch, A. (2014). Teaching character: The other half of the picture. TEDxManhattanBeach.
Wireless Philosophy (2015, September). The good life: Aristotle.

Please use cite from each discussion you can use 2 for each.

Scientific Jury Selection

What are your thoughts about scientific jury selection? Should it be allowed or does it give one side an unfair advantage?

Upon completing this final discussion question, I recommend that you double-check each of your discussion module postings to insure that they have met the spelling and word count requirements (100 words). If you find a misspelled word or you need to add more words you may make changes using the Edit function. Click on your posting, then the Edit key, and then make the change.

Psychotraumatology Evaluation

Conduct an interview with someone (a friend or relative is appropriate) who has survived a natural disaster or traumatic event and complains of symptoms that might suggest traumatic stress.  For this paper, role-playing would be appropriate. As part of the evaluation, all of the instruments in the Trauma Therapist Toolkit will be administered, scored, and used as part of the final report. The final paper should utilize a minimum of seven scholarly references.

Julian Treasure

After watching the following video, write a response detailing 3 things that stood out to you about the speech. Think of things that influence your experience as an audience member, try to focus on qualities that are not about the content of the speech, but consider things like delivery, visual aids, and other things the speaker has control of. Organize your response using a 5 paragraph format (introduction, point 1, 2, then 3, and conclusion).


Using the Northern College Health Services visit volume in Appendix 6-1 on page 113 of the textbook, for this assignment, you will be providing a forecast of the number of clinic visits for November 2008 using the average change, confidence interval, average percent change, moving averages, and exponential smoothing forecasting methods. Use the Internet or Strayer Library to research at least two (2) examples of the forecasting methods being used in health services organizations.
Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
Explain each step in the forecasting process for each method.
Provide a brief summary of your researched health services organizations implementing the forecasting methods.
Provide a forecast of the number of clinic visits for November 2008 using each method of the forecasting process.
Conclude which forecasting method provides the best forecast, and provide a rationale for your conclusion.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Evaluate forecasting strategies and methods.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in quantitative methods for health services.
Write clearly and concisely about quantitative methods for health services using proper writing mechanics.

concert report

In accordance with the requirements of the College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences for GE
courses, a formal writing assignment is required, which for our course will be in the form of a
concert report. The concert attended may be of any genre, and may be either a live or recorded
event. Students are encouraged to seek out genres with which they are less familiar. The
focal-point of the event must be listening to the music, i.e. not background entertainment at a pub
or restaurant.
The Concert Report is due on Monday, May 11, by 11:59 PM. Submission via Turnitin on
Blackboard is required; hard copies are not accepted. Late work cannot be accepted, even for
partial credit. Students are encouraged to contact the instructor in advance to address any
questions related to the concert report, including feedback on early drafts. The concert report
could include the following elements:
Genre; what style was heard?
Instrumentation; which instruments were used?
Did different instruments play simultaneously or separately?
Describe tempo, dynamics, and overall mood
Personal reactions to the music (positive or negative, and why)
Biographical information on one (1) composer from the program (please only list
elements relevant to a musical career, such as education, concertizing, compositions, etc.)
The report must be typed in a standard font (such as Times New Roman), font size 12 or smaller,
with all margins one inch or smaller. It must be double-spaced, and 4-6 pages in length (not
including title page, and a bibliography is not required). In order to conserve resources and
improve organization, only electronic submissions via Turnitin on Blackboard are accepted.

writers choice

Research is conducted in the field of criminal justice on a daily basis. The expectation is that the findings from research studies will be helpful in developing related policies, practices, and programs in the field of criminal justice. However, it is not always clear whether research findings are actually used in the criminal justice field to impact policies, practices, and programs. To further explore this phenomenon, you are required to complete this scholarly activity that focuses on the evaluation research process and the use of research findings by criminal justice managers as managerial tools. To meet the objectives of the scholarly activity, complete the following tasks:

Section 1: Evaluation Research

Provide a brief summary of the steps in evaluation research used in the field of criminal justice.
Provide a brief discussion about the distinctions between the types of evaluation research.
Briefly discuss the type of evaluation research that would be most appropriate for evaluating a criminal justice program in your community.
Section 2: Managerial Tools

Visit the website of a criminal justice agency in your community (e.g., local police department, county sheriffs office) and review the agencys organizational structure. Familiarize yourself with the managerial positions at the agency, and read any related job descriptions, if available.
Imagine that you are preparing to conduct an informational interview with an employee that holds a managerial position in the criminal justice agency you selected. In your informational interview, you are going to ask questions about his or her awareness and use of evaluation research by criminal justice personnel serving in management positions in the agency.
Using your knowledge of the evaluation research process and the types of evaluation research, develop a list of at least five questions you would ask at the informational interview.
Be sure to write at least one question that addresses whether the manager uses evaluation research as a managerial tool; if so, in what capacity are those evaluation research managerial tools utilized, and if not, why.
Be sure to ask at least one question that addresses the extent to which the manager uses statistical analyses (which could be used to generate the findings related to evaluate the research) as a managerial tool.
Using information on the agencys website, record how you think the employee in a managerial position at the criminal justice agency would respond to your questions.
Note: You are not required to conduct an actual informational interview, but you are required to generate questions that could be asked during an informational interview and to think critically about how an interviewee might respond to the questions you developed.
Section 3: Application and Implications

Discuss the extent to which what you learned from the textbook supports and/or refutes what you learned from developing and responding to your informational interview questions about the use of evaluation research by criminal justice managers in the agency.
Based with your research on the agency website and your responses to your informational interview questions, discuss whether you think any changes should be made regarding how the managers of the criminal justice agency use evaluation research.
Discuss what your findings suggest about the usefulness and future need of evaluation research in the field of criminal justice.
Each section of the scholarly activity must be clearly labeled using the following section headings:

Evaluation Research
Managerial Tools
Application and Implications
Each section of the scholarly activity listed above should be a minimum of 200 words. Your entire scholarly activity should be at least three pages.

Be sure to cite, in APA format, any source used to influence your response. You are required to apply the concepts discussed in the textbook to the tasks in the scholarly activity. Therefore, your reference list should at least include a citation of the textbook.